Het volgende artikel van Dan Sanches kwam ik tegen op het blog van Stan van Houcke, die het op zijn beurt van Information Clearing House (HCI) haalde. Van Houcke plaatste het artikel onder de titel: Hillary! Hoflands ‘Ideale Kandidaat’ 2. Nogmaals wordt met dit artikel de waanzin duidelijk gemaakt van het VS buitenlands beleid, ditmaal de terreur waarmee men ongewenste leiders opruimt of laat opruimen….
In dit artikel aandacht voor het duivelse karakter van Hillary Clinton, m.n. haar bemoeienis met Libië en de omverwerping van Khadaffi, wat tot de enorme chaos leidde in dit land. Bovendien heeft de moord op Khadaffi geleid tot grote ellende in Mali, waar onze militairen, met gevaar voor eigen leven, volkomen zinloos miljoenen aan belastinggeld verspillen…… Bovendien aandacht voor een opmerkelijke profetische uitlating van Khadaffi…. Lees en huiver (voor een vertaling kunt u onder dit artikel op de link Dutch klikken, dat neemt wel wat tijd in beslag):
After By
January Revolution and its Reign of Terror, Louis the Deluge.” Before being overthrown, Libya’s to warn the West of a new Reign of Terror, “After me, the Jihad.”
This from Prime
military intervention and regime change. Gaddafi desperately to convey through Blair the folly of such a war, pleading trying to defend Libya from Al Qaeda, which had set country. He said:
“They their homes… It’s people in the street.”
France, launched an air war that toppled Libya’s government. Later that was forced out of a drainage pipe, and then beaten, shot in the street by a mob. His corpse was then of a car.
single person to advance the Libya War, death while on camera. Fancying
Since into civil war and failed-state chaos, jihadi groups conquered much of the country. Libya “liberation” that had already and would soon be
the CIA run been a rebel stronghold. The Obama administration claimed a perpetrated “genocide” was imminent in that city, chief justification for the war. There impending atrocity. But in Benghazi, as Gaddafi tried to “…managed and ideas of al Qaeda.”
on and murdered Ambassador Chris Stevens.
a truck bombing that killed dozens at a Libyan police a former Gaddafi stronghold. Indeed, Gaddafi informed had “attacked police stations”
“They Europe.” And Libya’s planning to use southern Europe. ISIS did
alarms to the Western powers thirsting for his blood. His produced reports demonstrating opposition, with NATO to militants prepared in English to facilitate its transmission to key members via U.S. intelligence.
information about the jihadi threat. Indeed, as emails recently the State Department reveal, Hillary Clinton’s own informed her before Gaddafi’s overthrow that war Groups and Al Qa’ida in the NLC and its military
Libyan were training as well as in
The and Samantha Power of the National Security Council were driving toward was so predictably a fiasco-to-come that, behind the backs the Amazon Warriors Three, America’s top leftie peacenik Congressman Dennis Kucinich to try to arrange a peaceful resolution to the crisis. But the war-making diplomats triumphed over the diplomacy-making soldiers. Hillary buffaloed the brass and got her war.
change, as
“…many intervention The British assassination pulled out amid suffered an on the presence destroyed. (…)
“In belonging to a jihadist group, Ansar al Sharia, appeared in Benghazi. Ansar al Sharia members also controlled security around that would
“In making it difficult for the moderate government to control the country. By 2013, Libya’s oil production all but stopped as the nation plunged toward civil war and a state led by two rival governments on opposite ends of the country. Efforts to create a of the 2011 uprising, became a terrorist haven. And today, many Libyans yearn for the return of Gaddafi, however dictatorial his regime was, because of the security that came with him.”
Hillary’s own fundamental agreement with Hillary’s militarism. They the general policy of employing jihadis to overthrow (not only in Libya, but Syria about Hillary’s security
Western power elite, whose wars have, as Gaddafi warned, flooded the world with
Dan work on DanSanchez.me.
Note- Translation may take a moment to load. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article43959.htm Laten we na dit artikel niet vergeten, dat onder Khadaffi huisvesting was gegarandeerd en gratis, energie was gratis, scholing was gratis en studies in het buitenland werden volledig door de overheid betaald, gezondheidszorg was eveneens gratis, enz. enz. Van dit alles is geen sprake meer, de energielevering werkt met wat geluk een paar uur per dag en de infrastructuur is terug gebombardeerd, tot het niveau van pakweg 1900…… Voor meer berichten n.a.v. het voorgaande, klik op één van de labels, die u onder dit bericht terugvindt. Dit geldt niet voor de labels ‘Sanchez’ en ‘Hoff’. Mijn excuus voor de belabberde vormgeving. |