Veel gejammer in het westen, over de bevrijding van Aleppo (van het geteisem dat men ‘gematigde rebellen’ durft te noemen), terwijl de VS (en Groot-Brittannië) meehelpen aan de grootste oorlogsmisdaden door Saoedi-Arabië gepleegd in Jemen. Oorlogsmisdaden als het uithongeren van de bevolking en burgerdoelen bombarderen met clusterbommen (made in GB!)……..
Zie het verschil in de hysterische (nepnieuws) berichtgeving over Aleppo en de feitelijke oorlog in Jemen…… Over die laatste oorlog wordt amper bericht in de reguliere (massa-) media, zoals ook politici als PvdA jaknikker Koenders er het zwijgen toedoen……….. Ach ja, Saoedi-Arabië is een goede vriend van het westen en dan zie je ‘wel eens wat’ door de vingers……….
Het volgende artikel komt van Information Clearing House (onder het artikel kan u klikken voor een ‘Dutch’ vertaling):
West’s Moral Hypocrisy on Yemen
The West’s “humanitarian interventionists” howl over bloody
conflicts when an adversary can be blamed but go silent when an ally
is doing the killing, such as Saudi Arabia in Yemen.
By Jonathan Marshall
23, 2017 “Information
Clearing House”
– “Consortium
News ” -Only a few months ago, interventionists
were demanding
a militant response by
Washington to what George
Soros branded“a humanitarian
catastrophe of historic proportions” — the killing of “hundreds
of people” by Russian and Syrian government bombing of rebel-held
neighborhoods in the city of Aleppo.
Wieseltier, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and
former New
Republic editor,
was denouncing the
Obama administration as “a bystander to the greatest atrocity of
our time,” asserting that its failure to “act against evil in
Aleppo” was like tolerating “the evil in Auschwitz.”
strange, then, that so many of the same “humanitarian” voices
have been so quiet of late about the continued killing of many more
innocent people in Yemen, where tens
of thousands of civilians have died and 12
million people face famine.
More than a thousand children die each week from preventable diseases
related to malnutrition and systematic
attacks on
the country’s food infrastructure by a Saudi-led
military coalition,
which aims to impose a regime friendly to Riyadh over the whole
U.S. silence has been deafening,” said Philippe
Bolopion, deputy director for global advocacy at Human Rights Watch,
last summer. “This blatant double standard deeply undermines U.S.
efforts to address human rights violations whether in Syria or
elsewhere in the world.”
acquiescence — or worse — from Washington and other major
capitals is encouraging the relentless killing of Yemen’s civilians
by warplanes from Saudi Arabia and its allies. Last week, their bombs
struck a funeral gathering north
of Sanaa, Yemen’s capital, killing nine women and a child and
injuring several dozen more people.
day earlier, officials
reported a deadly “double-tap” airstrike,
first targeting women at a funeral in Sanaa, then aimed at medical
responders who rushed in to save the wounded. A United Nations panel
of experts condemned a similar double-tap attack by Saudi coalition
forces in October, which killed or wounded hundreds of civilians, as
a violation of international law.
Tragedy of Mokha
Feb. 12, an air strike on the Red Sea port city of Mokha killed all
six members of a family headed by the director of a maternal and
childhood center. Coalition ground forces had launched an attack on
Mokha two weeks earlier.
news agency reported,
“the battles have since intensified and trapped thousands of
civilian residents in the city, as well as hampered the humanitarian
operation to import vital food and fuel supplies . . . The
Geneva-based UN human rights office said that it received extremely
worrying reports suggesting civilians and civilian objects have been
targeted over the past two weeks in the southwestern port city . . .
Reports received by UN also show that more than 200 houses have been
either partially damaged or completely destroyed by air strikes in
the past two weeks.”
U.N.’s humanitarian coordinator further reported that
“scores of civilians” had been killed or wounded by the bombing
and shelling of Mokha, and that residents were stranded without water
or other basic life-supporting services.
could be Aleppo, minus only the tear-jerking photos of dead and
wounded children on American television. However, unlike Syria,
Yemen’s rebels don’t have well-financed public relations offices
in Western capitals. They pay no lip service to the United States,
democracy, or international human rights. Their foe Saudi Arabia is a
friend of Washington, not a long-time adversary. In consequence, few
American pundits summon any moral outrage at the Saudi-led coalition,
despite findings by
a United National Panel of Experts that many of its airstrikes
violate international law and, in some cases, represent “war
and Abetting
United States hasn’t simply turned a blind eye to such crimes; it
has aided them by selling Saudi Arabia the warplanes it flies and the
munitions it drops on Yemeni civilians. It has also siphoned 54
million pounds of jet fuel from U.S. tanker planes to refuel
coalition aircraft on bombing runs. The pace of U.S. refueling
operations has reportedly increased
sharply in the last year.
Obama administration initially supported the Saudi coalition in order
to buy Riyadh’s reluctant support for the Iran nuclear deal. Over
time, Saudi Arabia joined with anti-Iran hawks to portray Yemen’s
rebels as pawns of Tehran to justify continued support for the war.
Most experts — including U.S. intelligence officials — insist
to the contrary that
the rebels are a genuinely indigenous force that enjoys limited
Iranian support at best.
I have documented previously,
all of the fighting in Yemen has damaged U.S. interests by creating
anarchy conducive to the growth of Al Qaeda extremists. They have
planned or inspired
major acts of terrorism against
the West, including an attempt to blow up a U.S. passenger plane in
2009 and a deadly attack on the Parisian newspaper Charlie
Hebdo in
January 2015. The Saudis tolerate them as Sunni allies against the
rebels, in the name of curbing Iran.
the Obama administration is gone, the Trump administration is flush
with ideologues who are
eager to take a stand against Tehran through
Yemen and look tough on “terrorism.” Within days of taking
office, President Trump approved a commando raid targeting an alleged
Al Qaeda compound in central Yemen that went awry, killing
an estimated 10 women and children.
The administration has also diverted a U.S. destroyer to patrol
Yemen’s coast.
of State Rex Tillerson, to his credit, has cited “the urgent need
for the unfettered delivery of humanitarian assistance throughout
Yemen,” according
to a department spokesman.
But no amount of humanitarian aid will save Yemen’s tormented
people from the bombs made in America and dropped from U.S.-made
warplanes, with little protest from Washington’s so-called
“humanitarian interventionists.”
Marshall is author of many recent articles on arms issues, including
Unkept Promise on Nuclear War,”
World War III Could Start,” “NATO’s
Provocative Anti-Russian Moves,” “Escalations
in a New Cold War,” and
Closer to Midnight.”
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en: (met mogelijkheid tot vertaling in ‘Dutch’): ‘U.S. and U.K. Continue to Participate in War Crimes, Targeting of Yemeni Civilians‘
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