VS wordt eindelijk aangeklaagd voor oorlogsmisdaden bij Internationaal Strafhof (ICC)

Het werd tijd mensen, het aanklagen van de VS voor oorlogsmisdaden door het Internationaal Strafhof (ICC) in Den Haag. Jammer dat men de VS alleen daarvoor aanklaagt, immers er zijn ook nog de illegale oorlogen die de VS (met hulp van haar oorlogshond NAVO) keer op keer begint, op zich al enorme oorlogsmisdaden, dan zijn er nog de standrechtelijke executies middels drones, waarbij meer dan 90% van de slachtoffers niet eens werd verdacht……. Voorts zijn er de opstanden en staatsgrepen die de VS organiseert en regisseert, zaken waarbij meestal ook veel slachtoffers vallen… Tot slot zijn er dan nog de geheime militaire acties van de VS onder regie van de CIA en het manipuleren van verkiezingen in diverse landen, waarvoor je de VS ook nog eens kan aanduiden als cyberterrorist…….

Over terrorisme gesproken: de VS is de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde, waar dit ‘land’ ook nog eens verantwoordelijk is voor het terrorisme op de Europese straten en enorme vluchtelingenstromen……

Fatou Bensouda is hoofdaanklager bij het ICC en zij heeft een aanklacht wegens oorlogsmisdaden voorbereid, ze wacht nu nog op toestemming om de klacht in te dienen. Het gaat hier om het martelen van gevangen in Afghanistan van 2004 tot 2014…… Vreemd dat in die aanklacht niet meteen het martelen van gevangenen in Irak en Guantanamo Bay werd meegenomen……..

Daar is echter een reden voor: volgens de regels zou het Internationaal Strafhof de VS alleen kunnen vervolgen, daar Afghanistan het Internationaal Strafhof erkent…….. Wat is dat voor waanzin? Veronderstel dat men een inbreker alleen kan vervolgen als hij woonachtig is in de stad waar deze zijn/haar misdaden begaat…….

Maar niet gezeurd, de VS wordt eindelijk aangeklaagd, al heeft de zwaar corrupte regering van Afghanistan geprobeerd dit jarenlang tegen te houden………

US Could Finally Be Charged With War Crimes in Afghanistan

8, 2017 at 3:59 pm


Hague, Netherlands —
prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (ICC) is
pursuing a war crimes investigation against the United States for its
conduct in Afghanistan following the 9/11 terror attacks.

prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said last year that the U.S. military and
CIA could be guilty of war crimes for its torture of detainees in
Afghanistan between 2003 and 2014. The 
Guardian reported that
report last year
the alleged US war crimes ‘were not the abuses of a few isolated
individuals. Rather, they appear to have been committed as part of
approved interrogation techniques in an attempt to extract
‘actionable intelligence’ from detainees.

Now, she is seeking approval from the court to move
According to

request comes after an unusually long preliminary process, which has
dragged on for 10 years because of a lack of capacity at the court as
well as lobbying from the Afghan government, which tried to block it.
The Afghan president, Ashraf Ghani, met with Bensouda as late as
September during the UN general assembly

also highlighted potential war crimes by the Taliban and the Afghan
government, noting that overall, “
civilians were said to have been killed from 2007 to 2011 alone
Independent noted.
The Afghan government has resisted investigations, as has the U.S.
Last year a State Department official 
said it
was “unwarranted” and “unjustified.”

Bensouda intends to investigate “crimes against humanity
and war crimes such as murder, imprisonment, targeting humanitarian
workers, use of child soldiers and carrying out executions without
sentencing from the formal legal system,

the Guardian summarized.

2016, the ICC had only investigated crimes in Africa, drawing
criticism that it harbored a pro-western bias. It has since launched
investigations in other parts of the world, including Iraq, Cambodia,
Greece, Colombia, and Ukraine.

United States is not a member of the court; during George Bush’s
presidency, he declined to participate, claiming the U.S. could be
unfairly attacked for political reasons. Though the U.S. is not a
member, its officials could still be liable if found guilty because
the crimes were committed in Afghanistan, which is a member.

The Guardian reported:

next step is for a pre-trial chamber of judges to consider the
prosecutor’s request, which human rights observers in Kabul believe
they will.

Rights Watch said:

documented egregious crimes in Afghanistan that have gone unpunished
over many years, we hope this step will open a path to justice for
countless victims there.

the court’s previous aversion to prosecuting the U.S. for war
crimes, it remains unlikely there will be any convictions. The Kuala
Lumpur War Crimes Commission, launched as an alternative to the
Hague-based ICC, 
previously found
George Bush and Tony Blair guilty of “crimes against peace”
during the Iraq War, but both men walk free.

U.S. has long been accused of war crimes, including potential crimes
in drone warfare, as well as during the Vietnam War.

Gallagher, a senior lawyer at the Center for Constitutional Rights
(CCR) in New York, was pleased with the ICC’s move to potentially
hold U.S. nationals accountable, especially in light of President
Trump’s decision to increase troop levels (
similar to
the Obama administration).

long overdue message that no one is above the law is particularly
important now, as the Trump administration ramps up military
machinations in Afghanistan and embraces the endless war with no plan
in sight
she said.

to Bensouda:

decades, the people of Afghanistan have endured the scourge of armed
a meticulous preliminary examination of the situation, I have come to
the conclusion that all legal criteria required under the [ICC’s]
Rome statute to commence an investigation have been met.

also said:

accordance with the office’s policy and practice, the ultimate
focus will be upon those most responsible for the most serious crimes
allegedly committed in connection with the situation in Afghanistan.

 / Anti-Media / Report
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