In het hieronder opgenomen artikel van UK Column aandacht voor BBC ‘goede doelen’ organisatie, genaamd BBC Media Action. Volgens deze organisatie is het doel mensen over de wereld te informeren, te verbinden en sterker te maken. Mooie woorden van een organisatie doe wordt gesteund door de BBC, de Britse overheid, de EU, het ministerie van buitenlandse zaken van de VS (ofwel het ministerie van terreuruitoefening), de VN en de Nederlandse overheid……
De schrijver van het hieronder opgenomen artikel, Brian Gerrish vraagt zich af of BBC Media Action onze steun en geld verdient, of dat het een gevaarlijke, subversieve organisatie is. Hij stelt dat het laatste het geval is.
BBC Media Action liegt om te beginnen met de stelling dat het onafhankelijk is, terwijl het is opgezet door de BBC, is gehuisvest in een BBC kantoor, mede is betaald met een fikse BBC subsidie, worden BBC pensioengelden gebruikt voor haar werk, de leden van de organisatie zijn door de BBC geselecteerd….. Het hoofd van de BBC World Service Group, Peter Horrocks, is voorzitter van de raad van bestuur…..
Zoals de regelmatige bezoeker van dit en vele andere blogs of/en van alternatieve nieuwspagina’s op de sociale media weten, is dat de BBC allesbehalve als onafhankelijk kan worden aangeduid, het laat de oren hangen naar de zittende regering, niet zo vreemd als je ziet dat ze voor het jaarlijkse budget afhankelijk zijn van die regering…… Bovendien laten de andere financiers geen twijfel over: BBC Media Action is allesbehalve onafhankelijk…….
Erger nog: BBC Media Action voedt onrust met haar programma’s en dat in een groot aantal landen, uiteraard onrust veelal gebaseerd op leugens en halve waarheden…… Het is duidelijk dat men de westerse samenleving als ‘mooi voorbeeld’ neerzet, zonder over alle negatieve ellende te spreken, die de BBC bijvoorbeeld in GB verzwijgt dan wel toeschrijft aan mensen als Jeremy Corbyn….. Mensen als Labour voorzitter Corbyn tegen wie de BBC een hele campagne heeft gevoerd, daar zowel de Tories als de top van Labour niets met hem te maken willen hebben en als de dood waren dat hij de laatst gehouden landelijke verkiezingen zou winnen……..
Over die manipulatie van verkiezingen is met géén woord van kritiek gesproken door de Britse reguliere (massa-) media, terwijl deze media dag in dag uit negatief nieuws over Corbyn brachten (tja, je gaat je eigen valse berichtgeving natuurlijk niet bekritiseren….)
Met de programma’s van Media Action wil men de bevolking in arme landen leren hoe te reageren op corruptie van politici en ambtenaren, dezelfde BBC die niet kan onderzoeken hoe het zit met pedofiele presentatoren als Jimmy Saville en financiële fraude binnen de eigen organisatie……..
Kortom, de BBC brengt onversneden propaganda tegen regimes als dat in Syrië en Kenia, waar uiteraard niet het welbevinden van bewoners wordt gepromoot, maar verandering van regering wordt gepropageerd….. En dat door een zogenaamde onafhankelijke zendgemachtigde, die de illegale oorlogen als die tegen Afghanistan, Irak, Libië en Syrië van A tot Z steunde en nog steunt……
Zelfs over de genocide in Jemen wordt keihard gelogen, zoals ik vanmorgen weer hoorde op BBC World Service radio, waar de presentator een New York Times correspondent wilde verleiden te zeggen dat Iran een uiterst foute rol speelt in Iran, terwijl daar zelfs niet één Iraanse militair is te vinden…… Het viel me mee dat deze correspondent daar niet één keer op reageerde (wellicht later meer daarover)
Voorts bemoeit BBC Madia Action zich met Oekraïne, waar NB bepaalde journalisten het werk onmogelijk wordt gemaakt (ook middels bedreigingen door neonazi’s) en waar zelfs mediaorganen zijn gesloten door de neonazi-junta, die de VS daar parachuteerde…… Ook de Britse regering wil dat Rusland De Krim ‘teruggeeft’ aan die junta in Kiev en ‘zich terugtrekt uit Oost-Oekraïne’, beide zaken die volkomen vals worden voorgesteld door de de Britse regering en de BBC….. Niet vreemd dus dat Media Action achter deze junta staat, sterker nog: de BBC heeft al ver voor de door de VS georganiseerde opstand in Oekraïne lopen stoken tegen de democratisch gekozen regering Janoekovytsj……
Gerrish betoogt dan ook dat BBC Media Action moet worden ontmantelt, voor het ook in Europa nog meer schade aanricht, zoals het in Oekraïne heeft gedaan!
Moet je nagaan, wij betalen via de belasting mee aan deze smerige organisatie…..
Lees het volgende artikel en verbaas je net als ik deed over deze uitermate smerige propaganda organisatie met de naam BBC Media Action:
Media Action: Subversion From Broadcasting House To Kazakhstan
Tuesday, 1st July 2014
mission is to inform, connect and empower people around the world.”
These are mighty words from BBC Media Action, a charitable offshoot
of the BBC funded to £29.5m in 2012 – most of it from the British
Government, EU, US State Department, UN and Dutch government. Most of
the British public and indeed most of the BBC’s licence payers will
have never heard of BBC Media Action let alone understand what this
BBC charity really is.
innocent BBC charity deserving our support and money, or a dangerous
subversive organisation? We overwhelmingly think the latter.
Media Action mission statement says much and nothing at the same
time. Much in that they are to inform, connect and empower people
worldwide, nothing in that the precise meaning of these words is
unclear. Just what is BBC Media Action really doing and why?
Media Action funding.
Media Action Lies From The Start
with the political charity Common Purpose, BBC Media Action quickly
seeks to justify its actions as benevolent – we are a charity and
therefore we must be good. Let’s look at the lies. Claiming to be
legally, financially and operationally independent of the BBC, Media
Action was actually funded by the BBC to the tune of £840,000 in
2012, and uses BBC pension funds and BBC Office space. The majority
of the 15 BBC Media Action Board Members are nominated by the BBC,
and Peter Horrocks Director of the BBC World Service Group, is Chair
of Trustees. He is independent of course, as he directs 2,500
journalists and support staff embedded in 113 countries. A vast
propaganda machine and some.
Action builds on the ‘fundamental’ values of the BBC and claims
that accuracy, trust and reliability are amongst these – the 500
victims of BBC paedophile Jimmy Savile suggest otherwise. A cheap
shot? Stay with us as we unpick this pernicious subversive BBC
to Media Action they operate 100 researchers providing data,
evaluation and insight in 24 countries. They ’surveyed’ 60,000
people in 11 countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East to ‘inform
our health, governance and resilience projects.’ The immediate
question is what projects and what are they for? At this point we
highlight that Media Action boasts its part in projects funded by the
Department for International Development. So is this the BBC or the
government at work?
then that BBC Media Action is also funded by the Foreign and
Commonwealth Office as part of the Arab Partnership Peace Fund (APPF) formed
as a result of the Arab Spring unrest. Media Action is used here to
improve ‘opportunities for political, social and economic
participation.’ We ask again – a charity or the British government
at work?
Action’s self praise continues – “Our work is valued by the
development community and by media organisations contributing to
development and better standards of governance in developing
countries.” So the BBC which specialises in politically biased
news, dark drama, foul language, violence, pro EU reporting, skewed
docudramas and explicit sex, is supposedly the appropriate source
vehicle to tell other societies how to govern themselves. The
arrogance might be amusing if it were not for much deeper and dirtier
layers of their work.
and Rights’ BBC Media Action Style
this stage we will say it is just a coincidence that BBC Media Action
is active in unstable countries worldwide. Media Action
specialises in ‘governance and rights’ and operates in the Middle
East, former Soviet Union and Europe. It sustained and expanded Radio
Al Mirbad’s programming in Iraq funded by the US Department of
State. Not bad for a charity.
Afghanistan they established an ‘independent’ Afghan organisation
staffed by former BBC Media Action employees. In Asia and Cambodia
Media Action has pumped out Loy9 videos and boasts of capturing
100,000 views in 8 weeks in a country of under 15 million people.
Significant views in poor countries unable to defend against western
politically correct culture and BBC ‘propaganda’. Unfair? Then
let’s ask why Media Action is integrating with BBC World Service
and BBC Global News. Is the BBC’s own brand of news essential for
nations to govern themselves. How did Asia manage without the BBC
over the last thousand years?
the money quickly reveals more of BBC Media Action’s real identity.
Enter two subsidiary companies – The Marshall Plan of the Mind Trust
(not trading) and BBC World Service Trust. We will focus on the
Marshal Plan of the Mind later, but before doing so, let’s take a
look at BBC Media Action’s staff. CEO Caroline Nursey is an ex
Director Oxfam and former teacher.
Communications and branding
Director Kirsty Cockburn is ex BBC, Sightsavers and the Overseas
Development Institute (SODI), where she learned that compelling
story-telling is at the heart of the complex world of international
development. James Dean is Director of Policy and Learning, having
spent 20 years at Panos, Earthscan and International Institute for
Environment and Development. The pattern is clear – charity academics
and quasi government organisations, with no practical life
experience, but a supreme confidence they can change the world using
media and education. Media and education with the BBC’s own values
and agendas of course.
Kenya. Sema Kenya is a BBC Media Action and TV programme which
provides a ‘constructive’ platform for Kenyans to challenge their
politicians and public officials. Yes, the BBC which cannot properly
investigate paedophiles or financial fraud in its own organisation is
helping Kenyans learn how to challenge the corrupt political elite.
Yes really.
BBC Mindsets For Kenya
plot thickens when we examine Sema Kenya and BBC Media Action’s
role around the Kenyan Westgate shopping Mall massacre. Semya Kenya
programmers report they were uncertain as to how to report events
around the Mall massacre. They state “our outgoing Country Director
Judy Houstan, her replacement Andrew Ilves who has recently joined
from the BBC Somali Service and Africa Editor Solomon Mugera coolly
steered the [Sema Kenya] team towards a new mindset.” Mr Ilves was
head of BBC World Service responsible for radio and online output in
Afghanistan, Iran, Tajikstan and the border areas of Pakistan. He is
also Head of Development for BBC Global News – the private BBC
company with £90million in sales. BBC Media Action is independent of
could not be clearer that the BBC is directing the mindset of Kenyan
reporting. To what aim?
Serbia BBC Media Action has been funded by the EU to oversee the EU
Media Fund and has been working with local film makers on docudramas
to tackle human trafficking. At first glance this sounds benign, but
lets consider what is being produced is not truth and fact, but
‘docudrama’ to drive Serbian mindsets where the BBC thinks they
should go. As in UK the BBC’s truth is usually contaminated with
misleading fiction.
Palestine, according to BBC Media Action, the multiplatform debate
show ‘Aswat Min Filesteen’ (Voices from Palestine), meets a
growing need in the Palestinian Territories for trustworthy
programming covering local issues. The quarterly TV show is
produced by BBC Media Action in partnership with Palestinian Public
Broadcasting Corporation and is co-hosted by BBC Arabic’s Nur
Zorgui and PBC’s Huda Kadoumi. Aside from the oxymoron of the BBC
and ‘trustworthy’ programming, how many people in UK realise that
the BBC is creating its own news in Palestine.
Destabilising Syria
Media Action has also been meddling in Syria. Cruising on the post
Arab Spring climate in Syria Media Action has been at work to
undermine the authority and control of the Assad government,
assisting people in Syria and those dispersed overseas to challenge
their national government and stating that “given the sensitive and
restrictive media environment, much of the work that is carried out
is either under the radar or focused on less contentious development
themes..” This devious action must surely be considered subversion
within a Nation State. BBC Media Action admit that both the UN and
the EU have been funding ‘fifth column’ media activities in
Media Action is so arrogant and sure of itself that they even tell us
what they are doing. Juliette Harkin, former BBC Media Action Project
Manager and an expert on Syria states..”we [BBC Media Action]
worked in 2004 with individuals within the [Syrian] ministry who
wanted change and tried to get them to be the drivers of that. All
media development work that has been done within Syria has, in my
opinion, been predicated upon this idea that there can be change from
within – you have an authoritarian regime and you find who the
reformers are within that [regime] and work with them”
their own words Media Action is a trojan horse which works against
governments of independent nation states – who are they to decide
which regimes are acceptable and which not? Did the BBC create
chemical weapons reports to suit UK, US and EU political agendas to
oust President Assad? Many think so.
fingers in the Ukrainian pie
we have watched the tragedy of the unfolding violence and
destabilisation in Ukraine, we should not be surprised to see BBC
Media Action at work. In 2003 BBC Media Action set up Top Media in
Odessa – a media support project to offer legal advice and training.
Tony Hewson Senior Trainer BBC Media Action is married to a Ukrainian
wife. He publicly states that he has watched Ukrainian TV channels to
see how some of the journalists he had worked with were coping. Did
he help train these ‘independent’ reporters? Hewson boasts …”Back
in the current crisis, Andriy Kulykov, another trainer we worked
with, a former BBC journalist and now one of Ukraine’s leading
talk-show presenters, has also been at the heart of events. He took a
brave step of broadcasting his programme Svoboda Slova (Freedom of
Speech) not in Ukrainian, but in Russian – an attempt to reach out
to all sides. He has also used his BBC journalism training and
experience as a trainer with Media Action, to maintain balance during
his on air interviewing..” BBC balance? Does that mean challenging
and undermining the established government? Did Freedom of Speech
pacify a volatile Ukrainian society or inflame it?
‘David’ posted a comment on Mr Hewson’s section of the BBC
Media Action website on 19th March 2014 – 10:44. He remarked…“The
next question is how free are journalists in the Ukraine now. Is the
‘new government’ of Kiev oligarchs allowing press freedom and
non-partisan reports? The BBC could certainly do with some lessons on
the ‘non-partisan’ bit. The reports on the Ukraine and Crimea are
extremely unbalanced!” David seems to also sense a BBC rat.
Marshall Plan of the Mind
we are lifting numerous BBC Media Action lids at this stage, how can
we really show the dangerous power of BBC subversive propaganda? We
return to the BBC ‘charity’ Marshall Plan of the Mind Trust, also
known as BBC MPM. Incorporated 11 September 1992 (removed 29 April
2002), the Trust alleged it was for education, training, the general
public, mankind and providing services. Kari Blackburn, Director of
International Operations for the BBC World Service Trust was
appointed editor of the MPM in 1992. The establishment claimed she
committed suicide by drowning in 1997.
serving BBC Media Action trustee Michael C McCulloch formerly worked
with the UK Delegation to UNESCO in the 1970s attempting to
‘discourage the Soviet Union from restricting press freedom.’ He
also acted as Private Secretary to Tim Raison the then Minister for
Overseas Development, and much later he served on the Board of the
European Board of Reconstruction and Development. He drew on this
UNESCO experience when appointed to launch the Know How Fund for the
Soviet Union..the British Government’s programme of support for
economic and political reform. McCulloch states..”one of my first
tasks was to expand funding for the BBC Marshall Plan of the Mind
(MPM), devised by former BBC World Service Director John Tusa with
support from Baroness Chalker. MPM focused on the twin tracks of
helping to develop independent media and of using media to help
people in the region understand and make choices about the changes
suddenly unleashed all around them. Creative, exciting, fast-moving
and fun—working with MPM was all of these—who had heard of an aid
programme supporting soap operas before that?!”
was no joke by McCulloch. By 1995 BBC MPM was facilitating a
‘British-style social realist soap opera’, Crossroads to
Kazakhstan. According to Ruth Mandel who critically analysed this
initiative, the “making of Crossroads was informed by the
assumption that the medium of television is an appropriate tool to
further the logical and inevitable transition to a capitalist
free-market economy, transforming the national imagination in the
process.” Mandel further indicated…”Cross roads was
conceived as an elaboration of a BBC MPM Radio soap opera in Russia
based on an Archers format, and was funded through Know How Funds,
supported by the government’s Overseas Development Administration
and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. It was produced by the
private London based production company Portobello Media.”
Media Action British Government’s Know How Fund Propaganda Machine
excellent analysis ultimately lays the British government’s BBC
propaganda machine bare. “In discussion, one Know How Fund official
admitted that the assistance came loaded with “”unashamedly
political objectives.”” He described the project to support
changes we want; the transition to a market economy will be better
for them, and for us, for politics trade etc. There are real
political objectives rather than simply humanitarian assistance.”
Against this background, the work of BBC Media Action in Kazakhstan,
Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Serbia, Palestine, Kenya, Syria, Ukraine
and elsewhere becomes crystal clear. Political manoeuvering and
propaganda disguised as ‘media assistance.’
states..”Crossroads mentally ‘reframed’ Kazakhstan with
issues such as privatisation, banking, entrepreneurship, marketing
reform…and ideological messages , issues of ethnic pluralism and
technology transfer…and British American Tobacco (BAT), Wrigley’s gum
and Smirnoff Vodka all benefited from product placement.”
Tusa Chairman BBC MPM stated June 14 1996…”BBC MPM is an
educational, charitable trust…to transfer skills and knowledge of
democratic principles and market economies via national radio and
television to assist the transition process. It is the most
significant project dedicated to mass knowledge transfer within the
former Soviet Union.”
typical BBC style John Tulsa spun the true subversive political
objectives as ‘assistance in transition i.e. help for vulnerable
people.” The reality is that the BBC Marshall Plan of the Mind was
the opposite. A vast, dangerous and subversive media propaganda
exercise to break up and reframe nation states into a new British and
BBC designed model, whether they wanted it or not. BBC Media Action
is the spawn of that BBC MPM. Masquerading as a charity, BBC Media
Action is nothing of the sort. It is a hard at work reframing and
destabilising the national mind of vulnerable nation states. BBC
Media Action should be exposed and disbanded as soon as possible.
Left at work, it is capable of inflaming major conflict in Europe –
just observe the fruits of BBC Media Action in Ukraine.
Zie wat betreft de anti-Corbyn campagne die wordt geleid door de BCC ook:
‘BBC presentator maakt per ongeluk promotie voor het socialisme‘
‘The Mail on Sunday en Sky News schieten levensgrote antisemitische bok bij het belasteren van Corbyn‘
‘BBC wijst meer en meer naar Corbyn als medeschuldige voor de Brexit‘
‘Simon Wiesenthal Center: antisemitische top tien 2018 >> o.a. moorden toegestaan voor Joden‘
‘Britse justitie gaat ‘hate crimes’ van Labour onderzoeken‘
‘Jeremy Corbyn wordt gedemoniseerd als antisemiet…….‘
Het label ‘BAT’ direct onder dit bericht staat voor British American Tobacco.