De Trump
administratie doet niet anders dan China demoniseren met leugens en
beschuldigingen waarvan het doel wat mij betreft duidelijk is: China manipuleren, nog meer dan Trump met de handelsoorlog tegen dit land al heeft
gedaan. Uiteraard is e.e.a. ook bedoeld om de totale chaos te verbergen van de
Trump administratie wat betreft het beleid op het Coronavirus…..
Trump China eerder de hemel in heeft geprezen wat betreft de aanpak
op het Coronavirus, heeft hij die uitspraken (veelal gedaan op
Twitter) omgeruild voor het demoniseren van China, waarbij hij de
Coronavirus uitbraak in de VS de grootste aanval ooit op de VS heeft
genoemd…. Tel bij het voorgaande Trumps uitspraak op dat China en
alleen China verantwoordelijk is voor de uitbraak van het virus in de
VS en je kan concluderen dat Trump China beschuldigt als het land dat
de grootste aanval ooit op de VS heeft gepleegd, een niet alleen
volkomen gestoorde redenering maar ook een uiterst gevaarlijke
En zie wat Trump in 2009 over het handelen op een ‘pandemie’ door Obama durfde te zeggen:
heeft niet alleen een groot aantal militaire bases rond de (noord- en zuid-)
oostelijke grenzen van China, maar vaart ook af en aan met haar
marine door gebieden die China terecht tot haar territoriale
wateren rekent, zoals een flink deel van de Zuid-Chinese Zee….. Dit alles bij elkaar opgeteld is een door de VS geplaatst kruitvat
waarin alleen de lont nog moet worden aangestoken door Trump……
Johnstone ziet echter meer zaken die de gewone sterveling amper op
zullen vallen, zeker daar de reguliere westerse media een groot
aantal zaken verzwijgen, dit in een voortdurende anti-Chinese
campagne, waarbij ze vooral wijst op haar land Australië, het land
waarin Rupert Murdoch de grootste media in handen heeft en waar deze,
zoals andere westerse media, maar al te graag China demoniseert
vanwege haar ‘imperialisme’, waar juist de VS het voorbeeld is van
ongebreideld imperialisme, sterker nog: de VS kan niet anders worden
beoordeeld dan als het Vierde Rijk, met maar liefst meer dan 800 militaire bases over de wereld……
Vierde Rijk dat volgens Johnstone (die niet spreekt over het Vierde
Rijk) alle landen absorbeert die achter haar imperialisme staan, dan
wel landen absorbeert die geen andere keus zien dan de VS maar te
steunen om erger te voorkomen….. ‘Erger’ zoals sancties die de VS
illegaal heeft ingesteld tegen landen die niet wensen te worden
geabsorbeerd door deze uiterst gevaarlijke terreurentiteit, sancties
die bijvoorbeeld in Venezuela al aan bijna 50.000 mensen het leven
hebben gekost, sancties die een economische oorlog vormen en derhalve
als grootschalige terreur moeten worden veroordeeld, sterker nog die illegale sancties vallen zonder meer onder het begrip: misdaad tegen de menselijkheid!!
stelt dat we in een Derde Wereldoorlog zijn beland die zich op ‘slow
motion’ voltrekt, waarbij de westerse reguliere media de grote
propagandisten zijn van deze oorlog….. Landen die het slachtoffer
zijn van deze oorlog: China, Rusland, Iran, Syrië en Venezuela,
hebben zo bezien weinig gemeen, echter ze vormen wel degelijk het
doel van die oorlog: deze landen vernietigen en absorberen, waarbij
de westerse propagandisten van de reguliere media hun publiek
zorgvuldig hersenspoelen om de noodzaak van vernietiging en absorptie
te verankeren in de geest van dat publiek……
To Understand All This China Stuff
is in the news every day now. Today here in Australia we’re
to be offended
because a Chinese tabloid published
the accusation
that our nation is a “giant kangaroo that serves as a dog of the
US”, even though we all know that’s
completely true
and we should be flattered that at least they said “giant”.
Before that we were getting indignant over a
hefty barley tariff
in response to our facilitation of America’s global anti-China spin
campaign, which it turns out Washington
screwed us on.
sentiment has been thriving in Australia, aided by our
news media, State
Department-funded think tanks explicitly
geared toward manipulating the China narrative, and of course our own
deep-seated racism and xenophobia. Because of its geographical
location, the US
military/intelligence asset
conventionally known as Australia has been a major focal point for
the US-centralized empire’s propaganda campaign against the most
powerful unabsorbed nation in the world.
is in the news constantly now, and it’s not because of any virus.
It’s not because of Hong Kong, it’s
not because of Uighurs, it’s not because of intellectual property
violations or any of the other scattershot, unrelated hodgepodge of
excuses you’re being fed as to why the Chinese government must be
regarded as the latest Actual Hitler all of a sudden.
is in the news all the time because of imperialism.
Caitlin Johnstone
Imperialist Russia hysteria had a hard time finding serious purchase in Australia, but sinophobia has had plenty of propaganda primer here and there’s a State Department-funded think tank in Canberra dedicated to inflaming China hysteria
( …). …
MYRIAM ROBIN. The think tank behind Australia’s changing view of China.(AFR 15.2.20200 – On
Tuesday in the Australian Senate, Labor’s Kim Carr rose to his feet,
thundering about “hawks intent on fighting a new cold war”. In his
sights was the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, which…
SBS News
This Chinese-Australian family in Melbourne was terrorised over two nights with broken windows and vandalism, in what’s believed to be racial attacks related to COVID-19.
(voor de video in dit Twitterbericht, zie het orgineel)
understand what’s going on with China and why the “news”
media keep punching you in the face with stories about how awful it
is, you really only need to grasp two basic points:
1: We are in the middle of a slow-motion third world war between the
US-centralized power alliance and the nations which have resisted
being absorbed into it.
loose alliance of nationless
oligarchs who use governments as weapons
have secured control over a large
empire-like cluster of nations
with economic and military might loosely centralized around the
United States. In order to gain more power and ensure its ongoing
hegemony, this oligarchic empire must keep expanding by absorbing
more nations and brutalizing them if they resist. China is by far the
most powerful of the unabsorbed nations, followed by Russia at a
distant second and Iran at a distant third.
weapons make another hot world war undesirable, so this one takes the
form of resource control, economic warfare, staging coups, arming
oppositional militias to use as proxy armies, expanding military
presence in key geostrategic regions under the pretense of fighting
terrorism, and “humanitarian interventionism”, with
old-school full-scale ground invasions used only as a last resort,
and only after manufacturing sufficient international approval to
ensure the continued cohesion of the empire-like power alliance.
the end goal is the same as that of a conventional world war: to beat
the other side into submission and compliance. And, in this case,
absorption into the imperial blob. After the fall of the Soviet
Union, the
prevailing orthodoxy
in US power structures became that the US must maintain unipolar
hegemony at all cost to maintain a “liberal world order”
(even if it means abandoning “liberal” values whenever it’s
convenient). From that point on the agenda has been global domination
and the slow, suffocating subversion of anyone who gets in the way.
Caitlin Johnstone
US Foreign Policy Is A War On Disobedience
“So now you’ve got this weird dynamic where the US is constantly working to make sure that no other countries surpass it and gain the ability to treat America the way America treats other countries.” …
US Foreign Policy Is A War On Disobedience
an excellent new essay titled “We’re Not the Good Guys — Why Is
American Aggression Missing in Action?”, Tom Engelhardt criticizes the…
an excellent new essay titled “We’re Not the Good Guys — Why Is
American Aggression Missing in Action?”, Tom Engelhardt criticizes the…
2: Propaganda is used to move this world war along.
a conventional war each side has clear military objectives that
everyone understands, and the weapons are naturally moved around in
accordance with these objectives. In this weird slow-motion world
war, nobody understands what’s going on besides the major power
players and those who are paying very close attention. The various
agendas against the governments of Iran, Venezuela, Russia, Syria,
China etc appear different and unrelated when looked at individually,
and indeed you will see different political factions supporting some
of these agendas but not others. The only thing unifying this
slow-motion movement toward the destruction and absorption of all
unabsorbed nations is carefully constructed propaganda narratives.
way these unifying propaganda narratives operate is simple. It would
never occur to rank-and-file citizens that a nation on the other side
of the planet that’s pretty much just doing its own thing needs to be
sanctioned, subverted and brought to heel, so the imperialist
oligarchs who own the political/media
class make sure everyone is fed custom-made narratives according
to their own ideological echo chamber to
prevent any domestic inertia from being thrown on these agendas. Once
there’s sufficient agreement that
Saddam/Gaddafi/Morales/Assad/Maduro/whomever must go, the campaign to
subvert, sabotage and absorb that government can safely be escalated.
you can understand points one and two, you can understand everything
that’s happening with China, and everything that will continue to
happen. Propaganda narratives will be rolled out with increasing
aggression which have the long-term goal of alienating China from its
allies, hurting its economic interests, and preventing its rise to
true superpower status and creating a multipolar world.
the funny thing is, none of this is necessary. Westerners have been
deliberately propagandized into believing that China wants to take
over the world and will do so unless kept in line by the United
States, who has surrounded
China with military bases
in an act of extreme aggression that the US itself would never
tolerate from any unabsorbed government. But if you really grill
people on how they know that China wants to take over the world,
you’ll find they don’t have any substantial evidence for it.
tell you that China has an authoritarian government which persecutes
ethnic and religious minorities, wrongly claiming that this means
they want to take over the world and inflict the same on everyone
else. They’ll tell you China has sought to expand control over some
directly adjacent territories, wrongly claiming that this means they
want to dominate the planet militarily like the US currently does.
They’ll cite evidence which shows China is seeking to become a
superpower and create a multipolar
world (something China openly admits) and wrongly claim that this is
proof that they are seeking to dominate the world with unipolar
hegemony. They won’t be able to produce any actual, hard evidence
that China is trying to take over the world and censor your internet
and take away your rights, because no such evidence exists. It’s a
completely empty belief arising from aggressive narrative
myth I think really that needs to be dispelled is that somehow China
is aiming to replace America and going to run the world, and it’s
not,” said Chinese venture capitalist and social scientist Eric
Li on the John Pilger documentary The
Coming War on China.
“First of all, the Chinese are not that stupid. The west,
with its Christian roots, are about converting other people into
their beliefs. The Chinese are not about that. It’s just that–again,
I’m not degrading the western culture, I’m just pointing out the
inherent nature, the DNA of two different cultures–the Chinese two
thousand years ago built the Great Wall to keep the barbarians out,
not to invade them.”
say this is a reasonable summary. After European nations tried to
conquer the planet just a few generations ago in the name of
spreading Christianity and “civilization”, we’re projecting
our sick vestigial colonialist values on a nation whose culture never
drove it to such madness.
Caitlin Johnstone
Arresting people for future crimes is called “pre-crime”, and it’s the stuff of dystopian horror fiction. Violently dominating an entire planet because another country might hurt yours in the future is called “US foreign policy”, and it’s the stuff of mainstream news punditry.
dominating the entire planet for all eternity on the vague suspicion
that another country wants to do the same to you is not sane, and is
not an option. Unabsorbed nations should be allowed to remain
unabsorbed, absorbed nations should have their sovereignty restored
(or in Australia’s case granted to it for the first time since its
existence as a nation), and America should begin acting like a normal
country. The notion of “pre-crime”
is the purview of dystopian horror fiction when applied to individual
people, and there’s no reason we should find the prospect of
attacking and destroying for hypothetical future offenses any less
insane on an international scale.
was never any reason for the coronavirus to be made into an issue of
international conflict when it could just as easily be an issue of
international collaboration, and indeed collaborating is what we
should all be doing, with this virus and with everything else. Let’s
end this weird slow-motion world war and move toward sanity.
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| May 21, 2020 at 12:50 am | Tags: caitlin
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