Johnstone heeft een perfect artikel gepubliceerd waarin ze de
flauwekul van Russische beïnvloeding van de presidentsverkiezingen
in 2016 nogmaals de grond in schrijft, tevens stelt Johnstone dat zelfs het
manipuleren van de zeer verouderde stemmachines in de VS niet op kan
tegen de enorme beïnvloeding van de verkiezingen door de reguliere
(massa-) media…….
wijst o.a. op WaPo ofwel op de Washington Post (in handen van één van de rijkste
personen ter wereld t.w. Jeff Bezos de oprichter, voorzitter en CEO
van Amazon) dat tijdens de democratische voorverkiezingen in 2016
binnen 16 uur tijd 16 artikelen publiceerde waarin Bernie Sanders (publiekelijk) werd besmeurd……..
zal in aanloop van de presidentsverkiezingen in 2020 niet anders
zijn, sterker nog: nu al worden de democratische kandidaten al
besmeurd met valse aanklachten zoals o.a. op de Daily Beast……
ook dat de reguliere media het hardst roepen om ingrijpen op de
sociale media (en het aanpakken van ‘Russische manipulaties’), daar
men op de sociale media, i.t.t. die reguliere media, wel een afgewogen beeld kan krijgen over wat er toe
doet in de wereld, uiteraard ook als het gaat om de presidentsverkiezingen in
de VS.
nog denkt dat de reguliere westerse media de waarheid brengen moet
wel volkomen blind en doof zijn, immers die media hebben intussen
kilometers aan bestanden die bomvol staan met ‘fake news’ (nepnieuws), neem alleen al de
berichtgeving in die media voorafgaand aan en tijdens de illegale oorlogen die
de VS met hulp van haar oorlogshond NAVO is begonnen, of het nu om
Afghanistan, Irak, Libië, Oekraïne of Syrië gaat……
Het voorgaande waar de genocide in Jemen amper de aandacht van de reguliere media kan trekken…..* Als die media aandacht besteden aan die genocide, worden
de Houthi rebellen keer op keer beschreven als Iraanse terroristen, terwijl deze
organisatie met succes IS en Al Qaida bestreed, de reden voor
ingrijpen door de soennitische terreurstaat Saoedi-Arabië…… De Houthi rebellen beschermen de sjiieten in Jemen, waar niemand anders deze kan bieden……
het volgende artikel van Johnstone, eerder gepubliceerd op de site van A Medium Corporation en door mij overgenomen van Anti-Media. Geeft het door
mensen, tijd dat de ogen van het grootste deel van de westerse
bevolkingen worden geopend voordat de volgende illegale oorlog wordt
aangegaan en voor verdere beïnvloeding van de verkiezingen door de
reguliere media en dat geldt ook voor ons land!! (zo werd de SP
gedemoniseerd in die media, dit voorafgaand aan de EU verkiezingen
vorige week, waar diezelfde media nu durven te stellen dat de SP
verkiezingscampagne is mislukt….)
Worst 2020 Election Interference Will Be Perfectly Legal
28, 2019 at 3:57 pm
by Caitlin
(CJ Opinion) — “After
the Mueller report was released, our president called Vladimir Putin,
spent an hour on the phone with him,” Democratic presidential
candidate Beto O’Rourke said on
CBS’s Face
The Nation yesterday.
“Described the report as a hoax, giving Putin a green light to
further interfere in our democracy.”
interfered in the 2016 election,” tweeted presidential
candidate Kamala Harris the other day. “If we don’t do anything
to upgrade our election infrastructure, we will leave our nation
vulnerable to future attacks.”
been seeing many
such hysterical warnings about
Russian interference in the upcoming 2020 elections, and as the
election gets nearer we are 100 percent guaranteed to see a lot more.
Lawmakers worry that elections will be held on woefully outdated voting machines and that any tampering by adversaries could lead to disputed results
Americans may vote in 2020 using old, unsecured machines
Lawmakers and experts worry elections will be held on voting machines woefully outdated and that tampering by adversaries could lead to disputed results.
concern people have been voicing, which has far more legitimacy, is
the fear of election tampering from domestic actors. An
article published
the other day by Roll
Call reports
that experts are warning America’s 2020 elections “will be held
on voting machines that are woefully outdated and that any tampering
by adversaries could lead to disputed results.” An article
published last month by
the Guardian warns
that new voting machines aren’t necessarily an improvement.
purchases replace machines from the turn of the century that raise
serious security concerns,” the Guardian reports.
“But the same companies that made and sold those machines are
behind the new generation of technology, and a history of distrust
between election security advocates and voting machine vendors has
led to a bitter debate over the viability of the new voting
equipment — leaving some campaigners wondering if America’s
election system in 2020 might still be just as vulnerable to attack.”
are sprouting up to bring more election security and reliability to
the United States, which is currently ranked
dead last in
election integrity among all western democracies. Support for paper
ballots is picking up steam with support
from Senate Democrats and
multiple presidential candidates, and rightly so; hand-counted paper
ballots is considered the
gold standard for
election integrity, and every nation should want that for their
voting systems.
neither foreign interference nor domestic vote tampering will be the
most egregious form of election meddling that we will see in
America’s 2020 presidential elections.
Reminder: In 2016, Washington Post ran 16 negative stories about @SenSanders in 16 hours. Has to be a record of its kind. …@adamjohnsonNYC for @FAIRmediawatch#BernieSanders2020 #BernieSanders
In what has to be some kind of record, the Washington Post ran 16 negative stories on Bernie Sanders in 16 hours, between roughly 10:20 PM EST Sunday, March 6, to 3:54 PM EST Monday, March 7—a window that includes the crucial Democratic debate in Flint, Michigan, and the next morning’s spin:
6, 10:20 PM: Bernie
Sanders Pledges the US Won’t Be No. 1 in Incarceration. He’ll
Need to Release Lots of Criminals
7, 12:39 AM: Clinton
Is Running for President. Sanders Is Doing Something Else -
7, 4:04 AM: This
Is Huge: Trump, Sanders Both Using Same Catchphrase -
7, 4:49 AM: Mental
Health Patients to Bernie Sanders: Don’t Compare Us to the GOP
Candidates -
7, 6:00 AM: ‘Excuse
Me, I’m Talking’: Bernie Sanders Shuts Down Hillary Clinton,
Repeatedly -
7, 9:24 AM: Bernie
Sanders’s Two Big Lies About the Global Economy -
7, 8:25 AM: Five
Reasons Bernie Sanders Lost Last Night’s Democratic Debate -
7, 8:44 AM: An
Awkward Reality for Bernie Sanders: A Strategy Focused on Whiter
States -
7, 8:44 AM: Bernie
Sanders Says White People Don’t Know What It’s Like to Live in a
‘Ghetto.’ About That… -
7, 11:49 AM: The
NRA Just Praised Bernie Sanders — and Did Him No Favors in Doing
So -
7, 12:55 PM: Even
Bernie Sanders Can Beat Donald Trump -
7, 1:08 PM: What
Bernie Sanders Still Doesn’t Get About Arguing With Hillary
Clinton -
7, 1:44 PM: Why
Obama Says Bank Reform Is a Success but Bernie Sanders Says It’s a
Failure -
7, 2:16 PM: Here’s
Something Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders Have in Common: And the Piece
of the Argument That Bernie Doesn’t Get Quite Right. -
7, 3:31 PM: ‘Excuse
Me!’: Bernie Sanders Doesn’t Know How to Talk About Black People -
7, 3:54 PM: And
the Most Partisan Senator of 2015 Is … Bernie Sanders!
2016, at the single hottest and most contested moment of the
Democratic presidential primaries, the Washington
Post published
no less than sixteen smear pieces against Bernie Sanders in
the span of sixteen hours.
This campaign by a newspaper which is solely owned by the
richest man in the world (who
also happens to be a CIA
contractor and Pentagon
advisory board member)
was plainly geared at manipulating the 2016 presidential primary
results. And, along with similar campaigns by the rest of
the plutocrat-owned
media which
ranged from blacking
out coverage on Sanders to deliberately
manipulating narratives about
him to circulating
outright lies,
it succeeded.
are already seeing this same pattern repeated today, arguably in an
even more egregious way. A recent article by Matt Taibbi for Rolling
Stone titled
Hit a New Low in Campaign Hit Pieces”
documents some jaw-droppingly obnoxious smears leveled against the
two Democratic candidates who are taking the most flack from the mass
media, Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard.
The Daily
Beast added
to the growing
mountain of MSM Gabbard smears with
an article titled “Tulsi Gabbard’s Campaign Is Being Boosted by
Putin Apologists”, claiming on essentially zero evidence that the
Hawaii congresswoman has a suspicious amount of support from Kremlin
loyalists, a smear which was elevated into mainstream consciousness
by ABC and CNN. Sanders was smeared by the New
York Times for
his previous opposition to US interventionism in Nicaragua.
not even halfway through 2019 and there are already far too many of
such mass media hit pieces for me to list in this article. These
plutocrat-owned outlets are doing everything they can to make sure
that Trump will be running against a more polite version of himself
come November 2020. Hell, Fortune
Magazine just
published an article titled “Why
Joe Biden Is the Only True Progressive Candidate”,
which attempts to argue exactly what the headline promises. Once the
primaries are over, this manipulation will shift toward whoever’s
the oligarchic favorite for the general election.
Why Joe Biden is the only true progressive candidate
Commentary: Why Joe Biden Is the Only True Progressive Candidate
The presidential candidate has been attacked by President Trump on the right and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the left. This only works in Biden’s favor.
soon as you see someone become extremely wealthy, you immediately see
them start buying up public narrative control. They buy and invest in
media outlets, they pour money into influential think tanks, they
send lobbyists into government offices to persuade politicians to
think a certain way about a given subject. Ordinary people can’t
afford to do these things, so they have relatively little control
over the dominant narratives about what’s going on in our society
and our world.
is therefore an indisputable fact that the very wealthy therefore
have an immensely disproportionate influence over the way that people
think and vote, which means the plutocratic class has the fully legal
ability to practice election interference. Both the plutocratic media
and the US government have already tacitly admitted that this is true
in the frantic, hysterical way they’ve been talking about Russian
Facebook memes as election interference, despite the fact that those
social media posts are a microscopic
drop in the barrel of
the billions
and billions of dollars that
goes into mass media election coverage. If the Internet Research
Agency of St Petersburg was election meddling, then the plutocratic
class which consistently manipulates public narratives to its favor
certainly is as well, to an extent that is greater by orders of
course it’s good that people are pushing for paper ballots, and
it’s not a bad idea to take precautions against foreign
interference as well, but we must become aware that the greatest
share of election interference happens before anyone sets foot in a
polling booth. The way the American psyche is pummeled with mass
media narratives designed to manufacture
consent for
war, economic injustice, ecocide, Orwellian government intrusiveness,
and the politicians who promote these things will influence far more
votes in 2020 than any other election tampering, foreign or domestic.
media propaganda is the single most overlooked and under-appreciated
aspect of our society. The ability of an elite class to control the
way a supermajority of the population thinks, acts and votes has
shaped our entire world in the favor of a few sociopaths driven by an
insatiable lust for money and power who got to where they are because
they were willing to do anything to get ahead. If we can’t find a
way to get a handle on that, then it won’t matter how pristine your
elections are, how ethical the DNC primary process becomes, or what
the Russians are up to this year.
you want to live in a world which is built around the selfish desires
of powerful, amoral manipulators and hoarders? No? Then you’re
going to have to start doing what you can to oppose such a system,
and to convince as many of your brothers and sisters as possible to
join you.
Caitlin’s work on Patreon or Paypal.
by Caitlin
Johnstone /
Republished with permission / Medium / Report
a typo
* Immers je moet als mediaorgaan je best doen om de rol van de VS in die genocide te verzwijgen, daarnaast: als de Trump administratie het wil is de oorlog in Jemen morgen afgelopen……
Voor meer berichten over manipulatie van verkiezingen, klik op het label manipulatie, direct onder dit bericht. Let
wel: na een aantal berichten wordt het laatst gelezen bericht telkens
herhaald, dan onder dat laatst gelezen bericht even opnieuw op het label manipulatie klikken, enz. enz.
PS: nog steeds totaal belachelijk: de corrupte Palestijnenslachter Netanyahu sprak in 2016 het VS Congres toe, waar hij één grote reclame maakte voor Trump, een zaak die men blijkbaar niet ziet als beïnvloeding van de verkiezingen……..
Zie ook (later toegevoegd):
‘WaPo waarschuwt voor Russische digitale controle over de hersenen van VS burgers‘
”Geheime diensten in westen geven toe dat spioneren via het G5 netwerk praktisch onmogelijk is……..‘
‘1984 het boek van George Orwell: niet langer fictie…….‘
‘Het westen vervolgt journalist Assange, Rusland laat journalist vrij na onrust over diens gevangenschap‘ (zie daarin ook de links naar andere berichten over Assange)
‘Avaaz valt met fake news en desinformatie ‘fake news en desinformatie‘ aan……’ (zie in dat bericht ook de link naar een ander artikel met een smerige rol van Avaaz)
‘Rob Jetten (D66 fractievoorzitter) liegt een fikse slag in de rondte in EU verkiezingspraatje‘
‘Gelekte documenten tonen aan dat Google en Pinterest censuur uitoefenen‘
‘Facebook stelt klimaatsceptisch Daily Caller aan als ‘factchecker…’ ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!‘
‘Russiagate: nog overtuigd van bestaan daarvan? Lees dit!‘
‘Robert Mueller lijdt aan dementie en maakt van Russiagate een nog belachelijker verhaal‘
‘Putin vraagt en Trump levert: een lijst met ‘alle goede zaken die Trump voor Rusland regelde’‘