In het volgende artikel van Darius Shahtahmasebi, gisteren gepubliceerd op Anti-Media, analyseert hij de situatie waarin Noord-Korea zich bevindt.
Noord-Korea hetzelfde land in de Koreaanse oorlog al volledig plat werd gebombardeerd door de VS en wel op zo’n manier, dat het VS oppercommando in 1953 letterlijk geen doelen meer kon vinden om te bombarderen, waarna men dammen ging bombarderen, zodat o.a. de rijstoogst totaal mislukte en grote delen van het platteland en steden onder water kwamen te staan (een enorme oorlogsmisdaad!!)….
Even wat VS oorlogsmisdaden begaan tegen Noord-Korea: in de Koreaanse oorlog bombardeerde de VS: 1.000 ziekenhuizen, 8.700 fabrieken, 5.000 scholen en 600.000 huizen/wooncomplexen……….. Bij die bombardementen werd naar schatting 20% van de bevolking vermoord…..
Kortom Noord-Korea heeft alle redenen om bang te zijn voor de VS en vooral door te gaan met de ontwikkeling van kernwapens (volgens Shahtahmasebi heeft Noord-Korea deze al, maar dat is maar zeer de vraag*). Zeker gezien eerdere illegale oorlogen van de VS, zoals die tegen Irak en Libië: landen die ondanks het opgeven van programma’s voor het ontwikkelen van kernwapens en andere massavernietigingswapens (onder druk van NB de VS!), alsnog bijna geheel werden vernietigd door de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde, dezelfde VS……..
Kortom, ondanks dat Noord-Korea geen ander land aanvalt en de VS voortdurend niet anders doet**, wordt door het overgrote deel van de westerse politici en de reguliere (massa-) media juist Noord-Korea als de grote agressor voorgesteld……… Vergeet daarbij niet, dat de VS en Zuid-Korea jaarlijks grootscheepse oefeningen houden langs de grenzen van Noord-Korea, inclusief het afschieten van raketten, waarbij o.a. de landing op Noord-Koreaanse bodem wordt gesimuleerd, iets dat de Noord-Koreanen terecht al vele decennia zwaar frustreert……
Je zou zelfs kunnen constateren, de de agressie van de VS het bewind in Noord-Korea stevig in het zadel houdt………
Lees dit uitstekende artikel van Shahtahmasebi:
Is Wrong About North Korea
16, 2017 at 10:13 am
by Darius
(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — Imagine
a world where one country – country X – is bombing at
least seven countries at
any one time and is seeking to bomb
an eighth,
all the while threatening an adversarial ninth state – country Y –
that they will bomb that country into
oblivion, as well.
Imagine that in this world, country X already bombed country Y back
into the Stone Age several decades ago, which directly led to
the current adversarial nature of the relationship between the two
imagine that country Y, which is currently bombing no one and is
concerned mostly with well-founded threats against its own security,
threatens to retaliate
in the face of this mounting aggression if
country X attacks them first. On top of all this, imagine that only
country Y is portrayed in the media as a problem and that country X
is constantly given a free pass to do whatever it pleases.
replace country X with the United States of America and country Y
with North Korea to realize there is no need to imagine such a world.
It is the world we already live in.
true as all of this is, the problem is constantly framed as one
caused by North Korea alone, not the United States. “How to Deal
With North Korea,” the Atlantic explains.
“What Can Trump Do About North Korea?” the New
York Times asks.
“What Can Possibly Be Done About North Korea,” the Huffington
Post queries. Time provides 6
experts discussing “How We Can Solve the Problem” (of North
Korea). “North Korea – what can the outside world
do?” asks the BBC.
being said, some reports have framed the issue in completely
different terms. In an article entitled “The Game is Over and North
Korea Has Won,” Foreign
Policy’s Jeffrey
Lewis explains that
the United States should accept North Korea’s nuclear ambitions and
pursue other courses of action:
big question is where to go from here. Some of my colleagues still
think the United States might persuade North Korea to abandon, or at
least freeze, its nuclear and missile programs. I am not so sure. I
suspect we might have to settle for trying to reduce tensions so that
we live long enough to figure this problem out. But
there is only one way to figure out who is right: Talk
to the North Koreans.” [emphasis
Lewis explains
other options are basically terrible. There is no
credible military option. North
Korea has some unknown number of nuclear-armed missiles, maybe 60,
including ones that can reach the United States; do you really think
U.S. strikes could get all of them? That not a single one would
survive to land on Seoul, Tokyo, or New York? Or that U.S. missile
defenses would work better than designed, intercepting not most of
the missiles aimed at the United States, but every last one of them?
Are you willing to bet your life on that?” [emphasis
also worth mentioning that Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, General Paul Selva, already
testified to
the Senate Armed Services Committee that experts tell him North Korea
does not have “the
capacity to strike the U.S. with any degree of accuracy or reasonable
confidence of success.”
these observations to every single keyboard
warrior on
Facebook and Twitter who thinks the United States has a duty to
defend itself from – and destroy – this rogue state, which is
currently attacking no one else nor has any underlying reason to
(especially considering
that South Korea is
open to talking with the North rather than relying solely on a
military confrontation).
problem with the mind-numbingly militarized approach to this
conundrum is that it completely ignores the historical factors that
led the United States to this crossroads in the first place.
the early 1950s, the U.S. bombed North Korea into complete
oblivion, destroying over
8,700 factories, 5,000 schools, 1,000 hospitals, 600,000 homes,
and eventually
killing off
perhaps 20
percent of the country’s population.
As noted by the Asia
Pacific Journal,
the U.S. dropped so many bombs that they eventually ran out of
targets to hit:
the fall of 1952, there were no effective
targets left for US planes to hit.
Every significant town, city and industrial area in North Korea had
already been bombed. In the spring of 1953, the Air Force targeted
irrigation dams on the Yalu River, both to destroy the North Korean
rice crop and to pressure the Chinese, who would have to supply more
food aid to the North. Five reservoirs were hit, flooding thousands
of acres of farmland, inundating whole towns and laying waste to the
essential food source for millions of North Koreans.” [emphasis
its isolated state, the North Korean leadership that held office
after the end of the Korean war requested
nuclear weapons technology from
both China and the Soviet Union. After the collapse of the Soviet
empire, spearheaded by
the U.S., North Korea began to deteriorate even further, as it had
relied heavily on Soviet aid. Following a famine in the nineties that
reportedly killed as many as 500,000 civilians, North Korea was left
to its own devices as it watched its southern neighbors prosper. It
began to rapidly accelerate its nuclear weapons program.
the Clinton administration, a deal was struck
with North Korea that
aimed to ensure the communist nation would eventually freeze and
gradually dismantle its nuclear weapons development program.
W. Bush intentionally
derailed this
deal in a manner similar
to what President Trump is currently doing in his attempts to derail
the nuclear deal arranged with Iran in 2015. Then, to make matters
worse, the Bush administration accused Iraq of having weapons of mass
destruction and invaded the country in 2003, plunging the country
into a state of chaos even though Iraq clearly
possessed no nuclear weapons.
decision – coupled with Barack Obama and his NATO cohorts’ decision
to invade Libya in 2011 —
taught North
Korea a very valuable lesson about
what can happen to an adversarial state if they give up their nuclear
weapons program. This isn’t conjecture. It has come straight from
the horse’s
Libyan crisis is teaching the international community a grave
lesson,” which
was that Libya’s decision to abandon its weapons programs in 2003,
applauded by George W. Bush, had been “an
invasion tactic to disarm the country” –
according to North Korea’s Foreign Ministry.
invasion of Iraq was quite clearly tied to natural
resources and money,
as was the decision to invade
and topple Libya.
Lo and behold, North Korea is reportedly sitting
on a stockpile of minerals worth trillions of dollars. It also
happens to have only one
real major ally:
America’s economic thorn in the backside, China, a country the U.S.
has had a specific
containment policy towards.
is quite clear that threats of provocation to what is becoming a
rapidly growing nuclear-armed state, which is allied
to another nuclear-armed
state, have nothing to do with concerns about global security or
human rights. China has already
warned that their leadership will
only pick sides in the conflict if
the United States strikes first.
A simple solution, therefore, would be for the U.S. not to strike at
is for these reasons that Donald Trump stated in
1999 that the U.S. should negotiate with North Korea as a first
resort. Now that he is in the nuclear-code hot seat with a decaying
presidency on the verge of failure,
he has changed his approach.
sitting behind their computer screens claiming the U.S. should have
blown up North Korea a long time ago fail to realize that the U.S.
already did just that, as well as the fact that the U.S. has
specifically cultivated the conditions under which a state like North
Korea would want to acquire nuclear weapons in the first place. These
people also fail to realize that the U.S. and South Korea simulate
an invasion of
North Korea every
year and
have also planned to simulate
nuclear strikes,
as well. In its regular joint exercises, the U.S. has even
flown bombers low to the ground on
the North-South border,
dropping 2,000-pound (900 kilograms) bombs.
is provoking whom?
you find yourself fearing North Korea, try to imagine how North
Koreans feel about your current and former governments.
one is pretending Kim Jong-un is a saint, but he is currently bombing
no one, and any attempt on his part at bombing America’s allies or
bases would see his inevitable assassination and the destruction of
his entire regime. This war would also create
a refugee crisis that
makes the current crisis pale in comparison.
Korea’s nuclear strategy is a deterrent strategy only. The country
has learned many lessons from its own past, as well as lessons from
the U.S.-led invasions of Iraq, Libya, and other weaker nations —
and in response, it has made it a pointed policy to never succumb the
fate of these aforementioned countries.
who is able to absorb and digest all of this information and still
demand war between these two countries needs to pack their bags and
sign up for the military with the specific intention of being on the
front lines of this battle. If you believe in this war that
genuinely, you need to be prepared to fight it.
else is pure cowardice, glorified by sheer ignorance of this
conflict’s historical background, its geopolitical concerns, and
the humanitarian crisis it would create.
/ Creative
Commons / Anti-Media / Report
a typo
* Zie o.a.: ‘Raketwetenschappers over Noord-Korea’s kernraketten bluf en angstzaaierij in de VS……‘
** Zie: ‘VS buitenlandbeleid sinds WOII: een lange lijst van staatsgrepen en oorlogen……….‘
Zie ook: ‘North Korea: Killer Sanctions Imposed By The UN Security Council‘
en: ‘North Korea Does Not Trust America for a Pretty Good Reason‘
en: ‘Only Morons Believe What The US Government Says About North Korea‘
en: ‘VS dreigt Noord-Korea met wat je niet anders dan een nucleaire aanval kan noemen……..‘
en: ‘Noord-Koreaanse raketten zijn waardeloos, aldus VS generaal Selva…….‘
en: ‘Noord-Korea en de VS: de planning van de VS om Rusland en China aan te vallen met kernraketten……..‘
en: ‘Noord-Koreaanse raket zorgt voor belachelijke massahysterie…….‘
en: ‘Noord-Korea een agressor? Hier de feiten!‘
Toegevoegd op 18 januari 2018: wat betreft het dreigen met kernwapens en de ontwikkeling van nieuwe kernwapens zie:
‘VS sluit een nucleaire aanval niet uit als een mogelijke reactie op een ‘cyberaanval…….’‘
en: ‘VS op weg naar daadwerkelijk gebruik van het kernwapen…………..‘
en: ‘VN chef Guterrez geeft alarmcode rood af voor de wereld in 2018 en niet alleen vanwege het milieu of klimaat……‘ (deze link was wel eerder opgenomen in dit artikel)
en: ‘NAVO oefent op een nucleaire aanval tegen ‘een denkbeeldige vijand’, ofwel Rusland……….‘