De hysterie over ‘de gifgasaanval’ op Khan Sheikhoun kwam de VS bijzonder goed uit, daar zelfs de reguliere mediaorganen eigenlijk niet voorbij konden gaan, aan het stijgende aantal getuigenissen over een VS bombardement op het dichtbevolkt West-Mosul….. Een bombardement dat plaatsvond op 17 maart jl., waarbij een paar honderd burgers om het leven kwamen (dus inclusief vrouwen, kinderen, waaronder ‘beautiful babies’ en ouden van dagen)………
Dat er amper werd bericht over dit bombardement, had niet alleen te maken met het verbod van de ‘Irak-coalitie’ (o.l.v. de VS) op toegang van embedded journalisten (z.a. flapdrol Hans Jaap Melissen) tot het grootste deel van Mosul. Minstens zo belangrijk is het feit, dat men liever niet spreekt over de enorme oorlogsmisdaden begaan door de VS, niet door de westerse reguliere afhankelijke massamedia en niet door het overgrote deel van de westerse politici…..
Hier het relaas van Anti-Media (Anti-War) op basis van getuigenissen gedaan door overlevenden van deze enorme VS oorlogsmisdaad tegen de bevolking van Mosul:
Describe US Airstrike That Killed Hundreds in Mosul
Survivors Describe US Airstrike That Killed Hundreds in Mosul
3, 2017 at 4:22 am
by Anti-Media
News Desk
March 17, US airstrikes leveled three buildings in Mosul’s Old
City, killing hundreds of civilians within. The official death toll
is still not totally clear, but all told was well in excess of 200,
and close to 300 according to some accounts. The Pentagon version is
that they were responsible for 14 deaths.
the course of trying to manage the narrative, the Pentagon had
claimed to have video footage of ISIS forcing hundreds of civilians
into the homes right before the US strikes, though they never offered
this footage, and rather showed footage of ISIS moving civilians
before a much smaller incident. Witnesses
and survivors of the US strike say the whole US story about ISIS
putting them in the homes never happened.
they insist airstrikes had been leveling houses in the area for days,
and ultimately everybody ended up collected into just three houses
close together, hundreds of people from scores of families, when
major US airstrikes came and brought the buildings down on top of
the whole reason the houses had been so popular with fleeing
civilians is that they were relatively far away from the fighting,
and they assumed there’d be no reason for them to be attacked,
since they were small and isolated. The Pentagon has yet to respond
to the eyewitness accounts, which radically differ from their own
version of events.
By Jason
Ditz /
Republished with permission / / Report
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