Guaidó is een ordinaire couppleger van de VS, e.e.a. gaat volledig in tegen de Venezolaanse constitutie

CounterPunch van 8 februari jl. een artikel van Roger Harris
waarin hij een aantal zaken opvoert die duidelijk maken dat Guaidó
een zetbaasje is van de VS en dat de zogenaamde afzetting van Maduro
(immers op order van de VS stelde Guaidó dat hij de nieuwe president
is) en een eventuele installatie van Guaidó als president volkomen tegen de Venezolaanse constitutie ingaat…….. 

Bovendien is Guaidó voorzitter van een kleine oppositie partij (Voluntad Popular) en niet de oppositieleider van Venezuela, zoals de reguliere media je keer op keer willen doen geloven….. Sterker nog: Guaidó zou zelfs niet tot de top van zijn partij behoren, aldus Harris, voorts zouden andere oppositiepartijen Guaidó niet steunen…..

Lees het
volgende artikel en geeft het ajb door, het is van het hoogste belang dat de VS, de NAVO, de
EU, Canada en een aantal Latijns Amerikaanse landen met hun handen
afblijven van Venezuela…… Als het tot een inval van de VS en de
NAVO in Venezuela komt, zullen veel Venezolanen het leven verliezen en gezien de
agressie van de VS en haar terreurorganisatie NAVO, zal een fiks deel
van Venezuela in puin worden gelegd…….

Laten de
VS, Canada en de EU zich maar eens bemoeien met de genocide in Jemen
en dan niet op de manier van de VS, het helpen bij die genocide, maar
door de Saoedische terreurcoalitie te isoleren, te boycotten en zo te
dwingen te stoppen met alweer een genocide, die het westen tegen de
eerder door haarzelf gedane verklaringen in, na de genocide in Rwanda, toch laat

Kan het
westen eindelijk ook eens Israël onder druk zetten te stoppen met de
etnische zuivering van Palestijnen en te stoppen met de massamoorden
op dit verdrukte volk…..

situatie in Jemen en de Palestijnse gebieden is duizenden keren erger
dan die in Venezuela en toch wil men bij de laatste, geheel hypocriet, wel ingrijpen……. Vergeet natuurlijk niet dat de situatie in Venezuela geheel te danken is aan de economische oorlog die de VS tegen dit land voerde en voert (nu met de zogenaamd gelegaliseerde hulp middels sancties van de EU…) 

8, 2019

Guaidó: The Man Who Would Be President of Venezuela Doesn’t Have a
Constitutional Leg to Stand On


Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Juan Guaidó: The Man Who Would Be President of Venezuela Doesn’t Have a Constitutional Leg to Stand On

Trump imagines Juan Guaidó is the rightful president of Venezuela.
Mr. Guaidó, a man of impeccable illegitimacy, was 
exposed by
Cohen and Blumenthal as “a product of a decade-long project
overseen by Washington’s elite regime change trainers.”
Argentinian sociologist Marco Teruggi described Guaidó in the same
article as “a character that has been 
created for
this circumstance” of regime change. Here, his constitutional
credentials to be interim president of Venezuela are deconstructed.

at George Washington University in DC, Guaidó was virtually unknown
in his native Venezuela before being thrust on to the world stage in
a rapidly unfolding series of events. In a 
poll conducted
a little more than a week before Guaidó appointed himself president
of the country, 81% of Venezuelans had never even heard of the

make a short story shorter, US Vice President Pence phoned Guaidó on
the evening of January 22rd and presumably asked him how’d he
like to be made president of Venezuela. The next day, Guaidó
announced that he considered himself president of Venezuela, followed
within minutes by US President Trump confirming the self-appointment.

few weeks before on January 5, Guaidó had been installed as
president of Venezuela’s National Assembly, their unicameral
legislature. He had been elected to the assembly from a coastal
district with 26% of the vote. It was his party’s turn for the
presidency of the body, and he was hand-picked for the position.
Guaidó, even within his own party, was not in the top leadership.

party, Popular Will, is a far-right marginal group whose most
enthusiastic boosters are John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, and Mike
Pompeo. Popular Will had adopted a strategy of regime change by
extra-parliamentary means rather than engage in the democratic
electoral process and had not participated in recent Venezuelan

anointed by Trump and company, Guaidó’s Popular Will Party is not
representative of the “Venezuelan opposition,” which is a
fractious bunch whose hatred of Maduro is only matched by their
abhorrence of each other. Leading opposition candidate Henri Falcón,
who ran against Maduro in 2018 on a neoliberal austerity platform,
had been vehemently opposed by Popular Will who demanded that he join
their US-backed boycott of the election.

Venezuelan news outlet, 
reported that prominent opposition politician Henrique Capriles, who
had run against Maduro in 2013, “affirmed during an interview that
the majority of 
parties did not agree
the self-swearing in of Juan Guaidó as interim president of the
president of the party Solutions for Venezuela, wrote “we believe
in the vote, in dialogue, we believe in coming to an understanding,
we believe Venezuelans need to 
ways with the extremist
that only offer hatred, revenge, lynching.” Key opposition
governor of the State of Táchira, Laidy Gómez,
rejected Guaidó’s
support of intervention by the US, warning that it “would generate
death of Venezuelans.”

Guaidó/Trump cabal does not reflect the democratic consensus in
Venezuela, where polls consistently show super majorities 
outside intervention
Popular opinion in Venezuela supports negotiations between the
government and the opposition as proposed by Mexico, Uruguay, and the
Vatican. The Maduro administration has embraced the negotiations as a
peaceful solution to the crisis facing Venezuela.

US government 
a negotiated solution
in the words of Vice President Pence: “This is no time for
dialogue; this is time for action.” This intransigent position is
faithfully echoed by Guaidó. So while most Venezuelans want peace,
the self-appointed president, backed by the full force of US military
power, wrote in a 
York Times
that it was possible to “end the Maduro regime with a minimum of

Guaidó/Trump cabal’s fig leaf for legitimacy is based on the 
Article 233 of the 
the National Assembly the power to declare a national president’s
“abandonment” of the office. In which case, the president of the
National Assembly can serve as an interim national president, until
presidential elections are held. The inconvenient truth is that
Maduro has shown no inclination to abandon his post, and the
constitution says no such thing.

fact, the grounds for replacing a president are very clearly laid out
in the first paragraph of 
the Venezuelan constitution and do not include fraudulent or
illegitimate election, which is what the cabal has been claiming. In
the convoluted logic of the US government and its epigones, if the
people elect someone the cabal doesn’t like, the election is by
definition fraudulent and the democratically elected winner is 

function of adjudicating the validity of an election, as in any
country, is to be dealt with through court challenges, not by turning
to Donald Trump for his approval. And certainly not by anointing an
individual from a party that could have run in the 2018 election but
decided to boycott.

Supreme Tribunal of Justice (TSJ), which is the separate supreme
court branch of the Venezuelan government has certified Maduro’s
reelection, as have independent international observers. Further, no
appeal was filed by any of the boycotting parties, while all
participating parties – including opposition ones – signed off on
the validity of the election after the polls closed.

far-right opposition has boycotted the high court as well as the
electoral process. They contest the legitimacy of the TSJ because
some members of the TSJ were appointed by a lame duck National
Assembly favorable to Maduro, after a new National Assembly with a
majority in opposition had been elected in December 2015 but not yet

if President Maduro were somehow deemed to have experienced what is
termed a 
some sort of void in the presidency due to death, insanity, absence,
etc.), the National Assembly president is only authorized to take
over if the 
before the lawful president “takes possession.” However, Maduro
was already “in possession” before the January 10, 2019
presidential inauguration and even before the May 10, 2018
presidential election. Maduro had won the presidency in the 2013
election and ran and won reelection last May.

deemed to have occurred during the first four years of the
presidential term, the vice president takes over. Then the
constitution decrees that a snap election for the presidency must be
held within 30 days. This is what happened when President Hugo Chávez
died while in office in 2013. Then Vice President Nicolás Maduro
succeeded to the presidency, called for new elections, and was
elected by the people of Venezuela.

it is deemed that the 
during the last two years of the six-year presidential term, the vice
president serves until the end of the term, according to the
Venezuelan constitution. And if the time of the alleged 
unclear – when Maduro presided over “illegitimate” elections in
2018, as is claimed by the far-right opposition – it is up to the
TSJ to decide, not the head of the National Assembly or even such an
august authority as US Senator Marco Rubio. Or the craven US press
(too numerous to cite), which without bothering to read the plain
language of the Bolivarian Constitution, repeatedly refers to Guaidó
as the “constitutionally authorized” or “legitimate”

As Alfred
de Zayas
United Nations independent expert on the promotion of a democratic
and equitable international order, tweeted: “Article 233 of the
Venezuelan constitution is inapplicable and cannot be twisted into
legitimizing Guaidó’s self-proclamation as interim President.
is a coup

the debate on Facebook

articles by:

Harris is on the board of the 
Force on the Americas
a 32-year-old anti-imperialist human rights organization.


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