Het Israëlische leger dat heer en meester is op de illegaal door Israël bezette West bank, heeft een invalide van achter in het hoofd
geschoten, echt een ‘geweldige heldendaad…..’ Een een moord thuishorend
in een fascistische maatschappij en dat is Israël nu dan ook
officieel (met de natiestaat wet)
zwaar bewapende militairen, uitstekend beschermd zelfs tegen
vuurwapens, met stenen werden bekogeld, besloten de militairen het
vuur te openen op Palestijnen die terecht kwaad waren over de
zoveelste treiteractie van het Israëlische leger (dat zogenaamd
onderzoek uitvoerde)….. Een Israëlische legerwoordvoerder stelde plompverloren dat het leger het vuur opende nadat Palestijnse demonstranten met stenen gooiden…… Normaal toch, dat je zoals gezegd zwaarbewapende, zelfs tegen kogels beschermde militairen, laat schieten op mensen als zij met stenen gooien……..
Volgens de VN zijn er dit jaar 27 Palestijnen door Israël vermoord op de West bank en raakten 5.000 Palestijnse mensen gewond door Israëlische terreur….. Dit steekt lullig genoeg flets af tegen het aantal doden en gewonden in de openluchtgevangenis van Israël die wordt aangeduid als ‘Gazastrook’, ofwel een getto dat het best te vergelijken is met het getto van Warschau tijdens WOII……
In de Gazastrook vermoordde Israël tijdens de voortdurende demonstraties genaamd ‘Great Return March, dit jaar (in haar strijd tegen ongewapende demonstranten) al meer dan 220 Palestijnen waaronder kinderen (52), invaliden, medische hulpverleners en journalisten, daarnaast raakten circa 20.000 Palestijnen gewond…… (Sinds het jaar 2000 heeft Israël nu al 2.070 Palestijnse kinderen vermoord…….*)
beslist de wereld eindelijk dat het genoeg is geweest met de Israëlische terreur en isoleert het dit land volkomen, zoals eertijds het
apartheidsbewind van Zuid-Afrika??? (nog een overeenkomst met Zuid-Afrika in het verleden: het gevoerde apartheidsbeleid door de fascistische staat Israël)
Het volgende artikel komt van Middle East Eye (MEE):
mourn 22-year-old disabled Palestinian shot dead by Israeli army
of Mohammed Ihbali says he was walking with his back to soldiers when
they shot him in the West Bank city of Tulkarem
4 December 2018 11:30 UTC
update: Wednesday 5
December 2018 7:19 UTC
was reportedly shot with live ammunition in the head and groin area
of Palestinians gathered for the funeral of a 22-year-old disabled
Palestinian who was shot in the head by Israeli forces during an
early morning raid in the West Bank city of Tulkarem on Tuesday.
Ihbali was shot with live ammunition in the head and groin area, and
was pronounced dead after he was rushed to Thabet Thabet Hospital
also in Tulkarem, according to local media outlets and a family
was killed when Israeli forces raided his neighbourhood and, in
response, young Palestinians reportedly defended their homes.
older brother, Alaa Hussam Ihbali, told Middle East Eye that Mohammed
was leaving work at a local coffee shop in the Khoudouri area when he
crossed a street where Israeli forces and local Palestinians were
back was towards the soldiers. He was walking away from them and from
the clash area,” Ihbali said. Footage
from a surveillance camera shared
on social media after the incident appears to confirm Ihbali’s
Israeli army spokesperson told MEE that soldiers were conducting an
operation in the city “during which a violent riot was
instigated and dozens of Palestinians hurled rocks at the IDF
responded with riot dispersal means and later on with live fire,”
he added, declining to comment specifically on what happened to
who family members said had difficulty speaking, lived with seven
brothers and sisters in the Tulkarem refugee camp. Alaa said his
brother was “simple and quiet”.
really lovely, always helping people, not the type to get involved in
problems,” he said.
Videos posted
online on
Tuesday showed mourners trailing behind Ihbali as he was carried
through the city’s narrow streets on Tuesday afternoon before funeral
and senseless killing’
army forces frequently raid homes in all areas of the West Bank,
despite the fact that Area A – which includes Tulkarem – and
Area B are nominally under the political control of the
Palestinian Authority (PA).
the Oslo Accords that paved the way for the creation of the PA – a
political entity intended to usher in the creation of an independent
Palestinian state – the West Bank was divided into Areas A, B and C.
A represents 18 percent of the territory, officially under full PA
political and security control.
B makes up 22 percent of the West Bank, under PA political control
and Israeli military control. The remaining 60 percent falls in Area
C, under full Israeli military control.
practice, however, the Israeli army often carries out raids in all
parts of the West Bank, and the PA has maintained its security
cooperation with Israel despite the scores of Palestinians killed at
the hands of Israeli troops.
Abu Zeyad, a campaigner for Amnesty International, told MEE that
Palestinians killed during Israeli arrest raids “is nothing
“disproportionate presence of military and police” inside
the West Bank during Israeli arrest raids “is likely to continue
unless this cycle of impunity is broken”, he said.
forces for decades have repeatedly violated their obligations under
international law by responding to stone-throwing protests by using
excessive force, including live fire against protesters,
causing unlawful and unnecessary deaths and injuries,”
Zeyad told MEE.
Israeli authorities must hold those found responsible for these grave
violations to account through fair trials. If this does not happen,
we will not see an end to Israeli forces’ random and senseless
killing of Palestinians.”
to the UN
Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs,
Israeli forces have killed 27 Palestinians in the West Bank in 2018,
not including Ihbali.
UN had also noted that Israeli forces also injured more than 5,000
Palestinians in the West Bank.
Tags: Palestine, Israel, Occupation, Mohammed
Ihbali, IDF
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Het label ‘PA’, direct onder dit bericht staat voor Palestijnse Autoriteit.