Israëlische terreur in Negev: dorp voor 114de keer ‘gebulldozerd’

Anti-Media meldde eergisteren, dat het Palestijnse Bedoeïenendorp al-Araqib voor de 114de keer werd gebulldozerd…… U denkt wellicht, 114 keer, is dat niet wat overdreven, maar zelfs één keer zou één keer teveel zijn!!

De Palestijnse bedoeïenen wonen al een paar duizend jaar in de Negev, maar als het de fascistische apartheidsregering van Israël behaagd, verklaart het bedoeïenen dorpen als niet bestaand en dus illegaal. Dit terwijl illegale Israëlische nederzettingen in het gebied mogen worden uitgebreid, sterker nog, deze worden niet zelden gebouwd op de plek waar eerst een Palestijns bedoeïenendorp werd vernietigd door de fascistische Israëlische overheidsdiensten………

Al vaker gemeld op deze plek, Israël, haar politie en het Israëlische leger gebruiken nazi-Duitse methoden als vergelding, iets dat begin negentiger jaren zelfs werd toegegeven door officieren uit het Israëlische leger…… Nog een staaltje nazi-Duitse terreur: de bewoners van al-Araqib worden verantwoordelijk gesteld voor de kosten van het bulldozeren van hun huizen, deze kosten zijn nu al ruim de half miljoen dollar gepasseerd……….

Al-Araqib is één van de 35 dorpen, die Israël niet erkend als bestaand……. Lees het artikel Whitney Webb over deze onverdraaglijke gang van zaken. Zoals gewoonlijk is ook voor deze vorm van Israëlische terreur amper of geen aandacht bij de politiek en de reguliere (‘onafhankelijke’) media in ons land

Bulldozers Demolish Palestinian Village for 114th Time in Seven Years

19, 2017 at 8:04 pm


bulldozers flattened a village inhabited by the ancient Palestinian
Bedouins, a tribe that has lived on the land for thousands of years.
Israeli authorities have systematically run the indigenous Bedouins
off of their land to pave the way for Jewish-only settlements.

(MPN) — Israel
Land Authority (ILA) officials, along with Israeli police and several
and then demolished
Bedouin village of al-Araqib in the Negev region this week.

demolition marked the 114th time that the ILA has destroyed the
village, with the first time taking place in 2010 and the most recent
prior to Wednesday’s demolition taking place
last month

of the structures that were demolished on Wednesday were tin homes
that village residents had built over the course of the last month in
order to continue living in the area.

while the residents of al-Araqib are grappling with the most recent
demolition that has wiped out their village, Israeli Jewish
communities in the region continue to expand on Palestinian land.

year, the ILA approved five new Jewish-only residential settlements
in the Negev, two of which are located where “unrecognized”
Palestinian Bedouin villages currently stand.

rights groups have argued that the demolition of Bedouin villages is
directly related to the expansion of illegal Jewish
the policy
a means of removing the indigenous Palestinian population in order to
create even more settlements for Jewish-only Israelis.

Israel’s inception in 1948, white Jewish-only settlements have been
built on indigenous Palestinian land after the indigenous population
has been ethnically cleansed in order to accommodate European Jews in
beginning their new lives in Israel.

historic Palestinian Bedouins have lived in the villages since they
transferred to the sites
an Israeli military order issued in 1956. However, the Bedouins
significantly predate the state of Israel, as they have lived in the
area for thousands of years as the original Arab ethnic group of the
Middle East.

officials have been repeatedly accused by residents of carrying out
demolitions with little consideration for the village’s residents.
Indeed, instead of providing any resources for the now-homeless
villagers, al-Araqib’s residents
been ordered
the Israeli government to pay for the cumulative cost of the 114
demolitions that have been carried out since 2010, a figure which
stands at more than 2 million shekels, or roughly $541,000.

the Palestinian Bedouins – despite the constant destruction of
their homes – have remained defiant, refusing to relocate.
Following last month’s demolition, al-Araqib resident Sayyah
the Ma’an News Agency
demolition crimes will not scare us or stop us from rebuilding our
homes and holding on to our lands. We will stay here despite the
injustice and criminal demolitions, we will not submit to their plans
of uprooting and displacing us.”

is one of 35 Bedouin villages that the Israeli government considers
“unrecognized,” even though
than half
the estimated 160,000 Bedouins living in the Negev region reside in
such villages. The “unrecognized” classification also prevents
Bedouins living in these villages from developing or expanding their
communities. It has also led to Israeli authorities
to connect
villages to national water and electric grids and refusing to offer
their residents healthcare and educational services, despite the fact
that the Bedouins are technically Israeli citizens.

activity on the rise

the Israeli demolition of Palestinian housing has become more
prominent in 2017, as pushes to expand Israeli settlements and the
demolition of indigenous Palestinian homes have both spiked since the
year began.

Israeli NGO Peace Now
earlier this month
the number of settlements approved in the first half of 2017 is
nearly triple the number that was approved in all of 2016, with 7,721
housing units approved since January compared to 2,657 over the
entire course of last year.

of Palestinian homes within Israel have also picked up in the first
half of the year, beginning with a deadly 
demolition raid
the Bedouin village of Umm al-Hiran in January. A new Jewish-Israeli
town called “Hiran” is set to take the village’s place.

push to expand illegal settlements at all costs has recently brought
international condemnation against the Israeli government, with 
United States
, the
United Kingdom and Japan
the expansion of illegal settlements, saying this phenomenon is “not
conducive” to the peace process.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seems less than concerned
with such statements, as evidenced by his comments at a ceremony
celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Six-Day War earlier this
month. At the ceremony, Netanyahu
an audience
Jewish settlers that he was “doing whatever is needed to protect
the Jewish settlement enterprise.”

will likely take more than stern words from foreign governments to
convince the Israeli government to abandon its illegal activities,
which have compounded the suffering of indigenous Palestinians who
are losing their land to modern-day colonization.

By Whitney
Republished with permission / 
 / Report
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Zie ook:

Palestijnse bedoeïenen: vergeten en verjaagd‘  MO (Mondiaal Nieuws) 17 oktober 2013.

De geschiedenis van de Palestijnse Bedoeïenen in de Negev-Naqab‘ (Een Ander Joods Geluid, 15 juni 2017)

Israëlische terreur: man wordt gedwongen z’n huis te slopen op de dag van z’n bruiloft…….

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