Terwijl de hysterie in het westen weer is toegeslagen wegens een vermeende aanval met gifgas ‘door het Syrische leger’*, sterven er op fikse schaal mensen in Jemen, in een door Saoedi-Arabië veroorzaakte hongersnood…….
Het soennitische Saoedi-Arabië is een illegale oorlog begonnen tegen de Houthi-rebellen in Jemen, puur en alleen daar het sjiieten zijn…… Deze Houthi rebellen boekten succes in hun gevecht tegen IS en AL Qaida, terreurgroepen die van de zelf opgestapte president, onderdak hadden gekregen in Jemen en waar deze terreurgroepen de ene na de andere aanslag pleegden op sjiieten. Vanwege het succes van de Houthi’s, zette de reli-fascistische dictatuur van S-A, de opgestapte president van Jemen, Al-Hadi, die in S-A verbleef, onder druk om formeel zijn presidentschap weer op te eisen, zodat hij het leger van S-A te hulp kon roepen in de strijd tegen de Houthi’s…….
Saoedi-Arabië dat intussen een gigantische reeks oorlogsmisdaden heeft begaan tegen de Jemenitische bevolking**, wordt o.a. gesteund door de VS en Groot-Brittannië…… De laatste middels wapen- en munitieleveranties (o.a. clusterbommen) en militaire training, waar de VS sinds enige tijd zelf meevecht in Jemen, niet alleen middels luchtbombardementen en drone aanvallen, maar ook met troepen op de grond……… Overigens vecht een groot deel van het Jemenitische leger mee aan de kant van de Houthi rebellen, evenals ex-president Saleh.
Uitermate triest, de enorme hypocrisie van het overgrote deel van de westerse politici en de reguliere westerse massamedia, die amper of niet spreken over de Saoedische terreur in Jemen……. Dit terwijl we net de Giro555 actie achter de rug hebben, waarin ook Jemen prominent als doel werd genoemd…..
Kijk als Rusland, Syrië of Iran iets dergelijks durfden te flikken, was de wereld te klein geweest………
Silent As Saudi Arabia Devastates Yemen Into Famine
Media Silent As Saudi Arabia Devastates Yemen Into Famine
4, 2017 at 7:53 am
by Anti-Media
News Desk
(MPN) Saudi
Arabia, a kingdom that’s been allied with the United States since
1933, has been directly involved in bringing about one of the most
horrifying famines in history in the country of Yemen. But this may
be news to you if you’ve only been watching mainstream coverage of
the situation – and there hasn’t been much of that coverage in
the first place.
years of bombing campaigns by Saudi Arabia with support from other
Gulf states and the U.S., nearly half a million Yemeni children
are months
away from famine.
The situation is compounded by the fact that over 50 percent of the
population is living
below the poverty line.
U.S.-Saudi alliance, which has devastated the region in nearly
unimaginable ways, has been partly strengthened by the U.S.’
devotion to preserving the political supremacy of Gulf states –
more specifically, their military strength. According
to the U.S. State Department’s Bureau
of Eastern Affairs,
“Saudi Arabia is […] a strong partner in
regional security and counter-terrorism efforts, providing military,
diplomatic, and financial cooperation. It works closely with U.S. law
enforcement to safeguard both countries’ national security
U.S. has provided Saudi Arabia with economic and military assistance
since full diplomatic relations were established in 1940. In February
1943, President Franklin D. Roosevelt made Saudi Arabia eligible for
lend-lease assistance, describing the kingdom as “vital.”
The lend-lease
policy between
the US and Saudi Arabia meant that FDR was permitted “to transfer
arms or any other defense materials for which Congress appropriated
money to “the government of any country whose defense the President
deems vital to the defense of the United States.” Two years later,
Roosevelt would visit Ibn Saud, the first monarch and founder of
Saudi Arabia, and publicly affirm U.S. commitment to the country and
its monarchy. The reason for this tremendous display of solidarity?
to a draft memorandum released
in 1945, oil reserves in Saudi Arabia “constitute a stupendous
source of strategic power, and [are] one of the greatest material
prizes in world history…”
The memo goes on to say that “it will
undoubtedly be lost to the United States unless this Government is
able to demonstrate in a practical way its recognition of this
concession as of national interest by acceding to the reasonable
requests of King Ibn Saud that he be assisted temporarily in his
economic and financial difficulties until the exploitation of the
concession, on a practical commercial basis, begins to bring
substantial royalties to Saudi Arabia.”
U.S. military presence in the Gulf was firmly established by way of
such royalties, and as U.S. administrations have come and gone, the
country’s relationship with Saudi Arabia has never wavered.
Saudi Kingdom, with its oil-based cash flow, has since become one of
the most influential Gulf states in Washington, and the U.S. has
remained just as steadfast in its commitment to the kingdom.
Even as
Saudi bombs have fallen on hospitals, schools and densely populated
civilian areas in Yemen, the U.S. has refused to reprimand Saudi
Arabia. After the Obama
administration publicly authorized the military bombardment of Yemen,
describing it as a “military action to defend Saudi Arabia’s
border and to protect Yemen’s legitimate government…,” his
administration awarded
Saudi Arabia with artillery and
even went as far as to refuel
Saudi jets that
have taken part in deadly bombing campaigns.
specific data concerning the U.S. Air Force’s refueling of foreign
aircraft isn’t publicly released, Air Force Central Command
spokeswoman Capt. Kathleen Atanasoff reported
in February that
U.S. service tankers took part in over 7,000 refueling “events,”
with “about 54 million pounds of fuel off-loaded in support of
Saudi operations in Yemen.”
Arabia hasn’t kept itself solely occupied with military campaigns.
The state has also devoted itself to spreading
violent sectarian mythology, executing
men and women for “witchcraft” and “sorcery”,
implementing deeply restrictive patriarchal policies and sending
mercenaries to quell the uprising in Bahrain.
At the same time, Saudi Arabia has inaugurated a ‘girl’s
council’ absolutely devoid of women and
continued to enjoy a leading membership
role in the United Nations Human Rights Council.
this, the Obama administration has continued to provide the kingdom
with record-setting
weapons deals,
with little to nothing said regarding the country’s unabashed
abuses of human rights.
has continued to suffer from the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia,
and as starvation, scarcity of water and a lack of medical supplies
claim more lives, Saudi Arabia’s oil-drenched ambitions are going
entirely unchallenged by yet another U.S. administration that is
thoroughly invested in maintaining a stranglehold on the region with
the help from Gulf monarchs.
By Roqayah
Chamseddine/ /
Republished with permission / MintPress
News / Report
a typo
** Oorlogsmisdaden als blokkades, waardoor voedsel, water, medicijnen en brandstof nog nauwelijks te verkrijgen zijn in Jemen, de directe oorzaak voor de enorme hongersnood in dat land. Ook de de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde, de VS helpt (op zee) mee aan die blokkade……….
‘Jemen: elke 10 minuten sterft een kind onnodig >> verantwoordelijken: Saoedi-Arabië, de VS en GB‘
‘Jemen en Saoedi-Arabië: leugens van de ‘onafhankelijke’ NOS voor ‘het goede doel……….’‘
‘Saoedi-Arabië bombardeert begrafenis ceremonie in Jemen, VS ‘heroverweegt’ wapenleveranties………‘
‘Witte Huis juristen waarschuwden Obama al in 2015 voor aanklachten wegens oorlogsmisdaden‘
(met mogelijkheid tot vertaling in ‘Dutch’): ‘U.S. and U.K. Continue to Participate in War Crimes, Targeting of Yemeni Civilians‘
‘VS heeft reden gefabriceerd om de Houthi rebellen in Jemen te bombarderen…….‘
‘Ali Al Shihabi: Saoedi-Arabie begaat geen oorlogsmisdaden in Jemen……. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!‘
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