kromme kop beste bezoeker, ik weet ‘t en voordat je denkt dat ik een paar jaar
geleden McCain als held zag, het tegendeel is waar, McCain was een
oorlogshitser van de eerste orde en bovendien een psychopathische
kop heeft alles te maken met het hieronder opgenomen artikel van
Caitlin Johnstone. Het democratische congreslid Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez was een politieke held van Johnstone, met de nadruk op
twitterde lovende woorden over McCain na diens ‘verscheiden’, zo
durfde deze republikeinse hufter te stellen dat de erfenis van
McCain het toonbeeld is van menselijk fatsoen en ‘dienstbaarheid’ aan
de VS……. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Beste bezoeker dat was het
nog niet, Ocasio-Cortez schreef voorts: als stagiair heeft ze van
McCain de kracht van menselijkheid in regeren geleerd, door zijn vriendschap
met senator Kennedy…….. Ja, ik kan wel blijven lachen, jezus,
waar haalt ze het vandaan??? Blijkbaar wil deze Ocasio-Cortez over
een paar jaar op voor het presidentschap in de VS, immers ze moet
weten wat een enorm bloedige erfenis deze McCain heeft
de reguliere media hier kunnen er ook wat van, de ene superlatief na
de andere over deze misselijk psychopaat……. Het defecte BNR kompas voor het buitenland, zwetskont Hammelburg vond het vanmorgen nodig om in z’n column McCain een aantal veren in de reet te steken, ach ja, Hammelburg…… Laat ik ook één superlatief toevoegen: McCain was een enorme schoft en oorlogsmisdadiger die in
de gevangenis van Scheveningen dood had moeten gaan! (na een levenslange veroordeling door het Internationaal Strafhof)
het uitgebreide artikel van Johnstone, waarin ze beschrijft hoe de meeste veelbelovende politici je keer op keer weer weten teleur te stellen. Jammer dat Johnstone zegt dat ook socialistische regimes keer op keer mislukken (en er eigenlijk nooit echte socialistische regimes zijn geweest), echter dat heeft alles te maken met de grote vijand van het socialisme, de VS, die keer op keer succesvolle socialistische regimes probeert af te zetten (wat vaak genoeg is gelukt), waar de VS eerst zo’n land economisch onderuit haalt, door boycots en niet VS bedrijven (VS bedrijven lopen wat dat betreft braaf aan de leiband) te dreigen met sancties als men toch zaken doet met zo’n land, neem Cuba, Chili en nu weer Venezuela (waar Iran in feite een succesvolle socialistische politiek voert, wordt dit land door de VS nu op andere valse gronden geïsoleerd van de wereld…). Jammer dat ene punt, geen reden om het verder uitstekende artikel van Johnstone te negeren:
27, 2018
Do Our Heroes Always Let Us Down?
congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is drawing fire from
the antiwar left, and not for the first, second or third time. The
same leftist contingent which has been energizing Ocasio-Cortez’s
campaign and elevating her to the public spotlight has been voicing
increasing concerns about her antiwar platform temporarily
vanishing from
her campaign website, about her walking
back from her position on
the Israeli government’s massacring of Palestinian protesters with
sniper fire, about her weirdly hawkish criticism of the GOP as being
on national security”,
and her deference to the establishment
Russia narrative.
now, as multiple outlets have documented in
articles released in the last few hours, many of Ocasio-Cortez’s
supporters have been upset with a statement she made praising the
recently deceased warmongering psychopath John McCain and his
blood-soaked legacy.
McCain’s legacy represents an unparalleled example of human decency
and American service,” tweeted the candidate upon McCain’s death,
which, for anyone who cares about the late Arizona
senator’s relentless
push to
inflict military
violence around
the world at every opportunity, is incredibly offensive. McCain was
easily the single most virulent warmonger on Capitol Hill, so
praising him and his legacy as exemplary of human decency necessarily
clashes with the “Peace Economy” platform that has
had so
many of Ocasio-Cortez’s supporters so
John McCain’s legacy represents an unparalleled example of human decency and American service.
As an intern, I learned a lot about the power of humanity in government through his deep friendship with Sen. Kennedy.
He meant so much, to so many. My prayers are with his family.
From The Post’s Editorial Board: John McCain, the irreplaceable American wapo.st/2PBXuix
remains of the American left (and for my right-wing readers I here
mean the actual anti-war, socialist left, not the Hillary Clinton
“Make sure we refer to everyone on our drone kill list by their
preferred gender pronouns” corporatist Left™ that Americans are
permitted to support) has become very suspicious of anyone who rises
to a position of leadership among their ranks, especially anyone who
appears to lend legitimacy to the profoundly corrupt Democratic
Party. And understandably so; being a DemEnter progressive is a
nonstop lesson in disappointment, heartache and betrayal. Door after
door after door gets slammed on all attempts to advance your
political agendas, and if you find someone who seems like he might
maybe be able to sneak some health in between the cracks, he turns
around and helps sell
America the new cold war with
has been a set pattern for a long time now. I often share
this video clip from
eight years ago when the progressives who had hoped that the Obama
administration would oppose warmongering and fight for economic
justice were coming to the conclusion that they had been duped yet
again by the “hope and change” song and dance. The term
“three-dimensional chess”, a term you’ll always see supporters
of a given political figure start using when their hero begins
capitulating to establishment interests, is used scornfully in the
clip. It happens on either side of the political aisle; I see Trump
supporters do it too when
I point out the many ways in which he is continuing and expanding the
Orwellian neoconservative policies of his predecessors.
Replying to @Inverte30470345 and 2 others
Trump supporters claim his nonstop establishment capitulations are chess, too. And Obama’s supporters claimed his nonstop establishment capitulations were chess as well. Now you’re saying the exact same thing about @Ocasio2018. youtu.be/vVX8QihFhZA
up with that? Why do our heroes always fail us? Why does everyone we
elevate to fight the oppression machine always end up becoming a cog
in that very machine? Is there a lesson here we’re meant to be
think there is. Out of the constant rise and fall of hope and then
disappointment, over and over the lesson is that we aren’t going to
get a savior. We can keep looking for one and crowdsurfing them to
the frontlines, but each pedestalling will inevitably fail. We will
be constantly disappointed by the choices of humans on an individual
basis. The second coming ain’t coming to save us unless it’s
coming from within, and within all of us.
few days I get a comment from a reader who is deeply disappointed in
my choices. “I can’t believe you’ve gone and said such a
thing,” they say. “To think, I used to trust you! You were my
hero!” And I always want to shout back, “Well, that was a bit
dumb, who told you to do that?? Who told you I was interested in
being anyone’s hero?”
I’m truly not. I’ve got exactly zero interest in being anyone’s
hero or leader or guru or anything like that; I’m just some
potty-mouthed bogan with a few ideas and a Medium account, and I like
it that way. I don’t have any special powers and if you find my
thoughts resonate with yours, great, but I always want you to put
your own gut before my ramblings. All I’m ever really doing here is
pointing out again and again in different ways how your own best
guess as to what’s going on in the world is always going to be
superior to the information being spoon fed to you by the paid
deceivers and manipulators of the mass media. If people could simply
shift to trusting themselves and their own inner sense-maker more
than the voices of perceived authority in their lives and on their
digital screens, our species could very quickly move into health and
harmony, because we’d no longer be streamlined into supporting the
unwholesome agendas of an elite class of plutocrats.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the next Barack Obama? ift.tt/2wvr1lo
the longer I look at this thing the more clear it becomes that that
really is our only shot. It sounds a bit kooky to say that the only
way out of the oppressive Orwellian status quo that is driving us
toward war and ecocide is a mass shift in human consciousness, but I
insist that it’s far less crazy than the idea that we can solve our
problems using political solutions while maintaining the relationship
with thought and narrative that our species currently has.
you try to debate a devout free market capitalist by pointing to the
current system’s failures, they’ll invariably tell you that the
current system isn’t true capitalism, that due to corporatism and
the influences of corrupt governmental power, true capitalism hasn’t
yet been tried. When you try to debate a socialist by pointing to the
failures of nations which carry that label you get the same argument;
those were corrupt, top heavy perversions of the socialist ideology,
and true socialism hasn’t been tried yet.
both are correct: neither political solution to our society’s
dilemmas has ever been tried in its pure form. And why is that?
Ultimately, it’s because humanity remains a fearful species which
latches onto abstract mental narratives in order to maintain a sense
of control over the fate of the conceptual self they believe
themselves to be,
and those narratives can then be manipulated
by more clever humans.
Happens again and again; systems designed to help humanity give way
to the manipulations of the powerful for the benefit of the powerful,
because we are too easy to manipulate.
How Humanity Could Become Impossible To Propagandize#propaganda #media #enlightenment medium.com/@caityjohnston …
in the cases of both true free market capitalism and true socialism,
the problem isn’t necessarily that those systems don’t work (who
knows, haven’t tried them yet), it’s that humanity hasn’t yet
moved into a sufficiently wholesome relationship with power and
narrative to be able to implement them. Complaining that your system
hasn’t been implemented correctly is therefore actually just
complaining that humanity has not yet experienced a global shift in
if we can make such a shift, will our old models even be useful in
the new paradigm? Isn’t it kind of like a two-dimensional character
trying to design city plans for a three-dimension civilization they
can’t even imagine? How much relevance would the manifesto of a
nineteenth century German philosopher or the ideas of long dead
Austrian economists have to a twenty-first century world in which
humans don’t move the way they used to and are not motivated by the
same things they once were?
is why I don’t make much of a fuss about one ideological model or
the other being the right and true one. A world in which everyone
gets what they need and we aren’t killing each other or our
ecosystem anymore is obviously something we all want, but I don’t
see any way to get there by picking heroes and sending them toward
the top of a power structure that has been deliberately designed to
funnel power upward and banish anyone who obstructs that movement.
Humanity Is Deciding If It Will Evolve Or Die
“Let’s see what’s on the other side of this thing. I’m pretty sure it’s more beautiful than we can possibly imagine. I want to know. Don’t you?” medium.com/@caityjohnston …
no longer jump on bandwagons for the same reason I don’t go around
babbling about “sheep dogs” and aggressively trying to tear down
anti-establishment heroes who aren’t being anti-establishment
enough: if you put someone on a pedestal, eventually you’re going
to have to knock them off of it, because the solution isn’t in
them. It’s in each of us.
can we overthrow our oppressors if we haven’t overthrown our inner
oppressor as well? How can we shrug off the fear-soaked narratives of
the propaganda machine if we haven’t detached from the anxious
self-talk of our babbling inner narrator that seeks to dictate our
entire attention? We can turn off all the screens in our lives that
seek to take over our authority, but it’s the screen in our minds
which holds our attention that we have to turn off as well.
that will necessarily move us in a far more harmonious way. We will
look like a whole different species. From how I see it now, political
solutions are inherently top-down, competitive and divisive, and what
we are shooting for is a much more organically collaborative
crowd-sourced approach. As we get healthier, we’ll see solutions
come together in a distributed, improvisational way from collections
of people who aren’t interested in getting noticed, they just want
to get it done.
Society Is Made Of Narrative. Realizing This Is Awakening From The Matrix.
This is the clearest I’ve been able to sum it all up so far. medium.com/@caityjohnston …
there are plenty of people like that already. The Bernie campaign
brought together huge swathes of them. We are going to see that
across all sectors, in science, technology and the arts as people put
aside our weird egoic desire for the separating effects of fame and
fortune for the joy of making something beautiful, helpful or healthy
together, simply for the thrill of accomplishing something bigger
than ourselves. The old dinosaur notions of pinning down ideas with
patents and so on will be seen clearly for what they are — an
attempt by individual egos to colonize inspiration that ultimately
inhibits human thriving. Just as we learn to stop trusting the
individual ego in others to save us, we will stop trusting it in
ourselves, and increasingly we will hand over our internal control to
the greater part of our consciousness that does not seek to control,
define, claim and deflect, but rather draws from a wisdom that often
eludes narration but creates harmoniously.
are the helpers. We’ve always been here, but until now we’ve been
co-opted by manipulators into manufacturing consent for their sick
agendas. Very rarely has a helper found a helper to help. Very rarely
have two people who only want to work in the highest interest and not
self-interest come together to make something, let alone a group of
them. As we begin to really see how manipulators move and they start
to pop up on our screens like a fly on white paper, the helpers will
become obvious as well. We can start to trust our gut again about who
and where to put our energy, and out of those new collaborations,
beautiful inspired solutions will be born into the world.
“Everything I just said is self-evident and immediately verifiable in your own present experience here and now. Logically, if you want to have a relationship with reality that is informed by unshakeable truth, this is where you must take your stand” medium.com/@caityjohnston …
to one side the anxiety-soaked stories your mind creates and deal
with what’s in the here and now, and keep gently bringing yourself
back to the reality of your feet on the floor and the air moving
through your lungs. Every reset back into peace with your
surroundings creates a space where inspiration can come in. This
simple internal act of rebellion from obedience to the
voice-that-is-me will have far-reaching consequences in the outer
world as we draw back subservience from the outer voices of
authority, and bring it back into ourselves.
know that’s not nearly as cool as storming the barracks with flags
and rebel songs and the image of our hero inked into our skin, but
we’ve tried that before, and we just got more of the same. Every
hero we elevate turns to smoke, and every door we’ve tried is
closed except this one. So let’s open it and see what happens.
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which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. My
articles are entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece
please consider sharing it around, liking me on Facebook,
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buying my book Woke:
A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers.
Zie ook:
‘McCain terminaal ziek: vier als het zover is zijn dood luidruchtig, niets om je voor te schamen‘
‘McCain oorlogsmisdadiger >> massaal ten onrechte geëerd na z’n dood‘
‘Begrafenis McCain: onbeschaamde verering van een massamoordenaar en oorlogshitser‘
‘Arabieren en Afghanen zijn bepaald niet bedroefd om de dood van McCain……‘
PS: kan
me niet herinneren ooit een politieke ‘held’ te hebben gehad, al had
ik veel bewondering voor figuren als Che Guevara, Fidel
Castro, Hồ Chí Minh, Salvador Allende, om er een paar te noemen, gelukkig hebben
die me niet teleurgesteld.
Mijn excuus voor de verdwenen foto’s, al plaats ik ze er weer bij, telkens verdwijnen ze na verloop van tijd……..