Afgelopen vrijdag was het weer eens zover: de politie van San Antonio in de VS, schoot een man dood, die met z’n hadden in de lucht stond….. U hoeft niet te vragen, welke kleur deze man had…….. Dit is een standrechtelijke executie, je kan in de VS intussen rustig spreken van etnisch zuiveringen door de fascistische politie………
Mon Aug 31, 2015 at 07:12 AM PDT
Police in San Antonio fatally shot man with hands up, unaware they were being filmed
This is the exact second before the man pictured is shot.
This past Friday, after a domestic dispute, police were called to a San Antonio home.
When they arrived there, the police claim they confronted the man who
was involved in the dispute, but that he resisted arrest.
We have no idea if this really happened, but what we do see is that
same man, in his own front yard, peacefully surrendering to police with
his hands up in the air. This much is a fact. From all indications, he
appears to be unarmed, motionless, and nonviolent when, suddenly, he is
shot and killed by county police.
That normally would’ve been case closed. The police would’ve told us
that this man rushed them, or went for their gun, or something else, but
a young black college student who heard the disturbance decided he had
to film it.
“I was watching and wondering, what was going on, but I
couldn’t figure it out. I was like, with the things going on in the
world, like different type of shootings with cops and different things
like that, so I was like, ‘Well, maybe I can catch something with my
camera,'” Thomas said.
The video shows the deputies follow the man to the edge of the driveway.“He kind of just put his hands in the air. After he put his hands in the air, they shot him,” Thomas said.
In other words, this man was executed. The video below, which stops the
second before the actual shooting, is worth watching to give you the
visual context for what happened.
In another report, released before police knew the video existed, they claimed the man had a knife. If he did, it’s hard to see it in this video and their early account doesn’t really match what we see below.
These officers need to be fired and prosecuted immediately.