Albatros Wisdom (± 65!) brengt alweer een kuiken groot!!

Mensen gelukkig is er nog steeds genoeg moois te vinden op ons aller kleine planeet (de planeet van alle wereldbewoners, dus ook van de vluchtelingen). Het volgende bericht komt van Care2 en vertelt over een 65 jarige albatros genaamd ‘Wisdom’, de oudst bekende vogel, die weer een kuiken groot brengt. Wisdom moet in haar leven zo’n 9,6 miljoen kilometer hebben afgelegd!!

Oldest Known Wild Bird, is a Mother Again!

By: Alicia

  • February
    15, 2016

a Laysan albatross who is now the oldest known banded bird in the
world, has continued to surprise wildlife officials and her fans
reappearing every
year at the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge in the Pacific,
and this year was no exception.

believed to be at least 65 years old, Wisdom returned again earlier
this year with her mate who has been dubbed Goo or Mr. Goo by refuge
staff because of the number on his leg band. Wisdom was spotted
earlier this winter incubating  yet another egg.


Credit: Kiah

this month, to the delight of her fans, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
announced that
her newest chick was spotted and was named Kūkini, which is Hawaiian
for messenger.


Credit: Kiah

was first banded back in 1956 when she was believed to be just
5-years-old and has managed to survive decades, outliving many of her
relatives whose lifespans are estimated to be between 12 and 40 years
in the wild. She’s also believed to have flown an incredible six
million ocean miles since she was first tagged.

albatrosses mate for life , after engaging in an elaborate courtship
ritual, and lay only one egg every year, making each one precious to
expecting parents. According to the FWS, Wisdom has raised at least
eight chicks since 2006, and as many as 40 throughout her life.


Credit: USFWS

is an iconic symbol of inspiration and hope,” 
said Robert
Peyton, Refuge Manager. “From a scientific perspective, albatrosses
are a critical indicator species for the world’s oceans that
sustain millions of human beings as well. In the case of Wisdom, she
is breaking logevity records of previously banded birds by at least a
decade. With over a million albatross on Midway Atoll alone, this
shows just how much is left to learn about the natural world around

Wisdom’s new chick is being celebrated, the FWS 
notes that
thousands of others are also welcoming the next generation at Midway.
In December, the agency counted 470,000 active nests across the
entire atoll, which is now the largest albatross nesting colony in
the world.

The number of potential new chicks
hatching this year may seem high, but each one is vital to the
survival of this species. 
According to
the National Audubon Society, of the 22 species of albatross
recognized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature
(IUCN), 15 are threatened with extinction, and eight species are
either endangered or critically endangered.

they continue to face a major threat from being caught in fishing
gear and drowning, which is killing an estimated 100,000 albatross
every year, while they also face the growing problem of plastic in
our oceans.

Audubon Society is 
for legislation
the form of the Albatross and Petrel Conservation Act of 2016 (HR
4480), which will bring the U.S. in line with other countries that
are working to protect these seabirds under the Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP).

updates on Wisdom and her family, check out the USFWS – Pacific
Region on 
Flickr and Tumblr.
For more on how to help support efforts to protect the albatross,
visit the 
Audubon Society
