Zonder toestemming te vragen aan de oorspronkelijke volkeren in het Amazonegebied, heeft de Britse mijnbouwreus Anglo American* exploraties gedaan in de gebieden die aan deze volkeren toebehoren……. Uiteraard heeft dit alles te maken met de fascistische psychopaat Bolsonaro, de Braziliaanse president die onlangs nog eens heeft gezegd dat het Amazonegebied openstaat voor elke commerciële activiteit waarbij hij mijnbouw nog eens apart noemde……
Al voor zijn aantreden heeft schoft Bolsonaro gezegd dat wat hem betreft het hele Amazonewoud mag worden platgegooid voor economisch gewin….. De verkiezingen daaraan voorafgaand, heeft deze psychopathische fascist middels een heel smerig spel o.l.v. de CIA gewonnen, waarbij de voormalig socialistische president Lula da Silva valselijk werd beschuldigd van corruptie en andere misdaden**, iets waarvoor Lula eergisteren geheel werd vrijgesproken!! Deze valse beschuldigingen tegen Lula werden met grote graagte door de reguliere westerse pers en politici overgenomen en reken maar niet dat daar ook maar één rectificatie voor wordt geplaatst door die media, dan wel dat politici die deze beschuldiging zonder enig onderzoek overnamen zich zullen verontschuldigen, waarmee deze politici in feit als aangeschoten wild zouden moeten worden gezien, helaas werkt dit niet zo in het westen en gegarandeerd dat men deze leugen over Lula zelfs zal blijven herhalen…………
Een cartoon van Carlos Latuff n.a.v. de volledige in eer herstelde Lula da Silva
De oorspronkelijke volkeren verzetten zich tegen bedrijven als Anglo American, echter zonder westerse druk zullen dat soort bedrijven daar lak aan hebben…… Zelfs Facebook staat toe dat er gebieden in het Amazonegebied, die behoren aan de oorspronkelijke volkeren, worden verkocht op haar platform en weigert daar na herhaalde verzoeken iets tegen te doen…..*** Het lullige is dat wanneer grote bedrijven zo’n stuk grond verwerven de Braziliaanse politie er geen probleem mee heeft om de oorspronkelijke bevolking te verjagen, al gebruikt men daar ook gewapende privé (terreur-) groepen voor………
Vergeet bij dit alles niet dat Nederland één van de hoofdverantwoordelijken is voor het verbranden van het Amazonewoud, dit vanwege de sojateelt voor onze belachelijk grote veestapel van 600 miljoen dieren……. Nederland is na China de nummer 2 importeur van soja t.b.v. de veeteelt…… (meer dan 80% van de wereldsojaproductie wordt gebruikt voor veevoer)
Lees het verhaal van Lucy Jordan en Hyuri Potter verbonden aan Stand.Earth (Greenpeace) en geeft het door, deze maatschappijen moeten zoveel mogelijk aan de paal worden genageld, zodat de top van die bedrijven zich nergens meer kunnen vertonen, wellicht dat dit een verandering in beleid zal geven, al vrees ik het ergste……. (ofwel dat ze zich er geen reet van zullen aantrekken….)
Anglo American, eyeing copper on protected indigenous land, failed to consult Amazonian community
15.04.2021Lucy Jordan and Hyury Potter
people of the Brazilian Amazon demanding Anglo American withdraw
applications for copper exploration on Sawré Muybu Indigenous land in
January. Photo: Beka Munduruku
mining giant Anglo American made three copper mining research
applications on the protected lands of Indigenous people in the Amazon
without consulting them, a community leader told Unearthed.
American made the applications in the territory of the Munduruku people
in 2019, despite commercial prospecting and mining in Indigenous lands
being illegal under Brazil’s constitution, unless Congress specifically
permits it.
American has also pledged to seek consent for projects that are likely
to have significant impact on the lands of Indigenous people as part of
its membership of the International Council on Mining and Metals.
American did not deny making the applications, but said it had “never
carried out any activity” on the ground within the territory. It added
that the three applications were withdrawn on January 27, after the
applications were revealed by Amazonia Minada, a Pulitzer-funded InfoAmazonia project
mapping mining applications against Indigenous territories. The
requests for withdrawal from Anglo processes were logged in the database
of the mining agency, ANM.
In a
statement, the company said:“The mineral research requirements requested
from the National Mining Agency (ANM) are based, initially, on public
regional geological data. In this phase, there are no field activities.”
The government defines
this type of application as “authorisation for mineral research, in
which works are carried out to define the deposit, its evaluation and
the determination of the feasibility of its economic use.”
(op deze plek staat in het origineel een geografische kaart, helaas niet over te nemen, dus zie het origineel, je moet daar overigens wel minimale cookies accepteren)
‘Sleeping Beauty’ requests
Recent years have seen a proliferation of what Brazilian public prosecutors have called “Sleeping Beauty
requests”: speculative applications made by mining companies – and
individuals – betting that Congress would open up Indigenous lands to
commercial exploitation, a campaign promise of President Jair
Amazonia Minada project overlaid data drawn from Brazil’s mining agency
ANM, showing the locations of applications, with data from Brazil’s
Indigenous rights agency Funai, which shows the locations of Indigenous
territories. The resulting map flags any instances where these datasets overlap.
within protected territories is illegal, but Amazonia Minada identified
more than 2,500 mining applications overlapping Indigenous lands in the
Amazon that are still marked as active in the ANM database. These vary
from applications that are made entirely within Indigenous territories
to those with very slight overlap along the borders.
For Anglo American’s applications that overlap the Munduruku Indigenous territory, under the Munduruku’s own protocol,
as well as the International Labour Organisation Convention and UN
Declaration on Indigenous rights, the company should have formally
requested the Brazilian government to start a consultation process with
the Mundurukus on their behalf for any project that could affect them.
Only after this consultation process could the company ask for the
Mundurukus’ “free, prior and informed consent”.
Alessandra Munduruku – who is vice-coordinator of both the Pariri
Association, which represents all the Munduruku in the Medio Tapajos
area, and of the Pará Federation of Indigenous Peoples – says that no
government officials, at federal or state levels, have ever contacted
the Mundurukus about the applications, nor have they ever been contacted
by Anglo American.
“We would never accept it,” she added.
Munduruku said the Sawré Muybu land is still awaiting official
demarcation as Indigenous territory, which she believed made them more
vulnerable to speculative applications – even though Indigenous land
does not need to be officially demarcated to warrant protection under
the constitution.
leader and activist Alessandra Munduruku is seen distributing the
findings of research into mercury poisoning in Indigenous villages last
November. The study showed that in the municipalities of Itaituba and
Trairão, along the Tapajós River, 60 percent of Mundurukus tested showed
mercury levels above the threshold considered safe. Mercury is widely
used in illegal wildcat gold mining in the region. Photo: Beka Munduruku
formal demarcation shouldn’t make a difference to the level of
protection offered to Indigenous communities, said Rosana Miranda, of
“It is not dependent on demarcation, it’s a kind of birthright,” she told Unearthed.
“These applications should not be admitted into [ANM’s] database at
all, and if they are then afterwards [the ANM] should immediately tell
them ‘no’.”
American has made 19 other applications that border the Sawré Muybu
territory and, according to the Amazonia Minada project, may have small
overlaps. Of these, 12 appear to have been suspended by a court ruling late last year.
American said that these further applications, which had been approved
by the ANM, were outside the limits of the Sawré Muybu TI. The company
said that the lawsuit had focused on preventing legal or illegal mining
within Amazon conservation areas called National Forests Itaituba I and
II. Itaituba I borders Sawré Muybu territory; Itaituba II entirely overlaps it.
A president on the side of the miners
There has
long been frustration on the right wing of Brazilian politics that large
tracts of land rich in natural resources are off-limits under the law
to agribusiness and extractive industries. In 2017, former President
Michel Temer attempted to unilaterally allow mining in an Amazonian
nature reserve bigger than Denmark, called Renca, but an international
backlash forced him to revoke the decree.
president Jair Bolsonaro capitalised on these frustrations in a
divisive, at times explicitly anti-Indigenous electoral campaign.
Tapajós basin is a hotbed of illegal gold mining – Itaituba is known
locally as “Nugget Town” and locals say that this activity increased
with Bolsonaro’s election, and has surged again during the latest phase of the pandemic.
“And with
the covid, it’s even more worrying,” said Beka Munduruku, a young member
of the Sawre Muybu people. “Because while we are not going out much,
they are taking advantage.”
Last month, the Federal Prosecutor’s Office opened an investigation into the failure of Brazilian authorities to tackle illegal gold mining in the Tapajos basin.
applications made through official channels are soaring too. Since
Bolsonaro came to power in 2019, the number of applications made to the
ANM for mining permits has increased sharply. In 2020, a total of 143
applications were made and not rejected by the end of the year – the highest number
in 24 years and almost three times as many as in 2018, before Bolsonaro
assumed the presidency. The surge of requests followed Bolsonaro’s
February 2020 unveiling of a bill to allow commercial mining on
protected Indigenous lands, making good on one of his most controversial
campaign promises. The bill has stalled, but in February Bolsonaro
declared that it would be one of his legislative priorities for 2021.
Even more worryingly, 71 of the 143 applications
made last year were on land on which isolated, or uncontacted
indigenous people live. Some uncontacted Indigenous communities are down
to their last few members and are highly vulnerable.
American’s most recent requests were made between 2017 and 2019 and
focused on land which extends into the Sawré Muybu territory, in the
southeast of Pará. The land is traditionally occupied by the Munduruku
Alessandra Munduruku said that her community would continue to oppose any commercial activity in their territory.
there are some people from outside Brazil who want to explore our home?
This is absurd,” Alessandra added. “We are not going to let this mining
company enter our territory. We are going to fight.”
Last month in response to a letter from AmazonWatch and Indigenous organization APIB, Anglo American refused to rule out mining on Indigenous lands in Brazil, regardless of changes to Brazilian legislation.
Anglo American told Unearthed:
“We are aware of the difficult history that exists between Indigenous
Peoples and the mining sector. In many cases, legal and illegal mining
has had a negative impact on the lives of these peoples and on the
environment. However, we know that mining, when carried out responsibly,
can bring sustainable development to host communities and regions.”
company added: “The company will always respect local laws and
international standards and, if it eventually becomes involved with
Indigenous Peoples, it will seek to obtain Free, Prior and Informed
Consent (FPIC) from these peoples before carrying out any activities
that require access to its territory.”
But Rosana
Miranda of Amazon Watch said this meant little when data showed that
the company had already sought permission, and in some cases received
it, to survey on land they were constitutionally forbidden from
does [the consultation] begin, who gets to decide, is it when they are
already working there? Or after they did the research?” said Miranda.
“They told us they know these applications overlap with Indigenous land,
so if they intend to carry out research in that area why aren’t they
already in consultation with the Munduruku people?”
of how consultation processes were followed, the Mundurukus would never
agree to their land being exploited for profit, said Alessandra
“We don’t
even want this type of mining that will open up your territory, that
will scare your game, that will make your river more dirty, that will
lose your freedom and autonomy, because when these companies arrive,
everything changes,” she said.
future is not just destruction, the future is having the tree standing,
it is having the river, you can fish, you can bathe, you can wash your
clothes, you can play with your children. That is the future.”
* Zie: ‘AngloGold splitst bedrijf op in slechte en goede tak……‘ (Anglo Gold Ashanti is een afsplitsing van Anglo American, zo kan men zo veel mogelijk belasting ontduiken…..)
** Zie: ‘VS ‘geheime’ manipulaties en spionage in Brazilië‘ en zie:
‘Lula da Silva slachtoffer van juridische lastercampagne……..‘
*** Zie: ‘Op Facebook worden gebieden in het Amazonewoud verkocht‘
(ondanks dat dit schandaal in februari 2021 bekend werd gemaakt is er
nu op 17 april 2021 nog steeds niets aan gedaan door Facebook, zo las ik
vanmorgen….) (!!!!)
Zie voorts: ‘Bolsonaro (president Brazilië) geeft groen licht voor verdergaande genocide op oorspronkelijke volkeren‘
‘Heavy metal band Sepultura zet zich in voor het redden van volkeren in het Amazonewoud‘
‘Jair Bolsonaro (president Brazilië) heeft nauwe banden met fascistische paramilitaire doodseskaders‘
‘Nieuw internationaal onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat de mens in 50 jaar tijd meer dan de helft van het wild heeft doen verdwijnen‘ (o.a. door met opzet verbranden van oerwoud zoals in Zuid-Amerika en Azië….)
‘Intensieve veeteelt verantwoordelijk voor enorme uitstoot aan CO2 meer dan al het EU autoverkeer‘
(bovendien is de Nederlandse veeteelt na China de nummer 2 importeur
van gentech soja uit het Amazonegebied dit t.b.v. veevoer, o.a. daarvoor
wordt het Amazonewoud platgebrand….)
‘Heavy metal band Sepultura zet zich in voor het redden van volkeren in het Amazonewoud‘
‘Brandend Amazonegebied doodt de oorspronkelijke volkeren, Brazilianen en uiteindelijk de planeet‘
‘Brandend Amazonegebied doodt de oorspronkelijke volkeren, Brazilianen en uiteindelijk de planeet‘
‘Het Braziliaanse Amazonewoud staat alweer in brand‘
‘Peruaanse politie terroriseert boer en haar gezin, lees en teken de petitie a.u.b.!!‘
‘ING, Rabobank en BNP Paribas financieren de oliewinning in het Amazonegebied: u wordt opgelicht!!‘ (!!!!)
‘Siberië en grote delen van de oerwouden in het Amazonegebied en Indonesië staan weer in brand…….‘
‘Ecuadoraans Los Cedros Cloud Forest dreigt te worden vernietigd door mijnbouwbedrijven als Biliton‘
Amazon burns BlackRock emerges as world’s largest investor in
deforestation, Down
to Earth, 31 August 2019
‘Ecuadoraanse stam bereid te sterven voor regenwoud‘
‘Missionarissen van de dood gaan in het Amazonewoud de ‘goede boodschap verkondigen’‘
‘Bescherm de Amazone bovenloop tegen commerciële activiteiten‘ (zie ook de video’s in dit bericht)
‘Glenn Greenwald vervolgd voor het brengen van de waarheid en zijn seksuele geaardheid‘
‘Braziliaanse natuurbeschermer vermoord door illegale houthakkers‘ (!!!!)
‘Amazonegebied in brand, Black Rock verdient daar vele miljoenen mee‘
‘Ecuadoraans natuurgebied wordt geofferd aan zwaar vervuilende mijnbouw‘
‘Het beschermen van de planeet is verworden tot een misdaad, veelal bestraft met moord‘
‘Stop olieboringen in het Amazonegebied van het Waorani volk‘
‘Britse oliemaatschappij Amerisur bedreigt het bestaan van het Siona volk in het Colombiaanse oerwoud‘
‘Bolsonaro 8 maanden president: nu al 84% meer bosbranden in het Amazonewoud……‘
en milieuactivisten worden massaal vermoord in Brazilië en Colombia,
waar het laatste land NAVO bases heeft…….‘ (op haar grondgebied) (!!!!)
‘Berta Cáceres voorvechter gelijke rechten en milieuactivist vermoord in Honduras‘
‘Hondurese activiste ontvoerd en vermoord (alweer…), met instemming van de VS………‘
‘Hillary Clinton mede verantwoordelijk voor moord op Berta Cáceres………..‘ (!!!!)
‘Door VS gesteunde bewind in Honduras heeft de staat van beleg afgekondigd……..‘