een schitterend mooi land, heeft 70% van haar grondgebied opengesteld
voor de delving van lithium, een grondstof voor batterijen en
blijft het niet bij beste bezoeker, ook is er toestemming gegeven tot fracken voor het winnen van olie en gas, waarmee het totale gebied dat zal worden
vernield voor ‘economische groei’ zelfs op 80% komt te liggen en
waarbij alleen de natuurgebieden rond Porto en Lissabon gevrijwaard
blijven van vernieling: natuurvernietiging, bodemverontreiniging, vervuiling van
grondwater en oppervlakte water……
Niet vreemd dat met deze activiteiten ook de volksgezondheid in Portugal geweld wordt aangedaan, echter daar heeft men in de huidige neoliberale wereld schijt aan, de centen gaan nu eenmaal ver voor op de gezondheid van de bewoners, in Portugal is het niet anders, zoals je al had begrepen……….
Lees en teken de petitie ajb (met één klik op de rode ‘knop’ met de tekst ‘Teke the next step’), Portugal is niet ons
grondgebied, echter de hele aarde hebben wij maar voor korte tijd tot
onze beschikking, laten we zorgen dat ook toekomstige generaties
kunnen genieten van onze wereld en in dit geval dus ook van het
prachtige Portugal!! (over de echte globaliseringsgedachte gesproken, niet die van economisch gewin, deze gaat ten koste van alles wat ons dierbaar is op deze wereld en zelfs de wereld zoals wij die kennen….)
– Algarve Surf and Marine Activities Association
From a dream to a nightmare
4, 2019 —
Dear friends,
expats living in Portugal, and tourists that love our country
Portugal is a
paradise of unspoiled green areas, with abundant water resources and
a landscape that ranges from deep mountains to wide open flat lands.
The reality is
that the Portuguese nation is now waking-up to the fact that more
than 70% of our country was identified for lithium mining, with a few
contracts already awarded in very dubious processes.
Add to the
target areas for lithium and other minerals the areas also identified
for fracking for gas and oil, and the picture starts to be one that
nightmares are made of. Meaning that more than 80% of our territory
will be faced with massive environmental and local economic
devastation, of which Portugal will never recover from.
If we allow this
to proceed, Portugal will be the “Skunk Works Zone” in Europe,
reducing livable areas to Lisbon and Porto. Not even the Algarve and
Alentejo will be spared in the years to come.
We now have a
very short window in which to act.
We want to force
this issue into the political election campaign that will be starting
shortly, and force this topic strongly into the political arena
before upcoming elections in October this year.
alone dealing with this threat to Portugal. There are many other
local groups and associations already running, and others being
created as we speak and joining the fight daily.
Although there’s
been a few mining projects in the past in Portugal, none has been of
the magnitude that we are confronted with at present, but the
destruction left behind by previous mining operations are a clear
warning of what to expect in the future.
ASMAA’s role
will be to collate and hold a hub of information on our website. In
addition we will be supporting our friends and colleagues that are in
the areas directly affected. And we will be side-by-side with them
once court action starts.
By signing andsharing petitions
By contributing
to our campaign fund
By alerting us
of any facts about this massive risk to Portugal that you may become
aware off.
By following the
news on our website
If you are in
Portugal north and central – by joining hands with local groups.
The video
showcases just one company out of more than 60 that are targeting
more than 250 license areas. Its a terrifying prospect.
invite you to visit our website to keep abreast of developments.
Here’s the link: http://asmaa-algarve.org
Before you leave
will you DONATE to this cause? So please will you chip in to help
make it happen? We can’t save our country without you.
| 50€ | 100€ or any amount you feel is just
can donate via PayPal (including credit card payments):
info@asmaa-algarve.org or through the donate button on our
website: http://asmaa-algarve.org/en/donate
Or via Bank
Transfer (EFT)
ASMAA Algarve Surf and Marine Activities Association
PT50 0018 0008 02686698020 51
REF: Say NO to
Open Cast Mining (if your donation is for the anti-lithium open cast
mining in north and central Portugal. Costs include: research, legal
opinions, etc.)
your donation is for general operating costs
care deeply for our COUNTRY, for its natural beauty. We care for our
local economies, as well as the people living in rural areas across
target mining exploration areas. We also care deeply about our nature
and its ecosystems.
But it’s clear
that if we don’t take action now, and join hands with the
communities that will be deeply affected, the whole country will
loose. We will all loose.
But doing things
like this costs money, and ASMAA has no big donors – we can only be
bold because of small donations from people like you. It makes
everything we do possible.
So please will
you chip in and help us? It only takes a moment, but your help will
go a long way to put a stop to this terrible threat.
The ASMAA Team