Via een
Twitterbericht van Joost van der Zwan werd ik gewezen op een
uitgebreid artikel over de controle op hersenen middels meerdere
technieken, waaronder elektromagnetische frequentie, schrijver is
Soleilmavis Liu, zelf slachtoffer van wat je het best als geestelijke
marteling kan zien (een marteling die ook een groot aantal fysieke
klachten opwekken…..)
eerste natie die een dergelijke techniek ontwikkelde was
nazi-Duitsland, waar men proeven deed op concentratiekampgevangenen
uit Sachsenhausen. Doel was het fabriceren van een ‘wonderpil’ genaamd D-IX, genoemd naar het
experiment met diezelfde aanduiding…… De werking van deze ‘worderpil’ was gebaseerd op die van cocaïne en moest de prestaties van frontsoldaten verbeteren……* Na WOII gelastte VS
president Truman dat de verantwoordelijke wetenschappers niet in
handen van de Sovjet-Unie mochten vallen en haalde deze
wetenschappers naar de VS waar ze werkten aan Project Paperclip…..
Deze uiterst misdadige wetenschappers waren verantwoordelijk voor een groot aantal
doden en ontliepen zo berechting voor hun vreselijke oorlogsmisdaden en misdaden tegen de menselijkheid……
kan men middels elektromagnetische frequentie, hersenimplantaten en
op andere manieren mensen manipuleren en zelfs voorspellen wat
slachtoffers zullen doen, ofwel men kan als het ware de hersenen
lezen en sturen……..
Ik heb
een deel van de tekst overgenomen, waaraan o.a. het deel met een groot aantal
fysieke klachten ontbreekt, dit zijn er 44 in totaal, klachten die men middels manipulatie kan
veroorzaken, je moet dan denken aan plotselinge
hoofdpijn, misselijkheid, slapeloosheid, of juist het veroorzaken van slaperigheid, extreme vermoeidheid, dan wel manipulatie van het geheugen,
verder het veroorzaken van pijnen in diverse delen van het lichaam, tot zelfs het ontwikkelen van kankers……..**
Ik moet
eerlijk zeggen dat ik eerder al eens over deze zaken had gehoord,
maar ze nooit serieus heb genomen, echter na het lezen van het
artikel zijn me de schellen bij wijze van spreken van de ogen gevallen……..
Zoals hiervoor al gemeld over de nazi’s die e.e.a. in gang hebben gezet, zal het je
duidelijk zijn dat vooral het militaire apparaat en geheime diensten zeer
geïnteresseerd zijn in deze technieken en daar geld en menskracht
voor inzetten……
Hoe ziek
en gewetenloos kan de wetenschap zijn en hoe ongelofelijk gewelddadig
kan de mens in het algemeen zijn……. Als dit op grote schaal zal worden ingezet had zelfs George Orwell hier niet van kunnen dromen in z’n ergste nachtmerrie…….
Ongelooflijk en onverdraaglijk……….
Control with Electromagnetic Frequency
Gepubliceerd op June
7, 2016
and Activist of Peacepink: World
Soleimavis Liu presented this
paper at the recent E-Leader conference held by Fudan University
and Chinese American Scholars Association in Shanghai, January
5-7, 2015.
Recent years, the words
“mind control abuse and torture” and “target individual”
appears frequently online. Thousands of people in groups or
individually cries attention to the abuses and tortures with
electromagnetic mind control technologies through internet and all
other channels. The scale of the ongoing crimes is large, and hidden.
People are asking for the worldwide attention and an international
investigation of enormous human rights violations that are silently
taking place worldwide at this moment.
One of the twenty-first century’s
greatest violations of human rights is the proliferation of mind
control technologies and their accompanying abuse and torture.
Thousands of innocent victims across the globe have become activists
for their freedom.
Electromagnetic mind control
technologies are weapons which use electromagnetic waves to hijack a
person’s brain and nervous system and subvert an individual’s
sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or
decision making. This article is a brief introduction to mind control
technologies, the grave situation of hidden mind control abuses and
tortures, and victims, including Soleilmavis Liu, whose work is to
expose mind control technologies and their torturous abuses, and to
urge governments worldwide to investigate and halt these egregious
violations of human rights.
Keywords: Mind control
technology; voice-to-skull; victim, Human Rights; Torture; Abuse
Thousands of people in groups or
individually cries attention to the abuses and tortures with
electromagnetic mind control technologies through internet and all
other channels. The scale of the ongoing crimes is large, and hidden.
People are asking for the worldwide attention and an international
investigation of enormous human rights violations that are silently
taking place worldwide at this moment.
This article will briefly introduce
mind control technologies, current data of mind control victims,
Soleilmavis’ case summary, and their work to expose mind control
abuse and torture. Soleilmavis’ case summary and her work will
hopefully bring more public awareness to the secret crimes of mind
control abuses and tortures.
Brief introduction of mind
control technologies
Mind control technologies are
weapons which use electronic microchip implants, nanotechnologies,
microwaves and/or electromagnetic waves to subvert an individual’s
sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or
decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system. The
development of these methods and technologies has a long history.
Nazi Wonder Drug
Nazi researchers used concentration
camp inmates to test a cocaine-based “wonder drug” they hoped
would enhance the performance of German troops. Hamburg-based
criminologist Wolf Kemper believed that D-IX pills were Hitler’s
last secret development. The so-called Experiment D-IX started in
November of the year 1944 in Sachsenhausen concentration camp. The
results of all those tests inspired their initiators to supply D-IX
drug to the entire Nazi Army. However, they failed to launch the mass
production of the substance. The allies’ victories at both fronts
in winter and spring of in 1945 resulted in the collapse of the Nazi
regime. The absurd dream of the wonder drug was crushed. [1]
According to the “Want to Know”
information site, “After the end of World War II, German scientists
were held in a variety of detainment camps by the allies. In 1946,
President Truman authorized Project Paperclip to exploit German
scientists for American research, and to deny these intellectual
resources to the Soviet Union.” Some reports bluntly pointed out
that they were “ardent Nazis.” They were considered so vital to
the “Cold War” effort that they would be brought into the US and
Canada. Some of these experts had participated in murderous medical
experiments on human subjects at concentration camps. A 1999 report
to the Senate and the House said “between 1945 and 1955; 765
scientists, engineers, and technicians were brought to the US under
Paperclip and similar programs.” (Bluebird
Mk-ultra, America’s
Central Intelligence Agency mind control project.
The Central Intelligence
Agency’s Fact Book
states the NSC (National Security Council) and the CIA were
established under the provisions of the National Security Act of
1947. In December 1947, the NSC held its first meeting. James
Forrestal, the Secretary of Defense, pushed for the CIA to begin a
“secret war” against the Soviets. Forrestal’s initiative led to
the execution of psychological warfare operations (psy-ops) in
Europe. CIA personnel were not opposed to working with Nazi doctors
who had proven to be proficient in breaking the mind and rebuilding
it. In some cases, military bases were used to hide these covert
activities. It was decided that the communist threat was an issue
that took priority over constitutional rights.
One of the areas to be investigated
by the CIA was Mind Control. The CIA’s human behavior control
program was chiefly motivated by perceived Soviet, Chinese, and North
Korean use of mind control techniques. Under the protection of
“national security,” many other branches of the government also
took part in the study of this area. The CIA originated its first
program in 1950 under the name BLUEBIRD, which in 1951, after Canada
and Britain had been included, was changed to ARTICHOKE. MK-Ultra
officially began in 1953. Technically it was closed in 1964, but some
of its programs remained active under MKSEARCH well into the
seventies. In 1973, tipped off about forthcoming investigations, CIA
Director Richard Helms ordered the destruction of any MK-Ultra
records. (MC 10, 17)
There is an overwhelming body of
evidence that confirms the existence of MK-Ultra. More than 250
people who claim they were the victims of “brainwashing” by
America’s Central Intelligence Agency were set to win a
multimillion dollar legal battle for compensation. Nine already had
each received $67,000 (£33,500) compensation from the spy agency,
which had admitted to setting up an operation codenamed MK-Ultra
during the Cold War. [Mike Parker, CIA’s
Bourne Identity Plot (Mkultra),, July 8, 2007] [2]
Implantable electronic
chip mind control
Many researchers, using
nanotechnologies had developed implantable electronic chips that
established new nerve connections in parts of the brain that
controlled movement or even altered emotion and thought. Researchers
at the University of Washington (UW) had been working on an
implantable electronic chip that might help establish new nerve
connections in the part of the brain that controlled movement. Their
study, to be published in the November 2, 2006, edition of Nature,
showed such a device could induce brain changes in monkeys lasting
more than a week (Leila Gray, Tiny
Electronic Chip, Interacting with the Brain, Modifies Pathways for
Controlling Movement,
University of Washington News, October 24, 2006). [3]
On March 18, 2008, the Central
Intelligence Agency responded in writing to a Larson Media Freedom of
Information Act request. The document disclosed that the CIA’s use
of biomedical intellectual property developed at the Alfred Mann
Foundation, Second Sight LLC, Advanced Bionics, and under Naval Space
Warfare (SPAWAR) contract #N6600106C8005, was “currently and
properly classified pursuant to an executive order in the interest of
national security,” and applied to the CIA Director’s “statutory
obligation to protect from disclosure, intelligence sources and
methods.” The technology, developed under the DARPA programs of
Tony Tether, Col. Geoffrey Ling and N.I.H programs of William
Heetderks, had been protected as a Defense “Special Access
Program1” (SAP), which was the official terminology for a “black
project.” The research had resulted in implantable devices that
were millimeter and sub-millimeter in size, could be surreptitiously
implanted (and had been fabricated in a manner that the devices could
not be detected or localized by clinical medical or radiology
techniques), and provided a shocking amount of surveillance
capability regarding a subject’s activities, which might include
visual and auditory biofeedback data.
Additionally, the devices were
capable of delivering testosterone or any other biological agent.
Voice to Skull
Artificial microwave voice-to-skull
transmission was successfully demonstrated by researcher Dr. Joseph
Sharp in 1973, announced at a seminar at the University of Utah in
1974, and in the journal “American
Psychologist” in the
March 1975 issue, the article was titled “Microwaves
and Behavior” by Dr. Don
Justesen (1975). [4]
In 2002, the US Air Force Research
Laboratory patented precisely such a device: “a nonlethal weapon
which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device, which broadcast
sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated
microwave radiation; and (2) a silent sound device, which can
transmit ultrasound (above human hearing) into the skull of mammals.”
NOTE: The sound modulation might be voice or audio subliminal
messages. One application of voice-to-skull uses was an electronic
scarecrow to frighten birds in the vicinity of airports. [5]
Mind reading
A team of world-leading
neuroscientists has developed a powerful technique that allowed them
to look deep inside a person’s brain, and to read their intentions
before they act.
The research broke controversial
new ground in scientists’ ability to probe people’s minds and
eavesdrop on their thoughts, ethically to be condemned in its
technology and applications.
“Using the scanner, we could look
around the brain for this information and read out something that
from the outside, there is no way you possibly could tell is in
there. It is like shining a torch around, looking for writing on a
wall,” said John Dylan Haynes at the Max Planck Institute for Human
Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Germany in 2007, who led the study
with colleagues at University College London and Oxford University.
In 2011, neuroscientists at the
University of California Berkeley put electrodes inside the skulls of
brain surgery patients to monitor information from their temporal
lobe, which was involved in the processing of speech and images. As
the patient listened to someone speaking, a computer program analysed
how the brain processed and reproduced the words they had heard.
The scientists believed the
technique could also be used to read and report what they were
thinking of saying next.
In the journal Plos
Biology, they wrote that
it took attempts at mind reading to “a whole new level.”
Harvard’s Buckner won the
Alzheimer’s award for reading our minds in 2011. Researchers had
shown a capability to read a subject’s mind by remotely measuring
their brain activity. This technique could even extract information
from individuals, who were unaware of themselves. [6]
Those mind reading technologies use
EEC with decoding of neurological signals remotely with or without an
implant through satellite or through TV Mobile transmission towers.
The following data was from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab, “The
sensitivity of our deep-space tracking antennas located around the
world is truly amazing. The antennas must capture Voyager information
from a signal so weak that the power striking the antenna is only 10
exponent -16 watts (1 part in 10 quadrillion). A modern-day
electronic digital watch operates at a power level 20 billion times
greater than this feeble level.”
Scientists believed the weak radio
emission of a cubic centimeter of brain matter was within the
detectable limits of the satellite. It was technically possible for a
satellite to detect your thoughts, emotions and perceptions, and pass
that information to a computer for interpretation. [7]
Patents of Mind
Control Technologies
Many patents had indicated the
existence of mind control technologies, such as:
USP # 6,729,337 (May 4, 2004), Sony
owned a patent “Sony
Brain Waves Manipulation By Ultrasound”
for an “ultrasound array” that supposedly stimulated your brain
waves to simulate sensory experiences causing its users to experience
smells, tastes and even touch without external stimuli.
USP # 6,488,617 (December 3, 2002),
Nervous System Manipulation
by EM Fields from Monitors.
More evidence to prove
the existence of mind control technologies.
There is sufficient evidence to
prove the existence of mind control technologies. I will only give a
few as example.
Microwave Irradiation of the
U.S. Embassy in Moscow, review
of its history and studies to determine whether or not related health
defects were experienced by employees assigned in the period,
1953-1977, prepared at the request of Howard W. Cannon, chairman,
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States
Senate, published in 1979 by U.S. Government Printing Office in
Washington, disclose that since 1952, the Soviet government began
directing microwave beams at the U.S. embassy in Moscow.
A study funded by the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency,
has perfected the art of using electrical signals to manipulate the
color of a squid’s iridescent skin over the entire color spectrum.
The Marine Biological
Laboratory in
Massachusetts carried out the research.[8] If they could manipulate
animals, they could manipulate humans too.
A former KGB officer has divulged
secrets of special mind control techniques that security services in
developed nations used during and after the Cold War, a Russian
government daily said in December 2006.
General Boris Ratnikov, who served
in the KGB department for Moscow and the Moscow Region, told
Rossiiskaya Gazeta that people in power had resorted to various
methods of manipulating individuals’ thoughts since ancient times
and that it was hardly surprising that secret services adopted the
practice when it acquired a scientific foundation in the twentieth
In the mid-eighties, about fifty
research institutes in the Soviet Union studied remote mind control
techniques backed by substantial government funding, but all such
research efforts were halted with the demise of the Soviet empire in
the early nineties.
Ratnikov, who subsequently served
as deputy head and then senior consultant at the Federal Guard
Service from 1991 to 1997, said his department was in charge of
safeguarding top officials in post-Soviet Russia against any external
influence on their sub-conscious.
The general stated emphatically
that he and his colleagues had never manipulated the minds of the
then president, Boris Yeltsin, or of economic reformer Yegor Gaidar,
but claimed to have used mind-reading to save Russia’s first
president and the country from a war with China.
Yeltsin had planned to visit Japan
in 1992, but Ratnikov’s department detected attempts to “program”
the president’s mind, to make him give the Kuril Islands back to
Japan. The move would have led to demands from China that it regains
its disputed territories from Russia as well, a conflict that could
have sparked a war between the two neighbors. Yeltsin, therefore, was
forced to cancel the trip.
Another of the general’s
revelations is that senior officials in Western Europe and the United
States unwittingly provided information to his department, which was
able to read their minds thanks to Soviet-era scientific
In the early nineties, Ratnikov and
his colleagues “scanned” the mind of new U.S. Ambassador Robert
Strauss to see that the embassy building contained equipment to exert
psychotronic influence on Moscow residents but, according to the
general, it had been deactivated. [9]
Research into electromagnetic
spectrums weapons had been secretly carried out in the US and Russia
since the fifties. Plans to introduce the super-weapons were
announced quietly in March 2012 by Russian Defense Minister Anatoly
Serdyukov, fulfilling a little-noticed election campaign pledge by
president-elect Putin. Mr. Serdyukov said, “The development of
weaponry based on new physics principles – Direct Energy weapons,
Geophysical weapons, Wave-energy weapons, Genetic weapons,
Psychotronic weapons, and so on – is part of the state arms
procurement programme for 2011-2020.”[10]
There was no doubt that,
notwithstanding that governments still covered-up the development and
research of mind control technologies, the government owned advanced
technologies, which could read mankind thoughts remotely and subvert
an individual’s sense of control over their own thinking, behavior,
emotions or decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system
with electromagnetic frequencies.
As early as 1998, scientists had
warned that the control and manipulation of a human brain was a
terrifying possibility. Lieutenant Colonel Timothy L. Thomas, US Army
(ret), published an article in the military journal Parameters
which likened the mind to a new battlefield. He quoted a Russian army
major in relation to weapons that affected the mind, “It is
completely clear that the state, which is first to create such
weapons, will achieve incomparable superiority.” Thomas expressed
concern about “information dominance,” though he stopped short of
the moral implications. (Timothy L. Thomas, The
Mind Has No Firewall,
Spring 1998, pp. 84-92) [11]
Mr. Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and
Bridget Thornton raised high concerns of human rights violations
implemented with electromagnetic spectrums weapons in the article “US
Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights.”
(Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton, US
Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights,
December 2006) [12]
Carole Smith, a British
psychoanalyst, in recent years has been openly critical of government
use of intrusive technology on non-consenting citizens, in the
article “Diagnosis
Psychosis in Light of Mind Invasive Technology – On the Need for New
Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive
The European Parliament
Paragraph 27 called for a worldwide ban on weapons that might enable
“any form” of the “manipulation of human beings.” [13]
USA Representative Dennis Kucinich
introduced bill H.R. 2977
(2001), which was referred to the Committee on Science, and in
addition to the Committees on Armed Services, and International
Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the speaker,
in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the
jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
H.R. 2977
(2001) preserved the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the
benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of
weapons in space by the United States, and required the President to
take action to adopt and implement a world treaty banning space-based
In this bill, the terms “weapon”
and “weapons system” included a device capable of the following:
“directing a source of energy, including molecular or atomic
energy, subatomic particle beams, electromagnetic radiation, plasma,
or extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultralow frequency (ULF) energy
radiation, against that object,” “through the use of land-based,
sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic,
psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual
persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war,
mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations.”
The United Nations Institute for
Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) formally listed a special category of
psychotronic (psycho = “mind” & tronic= “electronic”)
mind control and other electromagnetic resonance weapons in their
2002 Media Guide to Disarmament. [14]
Voor het vervolg zie het origineel. (en begin dan bij het volgen de ‘hoofdstuk’ met de kop: Reported
stories about people who claimed that they were mind control victims
[1] Nazi Wonder Drug,, 9/11/2002, accessed August 19, 2013
[2] Mike Parker, CIA’S BOURNE IDENTITY PLOT (Mkultra),, July 8, 2007, accessed August 19, 2013
[3] Leila Gray, Tiny electronic chip, interacting with the brain, modifies pathways for controlling movement, University of Washington News, October 24, 2006 accessed August 19, 2013
[4] Dr. Don Justesen, Microwaves and Behavior, American Psychologist, March 1975, accessed August 19, 2013
[5] Voice-to-skulldevices accessed August 19, 2013
[6] Harvard’s Buckner wins Alzheimer’s award for reading our minds, February 24, 2011, accessed August 19, 2013
[7] Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts accessed August 19, 2013
[8] T. J. Wardill, P. T. Gonzalez-Bellido, R. J. Crook, R. T. Hanlon. Neural control of tuneable skin iridescence in squid. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2012; DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2012.1374
[9] Ex-agent reveals KGB Mind Control techniques – paper 22/12/2006 accessed August 19, 2013
[10] Christopher Leake and Will Stewart, Putin
targets foes with ‘zombie’ gun which attack victims’ central nervous
system Could be used against Russia’s enemies and perhaps its own
dissidents, March 31, 2012 accessed August 19, 2013
[11] Timothy L. Thomas, The Mind Has No Firewall, Parameters, Spring 1998, pp. 84-92.
[12] Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton, US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights, December 2006, accessed August 19, 2013
[13] Environment, security and foreign affairs, A4-0005/1999, The European Parliament accessed August 19, 2013
[14] 2002 Media Guide to Disarmament in Geneva,
A Joint Initiative of: Quaker United Nations Office, Geneva
United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research
Programme for Strategic and International Security Studies, IUHEI accessed August 19, 2013
[15] An anonymous Survey for Mind Control Victims (result on 19 Dec 2009)
(voor de tekst bij nummer 15 van de ‘noten’ of referentiepunten, zie de rest van de tekst, en volg daarbij de aanwijzingen zoals aangegeven voor de ‘References’ [dus boven de hier direct voor weergegeven ‘noten’])
* Tijdens WOI was Nederland zo ongeveer de grootste producent van cocaïne t.b.v. frontsoldaten van zowel Groot-Brittannie, Frankrijk, Rusland en andere landen en de Duitse en Oostenrijkse troepen aan de andere kant…… Ook toen werd cocaïne gebruikt om de prestaties van frontsoldaten te verbeteren. Ofwel Nederland was oorlogswinstmaker en verdiende flink aan beide partijen, de fabriek die de cocaïne produceerde stond in Amsterdam…….
** Vandaar ook dat je altijd moet oppassen met magnetrons, ga er nooit te dichtbij staan en al helemaal niet met je hoofd, hoe ouder de magnetron hoe gevaarlijker deze is……
Met het label ‘TMS’, direct onder dit bericht, wordt bedoeld: transcranial magnetic stimulation. Het label ‘E.F. hersencontrole’ staat voor Elektromagnetische Frequentie hersencontrole. Helaas is de ruimte voor labels beperkt, bij deze mijn excuus voor de ontbrekende, heb m.i. de belangrijkste opgenomen.