Hier een artikel over de illegaliteit van kernwapens en het gevaar van deze wapens in handen van onverantwoordelijke figuren, in dienst van de kernwapen mogendheden. Het artikel komt van de site van Stan van Houcke (onderaan deze pagina vindt u het adres), die het weer van truth-out.org haalde. Dit artikel zet nog meer vragen bij de totaal mislukte Nuclear Security Summit, het ‘slaapzand’ in de ogen strooien bij de wereldbevolking, over de ‘zorgen’ bij de grote mogendheden, rond de veiligheid en onveiligheid van nucleair materiaal. Veel gelul over wat er zou kunnen gebeuren, als radioactief materiaal in handen van terroristen zou vallen, terwijl we het eerst maar eens over kernenergie moeten hebben, het feit, dat deze energieopwekking levensgevaarlijk is en de mens er onmiddellijk mee zou moeten stoppen. Nog belangrijker, zijn de bestaande kernwapens, die een nog groter gevaar voor de mensheid vormen (zo je dat al zou kunnen stellen, zie de Stille Oceaan rond Fukushima). Ondanks alle mooie woorden over het terugdringen van atoomwapens, kunnen de kernmachten de wereld nog steeds zo’n 10.000 keer vernietigen………
Illegality of Nuclear War
A New Examination for Missile Launch Officers and the Rest of Us
Sunday, 06 April 2014 09:56By David Krieger, Truthout | Op-Ed
This raises important philosophical and practical questions with regard to morality and legality. Which is the greater moral failure: cheating on an examination or being willing to launch nuclear-armed missiles that could lead to the deaths of millions of innocent men, women and children?
What kind of society would give young officers the task of carrying out illegal orders to destroy cities, countries and even civilization, with all the attendant pain, suffering and death that would be caused?
The exams on which there was cheating were most likely technical in nature, aimed at finding out whether the missile launch officers understood the technical issues involved in launching their missiles, upon command to do so, and in preventing unauthorized launches. But shouldn’t the officers in charge of launching also be tested on the legal and moral implications of what they are being asked to do in a worst-case scenario?
With these larger legal and moral issues in mind, a more pertinent examination could be developed that would include True and False questions like these:
1. You are a cog in a nuclear threat system that could lead to tens or hundreds of millions of deaths and bring about the catastrophic destruction of civilization.
2. The nuclear-armed missiles you are responsible for launching would indiscriminately kill men, women and children, which is illegal under international humanitarian law.
3. Nuclear weapons cause unnecessary suffering, which is illegal under international humanitarian law.
4. It is illegal under international humanitarian law to launch a reprisal attack that is disproportionate to an initial attack.
5. The effects of nuclear weapons detonations cannot be contained in space or time.
6. US political leaders are failing to pursue negotiations in good faith for nuclear disarmament, as legally required by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
7. US political leaders are failing to pursue negotiations in good faith for a cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date, as legally required by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
8. The defense of following orders by Nazi officers was not accepted as a legitimate defense for criminal acts at the Nuremberg trials.
9. The Nuremberg trials after World War II held the Nazi leaders and officers to account, and some were given death sentences for committing crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
10. You are not required to carry out illegal orders from a superior officer, and an order to fire your missiles with the consequence of indiscriminately killing men, women and children would be an illegal order.
These are examination questions not only for missile launch officers to ponder, but for every member of our society to consider. The missile launch officers are only cogs in the US nuclear apparatus of death and destruction. They are not the only responsible parties, but they are instrumental parties to planning and preparation for indiscriminate murder and perhaps the death of all.
The key responsible parties are political leaders and the people themselves. Only our political leaders, with pressure from the people, can assure that the United States plays a leadership role in pursuing the legal and moral path to achieving the globally necessary number of Nuclear Zero.
The answers to all the above exam questions are True.
David Krieger
David Krieger is president of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. His latest book is Zero: The Case for Nuclear Weapons Abolition. Find out more about Nukes Are Nuts at nukesarenuts.org.
Zie ook: ‘Nuclear Securitty Summit, een zinloze conferentie, waar men het niet heeft over de echt belangrijke zaken….. ‘