‘Verkeerschaos’ door één persoon met 99 smartphones

Maps werd bedrogen door de Berlijnse kunstenaar Simon Wreckert, die
met een wagentje gevuld met 99 smartphones door straten van Berlijn
liep, waardoor Google Maps aangaf dat die straten vast waren gelopen met auto’s, terwijl hij midden over
de weg liep en er geen auto was te zien (althans rijdend)…..

Wreckert heeft e.e.a. gedaan om onder andere de mensheid te tonen hoeveel ruimte auto’s innemen in ons dagelijkse leven…. Waarbij niet moet worden vergeten dat in Nederland ook nog eens 18.000 mensen jaren eerder overlijden na een akelige ziekte, alleen door langdurige inademing van auto-uitstoot, daarnaast loopt jaarlijks een groot aantal kinderen long- en/of luchtwegklachten op door diezelfde uitstoot……. 

Voorts laat Wreckert zien dat we niet zomaar alle data moeten geloven, daar deze gemanipuleerd kunnen worden en daadwerkelijk worden gemanipuleerd, zo laat Google onwelgevallige informatie pas heel ver in de resultaten zien na een zoekopdracht, of toont deze informatie helemaal niet, anders gezegd: Google doet als Facebook zelfs aan censuur! (een populair instrument in dictatoriaal geregeerde landen…..)…… 

Met dank aan Gertjan van Beijnum, die een Twitterbericht besteedde aan het volgende artikel.

Man Created Traffic Jams on Google Maps Using a Red Wagon Full of

pulling 99 phones down empty streets, artist Simon Wreckert made it
look like they were gridlocked on Google Maps.


3 2020, 4:41pm

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor This Man Created Traffic Jams on Google Maps Using a Red Wagon Full of Phones

Artist Simon Wreckert walked the
streets of Berlin tugging a red wagon behind him. Wherever he went,
Google Maps showed a congested traffic jam. People using Google Maps
would see a thick red line indicating congestion on the road, even
when there was no traffic at all. Each and every one of those 99
phones had Google Maps open, giving the virtual illusion that the
roads were jam packed.

By transporting the smartphones
in the street I’m able to generate virtual traffic which will
navigate cars on another route,” Wreckert told Motherboard in a
Twitter DM. “Ironically that can generate a real traffic jam
somewhere else in the city.”


Wreckert told Motherboard that he
did the hack/art installation to get people to think about the space
we give to cars in public life and the data we rely on everyday.

Isn’t it crazy [how] much
space is used by a car in a city compared to the usage?” he said. 

“The hack shows us what is possible with this technology and who we
rely on.”

To pull off the trick, Wreckert
rented 99 smartphones, all of them Android devices, and purchased 99
sims cards for them online. He said he’d spend an hour or two on
each spot, walking back and forth on the street to generate a traffic
jam. “My subjective feeling was that even this short time was
already enough to change the traffic in the street,” he said.

“‘The map is not the territory
… but another version of reality,’’ Wreckert said, quoting
semanticist Alfred Korzybski, one of William S. Burroughs’ biggest
influences. “Data is always translated to what they might be
presented. The images, lists, graphs, and maps that represent those
data are all interpretations, and there is no such thing as neutral
data. Data is always collected for a specific purpose, by a
combination of people, technology, money, commerce, and government.”

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor This Man Created Traffic Jams on Google Maps Using a Red Wagon Full of Phones

Simon Wreckert

The maps are their own territory,
their own objective reality, not just a reflection of the real world
but a branch of it. Wreckert was showing us all how data and maps can
affect the world they’re meant to chart. “Maps have the potential
as an instrument of power,” he said. 

 “They substitute political
and military power in a way that represents the state borders between
territories and they can repeat, legitimate, and construct the
differences of classes and social self-understandings.”

Data is not objective and the maps
themselves have biases. Showing how the data can be hacked and
manipulated is like pointing out the Emperor has no clothes.

In this process it is pointing
out the fact that we are highly focused on the data and tent to see
them as objective, unambiguous, and interpretation free,” Wreckert
said. “In doing so, a blindness arises against the processes that
data generates and the assumption that numbers speak for themselves.
Not only the collection of data provides an interpretative scope, but
also computing processes allows further interpretations.”

Thus data are viewed as the
world itself, forgetting that the numbers are only representing a
model of the world,” he said.

Coty Levandoski contributed

cities traffic


Zie ook:

Google Maps veegt Palestijns gebied van de kaart‘ 

Google helpt de farmaceutische industrie ten koste van alternatieve gezondheidsmedia

Grote internetplatforms als Facebook en Twitter weren in de VS anti-oorlog boodschappen en berichten, voorts worden giften geblokkeerd…..‘ 

Facebook keurde advertenties goed die waren gericht op neonazi’s‘ (ja ja……)

Facebook staat valse informatie toe tijdens de (voor-) verkiezingen van het presidentschap in de VS

Facebook censuur gestuurd door het westers militair-industrieel complex en de NAVO in het bijzonder……….

Why the Coordinated Alternative Media Purge Should Terrify Everyone (van Zero Hedge)

Facebook komt met nieuwsshows van betrouwbare media als CNN en Fox News…. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!‘ 

Wie het nieuws controleert, controleert de wereld……

Facebook en Twitter verwijderen de eerlijke journalistiek en oprechte opinie >> censuur…..

(zie ook de links in de bovenstaande berichten, anders dan deze hierboven getoonde berichten)

Voor (nog veel) meer berichten over manipulatie, censuur, Google, Twitter en Facebook, klik op het betreffende label, direct onder dit bericht (de laatste 2 genoemde internetplatforms doen ook aan censuur, terwijl Facebook wel leugens toestaat als het gaat om de voorverkiezingen in de VS en de presidentsverkiezingen zelf…… (waar Rusland op basis van geen enkel bewijs wordt beschuldigd van het manipuleren van verkiezingen…..)

Google Maps veegt Palestijns gebied van de kaart

Facebook al een paar jaar lang Palestijnen weert van haar platform,
kwam Middle East Monitor (MEMO) met het bericht dat Google Maps
Palestijnse gebieden als de Gazastrook en de West Bank niet meer als
dusdanig weergeeft op haar ‘i-landkaarten…….’

wil Google aantonen dat ook haar bedrijf de zionisten bedient tot het
einde, ook al zijn er bergen bewijs over de ongebreidelde agressie,
beter gezegd ‘terreur’ tegen Palestijnen door de illegaal gestichte
staat Israël……

ook Google ziet Palestijnen niet als mensen, precies zoals Israël en
de westerse landen dat niet zien……… Alsof de Palestijnen
verantwoordelijk zijn voor de holocaust en de illegale stichting van
de staat Israël op het gebied van Palestina……*

hoogste tijd wellicht om Google voorgoed vaarwel te zeggen, echter
dat zal voor velen niet meevallen, neem alleen al dit blog………
Niet iedereen heeft de middelen om een site in de lucht te
houden, ofwel Google misbruikt haar macht……

Google Wipes Palestine Off the Map

dedication to Israel’s occupation can be seen in its maps and its
refusal to recognise the reality of Israel’s apartheid system for

30, 2018 at 9:03 am | Published in: 
& Photo Stories


2018 at 9:15 am

East Monitor

(MEMO Op-ed) — Like
Silicon Valley monopolies
Google habitually takes the side of Israeli occupation and war crimes
in Palestine – the very term Palestine is not used by their highly
influential maps app.

report by a Palestinian human rights group
month exposed the depths of Google’s dedication to the Israeli

a known history documented back more than 3,200 years, the name
“Palestine” is the only term continuously used for the entire
territory of the country lying between the Jordan River and the
Mediterranean Sea.

is the most historically accurate term. But 
when Zionist militias expelled the majority of the Palestinian
population from the country by force, a new state, “Israel”, was

state has never declared its borders.

when speaking about “Israel” it is unclear exactly what territory
is being referred to. But Zionists of both the right and the “left”
commonly claim the entire historic territory of Palestine as the
“Land of Israel.”

by 7amleh (Hamleh), a Palestinian organisation advocating online
rights, details how Google seems to almost go out of its way to
eradicate the reality of Palestinian life.

came under fire from Palestinians on social media
the terms “West Bank” and “Gaza” disappeared from Google
Maps. Google said that the removal of these terms was down to a
glitch and that they had never used the word Palestine in the first

West Bank and Gaza Strip are regions of Palestine that are important,
since they represent

remaining Palestinian territories which Israel failed to occupy in
however, Israel took over those too.)

its mapping and labelling,” the 7amleh report explains, “one can
deduce that Google Maps recognises the existence of Israel, with
Jerusalem as its capital, but not Palestine.”

are further aspects of the way Google has wiped Palestinian life off
the map though. As the 7amleh report maps in some detail, Palestinian
villages in the Naqab (Negev desert) deemed “unrecognised” by
Israel (inside of what is sometimes termed “Israel proper” –
the territories of Palestine occupied in 1948) are not properly
mapped by Google.

villages are only visible in Google Maps “when zooming in very
closely,” the report explains, “but otherwise appear to be
non-existent. This means that when looking at Google Maps, these
villages appear to be not there.”

report details how small Israeli villages are “displayed even when
zoomed-out, while unrecognised Palestinian Bedouin villages,
regardless of their size are only visible when zooming in very

is despite the fact that there “are in total 46 Bedouin villages in
the Naqab, the majority of which existed before Israel’s creation
in 1948. Some claim to have existed since the 7th century.”

has repeatedly attempted to physically remove these villages, but has
repeatedly failed, thanks to the resistance of the Palestinians who
live there, and thanks also to 
national and
international solidarity shown to those villages.

Israeli (lack of) status as “unrecognised” also means that the
state refuses to connect the villages to basic services like water
and electricity – despite the fact that nearby Israeli-Jewish
settlements are given all the support possible.

Basma Abu-Qwaider, one Palestinian Naqab villager, explains in the

Maps acts in a discriminatory manner towards the unrecognised village
the same [way] as the Israeli government does. Google ignores the
existence of these villages just like Israel and for me if you do not
exist on the map it means that you are invisible and that’s exactly
what Israel wants us to be.”

solidarity with Israeli racism expressed by Google’s helpful
attitude towards Israel’s wiping of

quite literally off the map extends across the 1967 “Green Line”
ceasefire boundary.

villages even within the “West Bank” area of the Jordan Valley
are not properly mapped by Google either. The report documents that
while Israeli settlements “can be seen when looking at the larger
area of the map” some Palestinian villages are only visible when
zoomed in – and even that only as a result of pressure being put on
by a human rights organisation.

also refuses to recognise or map the reality of Israel’s apartheid
roads system for Palestinians.

part of Israel’s ongoing settler-colonisation of Palestine, large
parts of the West Bank – which is ruled by Israeli military decree
– are prohibited access for Palestinians. Many roads are reserved
for the use of Jews only.

the illegality of these practices under international law, Google’s
route-planning apps do not designate Israeli settlements in the West
Bank as illegal.

report concludes: “Google Maps, as the largest global mapping and
route planning service, has the power to influence global public
opinion and therefore bears the responsibility to abide by
international human rights standards and to offer a service that
reflects the Palestinian reality.”

should be compelled to end its complicity with Israeli racism and

By Asa
 / Creative
 / Middle
East Monitor
 / Report
a typo


* Zelf
noem ik de staat Palestina maar zelden, immers daarmee zou ik
aangeven dat deze staat nog steeds bestaat en daar is geen sprake
van, zelfs niet op de West Bank of in de Gazastrook, beiden in feite
openluchtgevangenissen van de fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël……..

Zie ook:

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Facebook: uit gelekte documenten worden de steeds veranderende regels voor censuur op dit platform openbaar gemaakt: Facebook als geheime tak van de VS overheid

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demolishes Al-Araqeeb for 135th time, arrests residents

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Google manipuleerde VS presidentsverkiezingen van 2016 en censureert niet alleen linkse/alternatieve sociale media‘ (zie ook de links in dat bericht)

Facebook: uit gelekte documenten worden de steeds veranderende regels voor censuur op dit platform openbaar gemaakt: Facebook als geheime tak van de VS overheid

Kritiek op Israël wordt door een leger van Israëlische trollen bevochten

Israël misbruikt de aanslag op de synagoge in Pittsburgh voor demonisering van steun a

an de Palestijnen…….

De film over de pro-Israëlische lobby in de VS, die Israël verboden wil zien………

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