BLM: Politie VS schiet, vermoordt en zet meer mensen gevangen dan andere ontwikkelde landen: ‘de cijfers’ van CNN, vooral schrikbarend als het om gekleurde mensen gaat

Naar aanleding van de gruwelijke moord op George Floyd en onnoemelijk veel andere gekleurde VS burgers in het (ook recente) verleden: politie VS schiet, vermoordt en
zet meer mensen gevangen dan andere ontwikkelde landen aldus CNN dat met ‘de
cijfers’ komt. Cijfers die belachelijk genoeg niet zijn gebaseerd op gegevens van de politie in de VS, daar die niet bijhoudt hoeveel burgers er worden vermoord door haar personeel……. (wel houdt de poltie bij hoeveel mensen er volgens de politie terecht werden vermoord door agenten; moet je nagaan……)

In het hieronder opgenomen artikel, zoals je hiervoor kon lezen, ook aandacht voor de 2,2 miljoen gevangenen die de VS ‘rijk is’, in verhouding worden daar veel meer gekleurde mensen gevangen gezet dan die van de witte meerderheid…. (en dit nog buiten de door ICE gavengen gezette vluchtelingen en kinderen van vluchtelingen, die nog steeds apart gevangen worden gezet….) Het gevangenissysteem in de VS wordt vooral bestuurt door een beursgenoteerd bedrijf dat belang heeft bij zoveel mogelijk gevangenen en lullig genoeg heeft dit bedrijf een machtige lobby in Washington……

Het volgend artikel werd eerder gepubliceerd op CNN en werd door mij overgenomen van Information Clearing House, verder commentaar is wat mij betreft overbodig, behalve dan de waarschuwing de veiligheidsriemen vast te klikken, ofwel houd je vast!

police shoot, kill and imprison more people than other developed
countries. Here’s the data

Rob Picheta and Henrik Pettersson

The US shoots, kills and imprisons more people than other ... 

June 09, 2020
Clearing House

– Enough.

That’s the message
from many of the protesters
who have filled American cities for
nearly two weeks, demanding justice for the death of George Floyd and
seeking to end a litany of police killings of black Americans.

The protests have
rippled across the United States and throughout the world, with
activists streaming through the streets of many
capital cities
in solidarity with the movement.

Floyd was just one of
the many Americans killed by police officers each year. But in other
developed countries, such incidents are rare.

comparisons show that police in the US typically shoot, arrest and
imprison more people than similarly developed nations.

nation listed below either accompanies the US in the G7 group of the
world’s most advanced economies, or is ranked similarly on global
wealth, freedom and democracy indexes. But when it comes to policing
and criminal justice, the US is a noticeable outlier, and black
Americans are disproportionately affected.

on arrests, deaths and prison populations do not exist uniformly
across developed countries, so it can be difficult to pinpoint
exactly how the US fares in comparison to every nation. For instance,
it is impossible to know exactly how many people die at the hands of
police officers in the US each year: no single, nationwide database
that contains such information exists.

“We can’t have an
informed discussion, because we don’t have data,” former FBI
Director James Comey told the House Judiciary Committee in 2015.
“People have data about who went to a movie last weekend … and
I cannot tell you how many people were shot by police in the United
States last month, last year, or anything about the demographics. And
that’s a very bad place to be.”

We are therefore
forced to rely on estimates — but even they paint a stark picture.

A media
by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) found a total of
1,348 potential arrest-related deaths in the ten months from June
2015 through March 2016 — an average of 135 deaths per month, or
just over 4 per day. (The review excludes deaths under the
jurisdiction of federal and tribal law enforcement, and the BJS
acknowledged it does not provide a complete picture.)

By comparison, only 13
people in the UK died in or following police custody in the closest
time period, according to the country’s police
. In Australia, 21 deaths occurred in police custody or
custody-related operations in 2015/16. Those measures are the most
accurate comparison to the US’s figure of arrest-related deaths,
to the UK Home Office. The UK’s figure does not include every death
that occurred following police contact.

police also shoot more people than forces in similarly developed

FBI recorded
that 407 people were shot in an act of “justifiable homicide”
by a police officer in 2018, a decline on previous years. But
homicides ruled justifiable do not capture every police killing, and
the FBI’s numbers are derided by many human rights groups and news
organizations which have collected far higher figures. The Washington
counted 1,004 people fatally shot by police in 2019, for
instance, while the group Mapping
Police Violence
tallied 1,099.

Comey’s comments to
the House Judiciary Committee illustrate the FBI’s own acceptance
that their number does not tell the full story. Nonetheless, even the
FBI’s figure dramatically dwarfs that of many other countries, where
police shootings are highly isolated incidents. 

And police in New
Zealand and the UK (except Northern Ireland) do not routinely carry

Canada may most
closely follow the US among G7 countries. Official data is only
collected when an officer is charged, but an analysis by CNN
affiliate CBC
found 461 fatal police encounters between 2000 and 2017.

In the US police arrrested three for every 100 people in 2018

In Australia it’s two

In the UK it’s one

are also more likely to be arrested or jailed than their peers

total of 10,310,960 arrests were made in the US in 2018 — that’s one
arrest made per every 32 American citizens. Those figures give the US
a far higher arrest rate than the UK or Australia, among others. Of
those confronted or arrested by police, black Americans are more
likely to be subjected to force — a key complaint of the protesters
marching across the US.

officers are more likely to use force on black Americans — and,
to a 2016 study published in the American Journal of Health
black men are nearly three times more likely than white men to be
killed by police intervention. Comparable figures for other countries
are not readily available.

general, more Americans are subjected to the cogs of the criminal
justice system than in many other countries; and more end up in
prison, too.

The US has the largest
prison population in the world, as well as the largest incarceration
rate per capita, according to World
Prison Brief
— a London-based initiative that counts inmate
populations around the world annually.

four US cities have more inhabitants than the country’s prisons —
and America’s
prison population of 2.2 million
is higher than the combined
of Washington, DC, Boston and Miami.

Rates are high across
the country. If every US state were counted as a country, the 31
countries with the highest incarceration rates in the world would all
be US states, according to the Prison
Policy Initiative
(PPI). Oklahoma, Louisiana and Mississippi all have
incarceration rates of over 1,000, meaning more than one in a hundred
people in those states were prisoners in 2018. By comparison, the
highest incarceration rate outside the US is in El Salvador, where
614 people per 100,000 are prisoners, according to the Prison Policy

Americans make up a third of the US prison population, despite only
making up around an eighth of the country’s total population.

The UK and Canada
suffer similar issues, but not on the scale that the United States

The available data
paints a clear and concerning picture — and explains why policing
and justice reform have been rallying cries of protesters for so


CNN’s Sergio
Hernandez contributed to this report.  –


Floyd’s Niece Invokes Trump at Houston Funeral: ‘When Has America
Ever Been Great?’

on camera: Police brutality and racism in Trump’s America

set us up’: US police arrested over 10,000 protesters, many


De VS, het land van de ongekende mogelijkheden, dat blijkt maar weer eens (in uiterst negatieve zin wel te verstaan…….)…. Lullig dat de reguliere westerse media en politiek de VS nog steeds als een lichtend voorbeeld zien…… Moet wel opmerken dat het me nog meevalt dat het gevangeniswezen hier nog steeds niet is geprivatiseerd, zoals de zorg in feite wel voor een fiks deel is geprivatiseerd, één van de redenen waarom er veel te weinig zorgpersoneel is en er ziekenhuizen met IC-bedden werden gesloten….. Dat personeelstekort is ook nog eens fiks aangewakkerd door Rutte 2 (hoofdverantwoordelijken: Rutte van de VVD en Asscher van de PvdA) die maar liefst 75.000 zorgkrachten op straat hebben gezet….. En dan vindt men ook nog eens dat de Corona-aanpak van Rutte zo geweldig is……

Zie ook:

Politieracisme en -geweld tegen oorspronkelijke volkeren van Canada‘ 

Lives Matter in de VS: nog een politiemoord op een zwart gekleurde man
vanwege diens kleur, zonder dat de daders werden gestraft

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(nog een zwarte man die werd vermoord door de politie en dan durft men
in de VS onder leiding van de psychopathische fascist Trump, de niet
centraal geleide organisatie Black Lives Matter, als een
terreurorganisatie neer te zetten…..) 

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Trump en Fox zijn uit op een militaire coup‘ (o.a. over de bemoeienissen van Trump met de demonstraties tegen racistisch politie geweld)

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Black Lives Matter, maar niet voor BBC First: Midsomer Murders met racist John Nettles wordt gewoon uitgezonden

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Brekend nieuws: militairen op straat in Washington!! 

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VS politiegeweld tegen demonstranten is illegaal volgens internationale wetten: VN veroordeel dit geweld!!‘ 

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geweld middels traangas en rubberkogels uit elkaar heeft laten jagen

op George Floyd: de druppel die de emmer deed overlopen, waar tevens
sociale achterstand een motivering is, zoals in Frankrijk, Chili en
andere landen

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Het label BLM (direct onder dit bericht) staat voor Black Lives Matter.