Anti-Media publiceerde gisteren een artikel waarin duidelijk wordt gemaakt, dat de NSA (in samenwerking met de CIA, al wordt dit niet gesteld in dit artikel) zich al jaren bemoeit met verkiezingen in het buitenland.
Nu de hysterie over Russische hacks en manipulaties in de VS op haar top is, gebruikt de NSA deze hysterie, om haar bemoeienis met verkiezingen in binnen en buitenland verder uit te breiden, zogenaamd om landen te helpen tegen de ‘duivelse Russen…..’
Als er over Russische hacks en manipulaties in buitenlandse verkiezingen wordt gesproken door de NSA en CIA, gaat het telkens weer om verkiezingen waarbij VS-marionetten het onderspit delven. Mooi voorbeeld: de onlangs gehouden Franse verkiezingen. Vlak voordat deze verkiezingen plaatsvonden sprak het team van Macron ook over Russische inmenging (mede ingegeven door NSA, zoals het Anti-Media artikel aangeeft), een verhaal waar niets van overbleef, na de winst van Macron!! ‘Vreemd genoeg’ werd er daarna in de reguliere, zogenaamd onafhankelijke media niet meer over gesproken, terwijl men dit ‘nieuws’ (nep nieuws, of ‘fake news’, wat u wilt) met chocoladeletters bracht……….
De FBI bood de Russische hacker Nikulon het staatsburgerschap van de VS, geld en een gratis appartement, als hij wilde bevestigen, dat hij opdracht had gekregen van de Russische overheid om de verkiezingscampagne van Hillary Clinton te hacken……. Dit terwijl de FBI, de NSA en de CIA keer op keer durfden te zeggen, dat ze bewijzen hadden voor deze hacks in opdracht van de Russische regering…………
Uit de Vault 7 documenten op Wikileaks blijkt duidelijk, dat de CIA zich grootschalig bezig houdt met hacken en daarmee met machinaties van zaken in een groot aantal buitenlanden. Dat ook de NSA zich daarmee bezig hield en houdt, werd bewezen met het hacken van bevriende naties, waarbij zelfs de ‘slimme telefoon’ van de Duitse premier Merkel werd gehackt en getapt……..
Nogmaals, ondanks dit alles wijst men met de vieze vingers nog steeds naar Rusland voor deze zaken, terwijl daar tot op heden, nul komma nada bewijs voor werd geleverd……..
Overigens al totaal belachelijk dat men de beschuldigingen van de FBI, NSA en CIA nog serieus neemt, terwijl deze diensten zo onnoemlijk veel hebben gelogen in het verleden……….
Lees en oordeel zelf:
To Expand Surveillance Of US, Foreign Elections Over “Russian
Hacker” Fears
NSA To Expand Surveillance Of US, Foreign Elections Over “Russian Hacker” Fears
17, 2017 at 9:35 am
by Anti-Media
News Desk
(MPN) Last
Tuesday, during his
testimony to
the Senate Armed Services Committee, National Security Agency
director Admiral Mike Rogers echoed the
previous testimonies given
by former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and other
U.S. law enforcement and intelligence officials, who have sought to
use the “Russian hacking” narrative as leverage to justify a
greater role for their own agencies in supervising U.S. elections.
a question from Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) during the hearing,
Rogers stated, “If we define election infrastructure as critical to
the nation and we are directed by the president or the secretary, I
can apply our capabilities in partnership with others – because we
won’t be the only ones, the Department of Homeland Security, the
FBI – I can apply those capabilities proactively with some of the
owners of those systems.”
response, Sen. Hirono asked, “You are still awaiting direction from
the president for everyone to coordinate efforts to stop this kind of
thing from Russia’s part?,” referencing statements made by Rogers
and others that have blamed Russia for interfering in elections in
the U.S. and elsewhere. However, neither Rogers nor any U.S.
intelligence agency has yet to release any proof of these
Rogers responded
that there was no “defined mission” to
stop alleged Russian interference, Hirono responded, “We need to do
that for everybody to come together.”
is not only pitching for the NSA to have a greater role in upcoming
U.S. elections but also in elections in other nations, namely France
and the United Kingdom. After a question from Senator Kirsten
Gillibrand (D-NY), Rogers stated, “We [NSA] had talked to our
French counterparts prior to the public announcements of the events
publicly attributed this past weekend and gave them a heads up.
‘Look, we’re watching the Russians. We’re seeing them penetrate
some of your infrastructure’.”
then added, “We’re doing similar things with our German
counterparts, with our British counterparts, they have an upcoming
election sequence.”
Rogers, along with several senators, are pushing for greater
oversight of the U.S. and foreign elections due to the possible
threat of “Russian hackers,” an examination of elections held
over the past year suggests that the specter of Russian interference
only emerges when the U.S. establishment’s preferred candidate or
outcome does not prevail.
specter fails to appear – except in U.S. and other elections
2016, elections in Iceland, Spain, Hungary, Australia and Croatia all
had outcomes that were not favorable for Russia, as the results led
to wins for pro-EU and pro-NATO interests. The Russian hacking
narrative only emerged in the U.S. election after leaks derailed
Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, as well as in subsequent
elections in Bulgaria and Moldova where pro-Russian candidates won.
complication for the narrative is the
curious case of Russian hacker Yevgeny Nikulin,
who stands accused of hacking U.S. corporations. According to
Nikulin, FBI agents offered him money, U.S. citizenship and a free
apartment in exchange for confessing to hacking Clinton’s campaign
and claiming that he did so under direct orders from Russian
President Vladimir Putin. If U.S. law enforcement and intelligence
agencies were so assured that Russians hacked Clinton’s emails, why
would they make offers such as this to a Russian hacker who they were
pursuing on unrelated charges?
the greatest complication for those who have accused Russian hackers
of leaking Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails to Wikileaks
came yesterday. Separate
reports of
a federal investigator and a former DC homicide detective essentially
proved that Wikileaks came into possession of DNC emails through Seth
Rich, a DNC employee who – not long after he allegedly passed
emails to Wikileaks – was gunned down last July. The
substantial evidence that
the leaks came from a DNC insider and were not “hacked”
effectively demolishes the Russian hacker narrative.
the most glaring admission from Rogers’ testimony is the fact that
the U.S. is already deeply embedded in the foreign nations they have
offered to help protect from potential election interference. As
revelations released by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden showed, the
NSA infiltrated the communication systems of France, the UK and
Germany long ago, including those used by their political leadership.
In addition, the NSA’s “Tailored Access Operations” (TAO) unit
is known to infiltrate
computers around the world in
order to aid in “foreign intelligence collection.”
looking at the concrete evidence available regarding past election
interference, the U.S. emerges as the most likely culprit – not the
Russians. For instance, in the 2016 election, the
state of Georgia reported multiple
hacking attempts targeting its election infrastructure, as
did other states like
Kentucky and West Virginia. These attempts were not linked to a
foreign government, but to the Department of Homeland Security.
addition, Wikileaks’ publications of the CIA’s “Vault 7”
hacking tools have
revealed the
intelligence agency’s ability to carry out cyber attacks that leave
digital fingerprints that can be tied to foreign state actors who are
not actually responsible for the attacks – the digital equivalent
of a “false flag” attack. Some
have suggested that
this tool was used in the recent French hack of French President
Emmanuel Macron’s emails, as Russian metadata and the names of
Russian intelligence contractors were carelessly left inside files
that were linked to the hack.
Who thinks Russian hackers are stupid enough to leave Russian tags in their hack?
So it definitely was NOT Russia.
Could be CIA
Surprise! The #MacronLeaks files include several tags in Russian (as noted by @GNR311) #Whoops #Blyat
that the U.S. is confirmed to have interfered in 81
elections since 1946,
it seems likely that the “Russian hacker” excuse is just a foil
for the U.S. deep state to gain greater control over U.S. elections
and those of its allies, making any future U.S.-led election
interference that much easier to accomplish.
By Whitney
Webb /
Republished with permission / MintPress
News / Report
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Zie ook: ‘Egregious Lies and Crimes Are The Foundation of Western Foreign Policy‘ (met mogelijkheid tot vertaling onder dat ICH artikel).
en: ‘It Is Fakenews Day >> One Day, Three Serious News Stories That Turn Out To Be False ‘ (met mogelijkheid tot vertaling)
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