Thanksgiving: één van de leugens waarmee de VS denkt de genocide op de oorspronkelijke bewoners te kunnen wegpoetsen…..

Op Thanksgiving zo leert men op VS scholen en zelfs aan de universiteit, herdenkt men dat in 1621 de pelgrims (tuig uit Europa) na de oogst samen met de oorspronkelijke bewoners (‘indianen’) aan tafel zaten. Een oogst die was behaald met de hulp en aanwijzingen van die ‘indianen’ .

Geen fluit van waar: Thanksgiving was in eerste plaats een feest n.a.v. een zelfs voor die tijd (1637) groot bloedbad dat senator John Withrop had laten aanrichten onder de Pequot stam, waarbij 700 mensen van die stam, inclusief vrouwen en kinderen, werden vermoord……..

Nog steeds hebben deze oorspronkelijke stammen geen rechten….. De aan hen, bij verdragen toegewezen gronden worden simpelweg onteigend als men vindt dat daar bijvoorbeeld een oliepijpleiding overheen gelegd moet worden, zoals de Dakota Access Pipiline (DAPL) of de Keystone (en de Keystone XL) pijpleiding, ook al weten de landelijke, regionale en plaatselijke overheden, dat deze pijpleidingen gegarandeerd op meerdere plekken zullen gaan lekken in de toekomst…….

Ach ja, wat verwacht je van ‘een land’ dat is gebouwd op de grootste genocide uit de geschiedenis, waarbij het overgrote deel van de oorspronkelijke bevolking werd vermoord…….’Een land’  gebouwd op leugens en extreem geweld………

Lees het volgende uitstekende artikel van Emma Fiala (en geeft het door!) op MintPress News en o.a gepubliceerd op Anti-Media, daaronder vindt u een artikel met video van Brasscheck TV, genaamd: ‘The theft of the New World’, waarin aandacht voor de legitimatie, die o.a. de kerk gaf aan de verovering van de ‘Nieuwe Wereld’ en de massamoorden die daarmee gepaard gingen…… Na de video en tekst van Brasscheck TV, nog een artikel geschreven door Tyler Durden, gepubliceerd op Zero Hedge, over de toestemming van de regionale overheid om de Keystone XL pijpleiding aan te leggen over grondgebied van Nebraska, dit terwijl een paar dagen daarvoor een grote lekkage in de Keystone pijpleiding werd ontdekt (dit wordt trouwens ook in het eerste artikel genoemd)……… Een beslissing die ‘uiteraard werd toegejuicht door de aandeelhouders, veelal ijskoud inhumaan geteisem dat maar één doel heeft: zoveel mogelijk winst maken, ten koste van wat dan ook……

to Be Less Ignorant This Thanksgiving

22, 2017 at 11:23 am


day seen by many Americans as a day of celebration, a day for family,
and a day for giving thanks, is perceived by many Native Americans as
a day filled with ignorance, a day filled with anger and a day full
of mourning.

(MPN) —
While millions of Americans prepare this week to get into the
holiday spirit, beginning with Thanksgiving, how many are prepared to
view the day through an accurate lens? While to many Americans the
holiday serves as a reminder to give thanks, it is seen as a day of
mourning by countless others. The truth is: European migrants
brutally murdered Native Americans, stole their lands, and continue
to do so today.

by acknowledging that almost everything taught about Thanksgiving in
most schools across the country is a lie. Most Americans remember
celebrations in elementary school in honor of Thanksgiving that
included activities ranging from coloring pages to parades to plays.
Everyone knows the drill: The Pilgrims fled Europe before landing on
Plymouth Rock. The resident natives taught them how to farm the land,
they all sat down for a big meal in 1621, and everyone lived happily
ever after in the United States.

brief history lesson is often followed by teepees made hastily from
paper bags and headdresses for all children in the classroom using
brown paper and brightly colored feathers. Some children are assigned
the role of Pilgrims while others are told to play Indian for the
day. Younger children make turkeys shaped like their hands while high
school students are allowed to glimpse a few select representations
of the gruesome battles involved in colonization.

the watered-down, inaccurate teaching of the first Thanksgiving
continues into junior high, high school and even into college, with
most Americans never actually learning the truth. If non-Native
Americans are to learn the truth of the day, it is best to go
directly to the source. While there were two parties involved in this
supposed great feast, most Americans reference only the story told by
the Pilgrims, only the story fed by the colonizers, only the story
shaped by textbook manufacturers over the years.

of a Massacre

may come as a surprise to some that the first official Thanksgiving
Day was held in 1637. Feasts of thankfulness were commonplace in both
European and Native American circles long before the first meeting
between the Wampanoag tribe, which inhabited southeastern
Massachusetts and Rhode Island, and the Pilgrims when they first
landed back in 1621. In 1637, Governor John Winthrop called for an
official day of thanks to celebrate the massacre of more than 700
people from the Pequot Tribe, a gruesome and generally unknown start
to such a widespread and popular holiday. “This day forth shall be
a day of celebration and thanksgiving for subduing the Pequots,”
read the proclamation.

Thanksgiving is to be celebrated accurately, it must be viewed
through a Native American lens. The best way to do that is to ask a
Native American.

| Native Americans share their feelings about the history of
Thanksgiving and how it impacts their lives to this day:

and emotions communicated in this video, as well as in conversations
with Native Americans, are in stark contrast to the thoughts of
gratitude and love conventionally expressed by non-Native Americans
when it comes to Thanksgiving. A day seen by many as a day of
celebration, a day for family, and a day for giving thanks, is
perceived as a day filled with ignorance, a day filled with anger and
a day full of mourning. How can these incredibly conflicting views of
the same day and the same events possibly exist within the same

Then and Now

elderly woman is escorted to a transport van after being arrested by
law enforcement at the Oceti Sakowin camp as part of the final sweep
of the Dakota Access pipeline protesters in Morton County, Thursday,
Feb. 23, 2017, near Cannon Ball, N.D. (Mike McCleary/The Bismarck
Tribune via AP, Pool)

of this continent began long ago and continues to this day,
constantly shape-shifting but causing significant harm in all its
many guises. From the disappearance of Native women to 
fight for clean water
and from the police murder of a Native boy to threats of the sale of
Native lands, the Native struggle against colonization is seemingly

time last year, Native Americans and their allies were brutally
attacked by police while defending clean water at Standing Rock in
North Dakota. In freezing temperatures, water cannons, along with
rubber bullets, were used by militarized police to keep water
protectors at bay. Over the course of the entire struggle at Standing
force and violence
used by police and hired security multiple times.

confront water protectors on Thanksgiving Day in Mandan, North
Dakota, just north of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, after a
symbolic feast on the town’s main thoroughfare. (Emma Fiala)

Thanksgiving Day last year, a protest in the town of Mandan, ND was
met with a show of force while water protectors on the front lines at
the Oceti Sakowin camp at Standing Rock were attacked by police for
crossing the river at the base of Turtle Island. Native Americans and
their allies persisted and 
reasons to be thankful
the face of oppression.

a 14-year-old Native American boy, Jason Ike Pero, was killed by an
Ashland County Sheriff’s Deputy on the Bad River reservation in
northwestern Wisconsin. The Bad River Band of the Lake Superior
Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice to open a
criminal civil rights investigation into the incident. They claim the
media and  Wisconsin Department of Justice are trying falsely to
“describe Jason as being a troubled young man that acted in a
violent manner towards the deputy,” a tactic seen again and again
when it comes to police violence against minorities.

this week, Nebraska’s Public Utility Commission approved the permit
for the Keystone XL pipeline, threatening Indigenous lands, despite 
major leak
the Keystone pipeline just days prior. Pipelines and other
threaten Native
lands across the country, with the Trump administration seemingly
more focused on profit than on protecting both Native and 


the truth is acknowledged, how do non-Natives move forward? The
Thanksgiving tradition is now so deeply rooted in American culture
that doing away with the holiday completely is unrealistic, and would
further do little to repair the harm that has been done over the

are some suggestions on how Americans can avoid the traditional
whitewash and hypocrisy, and tailor their Thanksgiving
celebrations thoughtfully:

  • Donate
    to local Native American organizations or to those 
    to protect their lands

  • Cook
    traditional Native 

  • Invite
    a Native neighbor and listen to what they have to say.

  • Teach
    family, friends, children an accurate history of Thanksgiving and
    colonization, using these books suggested by 
    Indians in Children’s Literature

  • Make
    an informed decision with family and decide together whether
    celebrating Thanksgiving is appropriate and comfortable.

it comes to halting and healing from colonization there is much work
to be done. Thanksgiving Day and it’s brutal history are an
excellent and timely place to begin.

By Emma
 / Creative
 / MintPress
 / Report
a typo


theft of the New World




starts very slowly, but then when it gets to the point it is begins a
fascinating story.

you ever wondered how European powers justified coming in and taking
the New World?

all, it belonged to someone.

all know the European powers used violence, but they also operated
“under the law.”

law are we talking about?

savage “Doctrine of Discovery in the Name of Christ.”


Nebraska Regulators Approve Keystone Pipeline Route Days After South Dakota Leak, Shutdown

by Tyler Durden

Nov 20, 2017 11:29 AM

TransCanada received its final required pipeline route approval, winning Nebraska’s permission to build its long-delayed Keystone XL crude oil pipeline across the state… just days after a 5,000 barrel spill in South Dakota shut the pipeline.

decision will almost certainly be challenged in court.

Just a few short days after 210,000 gallons of crude oil spilled in South Dakota, Bloomberg reports that Nebraska’s Public Service Commission voted three to two Monday, removing one of the last hurdles to the Calgary-based company’s construction of the $8 billion, 1,179-mile conduit (1,897-kilometer), which has been on its drawing boards since 2008.

For those who aren’t familiar with the project, the pipeline links Canada’s Alberta oil sands to U.S. refineries.  While a portion of the pipeline has been operating, part of it had still not been approved by state regulators… until today’s decision by Nebraska.


                      (Héééé! Altijd al gedacht dat Nederland één groot redneck gat was!)

However, as Bloomberg notes, the commission approved an alternative route.

Jane Kleeb, president of the environmental advocacy group Bold Alliance, said green-lighting an alternative route may have helped the commission reach a “middle ground solution.”

At the same time it opens new questions that she said her group would explore in federal court. She argued the secondary route wasn’t adequately vetted.

That view mirrored a dissenting opinion filed by Commissioner Crystal Rhoades. She wrote that TransCanada didn’t meet “the burden of proof” in proving that the pipeline is in the state’s public interest, and she said the alternative route needed more study on both the state and federal level. For example, she said, Nebraska’s Department of Environmental Quality didn’t analyze the alternative route at all in its 2013 report.

 “It is clear” TransCanada “never intended it to be considered,” Rhoades said.

 In its post-hearing brief, TransCanada told the panel its “preferred route was the product of literally years of study, analysis and refinement by Keystone, federal agencies and Nebraska agencies,” and that no alternate route, even one paralleling the Keystone mainline as the approved path does, was truly comparable.

TransCanada’s share price is up on the news…

Notably, with Nebraska’s go-ahead in hand, TransCanada still must formally decide whether to proceed with construction on the line, which would send crude from Hardisty, Alberta, through Montana and South Dakota to Nebraska, where it will connect to pipelines leading to U.S. Gulf Coast refineries. The company’s open season for gauging producers’ interest closed late last month, and TransCanada executives have indicated that they’ve secured enough shipping commitments to make the project commercially worthwhile.


Zie ook: ‘Keystone XL pijpleiding heeft grote hoeveelheid olie gelekt, terwijl vreedzame demonstranten tegen de aanleg worden weggezet als terroristen……

Keystone XL pijpleiding heeft grote hoeveelheid olie gelekt, terwijl vreedzame demonstranten tegen de aanleg worden weggezet als terroristen……

Nadat eerder al de Dakota Acces Pipeline (DAPL) op meerdere plekken olie heeft gelekt, bracht Anti-Media afgelopen donderdag bekend, dat eenzelfde soort pijpleiding, de Keystone XL (pipeline) een grote hoeveelheid olie heeft gelekt en daarom werd afgesloten…… Overigens zijn deze 2 lekken bepaald niet op zich staande ‘ongelukken’ >> uiteraard geen ongelukken, daar men van te voren al weet, dat er lekken zullen ontstaan…. In het Anti-Media artikel hieronder vindt u een link naar nog een ander lek dat in 2017 ontstond, voor het grote aantal olielekkages uit VS oliepijpleidingen klik op deze link.

Vandaar ook het grote verzet tegen deze pijpleidingen, die zelfs tegen de afspraken die werden gemaakt met de oorspronkelijke bevolking van de VS (‘indianen’), worden aangelegd over hun grond en onder hun wateren, die veelal als heilig worden gezien…… Deze stammen zouden zeggenschap hebben over de aan hen in het verleden toegewezen gronden, behalve dan als dit het grootkapitaal en daarmee de zittende regering van de VS niet uitkomt…….. (zo zette ‘vredesduif’ Obama een streep door de eerder genoemde pijpleidingen*, maar pas na enorme protesten en niet lang voordat zijn tweede termijn was afgelopen…)

Onder het eerste artikel van Anti-Media, nog een artikel van dit alternatieve mediaorgaan, waarin wordt gemeld dat de commissie in Nebraska die gaat over de aanleg van de Keystone XL (pipeline) over het grondgebied van Nebraska, geen boodschap heeft aan dit enorme lek en daar geen rekening mee zal houden bij de te nemen beslissing…..

Sterker nog: men mag bij de beslissing daarover geen rekening houden met eventuele lekken in de toekomst, daarvoor werd in 2011 een wet aangenomen…….. Ofwel: de oliemaffia heeft macht over de volksvertegenwoordiging (die in de VS al helemaal niet zo genoemd mag worden, immers het presidentschap en andere politieke functies zijn weggelegd voor degenen die het meeste geld in de verkiezingscampagne kunnen steken, of anders zijn weggelegd voor mensen met machtige, welgestelde vrienden…..)…….

Morgen wordt in Nebraska een beslissing genomen over de Keystone pijpleiding en gezien het voorgaande, is het wel zeker dat die toestemming er komt, ondanks de lekken in de huidige Keystone pijpleiding (nummer 1), die eerder al in gebruik werd genomen en alle andere lekken in pijpleidingen in de VS en elders…….

Ondertussen worden vreedzame demonstranten tegen deze pijpleidingen in de VS gezien als terroristen, de wereld op z’n kop! (immers toestemming geven voor en het willens en wetens enorme hoeveelheden olie laten weglekken via deze pijpleidingen, is pas een echte enorme daad van terreur!!)

Met deze zaken krijgen wij ook te maken door de vrijhandelsverdragen CETA en TTIP, wat betreft de laatste: TTIP, als deze wordt goedgekeurd in de VS…… Trump stelde dit soort verdragen niet te willen en sinds zijn aantreden lobbyt de EU al in Washington, om ajb de handtekening van Trump te verkrijgen….. En dan wil men u wijsmaken dat we niet zonder de EU kunnen……..

Keystone Pipeline Shut down After Leaking 210,000 Gallons of Oil

16, 2017 at 2:40 pm


contentious Keystone Pipeline has been temporarily shut down after a
210,000-gallon oil leak was discovered in South Dakota.

to local 
affiliate KSFY

Walsh with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) tells
KSFY News they were alerted to the leak at 10:30 a.m. Thursday
morning by TransCanada.

leak was in the Keystone Pipeline located in an agricultural area in
Marshall County. There have been no reports of the oil entering any
waterways or water systems at this time.

said 5,000 barrels of oil have leaked, and at 42 gallons a barrel,
that totals 210,000 gallons of oil.

pipeline has been shut off and the leak has been covered. An
emergency response plan has been activated to get more staff and
contractors to the site for clean up.”

Keystone Pipeline, which carries crude oil from Canada’s tar sands
to American refineries, has been a source of contention for years and
suspended under
the Obama administration. One of President Trump’s first acts in
office was authorizing the construction of both the Keystone and
Dakota Access pipelines.

and Native American groups in the U.S. and Canada opposed both
projects. The recently completed Dakota Access
Pipeline also 
a leak, albeit a smaller one, 
this year, joining 
numerous other pipelines across
the country that have had 
spills in

 / Anti-Media / Report
a typo


Panel Won’t Consider This Week’s Spill in Keystone XL Pipeline

18, 2017 at 9:04 am


the Nebraska commissioners won’t consider safety in their decision
on Keystone XL should alarm everyone.”

justice groups and local pipeline opponents in Nebraska are
condemning an announcement by the state’s Public Service Commission
(PSC) which indicated late Friday that 
massive underground spill of the existing Keystone pipeline
South Dakota this week will have no bearing on a pivotal approval
decision to build the Keystone XL pipeline scheduled for Monday.

PSC spokesperson Deb Collins, citing a state law passed in 2011 which prevents the commission from factoring pipeline safety or the possibility of leaks into its decisions, said the panel’s decision “will be based on the evidence in the record.”

Local opponents of the project, as the Lincoln Journal Star notes, were “incensed” by the announcement.

“There is a reason TransCanada and the big oil lobby did not want this information on the record,” said Jane Kleeb, director of the Bold Alliance, a coalition of state-level groups that have opposed the Keystone XL for nearly a decade.

“That the Nebraska commissioners won’t consider safety in their decision on Keystone XL should alarm everyone,” said Sara Shor, a spokesperson for, one of the key national opponents of the pipeline. “This spill puts an exclamation point on the need to reject Keystone XL, but it doesn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know about pipelines. They spill, and if Keystone XL is built, we can only expect more of the world’s dirtiest oil spewing across farms, treaty lands, and throughout the Great Plains.”

Kelly Martin, the Beyond Dirty Fuels campaign director at the Sierra Club, added, “We’ve always said it’s not a question of whether a pipeline will spill, but when, and today TransCanada is making our case for us. This is not the first time TransCanada’s pipeline has spilled toxic tar sands, and it won’t be the last.

The PSC must take note: there is no such thing as a safe tar sands pipeline, and the only way to protect Nebraska communities from more tar sands spills is to say no to Keystone XL.”

For those unclear about the difference between the existing Keystone pipeline and Keystone XL, offered this helpful explainer via Twitter:

Echoing a message shared by the many groups—local, nation, and international—’s Shor says this week’s spill is just the most recent proof that a move away from fossil fuel and towards renewable, less damaging energy energy is urgently needed.

need a transition to a renewable energy future that doesn’t pollute
our communities and wreck our climate,” she said. “If the PSC
truly has Nebraska’s interests at heart, they’ll reject Keystone

newspapers across Nebraska over the weekend, Kleeb’s group is
placing full-page ads against the pipeline and urging people to
attend a 
outisde the PSC hearing on Monday

the ad, which promotes solar power in the state over the new fossil
fuel projects like Keystone XL:

350 dot org 


Confused about the difference between  & ? Here’s a helpful map and key facts:

1. Keystone 1 was completed in 2010 and just leaked 210,000 gallons of oil in SD

2. Keystone XL is proposed, but missing a permit in Nebraska that will be decided on Monday 

By Jon
 / Creative
 / Common
 / Report
a typo


* De toestemming voor een onderdeel van de Keystone XL pijpleiding, de toestemming voor Keystone 1 gaf Obama al in zijn eerste termijn en deze is al vanaf 2010 in gebruik, deze pijpleiding lekte dan ook de grote hoeveelheid olie, de aanleiding voor dit bericht.

Zie ook: 

Lage olieprijs zorgt ervoor dat teerzand oliewinning onrendabel is, waardoor de uitbreiding van de Trans Mountain Pipeline wellicht wordt gestaakt‘ (en zie de links in dat bericht, anders dan de hier getoonde)

The Dakota Access Pipeline Is Already Leaking

List of pipeline accidents in the United States in the 21st century‘ (stuitend!!)

VS overheden behandelden demonstranten tegen de DAPL als terroristen, zo blijkt uit gelekte documenten…..

Grote banken moeten stoppen met het financieren van klimaatrampen en de rechten van de oorspronkelijke bevolking her en der respecteren!’

Grote banken overtreden eigen duurzaamheidsregels……..

Regering Brits-Columbia liegt over olievervuiling…….‘ (zie ook de verdere links onder dat bericht)