Groot Brittannie gooit meer dan 3.400 bommen af, die niet 1 slachtoffer zouden hebben gemaakt……

Bij het
volgende bericht moet nog aangetekend worden, dat Groot-Brittannie
alleen met haar drones al 1.000 doden heeft gemaakt, althans dat was
de stand van zaken 7 maanden geleden………

In dit bericht van Middle East Eye (MEE) stelt Groot-Brittannië dat het weliswaar veel bommen heeft afgeworpen op Irak en Syrië, in totaal 3.400 (!!!), maar dat daar geen enkel burgerslachtoffer mee werd vermoord……. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Mijn excuus beste bezoeker, maar om dergelijk goor lef kan ik niet anders dan lachen, ook al leent het onderwerp zich daar niet voor.

Uiteraard heeft GB daarbij een groot aantal burgers vermoord. Overigens volgt Nederland de GB-tactiek op een ander emanier, wij melden niet eens dat er burgerslachtoffers zijn gevallen bij bombardementen, noch doet ‘Defensie’ (het ministerie van Oorlog) daar onderzoek naar……..

Airwars berekende dat er in totaal sinds 2014 maar liefst 5.600 burgers zijn vermoord door VS/Britse bombardementen en raketaanvallen op Syrië en Irak. De Britten alleen deden al 1.600 luchtaanvallen uit…… Dat aantal slachtoffers lijkt me overigens een te laag aantal, gezien feiten als het bulldozeren van grote delen van West-Mosul, na de ‘bevrijding’ van terreurgroep IS, waar men de vermoorde burgerslachtoffers niet eerst onder het puin vandaan haalde……….

De VS weigerde zelfs te stoppen met bombarderen, zoals de VS deed bij de bevrijding van Raqqa….. Een vreselijke oorlogsmisdaad daar men wist dat er tienduizenden mensen opgesloten zaten……………

Nee, GB ‘heeft geen burgerslachtoffers gemaakt’ tijdens 1.600 luchtaanvallen en het afwerpen van 3.400 bommen, hoe komt u erbij………?????

Nogmaals: de VS en GB (en Nederland) zijn in feite bezig met een illegale oorlog (Syrië) en met het bestrijden van de gevolgen van een illegale oorlog (Irak),

De hoogste tijd dat het Internationaal Strafhof GB en de VS voor het gerecht daagt!

Hier het uitgebreide bericht van MEE, geschreven door Jamie Merrill, (die ook contact had met het Engelse ministerie van defensie, uh oorlog), met veel meer feiten en cijfers, zoals gepubliceerd op Anti-Media:

Drops More Than 3,400 Bombs in Syria and Iraq, Claims No Civilians

27, 2017 at 6:19 am

East Eye

(MEE) — Royal
Air Force drones and jets have dropped more than 3,400 bombs and
missiles on Islamic State fighters in Iraq and Syria, an
investigation by Middle East Eye has revealed, yet the British
government maintains that there is “no evidence” they have killed
a single civilian.

vast quantities of ordnance dropped since the start of Operation
Shader against IS in 2014 seriously undermines the claim by ministers
that the RAF has not caused any civilian casualties in the
three-year-long bombing campaign, and has prompted calls for an

Ministry of Defence (MoD) does not routinely release statistics on the
numbers of weapons used over Iraq and Syria, but an MEE analysis has
combined weekly updates of operations in the region and information
collated by campaign group Drone Wars.

Dit is een andere video dan in het origineel, kan deze niet overnemen, klik hier voor het origineel.

Hieronder nog een andere video, waarin wordt geopenbaard dat GB Syrië al bombardeerde, voordat de regering daar toestemming voor kreeg: GB bombardeerde destijds onder VS bevel en daar kwam godbetert de Britse regering mee weg……..

shows that up to the end of September UK forces have dropped at least
3,482 bombs and missiles in the battle against IS, including 2,089
Paveway IV bombs and 486 Brimstone missiles dropped by Typhoon and
Tornado jets.

Reaper drones have also fired 724 Hellfire missiles at IS targets.

figures are conservative as MoD updates sometimes do not specify the
number of bombs or missiles used in a strike, and last night MoD
officials admitted that a further 86 bombs and missiles had been
dropped in recent weeks.

weapon of choice for RAF jets is the Paveway IV precision-guided
bomb, but they have also fired large numbers of the more accurate
Brimstone missile, which was originally designed as an anti-tank
weapon but has been used extensively by the RAF to target IS snipers
and vehicles.

The government describes
the Brimstone as the most accurate weapon available that can be fired
by aircraft, and they are conservatively estimated to cost £100,000
each; heavier Paveway IV bombs are estimated to cost £30,000 each,
and Hellfire, fired by the Reaper drone fleet, cost £71,300 each.

Islamic State is in
retreat in Iraq and Syria after a US-led bombing campaign which saw
the RAF fly more than 8,000 sorties and killed more than 3,000 IS
militants. A spike in weapons releases came earlier this summer,
when RAF Typhoons and Tornadoes joined the coalition and Kurdish
effort to liberate Mosul.

Islamic State regularly
used “human shields” in built-up areas, but despite this and the
scale of the ordnance dropped by the RAF, the MoD maintains it has
“no evidence” that its strikes have caused any civilian
casualties – a position now roundly rejected by defence analysts
and opposition parties.

Our armed forces are
among the best in the world, so they will be among the most
discerning and accurate when it comes to targeting,” Liberal
Democrat leader Vince Cable, told MEE.

However, it is, at the
very best, implausible that our heavy involvement could not have
caused civilian deaths. We must not knock our armed services, but,
equally, the government has to be honest in its assessment of damage
caused in conflict.”

The US Air Force, which
leads the anti-Islamic State coalition, says it has caused 
civilians deaths
the three-year-long air war, but despite saying the air war is the
“most challenging fight in decades”, the RAF has made so such

Earlier this month the
minister of state for the British armed forces,
parliament that the government “had been able to discount RAF
involvement in any civilian casualties”.

The RAF says it takes all
steps to minimise civilian casualties, but it has conducted more than
1,600 strikes in Iraq and Syria – more than any other coalition
country bar the US.

Reacting to the figures,
military aviation experts and campaigners have said that it is no
longer credible for the MoD to maintain that has not killed any
civilians as part of the three-year-long operation to defeat Islamic

Samuel Oakford, a
spokesperson for Airwars, a group which monitors civilian casualties
from international air strikes in the region, told MEE: “The UK’s
claim that no British air strikes in Iraq or Syria have led to
civilian deaths has always been difficult to believe.

Based on the
coalition’s own civilian casualty reporting, it is extremely
unlikely that a coalition member as active as the UK would have not
had a hand in a single civilian death.

As the campaign
continues into its fourth year and more data about British
involvement such as this is compiled, the MoD’s claim is becoming
increasingly absurd.”

Over the course of the
last 12 months the focus of the air battle against IS, which the MoD
calls Daesh, has shifted from the Iraqi city of Mosul, which fell in
July, to Raqqa in Syria.

But MEE analysis shows
that the overwhelming majority of RAF weapons released took place
against IS fighters in Iraq with 3,000 strikes, while a total of 482
bombs and missiles were dropped over Syria, prompting fears of
blowback in the UK.

Turning a blind eye to
the consequences of air strikes and pretending they are somehow now
‘risk free’ is naive in the extreme,” said Chris Cole, director
of campaign Drone Wars UK.

Unless we begin to
understand and acknowledge the true cost of our ongoing wars in the
Middle East, we are likely to pay a high price in the future.”


Airwars, which works with
the RAF and US Air Force to report suspected civilian casualties,
says that at least 5,600 civilians have been killed by coalition

In July there were
reports that Iraqi soldiers 
hide the bodies of hundreds of civilians killed in the final days of
the battle for Mosul.

MEE’s analysis shows
that during the fight for the Iraqi city, RAF Typhoons and Tornadoes
dropped dozens of Paveway IV bombs on IS fighters in the city.

However, the MoD does not
have troops on the ground in the region carrying out battle damage
assessment of sites struck by RAF munitions.

Airwars @airwars

Latest @airwars figures for Coalition’s anti-ISIS campaign. Read about each incident here: 

it carries out the assessments from video evidence captured from the
air, a technique that has been dismissed as ineffective by other
coalition allies.

RAF says it takes “all possible precautions to avoid civilian
casualties”, but Amnesty International has previously expressed
serious concerns about the air war’s toll on civilians. In a report
earlier this year, it found the battle for West Mosul had caused a
“civilian catastrophe”.

were being ruthlessly exploited by IS, which had moved them into
conflict zones, used them as human shields, and prevented escape.
They were also being subjected to “relentless and unlawful attacks”
by Iraqi forces and the US-led coalition.

source in the RAF told Middle East Eye: “Given the ruthless and
inhuman behaviour of our adversary, including the deliberate use of
human shields, we must accept that the risk of inadvertent civilian
casualties is ever present, particularly in the complex and congested
urban environment within which we operate.”

source added that all missions were “meticulously planned” and
there was no suggestion that UK forces have committed war crimes.

there are fears that by failing to fully address the issue of
civilian casualties, the MoD is not presenting the full picture of
Britain’s campaign against Islamic State.

Overton, the executive director of Action on Armed Violence, said:
“If the RAF can claim zero civilian casualties, then the argument
for more air strikes stands.

can justify such by pointing at the issue of proportionality and IHL
[international humanitarian law], they can claim that their kills are
‘clean’. Perhaps they are, but they don’t present the evidence
to prove they are – not meaningfully.”

MoD said in a statement on Wednesday: “Only by defeating Daesh for
good will we reduce the threat to us here at home. British forces
have crippled Daesh since 2014 and the RAF will continue to strike
the terrorists hard where they plan their campaign of hate in both
Syria and Iraq.

have no evidence that RAF strikes have caused civilian casualties.

recognise the challenge faced by coalition pilots in close urban
fighting against a ruthless terrorist enemy that uses civilians as
human shields, but are clear that to do nothing would leave cities in
the hands of Daesh brutality.

do everything we can to minimise the risk through the rigorous
targeting processes and the professionalism of our RAF crews.”

By Jamie
Republished with permission / 
East Eye
 / Report
a typo


 Zie ook: ‘VS vermoordde met bombardementen in augustus 433 burgers in Raqqa………. Westerse media alweer stil…….

         en: ‘Raqqa >> BBC World Service en ‘onafhankelijke journalistiek’: ‘Er zijn veel burgers omgekomen bij de strijd in de straten in Raqqa……..’

        en: ‘Mosul verwoest door VS……...

        en: ‘US Airstrikes Killing Hundreds of Civilians in Syria’s Raqqa

        en: ‘Mosul, stad van lijken: vele honderden doden onder het puin

        en: ‘VS bombardementen op Raqqa moorden hele families uit……….

        en: ‘VN waarschuwt de VS voor het maken van een onacceptabel aantal Syrische burgerslachtoffers met haar bombardementen…….

        en: ‘VS weigert op het VN verzoek in te gaan tot het stoppen met bombardementen op burgerdoelen in Raqqa……….

        en: ‘Raqqa, een strijd als om West-Mosul, echter met geheel andere media aandacht……….

        en: ‘Bombarderen was een probleem in Mosul, maar niet bij het nieuwe Iraakse/VS 


        en: ‘VS bombardeert Raqqa plat en nog steeds kijkt de wereld stilzwijgend toe……..

        en: ‘Raqqa door VS platgebombardeerd >> reguliere (massa-) media in de VS zijn er trots op……

        en: ‘Kinderen in Irak vermoord middels VS terreur…….

        en: ‘Mosul ‘zal met precisie ontdaan worden van de terroristen, inclusief een minimum aan burgerslachtoffers…….’‘ (een ongelofelijk en ongeloofwaardige belofte….)

      en: ‘Hennis-Plasschaert hoopte nog zo, dat IS de bevolking van Mosul niet als schild zou gebruiken……..

       en: ‘
Honderden burgerslachtoffers in Mosul door VS bombardementen, ofwel grootschalige terreur……

      en: ‘Mass Media Siege: Comparing Coverage Of Mosul and Aleppo‘ (met mogelijkheid tot vertaling)

     en: ‘After Mosul’s “Liberation,” Horror of US Siege Continues to Unfold‘ (met mogelijkheid tot vertaling)

    en: ‘Mosul (bijna) bevrijd: ‘een positief verslag’ van de BBC

    en:  ‘Mosul ‘bevrijd’ en BBC anti-Assad propaganda……….

    en: ‘Mosul is ‘bevrijd’ zo stelt de VS, daar zijn echter wel wat aanmerkingen op te maken………