Vorige week zaterdag was het precies 10 jaar geleden dat Wikileaks de door
Chelsea Manning gelekte documenten publiceerde over de illegale oorlog van de VS
tegen Irak. Op die dag kon de wereld zien hoe smerig en
groot de VS terreur was (en deels nog is) die op het volk van Irak werd
uitgeoefend…….. Een oorlog die in 2003 begon en in feite nog
steeds gaande is, vandaar ook dat er niet 1 miljoen mensen zijn
omgekomen door die terreur (zoals in het artikel hieronder wordt gesteld), maar eerder 2 miljoen Irakezen het leven
hebben gelaten……. Ofwel die mensen zijn vermoord door
de 2 grootste verantwoordelijken destijds: VS president George W. Bush en de Briste premier Tony Blair en dat met hulp van een
aantal andere NAVO-lidstaten, waaronder Nederland…..
misdaden tegen de menselijkheid en grove mensenrechtenschendingen
begaan in Irak staan sinds die tijd tot ieders beschikking. Totaal onbegrijpelijk dan ook dat de reguliere westerse (massa-) media niet
de 2 grootste verantwoordelijke terroristen in deze, George W. Bush
en Tony Blair aan de spreekwoordelijke paal hebben genageld, maar
klokkenluider Chelsea Manning en de boodschapper:
onderzoeksjournalist Julian Assange…… Alsof die 2
verantwoordelijk zijn voor dat enorme aantal doden en niet de 2
eerder genoemde bloedige rotschoften……
reguliere westerse media hebben in deze de VS gevolgd, waar men
keihard loog dat Assange en Manning mensen in gevaar hebben gebracht
met hun openbaringen, terwijl diezelfde VS een enorm dossier aan
leugens heeft opgebouwd, zoals de leugen dat Irak
massavernietigingswapens zou hebben en daar de VS en Groot-Brittannië
mee zou willen aanvallen (als je dat weer in ogenschouw neemt snap je
zelfs niet dat er ook maar één persoon met een goed stel werkende
hersenen deze baarlijke en meer dan belachelijke nonsens heeft
geloofd…)…. Ook deze leugen werd door de westerse media uit en te
na verdedigd, zelfs de NRC bij monde van de ‘beste journalist van de
20ste eeuw’, Henk Hofland droeg deze leugen ‘met passie’ uit……
Ondanks dat iedereen al jaren weet dat e.e.a een enorme leugen is, heeft geen
mediaorgaan een rectificatie geplaatst voor de enorme diarree aan
leugens die men voorafgaand aan en tijdens die oorlog heeft gebracht (en nog brengt),
integendeel deze leugen wordt verzwegen en men doet in die media nog steeds of die oorlog
gerechtvaardigd en onvermijdelijk was….. (de Nederlandse verantwoordelijke CDA oorlogsmisdadiger de Hoop Scheffer mag zelfs les geven aan een universiteit….)
de openbaringen in Wikileaks is zelfs niet 1 persoon in gevaar
gebracht en toch worden Manning en Assange gedemoniseerd in die
westerse media, waar men Assange zelfs durft uit te maken voor
charlatan……. Als er 1 journalist is die de afgelopen 10 jaar de
ene na de andere persprijs zou hebben moeten ontvangen is het Assange
het Internationaal Strafhof (ICC) worden vooral figuren uit Afrika
veroordeeld, terwijl de grootste terreurstaten die de vreselijkste
misdaden hebben begaan, de VS en haar trouwe oorlogshond in de vorm
van NAVO-lidstaten met rust worden gelaten, terwijl die landen deze
eeuw al 2,5 miljoen mensen over de kling hebben gejaagd…… (al zou
het ICC nu wel bezig zijn met onderzoek naar oorlogsmisdaden door de
VS begaan in Afghanistan)
het relaas van Tommy Sheridan, waarin hij o.a. over de vader van
Julian Assange spreekt die onvermoeid de wereld rondreist om de
waarheid over zijn zoon te vertellen. De westerse media moeten zich
doodschamen dat ze een zo voortreffelijke collega hebben
gedemoniseerd en dat alweer op basis van leugens…… Terecht merkt
Sheridan dan ook op, dat er geen onafhankelijke media zijn, ze zijn
in handen van plutocraten die geen belang hebben bij de waarheid als
het om mensenrechten, misdaden tegen de menselijkheid en
oorlogsmisdaden gaat……. (behalve als deze worden begaan door
staten die men niet mag, waar ook daarover in de dagelijkse
‘werkelijkheid’ keihard wordt gelogen zie de berichtgeving over Iran,
Rusland en China…..) Wat betreft politici die deze westerse terreur
steunden en steunen: deze zouden ook vervolgd moeten worden door het ICC, immers
zij zijn mede verantwoordelijk voor de enorme ellende die het westen
elders heeft aangericht en aanricht……… Echter je snapt het al: dat zal niet gebeuren, zelfs niet als pinksteren, pasen en de kerst op één dag vallen!!
Het volgende artikel van Tommy Sheridan werd eerder geplaatst op Sputnik en werd door mij overgenomen van Wikileaks: (onder het artikel kan je klikken voor een ‘Dutch vertaling’, dit neemt wel enkele tientallen seconden in beslag):
The 10 Anniversary Of Iraq War Logs: Bush & Blair Should be in
Prison Not Assang
Tommy Sheridan
is katholiek geworden, zo kon hij via de biecht absolutie krijgen voor
zijn vreselijke oorlogsmisdaden en leugens die tot die misaden hebben
October 24, 2020
Clearing House”
– Ten years ago today the courage of two individuals changed the way
millions view the world. A US soldier disgusted at the communications
they were reading about their country’s conduct after illegally
invading and occupying the sovereign nation of Iraq in 2003 leaked
thousands of communications confirming US war crimes to Wikileaks.
site had been set up in 2006 to precisely shine a light on the dark
manoeuvres of powerful nations. Chelsea Manning risked imprisonment
by exposing war crimes. Julian Assange risked imprisonment by
publishing those leaked files and exposing the lies and heinous
crimes against humanity committed by the United States government and
Yesterday I had the
honour and privilege of interviewing
the father of Julian Assange in Edinburgh for Sputnik radio on
the eve of this tenth anniversary of the release of the Iraq war
logs. John Shipton was articulate and passionate in defence of his
son who has been in enforced incarceration within the Ecuadorian
embassy for seven years and is now locked up in the maximum-security
prison HMP Belmarsh while awaiting the outcome of a rigged
extradition show trial that was conducted in London’s High Court
over five weeks last month.
founder Julian Assange’s father John Shipton is seen outside the Old
Bailey, the Central Criminal Court ahead of a hearing to decide whether
Assange should be extradited to the United States, in London, Britain
September 8, 2020.
John sat through that
travesty of justice and witnessed his son’s incredible stoicism and
bravery as a cacophony of manufactured lies was presented as the US
State case to justify forcibly transferring Julian to America to face
charges under the never used 103-year-old law called the Espionage
Act. Given the Niagara Falls of lies and distortions about Julian
Assange promoted and promulgated by the US, UK, Australian and
Swedish governments over the last decade a fair trial in America is
impossible. Julian Assange would inevitably be found guilty in a
biased US courtroom and sentenced to 175 years in a dangerous
high-security prison where his personal safety would never be
Assange Exposed Government Crimes Not Government Secrets
The Espionage Act was
introduced in 1917 to deter traitors from revealing government
secrets which endangered the security of America. Julian Assange is
not guilty of exposing US government secrets, he is ‘guilty’ of
exposing US government war crimes. He and Chelsea Manning do not
deserve prison sentences, they deserve awards for performing
essential humanitarian and journalistic duties. They revealed to the
world the brutal truth of US Military behaviour in Iraq, in
Afghanistan and in other sovereign nations targeted for regime
change. The nation which parades across the world with pious lectures
about human rights, the rule of law, and the importance of democracy
is graphically exposed as the biggest abuser of human rights, the
enemy of democracy and serial sponsor of war crimes. Many peoples
suffered from US war crimes and human rights abuses, but the US
denied guilt. Wikileaks exposed both their lies – and their crimes.
After years of denying
civilian casualties in Iraq, the Wikileaks Iraq war logs ten years
ago covering the period 2005-2009 and running into almost 400,000
army field reports revealed the atrocious truth that civilian deaths
constituted more than two-thirds of all recorded casualties in Iraq.
Many thousands of deaths were deliberately not recorded but of those
that were 66,081 of 109,000 deaths were civilians. The Iraq Body
Count Project (IBC) used the published war logs to credibly estimate
civilian deaths as a minimum
of 183,249 to 205,785 while other population and family
interview-based studies estimate the civilian death toll is well over
one million.
© AP Photo / Yves Logghe Iraqi
People Owe Big to Julian Assange for Exposing US War Crimes, Scholar
Up to one million
unarmed, innocent civilians murdered on the back of a concocted lie
about Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) and Iraq’s readiness to
use them. There was no threat from Iraq’s WMDs as she had none and
there was no link to the terrible 9/11 attacks in America in 2001 as
Iraq had not a single Taliban or al Qaeda operative within its
territory. Iraq was illegally invaded, destroyed and over a million
people were slaughtered on the basis of lies and deceit and the
October 22nd, 2010 Wikileaks document publication revealed the US as
the biggest war criminal on the planet.
Exposures Reveal US Working With Terrorists Not Against Them
The US and the world
were still reeling from the Wikileaks publication of the Afghanistan
war logs on 25th July 2010 which revealed American complicity in
arbitrary civilian assassinations, systematic torture of
non-combatants and extreme lies to cover up their crimes in
Afghanistan. Wikileaks has continued its crusade to uncover powerful
states and companies who lie and deceive and commit crimes in pursuit
of their objectives in breath-taking displays of hypocrisy. The Syria
leaks illustrate the extent the US and its allies will go to in
pursuit of global domination with clear evidence of funding and
supporting the very Daesh* terrorists and brutes within Syria to
conduct a proxy war against the Assad government despite wholesale
condemnations and declared hatred of such groups publicly. The world
is led to believe the US is at war with Islamic terror groups like
Daesh when in fact they are in
cahoots with allies who are arming them and fighting alongside
them in Syria.
John Shipton should be
enjoying his retirement years but instead, he is campaigning across
the world to raise awareness of his son’s terrible mistreatment by
the UK and US governments and demanding his immediate release. He
highlighted how Julian’s Wikileaks exposures have actually led to
government actions to expel US troops from their soil and thereby
saving lives. Despite empty headlines and accusations to the contrary
not a single individual has ever been harmed as a result of Wikileaks
publications and all the evidence shows Julian Assange worked
assiduously to redact the names of any potential targets in the war
logs while Guardian journalists who revelled in days of high profile
swoops and money spinning books actually betrayed details Julian
desperately worked to keep hidden.
Bush and Tony Blair Should be Behind Bars Not Julian Assange
The absence of
bitterness from John’s conversation with me is remarkable and
testimony to his compassion and understanding of world affairs. His
admiration for his son’s courage and strength is huge. Julian
Assange committed no crimes. He is in a prison cell while real war
criminals like George Bush and Tony Blair escape justice. They are
the ones who lied and bullied and bribed and blackmailed the UN to
try and get a second resolution justifying invading Iraq. They
Shipton: ‘Don’t Underestimate the Consequence of the Bravery of My
Son Julian Assange’
The invasion and
subsequent occupation were illegal and they should be held
responsible for the one million civilian deaths which resulted. The
fact Chelsea Manning spent seven years behind bars before her
thirty-five-year sentence was commuted by Barack Obama is a disgrace.
She was sentenced again last March because she refused to testify
against Julian Assange. She spent a year in jail between March 2019 –
March 2020. She is the epitome of courage and integrity. Refusing to
turn on Assange revealed her inner strength and dignity.
Assange is a Victim of Psychological Torture in UK Custody
Julian Assange’s
father drew attention to the numerous investigations of his son’s
incarceration by the United Nations rapporteur on torture and
arbitrary detention. Through visits and detailed assessments
Professor Nils Melzer compiled damning evidence which showed Julian
was indeed a victim of systematic psychological torture for which the
UK bears a heavy responsibility:
“The case
falls into my mandate in three different ways: First, Assange
published proof of systematic torture. But instead of those
responsible for the torture, it is Assange who is being persecuted.
Second, he himself has been ill-treated to the point that he is now
exhibiting symptoms of psychological torture. And third, he is to be
extradited to a country that holds people like him in prison
conditions that Amnesty International has described as torture. In
summary: Julian Assange uncovered torture, has been tortured himself
and could be tortured to death in the United States. And a case like
that isn’t supposed to be part of my area of responsibility? Beyond
that, the case is of symbolic importance and affects every citizen of
a democratic country”
Please read
these words from Professor Nils Melzer over and over again and
acquaint yourself with his various reports. Exactly ten years to the
day after exposing heinous US war crimes, systematic torture and
flagrant breaches of international law it is the man who exposed the
crimes who is behind bars when it should be the organisers,
facilitators and perpetrators of those crimes.
of Malice
During our interview,
I reminded John Shipton of an incredibly apt phrase he used recently
when interviewed during Julian’s trial in London. He said his son
was subject to a “plague
of malice”. I suggested it should be the title of a book
detailing how Julian has not been criminally prosecuted – he has been
politically persecuted. Persecuted by powerful nations in a vengeful
act of revenge for being exposed by Julian as the practiced
criminals, liars, and murderers they are. Should Julian Assange be
handed over by a British Court to face a life sentence in America for
publishing evidence of US government war crimes it is the death knell
of investigative journalism and the most serious undermining of free
speech and freedom of expression in hundreds of years. The world will
be propelled back to the dark ages of medieval dynasties and the
denial of democratic rights and freedoms should America be allowed to
demand the release of a journalist into their custody for harsh
punishment for doing no more than revealing war crimes. It was the
celebrated author and forensic social commentator George Orwell
who said that journalism
is printing what someone else does not want printed; everything else
is public relations.
But he also advised us that:
In a time of
deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
Please get involved in
the various campaigns and online petitions and support groups
demanding the release of Julian Assange. His state-sponsored
political persecution has no association with justice and everything
to do with spite, revenge, and stark warnings to the rest of us.
Don’t you dare speak the truth or speak out or stand up against
injustices and wicked crimes committed by your governments lest you
face the same personal mauling and destruction of character meted out
to Julian Assange.
The cause of Julian
Assange is the cause of free speech, the rule of law and the right of
the public to know when their governments and the powerful commit
crimes. If they get away with extraditing Assange today it could be
any one of us tomorrow. Say it loud and say it clear – Exposing war
crimes is not a crime – Free Julian Assange.
*Daesh (also known
as ISIS/ISIL/IS/Islamic States) is a terrorist group banned in Russia
and many other countries
translation- Note- Translation
may take a moment to load.
and the media: How speculative media reports play a role in
extradition hearings in London
10 Years since the Iraq War Logs
Zie het
origineel voor commentaar op dit artikel zoals dat van:
80p ·
days ago
You summed it up as well as it
could be. At 75 and a former pilot in the USAF, I am thoroughly
ashamed to call myself an American. Something must be done to secure
the release of Julian Assange. What the hell has happened to us that
we have allowed people to be tortured in our name! The whole world
knows that the British government is a mere puppet of the US State.
Julian is being imprisoned and tortured at the direction of the US
Government. Yes, our nation is, and has been, run for many years by a
government filled with war criminals!
Zie wat betreft westerse wapenleveringen aan terreurgroepen als ISIS: ‘Rutte en Koenders verantwoordelijk voor wapenleveranties aan IS!!‘
‘CIA valt nogmaals door de mand als wapenleverancier van IS…….‘
US weapons supplied to Syrian rebels ended up with Islamic State: report
Tracing ISIS’ Weapons Supply Chain—Back to the US
ISIL weapons traced to US and Saudi Arabia
‘Al Qaida de bondgenoot van de VS in de strijd tegen…… terrorisme! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!‘
‘VS centraal commando werkt in Syrië samen met IS en verklaarde Rusland de oorlog………‘
‘U.S Caught Red Handed Selling Arms to ISIS/AL-Qaeda (Part 1 of 2)‘
‘Made in America: US-Trained ‘Moderate’ Rebels, With Blessing Of Americans, Seling US Weapons to ISIS‘
‘Exactly how the US trained and armed ISIS‘
‘Lt. General McInerney says Obama helped build ISIS with Weapons from Benghazi‘
‘Tulsi Gabbard (VS congres Hawaï): Trump is de beschermende Big Brother van Al Qaida‘Zie voor meer berichten over Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, Wikileaks, Irak, Afghanistan, klokkenluiders en/of ISIS, klik op het desbetreffende label, direct onder dit bericht.