Donderde afgelopen woensdagavond weer ‘naarstig’ van m’n stoel, toen ik de e-post van Care2 openmaakte. De Kraft Heinz tomatenpuree gigant maakt in haar productieketen naar grote waarschijnlijkheid gebruik van slavenarbeid………..
Eén ding is wel zeker: als dit bedrijf al wordt verdacht van slavernij, is het loon dat in ontwikkelingslanden wordt betaald aan mensen die in de voornoemde keten werken, van onbeschoft laag niveau!! 2017 mensen, is het godverdomme niet om te janken??!!!
Boycotten die hap smerige uitbuitketchup mensen!!!
Lees de petitie en teken deze ajb. Als ik me niet vergis kunnen wij in Nederland ook tekenen (zo gebeurd), geeft het door en alvast bedankt!
labour in your ketchup?
the Kraft Heinz Company to crack down on forced labour
From ketchup and mustard to pastas and snacks, many of the world’s favorite food products come from The Kraft Heinz Company. But a recent report by Know the Chain highlights that these beloved foods could be contaminated with exploitation.
21 million people around the world experience forced labor, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO). People are particularly at risk in the food industry, where an average US$9 billion in illegal profits are produced globally every year.
This is a huge problem that we just can’t ignore. We need the largest food companies like Kraft Heinz to take action now to help stop this.
The Know the Chain report benchmarks Kraft Heinz at a shocking 9 points out of 100 based on how major food companies address forced labour in their supply chains. Notably, Kraft Heinz needs to do better when it comes to disclosing and tracing their supply chain down to the commodity level to help ensure that horrific exploitation stays out of the end product.
Kraft Heinz needs to know that the world is watching and we don’t want human suffering in our food. Please add your voice to call out Kraft Heinz so that they’re pressured to crack down on forced labour.
The Know the Chain report lays out several ways the company can take action. Kraft Heinz should start by reviewing and adhering to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Kraft Heinz must ensure that their supply chain is traceable and that workers are free to associate and organize in support of their rights!
Voor meer berichten n.a.v. het bovenstaande, klik op één van de labels, die je onder dit bericht terug kan vinden, dit geldt niet voor de labels: ILO, Kraft Heinz en Know the Chain.