Het volgende bericht vond ik afgelopen zaterdag op Information Clearing House. Het betreft een analyse van de reacties op de VS buitenland politiek en de algemene westerse agressie tegen Rusland, in woord en daad, dus zowel van politiek, zogenaamde deskundigen, als de reguliere afhankelijke media.
Aan bod komen de leugens over de Russische agressie tegen Georgië en Oekraïne, waar zoals u wellicht weet, de zaken volledig worden omgedraaid, immers het is niet de Russische agressie die tot veel bloedvergieten heeft geleid, maar juist de gewelddadige bemoeienis van de VS, met de hielenlikkende andere NAVO landen aan de hand……
Neem Oekraïne: met 4 miljard dollar (!!) financierde en regisseerde de VS de opstand en staatsgreep tegen de democratisch gekozen regering Janoekovytsj….. Dit onder de ‘bezielende leiding’ van oorlogsmisdadiger Hillary Clinton, zij trof de eerste voorbereidingen (in 2011) voor de opstand, die uiteindelijke in een staatsgreep uitmondde in dat land, de coup die plaatsvond in 2014……
Dit alles was nodig om de NAVO agressie van een legitiem tintje te voorzien, immers sinds 1991 schoof de NAVO tegen de met Gorbatsjov gemaakte afspraken in, steeds verder op richting Moskou….. Nog een paar relatief kleine stukken grens bleven over, zoals die van Oekraïne.
De opzet was duidelijk: Rusland heeft haar belangrijkste marine havens op De Krim, dus rekende de VS (en daarmee de NAVO) op een Russische (agressieve) bezetting van De Krim…… Immers voor Rusland waren deze marinehavens te belangrijk, hun enige ijsvrije marinehavens. Waarna men de bevolking van de EU en Noord-Amerika kon laten zien, dat Rusland een groot gevaar was voor het westen.
Mocht het mislukken: niets aan de hand, immers dan had de door de VS geïnstalleerde neonazi-junta uit Kiev het voor het zeggen op De Krim!! En de NAVO zou dan toch ‘mooi’ aan de grens met Rusland staan. Waar Rusland vroeg of laat troepen zou samentrekken, zodat men alsnog Rusland van agressieve handelingen kon beschuldigen……….. Maar totaal onwaarschijnlijk, daar Rusland het zich niet kan veroorloven haar ijsvrije marinehavens op te zeggen……
Men hield echter geen rekening met de bevolking van De Krim, die de fascistische door de VS geïnstalleerde junta in Kiev met lede ogen aanzag. Vandaar dat de bevolking een referendum organiseerde over aansluiting bij Rusland. Zowel de oorspronkelijke bevolking, als de etnische Russen op De Krim, kozen massaal voor aansluiting bij Rusland!! Let wel: in een door internationale waarnemers goedgekeurd referendum!
Nog steeds liegt men men in de politiek en de reguliere westerse media keihard en stelt, dat Rusland De Krim annexeerde…….
Men deinsde er zelfs niet voor terug een passagiersvliegtuig uit de lucht te halen, om zo Rusland nog verder te demoniseren: dat was vlucht MH17…….
Onder het artikel kan u klikken voor een Nederlandse vertaling, dat neemt wel enige tijd in beslag:
Georgia and the New Olympic Sport – Russia Bashing
Felicity Arbuthnot
every age it has been the tyrant, the oppressor and the exploiter who
has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both
to deceive and overawe the People.” (Eugene
Victor Debs, 1855-1926.)
26, 2016 “Information
Clearing House”
– “Global
– Oh dear, as the fantasy of Vladimir Putin as “Vlad the Terrible”
ratchets up in the US-UK-NATO driven new Cold War, the Independent
runs a piece headed: “What lies behind the new Russian threat to
Ukraine”, (1) the sub-heading is:
Putin, his opponents repeatedly point out, has form on this. The war
between Russia and Georgia took place in 2008 at the time of the
Beijing Olympics”
to find the “Russian threat to the Ukraine” is, as ever, a hard
task. It was of course the US which organized the February 2014 coup
which replaced the legitimate government and reduced yet another
country to chaos. Russia however also appears the victim in a recent
incident which triggered the Independent article which Katehon (2)
describes with admirably clarity:
Ukrainian group of saboteurs was arrested last week (10th August)
by Russia’s secret service, the FSB. It was revealed that the
Ukrainians had intended to organize terrorist attacks in Russian
Crimea. During the arrest, two Russian citizens from the Federal
Security Service and military of the Armed Forces were killed. This
tragic incident has provoked tensions between Ukraine and Russia. The
Ukrainian regime has begun to move its troops towards the border with
Russia and the republics of Donbass, preparing for an invasion.”
Ukrainian forces are thus encroaching on Russia, not the other way
round. Moreover, according to The Telegraph (10th August):
“Russian security agencies said on Wednesday that two Russians were
killed as
they thwarted Ukrainian commando raids into Crimea over the weekend.”
(Emphasis added.) The paper expands:
FSB said the agent who died was killed during an overnight operation
on Saturday and Sunday, when officers smashed a ‘terrorist’ group
and seized an arms cache including twenty homemade explosive devices.
The Agency claimed Ukrainian forces tried to ‘break through’
twice more on Sunday night and Monday morning, killing a Russian
further comments:
this hostile activity is coordinated with the United States and NATO,
which want to unleash a new war on the border with Russia. At the
same time, the US leadership believes that Russia will not inflict a
crushing defeat on Ukraine and thereby objectively lower its status
in the geopolitical confrontation by trying to solve an insolvable
conflict. At the same time, the United States wants to show ‘Russia’s
aggressiveness’ to Europe.”
toeing the West’s misteaching mantra, the Independent article
dropped in: “Crimea has not experienced serious military action
since it was annexed from Ukraine by the Kremlin in the chaotic
aftermath of the Maidan protests.”
of course, was not “annexed” by a marauding Russia as is
two years ago the paper wrote (3) of the referendum 16th March
2014 ( held in Crimea – arranged by Crimea, not Russia – in which
over 95% of voters made their feelings clear over the US engineered
exploded and Russian flags fluttered above jubilant crowds on Sunday
after residents in Crimea voted overwhelmingly to secede from Ukraine
and join Russia … after the polls closed late on Sunday, crowds of
ethnic Russians in the regional Crimean capital of Simferopol erupted
with jubilant chants in the main square, overjoyed at the prospect of
once again becoming part of Russia.” The referendum was monitored
by 135 international observers from 23 countries.*
thus had not aggressively “annexed” Crimea, the people had voted
to secede. Definition of referendum: “A general vote by the
electorate on a single political question which has been referred to
them for a direct decision.” (Oxford Dictionary.) At the time of
the referendum Russia anyway had a lease on Crimea until 2042 under
the Kharkiv Pact.
the day of the referendum the White House released a statement
ending, apparently without irony:
this century, we are long past the days when the international
community will stand quietly by while one country forcibly seizes the
territory of another. We call on all members of the
international community to continue to condemn such actions, to take
concrete steps to impose costs, and to stand together …”
from a country that has, since the end of World War 11, “forcibly
seized”, invaded, interfered in or decimated thirty three countries
to 2011 (4) – not counting Syria and Ukraine subsequently.
war between Russia and Georgia took place in 2008 at the time of the
Beijing Olympics”, in the Independent’s epic bit of Russia
State Department documents provide further evidence that United
States authorities knew that the ex-Soviet republic of Georgia, a key
ally of Washington in the Caucasus region, initiated the August 2008
war with Russia.
from US diplomats in the Georgian capital, Tbilisi, were released
through the whistleblower website WikiLeaks. They show that
Washington was well aware that the Georgian government was
intensifying its military build-up near the breakaway province of
South Ossetia in the weeks before the outbreak of full-scale
hostilities.” (5)
cable records that US embassy observers witnessed 30 government buses
‘carrying uniformed men heading north’ towards South Ossetia the
day of the Georgian attack.
Georgian assault on South Ossetia, launched August 7, involved the
shelling of the main city of Tskhinvali followed by a ground invasion
by 1,500 troops. The operation destroyed hundreds of civilian
properties and claimed the lives of an estimated 160 South Ossetians
and 48 Russian military personnel.
this knowledge of Georgian military preparations, once the war began,
US ambassador John Tefft simply relayed the claims of Georgian
President Mikhail Saakashvili that Russia was the aggressor.”
pretext for the attack was US ally Georgia’s allegation of an
imminent Russian attack.
subsequent investigation into the invasion and destruction, held
under Swiss diplomat Heidi Tagliavini, found that: “None of the
explanations given by the Georgian authorities in order to provide
some form of legal justification for the attack”, were valid.
particular, there was no massive Russian military invasion under way,
which had to be stopped by Georgian military forces,” Tagliavini
is the question of whether the force by Georgia during the night of
7/8 August was justifiable under international law. It was not …”,
the investigators found.
shelling of Tskhinvali by the Georgian armed forces during the night
of 7 to 8 August 2008” which “marked the beginning of the
large-scale armed conflict in Georgia”, the Report stated. Thus
Georgia’s belligerence triggered Russia’s response in defence of
an allied country, Russia’s own military personnel and Russia’s
three military bases there.
parallels between the Georgia and Crimea disinformation are stark,
whether orchestrated by political Western Cold Warriors, or media
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov has said relating to the
Crimea insurgents:
really don’t conceal what is known, we show people who were
detained, stores with weapons and munitions, which were detected in
the Crimea. Of course we cannot show everything on TV, but we have
irrefutable evidence that it was sabotage, which had been
masterminded by the main directorate of intelligence of the Ukrainian
Defence Ministry and aimed to destabilize the Russian Crimea.” (6)
is open for provision of additional facts … to our Western
partners, who are seriously interested in avoidance (of a repeat) of
what happened in the future. For that to happen, one should influence
Kiev”, he added pointedly.
why the Independent’s strange interpretation of above events and
creating a fantasy of Russia planning an Olympic timed war? Heaven
forbid it would be anything to do with their owner, Russian
billionaire and former KGB agent (7) Alexander Lebedev, who bought
the ailing newspaper for just a £1 in March 2010, pledging major
financial backing.
Independent, built a name on foreign policy expertise, but this year
has been forced to shut down the main daily print version and the
Independent on Sunday. Whilst the Independent is still on line, the
only hard copy in it’s stable is the good, but more limited daily
backers are rare in these straightened times. Mr Lebedev is a Putin
critic. The cynic might say there could be a connection given the
slant of the Crimea story. However with titles Alexander Lebedev has
backed (8) at home and abroad, he has always vowed never to interfere
with editorial policy, so many would surely regard such thoughts as
conspiratorial rubbish.
2. http://katehon.com/agenda/
5. https://www.wsws.org/en/
6. http://www.pravdareport.com/
video/16-08-2016/135337- crimea-0/
7. https://www.theguardian.com/
media/2010/mar/05/lebedev- buys-independent-newspapers
8. http://www.washingtonpost.com/
wp-dyn/content/article/2006/ 06/07/AR2006060701166_pf.html
for Spanish, German, Dutch, Danish, French,
translation- Note- Translation
may take a moment to load.
Zie ook:
‘MH17 proces op Radio1‘ (en zie de links in dat bericht naar meer over rampvlucht MH17)
‘Oekraïne en NAVO bezig met uitlokking WOIII………‘
‘Porosjenko (Oekraïne) roept de NAVO op tot oorlog tegen Rusland‘
‘Oekraïne kondigt staat van beleg af vanwege ‘Russische agressie’ in de Zee van Azov‘
‘Election ploy? Poroshenko declares martial law in Ukraine after Kerch standoff‘
‘Putin en Trump halen spanning uit de lucht >> de westerse wereld schreeuwt moord en brand……‘
‘Van Kappen (VVD en ex-opperhoofd mariniers) over de doos van Pandora en Oekraïne……. OEI!!!‘
Klik voor meer berichten n.a.v. het bovenstaande, op één van de labels, die u onder dit bericht terug kan vinden’.