begint de laatste jaren wat hipper te worden, als ik het hieronder
opgenomen artikel van Alan MacLeod op Fair moet geloven en weet je
wat: het zou best kunnen kloppen, vandaar misschien de belangstelling
voor de jessias van ‘GroenLinks’ Klaver…… Jammer dat die jonge
mensen dan niet zien dat ze een reuzen oor aangenaaid krijgen door
deze valse ‘linkse’ profeet, een ‘profeet’ van een partij die allesbehalve links is
en zich net zo hard laat meeslepen door de de leugens van de CIA en de reguliere massamedia…..
‘GroenLinks’ een partij die maar al te vaak instemt met maatregelen die een linkse en groene partij tegen de borst zouden moeten stuiten, zo staat deze partij achter het schunnige ‘sociale’ leenstelsel t.b.v. studenten…… Sterker nog: op provinciaal en lokaal gebied draait GL gewoon mee als onderdeel van het Nederlandse compromis baggerbestuur…..
ding is zeker: de reguliere westerse massamedia moeten niets van
links hebben, simpelweg daar hun bazen niets op hebben met links en
de bestaande neoliberale status quo gehandhaafd willen zien, waar ze zelfs de illegale oorlogen van de VS gesteund willen zien, niet in de laatste plaats daar men aandelen heeft in de wapenindustrie….. Wat
mooier als je tegen links bestuur bent dan als massamedia een cadeau als Venezuela door de VS in de
schoot geworpen te krijgen, Venezuela het door een economische oorlog van de VS
aan de grond geraakte land….
Met superlatieven spreekt men in die
media over de desastreuze economische politiek van het Maduro bewind,
alsof er nooit een economische oorlog heeft plaatsgevonden tegen
Venezuela, wat zeg ik, een oorlog die nog steeds plaatsvindt (nu met sancties
die zelfs door de EU zijn opgelegd…), terwijl zich een door de VS
opgezette opstand en staatsgreep voltrekt in dat land……
liet zelfs een correspondent verklaren wat er op de straten in
Venezuela gebeurde, terwijl deze knurft in Miami zat….* (je
gelooft je oren niet….)
In het
hieronder opgenomen artikel van Alan MacLeod, gepubliceerd op Fair, een fiks aantal
voorbeelden van de bevooroordeelde en fake news (nepnieuws)
verspreidende reguliere massamedia in de VS (leugens en andere
desinformatie die overigens in de hele westerse massamedia terug zijn
te vinden):
8, 2019
Media’s One-Word Rebuttal to the Threat of Socialism
that means—is in vogue right now. A recent Gallup poll
found that a majority of millennials view socialism favorably,
preferring it to capitalism. Democratic socialist Bernie Sanders is
the most
popular politician
in the United States, while new leftist Rep. Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez’s (AOC) policies of higher taxes on the wealthy, free
healthcare and public college tuition are highly popular—even among
Republican voters (, 1/23/19).
by the growing threat of progressive policies at home, the
establishment has found a one-word weapon to deploy against the
rising tide: Venezuela. The trick is to attack any political figure
or movement even remotely on the left by claiming they wish to turn
the country into a “socialist wasteland” (Fox
News, 2/2/19)
run by a corrupt dictatorship, leaving its people hungry and
the charge have been Fox
News and
other conservative outlets. One Fox opinion
piece (1/25/19)
claimed that Americans should be “absolutely disgusted” by the
“fraud” of Bernie Sanders and Democrats like Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez, Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker, as they “continue
to promote a system that is causing mass starvation and the collapse
of a country,” warning that is exactly what their failed socialist
policies would bring to the US. (Back in the real world, while
Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez identify as socialists, Warren is a
self-described capitalist,
and Booker is noted for his ties to Wall Street, whose support for
his presidential bid he has reportedly been soliciting.)
A second Fox
continues in the same vein, warning that, “At the heart of
Venezuela’s collapse is a laundry list of socialist policies that
have decimated its economy.”
an article entitled “Bernie Sanders, Jeremy Corbyn and the Starving
Children of Venezuela,” the Washington
Examiner (6/15/17)
warned its readers to “beware the socialist utopia,” describing
it as a dystopia where children go hungry thanks to socialism.
The Wall
Street Journal (1/28/19)
recently condemned Sanders for his support of a “dictator,”
despite the fact Bernie has strongly
criticized Venezuelan
President Nicolás Maduro, and dismissed Maduro’s predecessor, Hugo
Chavez, as a “dead Communist dictator” (Reuters, 6/1/16).
supposedly centrist publications have continued this line of attack.
The New
York Times’
Bret Stephens (1/25/19)
argued: “Venezuela is a socialist catastrophe. In the age of AOC,
the lesson must be learned again”—namely, that “socialism never
works,” as “20 years of socialism” has led to “the ruin of a
nation.” The Miami
Herald (2/1/19)
cast shame on Sanders and AOC for arguing for socialism in the face
of such overwhelming evidence against it, describing the left’s
refusal to back self-appointed president Juan Guaidó, someone
whom less
than 20 percent of
Venezuelans had even heard of, let alone voted for, as “morally
useful weapon to be used against the left can only be sustained by
withholding a great number of key facts—chief among them, the US
role in Venezuela’s devastation. US sanctions, according to the
Venezuelan opposition’s economics czar, are responsible for a
halving of the country’s oil output (,12/17/18).
The UN Human Rights Council has formally
condemned the
US and discussed reparations to be paid, with one UN special
rapporteur describing Trump’s sanctions as a possible “crime
against humanity” (London Independent, 1/26/19).
This has not been reported by any the New
York Times, Washington
Post, CNN or
any other national US “resistance” news outlet, which have been
only too quick to support Trump’s regime change plans
(, 1/25/19).
the local US-backed opposition’s role in the economic crisis is
barely mentioned. The opposition, which controls much of the
country’s food supply, has officially
accepted responsibility for
conducting an “economic war” by withholding food and other key
example, the monolithic Empresas Polar controls
the majority of
the flour production and distribution crucial for
making arepa cornbread,
Venezuela’s staple food. Polar’s chair is Leopoldo Lopez,
national coordinator of Juan Guaidó’s Popular Will party, while
its president is Lorenzo Mendoza, who considered running for
president against Maduro in the 2018 elections that caused
pandemonium in the media (, 5/23/18).
it’s the products that Polar has a near-monopoly in that are often
in shortest
This is hardly a secret, but never mentioned in the copious stories
(CNN, 5/14/14, Bloomberg, 3/16/17, Washington
Post, 5/22/17, NPR, 4/7/17)
focusing on bread lines in the country.
rarely commented on was the fact that multiple international
election observer missions declared the
2018 elections free and fair, and that Venezuelan government spending
as a proportion of GDP (often considered a barometer of socialism) is
actually lower than the US’s, and far lower than most of
Europe’s,according to
the conservative Heritage Foundation.
of these bothersome facts, the media has continued to present
Venezuela’s supposedly socialist dictatorship as solely responsible
for its crisis as a warning to any progressives who get the wrong
idea. So useful is this tool that it is being used to attack
progressive movements around the world. The Daily
Express (2/3/19)
and Daily
Mail (2/3/19)
condemned UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn for his “defense”
of a “dictator,” while the Daily
Telegraph (2/3/19)
warned that the catastrophe of Venezuela is Labour’s blueprint for
Britain. Meanwhile, the Greek leftist party Syriza’s support for
Maduro (the official position of three-quarters of
UN member states) was condemned as “shameful”
(London Independent, 1/29/19).
is also used as a one-word response to shut down debate and counter
any progressive idea or thought. While the panel on ABC’s The
View (7/23/18)
discussed progressive legislation like Medicare for All and
immigration reform, conservative regular Meghan McCain responding by
invoking Venezuela: “They’re starving to death” she explained,
leaving the other panelists bemused.
Trump has also used it. In response to criticism from Senator
Elizabeth Warren over his “Pocahontas” jibe, he replied that she
would “make our country into Venezuela” (Reuters, 10/15/18).
weapon’s effectiveness can only be sustained through a media in
lockstep with the government’s regime-change goals. That the media
is fixated on the travails of a relatively small and unimportant
country in America’s “backyard,” and that the picture of
Venezuela is so shallow, is not a mistake. Rather, the simplistic
narrative of a socialist dictatorship starving its own people
provides great utility as a weapon for the establishment to beat back
the domestic “threat” of socialism, by associating movements and
figures such as Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jeremy
Corbyn with an evil caricature they have carefully crafted.
* Zie: ‘BBC World Service radio >> fake news and other lies about Venezuela‘ (bericht van dit blog)
Zie ook:
‘Venezuela: 4 belangrijke zaken aangaande humanitaire hulp waarover de reguliere media niet berichten‘
‘Trump en Bolton bedreigen openlijk de familie van Venezolaanse militairen‘
‘Venezuela: VS bedrijf dat wapens smokkelde is gelinkt aan CIA ‘Black Site’ centra‘
‘Congreslid Ilhan Omar fileert het monster Elliot Abrams, de speciale gezant van de VS voor Venezuela‘
‘Venezolaanse verandering van regime bekokstoofd door VS en massamedia‘
‘Venezuela zou humanitaire hulp weigeren, het echte verhaal ziet er ‘iets anders’ uit‘
‘Venezuela >> regime change: ‘de 12 stappen methode’ die de VS gebruikt‘
‘Venezuela >> VS economische oorlogsvoering met gebruikmaking van o.a. IMF en Wereldbank‘
‘VS couppleger in Venezuela belooft VS Venezolaanse olie als hij de macht heeft overgenomen‘
Pompeo: US Military Obligated to “Take Down” the Iranians in Venezuela
(de opgeblazen oorlogshitser en oorlogsmisdadiger Pompeo beweert dat Hezbollah werkzaam is in Venezuela en daar een leger heeft dat gezien zijn woorden amper onder doet voor de gezamenlijke NAVO troepen… ha! ha! ha! Ook hier is totaal geen bewijs voor deze belachelijke beschuldiging…)
‘Halliburton en Chevron hebben groot belang bij ‘regime change’ in Venezuela‘
‘VS coup tegen Maduro in volle gang……..‘
‘Antiwar Hero Medea Benjamin Disrupts Pompeo Speech on Venezuela‘
‘Venezuela’s Military Chief, Foreign Allies Back Maduro‘
‘VS weer op oorlogspad in Latijns-Amerika: Venezuela het volgende slachtoffer…….‘
‘Venezuela: VS verandering van regime mislukt >> de Venezolanen wacht een VS invasie‘
Vast Majority of Democrats Remain Silent or Support Coup in Venezuela
‘Venezuela: Target of Economic Warfare‘
‘Venezuela: ‘studentenprotest’ wordt uitgevoerd door ingehuurde troepen………‘
‘Abby Martin Busts Open Myths on Venezuela’s Food Crisis: ‘Shelves Fully Stocked’‘ (zie ook de video in dat artikel!)
‘EU neemt uiterst hypocriet sancties tegen de Venezolaanse regering Maduro………‘
‘Venezuela ontwricht, wat de reguliere media u niet vertellen……..‘
‘VS steunt rechtse coalitie (MUD) in Venezuela………‘
‘Venezuela’s US-Backed Opposition Turns Up The Violence Following Assembly Vote‘
‘10 Things You Need to Know About the Terrorist Attack in Venezuela‘
‘Venezuelans in the Streets to Support Constituent Assembly‘
‘What Mainstream Media Got Wrong About Venezuela’s Constituent Assembly Vote‘ (met mogelijkheid tot directe vertaling)
‘The Left and Venezuela‘ (met mogelijkheid tot directe vertaling)
‘Rondje Venezuela schoppen op Radio1………‘
‘Karabulut (SP) blij dat ze Maduro eindelijk ook kan schoppen………‘
‘Venezolaanse regering treedt terecht op tegen de uiterst gewelddadige oppositie!!‘