Klokkenluiders stellen dat Trump met spoed nucleaire technologie aan Saoedi-Arabië wil leveren

klokkenluiders hebben de toezichtcommissie van het huis van
afgevaardigden gewaarschuwd dat de Trump administratie, zonder het
congres daarin te kennen, gevoelige nucleaire technologie wil
doorsluizen naar Saoedi-Arabië…..

Saoedi-Arabië dat het overgrote deel van de bestaande islamitische
terreurorganisaties (waaronder Al Qaida en IS) steunt met geld,
wapens, munitie en militaire training…….

Saoedi-Arabië, hetzelfde soennitische land dat in eigen land minderheden als sjiieten vervolgt en dat in
buurland Jemen (voor het grootste deel sjiitisch) al een paar jaar
bezig is met de uitvoering van een genocide op die sjiitische bevolking…….

Saoedi-Arabië dat mensen voor futiliteiten en op grond van valse aangiften in het openbaar op een gruwelijke manier vermoordt……

Saoedi-Arabië dat volkomen lak heeft aan zelfs de meest simpele mensenrechten, zoals gelijkheid van man en vrouw…..

Als Saoedi-Arabië een atoombom weet te bemachtigen, of weet te fabriceren met de bemachtigde nucleaire technologie, is de kans groot dat deze daadwerkelijk gebruikt zal worden, bijvoorbeeld in buurland Jemen…… (waarom zou een land dat het blijkbaar normaal vindt een volk uit te moorden middels een genocide, kernwapens niet gebruiken??)

Het is
duidelijk dat men in de VS de weg volkomen kwijt is en dat is een
levensgevaarlijke ontwikkeling, zeker gezien de gewelddadige
psychopathische gekken die de Trump
administratie vormen…… Saoedi-Arabië van deze technologie voorzien is hetzelfde als een moordenaar de onderdelen van een pistool, inclusief de munitie, doen toekomen (uiteraard aangevuld met een gebruiksaanwijzing, al is die zonder die aanvulling ook simpel te bemachtigen, zeker voor een puissant rijk land als Saoedi-Arabië)

Het hierna volgende artikel werd geschreven door Tyler Durden en werd eerder gepubliceerd op Zero Hedge, ik nam het over van Anti-Media:

Claim Trump Trying to Transfer Nuke Technology to Saudi Arabia

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Whistleblowers Claim Trump Trying to Transfer Nuke Technology to Saudi Arabia

19, 2019 at 2:06 pm


Profile picture for user Tyler Durden

(ZH) — The
House Oversight committee now chaired by Democrat Elijah Cummings
issued an 
staff report
several whistleblowers came forward “
warn about efforts inside the White House to rush the transfer of
highly sensitive U.S. nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia in potential
violation of the Atomic Energy Act
spearheaded by Jared Kushner, according to a 
the House Oversight Committee.

press release is in conjunction 
the announcement of an investigation into the allegations. 

plan, which reportedly involved former White House National Security
Adviser Michael Flynn, Kushner and Trump fundraiser Thomas Barrack,
would see the development of “dozens of nuclear power plants” in
a “Middle East Marshall Plan” through IP3 – a private US
company which has “
a consortium of US companies to build nuclear plants in Saudi

whistleblowers allege that the efforts were made without review by
Congress “as required by law,” and may be ongoing to this day.

whistleblowers who came forward have expressed significant concerns
about the potential procedural and legal violations connected with
rushing through a plan to transfer nuclear technology to Saudi
Arabia.  They have warned of conflicts of interest among top
White House advisers that could implicate federal criminal statutes.
have also warned about a working environment inside the White House
marked by chaos, dysfunction, and backbiting. 
they have warned about political appointees ignoring directives from
top ethics advisors at the White House who repeatedly and
unsuccessfully ordered senior Trump Administration officials to halt
their efforts.” -Interim Staff Report

to the report, efforts to transfer the sensitive US nuclear
technology to Saudi Arabia 
be accelerating following White House meetings last week ahead of
Jared Kushner’s planned visit to the Middle-Eastern country

Committee’s investigation is particularly critical because the
Administration’s efforts to transfer sensitive U.S. nuclear
technology to Saudi Arabia appear to be ongoing.  On February
12, 2019, the President met with nuclear power developers at the
White House about sharing nuclear technology with countries in the
Middle East, including Saudi Arabia.  In addition, next week Mr.
Kushner will be embarking on a tour of Middle Eastern
capitals—including Riyadh—to discuss the economic portion of the
Administration’s Middle East peace plan.” -Interim Staff

report notes that the White House has failed to submit a report on
the murder of 
and political operative Jamal Khashoggi.

The press

report indicates that there is now serious, bipartisan concern with
the Trump Administration’s efforts to transfer sensitive U.S.
nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia.  For example, on October 31,
2018, Republican Senators Marco Rubio, Todd Young, Cory Gardner, Rand
Paul, and Dean Heller sent a 
letter to
President Trump urging him to “suspend talks related to a potential
civil nuclear cooperation agreement between the United States and
Saudi Arabia” due to “serious concerns about the transparency,
accountability, and judgment of current decisionmakers in Saudi

report describes 
documents and communications
White House officials, including former National Security Advisor
Michael Flynn, former Deputy National Security Advisor K.T.
McFarland, and former NSC Senior Director for Middle East and North
African Affairs Derek Harvey, as well as with Thomas Barrack,
President Trump’s personal friend of several decades and the
Chairman of his Inaugural Committee, and Rick Gates, President
Trump’s former Deputy Campaign Manager and Deputy Chairman of the
Inaugural Committee who has now pleaded guilty to financial fraud and
lying to investigators.

Cummings also sent letters to multiple entities involved with
promoting this plan, including the White House; the Departments of
Commerce, Defense, Energy, State, and Treasury; the Joint Chiefs of
Staff; the Central Intelligence Agency; Flynn Intel Group; IP3; ACU
Strategies; Colony NorthStar; and Mr. Barrack.

Click here to
read the letter to the White House.

By Tyler
Republished with permission / 
 / Report
a typo


Tot slot nog dit: alles waar de VS en Saoedi-Arabië Iran van beschuldigen, wordt juist uitgevoerd door en Saoedi-Arabië en de VS, zoals: 

  • het verspreiden van terreur 
  • het zich bemoeien met binnenlandse aangelegenheden van soevereine staten
  • het bewapenen en financieren van terreurgroepen
  • het illegaal aanvallen van andere landen
  • het op grote schaal destabiliseren van het Midden-Oosten…….

Vergeet niet dat ‘ons’ koningshuis vriendschappelijke banden onderhoudt met de psychopathische dictatuur, bestaande uit het koningshuis van Saoedi-Arabië……

Voor meer berichten aangaande Saoedi-Arabië en Jemen, klik op het betreffende label, direct onder dit bericht (let wel: na een aantal berichten wordt het laatst gelezen bericht telkens herhaald, dan even opnieuw op het gekozen label klikken onder dat laatst gelezen bericht, enz. enz.)

Honderden burgerslachtoffers in Mosul door VS bombardementen, ofwel grootschalige terreur…….

Het volgende bericht van Nicholas J.S. Davies, komt van ICH (6 mei 2016). In dit bericht aandacht voor het ‘nieuwe beleid’ in VS-oorlogsvoering onder luitenant-generaal McFarland. Dit ‘nieuwe beleid’ houdt in, dat bij een aanval waarbij ten hoogste 10 burgerslachtoffers te verwachten zijn, geen toestemming vooraf nodig is…… Overigens een nogal vreemde gang van zaken, daar het aantal burgerdoden bij standrechtelijke executies door de VS (middels drones), meer dan 90% is, vergeleken met het aantal verdachten dat met toestemming van Obama, mag worden vermoord op die manier. Intussen zijn volgens rapportages bij aanvallen op de Iraakse stad Mosul al honderden burgerdoden gevallen…….. Gerichte aanvallen, zoals die op de universiteit van Mosul, maakten een groot aantal burgerslachtoffers, VS bombardementen op die universiteit, ‘leverden’ alleen al 92 doden op………

Onder het artikel kan u voor een vertaling klikken, dit neemt wel enige tijd in beslag:

Air Strikes Kill Hundreds of Civilians in Mosul

Nicolas J. S. Davies

05, 2016 “
Clearing House

on April 19th
 that U.S. air forces have been operating
under looser rules of engagement in Iraq and Syria since last
fall.  The war commander, Lt Gen McFarland, now orders air
strikes that are expected to kill up to 10 civilians without
prior approval from U.S. Central Command, and U.S. officials
acknowledge that air strikes are killing more civilians under
the new rules.

officials previously claimed that air strikes in Iraq and Syria
had killed as few as 26 civilians.  A senior Pentagon
official who is briefed daily on the air war told 
was unrealistic, since air strikes that have destroyed
6,000 buildings with over
40,000 bombs and missiles
 have inevitably killed much higher
numbers of civilians.

the U.S. escalates its air strikes on Mosul, the
largest city occupied by Islamic State, reports of hundreds of
civilians killed by air strikes reveal some of the human costs of the
U.S. air war and the new rules of engagement.

Iraqi environmental scientist and Mosul native Souad
 (Ph.D. Colorado School of Mines) has compiled
a partial list of air strikes that have killed civilians and
destroyed civilian infrastructure from reports by Mosul
Reporters Network
Maalomah News Network
, other Iraqi media and contacts in

Many government
buildings have been destroyed.  As U.S. officials told 
attacks are often conducted at night to minimize civilian casualties,
but they have killed security guards and civilians in
neighboring buildings.

 have been systematically bombed and destroyed.

Two large dairies were
bombed, killing about 100 civilians and wounding 200 more.

Multiple daytime air
strikes on Mosul University
 on March 19th and 20th killed 92
civilians and wounded 135, mostly faculty, staff, families and
students.  Targets included the main administration building,
classroom buildings, a women’s dormitory and a faculty
apartment building.

50 civilians were
killed and 100 wounded by air strikes on 2 apartment buildings,
Al Hadbaa and Al Khadraa.

A mother and 4
children were killed in an air strike on a house in the Hay al Dhubat
district of East Mosul on April 20th, next door to a house used
by Islamic State that was undamaged.

22 civilians were killed
in air strikes on houses in front of Mosul Medical

20 civilians were killed
and 70 wounded by air strikes on the Sunni Waqif building and nearby
houses and shops.

U.S. air strikes on April
24th damaged the Rashidiya water treatment plant in West Mosul and
the Yarmouk power station in East Mosul.

The Central
Bank of Mosul
 in Ghazi Street and several branches of
Rafidain and Rasheed banks were bombed, with heavy civilian
casualties, despite all cash reportedly being removed after the
first bank was struck

Three workers were killed
and 12 wounded in an air strike on the former
Pepsi bottling plant

An air strike on a fuel
depot in an industrial area ignited an inferno with 150 casualties on
April 18th.

Bombs have damaged a
food warehouse, power stations and sub-stations in West
Mosul, and flour mills, a pharmaceutical factory, auto repair shops
and other workshops across Mosul.

The Al
Hurairah Bridge
 was destroyed by air strikes.

the very least, U.S. air strikes have killed hundreds of civilians in
Mosul and destroyed much of the civilian infrastructure that people
depend on for their lives in already dire conditions.  And yet
by all accounts, this is only the beginning of the U.S.-Iraqi
campaign to retake Mosul. One and one-half million civilians are
trapped in the city, 30 times the UN’s estimate of the number of
civilians in Fallujah before the November 2004 assault
that killed
4,000 to 6,000 people
, mostly civilians. 
Meanwhile ISIL prevents civilians from evacuating the city, believing
that their presence protects its forces from even heavier

humanitarian law strictly prohibits military attacks on civilians,
civilian areas and civilian infrastructure.  The presence of
several thousand ISIL militants in a city of 1.5 million people does
not justify indiscriminate bombing or attacks on civilian
targets.  As the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq
warned U.S. officials in aHuman
Rights Report
 in 2007, “The presence of individual
combatants among a great number of civilians does not alter the
civilian nature of an area.”  UNICEF protestedthe
bombing of a water treatment plant
 in Syria last
December as “a particularly alarming example” of how “the rules
of war, including those meant to protect vital civilian
infrastructure, continue to be broken on a daily basis.”

The fundamental
contradiction of the militarized “war on terror” has always been
that U.S. aggression and other war crimes only reinforce the
narratives of jihadis who see themselves as a bulwark against foreign
aggression and neocolonialism in the Muslim world. 
Meanwhile U.S. wars and covert operations against secular
enemies like Hussein, Gaddafi and Assad create new zones of
chaos where jihadis can thrive.

Obama has acknowledged publicly that there is therefore “no
military solution”
 to jihadism.  But successive U.S.
administrations have proven unable to resist the lure of military
escalation at each new stage of this crisis, unleashing wars that
have killed
about two million people
, plunged a dozen countries into chaos
and exploded Wahhabi jihadism from its original safe havens in Saudi
Arabia, Afghanistan and Pakistan to countries across the

the U.S. and its Iraqi allies follow through with their
threatened assault on Mosul, the resulting massacre will join
Fallujah, Guantanamo and U.S. drone wars as a powerful catalyst
for the next mutation of Wahhabi jihadism, which is likely
to be more globalized and unified.

although Al Qaeda and Islamic State have proven adept at manipulating
U.S. leaders into ever-escalating cycles of violence,
the jihadis cannot directly order American pilots to bomb
civilians.  Only our leaders can do that, making
them morally and legally responsible for these crimes,
just as Islamic State’s leaders are responsible for

J.S. Davies is the author of Blood On Our Hands: the American
Invasion and Destruction of Iraq. He also wrote the chapters on
“Obama at War” in Grading the 44th President: a Report Card on
Barack Obama’s First Term as a Progressive Leader.

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Zie ook: ‘Syrische bombardementen op twee ziekenhuizen’, althans volgens de westerse media en politici……

       en:  ‘Mosul, het verschil in berichtgeving vergeleken met de bevrijding van Oost-Aleppo………..

       en: ‘Mosul >> VS vermoordde daar met bombardementen meer dan 40.000 burgers, Irak deed het na de ‘bevrijding’ dunnetjes over met 10.000 moorden…….

       en: ‘Kinderen in Irak vermoord middels VS terreur…….

       en: ‘Mosul ‘zal met precisie ontdaan worden van de terroristen, inclusief een minimum aan burgerslachtoffers…….’

       en: ‘After Mosul’s “Liberation,” Horror of US Siege Continues to Unfold ‘ (met mogelijkheid tot vertaling)

       en:  Mosul ‘bevrijd’ en BBC anti-Assad propaganda……….

       en: ‘Mosul (bijna) bevrijd: ‘een positief verslag’ van de BBC

       en: ‘Mosul is ‘bevrijd’ zo stelt de VS, daar zijn echter wel wat aanmerkingen op te maken………

       en: ‘Hennis-Plasschaert hoopte nog zo, dat IS de bevolking van Mosul niet als schild zou gebruiken……..

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