‘Heldhaftige’ Israëlische politie valt 3 vrouwen aan die invalide Palestijnse willen helpen

Zoals meestal het geval, hebben Israëlische psychopaten, dit keer van de politie, zich flink misdragen…… Zij vielen 3 vrouwen uit
de VS met Palestijnse achtergrond lastig bij de Al-Aqsamoskee in Jeruzalem. Meer dan 50 van deze ‘heldhaftige’
psychopaten veegden de mensen voor de moskee met o.a. geweerschoten
bijeen en haalden de Al-Aqsamoskee leeg, waarbij een oude
vrouw uit haar invalidenwagen viel.

Te hulp
geschoten vrouwen werden weggeduwd, maar de 21 jarige Nour Hawash, een VS burger met Palestijnse achtergrond en verpleegkundige in opleiding, wilde de oude
vrouw helpen, echter zij werd met geweld op de grond gegooid en door
meerdere agenten met hun voeten op de grond gehouden (een zware
belediging voor moslims, overigens zou ik het ook als een zware belediging zien). Ook de 2 andere vrouwen die op bezoek waren
uit de VS en die Hawash probeerden te helpen, werden fysiek
lastiggevallen door de Israëlische ‘helden’.

Lees dit
ontluisterende verhaal en zegt het voort, er moet een eind komen aan
de vervolging en onderdrukking van het Palestijnse volk door de bloedige fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël, een onderdrukking die zelfs gepaard gaat met massamoorden en dat NB door nakomelingen, familieleden van mensen die
in Europa vanwege hun Joods zijn werden vervolgd en vermoord…….
Mensen ik snap daar echt geen bal van, er moet toch nog wel enig
ethisch en moreel besef in de koppen van dit psychopathisch geteisem zitten????

Don’t Care About Your ID”: US Students Assaulted by Israeli

15, 2019 at 10:27 am

East Monitor

(MEMO— Three
American women were violently assaulted by Israeli occupation forces
as they attempted to help a disabled woman at Al-Aqsa Mosque on
Tuesday, despite showing soldiers their passports.

nursing student Nour Hawash, who is in Jerusalem on vacation, was
taking photos with her mother and sister after midday prayers when
Israeli occupation soldiers stormed the compound and started to
evacuate the Dome of the Rock.

we heard these shots being fired and people just started running all
over the place. We saw the IDF [Israeli soldiers], guns pointed,
running, trying to chase people. So we just ran with everyone else to
the side,” Nour told MEMO.

number of Israeli troops in the courtyard quickly grew, from a dozen
to between 50 to 100 soldiers; Nour also saw several Palestinian men
being arrested.

were not letting anyone near the Dome of the Rock, they had
surrounded it from all its doors,” the 21 year-old student says.
“And there was an old lady being wheeled out as she was leaving the
prayer area and she fell out of her wheelchair and she was unable to
get back in. And I saw that a couple of women were trying to help
her, but they were being shoved so I tried to go in as well.”

as Nour moved towards the elderly woman, she found herself shoved to
the floor by an Israeli soldier, who cuffed one of her wrists and
proceeded to sit on her to stop her from moving.

when like ten to 15 soldiers were holding me down with their feet,
trying to get my other wrist in handcuffs. And I had pulled out my
passport and I told her [the soldier] that I was an American citizen
and she said ‘I don’t care about your ID’ and threw my passport
to the side.”

soldiers then dragged Nour’s mother, Germeen Abdelkarim, away from
her daughter and pushed her against the wall, handcuffing her, as
younger sister Safa watched on frantically.

sister was going back and forth trying to get to us, but she was
being physically pushed down to the ground, and punched and shoved,
they pulled her scarf off and tried to choke with it so she couldn’t
come near me.”


being held down for more than half an hour, an Israeli guard picked
up Nour’s American passport from the ground and instructed the
other soldiers to release her. Both her and her mother were violently
shoved away, and pushed back from the Dome of the Rock close to the
compound gates.

all the doors had been barred and the family were trapped near the
entrance for an hour, neither able to access the mosque nor the rest
of the Old City. Even after the gates were opened, the Old City was
held under lockdown for a further three hours, before the women could
return to their hotel.

has contacted the US embassy in Jerusalem to inform them of the
family’s treatment; whilst officials have said they would file a
report of the incident, it is unlikely that any further steps will be
taken to hold the soldiers responsible for the assault. Other than
cuts and bruises, the women suffered no serious injuries.

have been rising in Jerusalem in recent weeks, after Palestinians
re-entered the Al-Rahma Gate area of Al-Aqsa Mosque and 
for the first time in over 15 years. However Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu has affirmed that his government intends to close
the gate once again, despite condemnation from Palestinian officials.

week, Israeli forces entered the Al-Rahma prayer area 
their shoes on
in what was seen as a deliberate attempt to provoke Palestinian

Nour, whose mother is originally from Gaza, her experience is
reflective of the reality Palestinian worshippers regularly face.

always seen these things on TV and on Facebook, you’ve become numb
to it. But actually experiencing it and witnessing the reality of the
Palestinians is something completely different. It changed my
perspective and honestly we are just scratching the surface of what
they go through every day,” she concludes.

on Jerusalem, Israeli forces are not permitted to enter Al-Aqsa
Mosque, which is under the management of the Jordanian Waqf
(religious endowment), or physically attack worshippers.

Israeli settlers regularly storm the compound in coordination with
Israeli forces, 
 and pledging
to destroy
mosque, whilst Muslim worshippers are harassed or barred from
entering. Extreme settler groups have repeatedly called
the holy site, especially on significant Jewish holidays.

 / Middle
East Monitor
 / Report
a typo


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