OPCW heeft vals rapport uitgebracht, VS propaganda-organen, inclusief Bellingcat, schieten te hulp

maar desondanks waar: de OPCW heeft een enorme bok geschoten met haar
uiteindelijke rapportage over een gifgasaanval in het Syrische
Douma, onder druk gezet door de VS werd de rapportage dusdanig
opgesteld dat het Syrische leger inderdaad de schuld kreeg voor deze
gifgasaanval….. Jammer voor de VS en de schunnig slappe topgraaiers
van de OPCW, een klokkenluider van deze organisatie zocht de pers en
deed e.e.a. uit de doeken…..

gewoonlijk heeft de VS, de rest van de westerse politiek en de
reguliere westerse media schijt aan dergelijke klokkenluiders, men
rept er niet over of men gaat in de tegenaanval en dat laatste is wat
nu weer gebeurt met het feit dat de OPCW een vervalst rapport heeft
uitgebracht. Het meer dan belachelijke en bewezen slechte ‘leken
journalisten’ maar vooral propaganda clubje Bellingcat komt de OPCW te hulp…. (Bellingcat wordt betaald door de VS*)

laat simpel bepaalde delen buiten beschouwing van wat de klokkenluider naar
buiten bracht, zoals een verstuurde email……

Lees het
artikel van Moon Of Alabama, waarin ook aandacht voor de financiering
van Bellingcat, deze wordt voor het grootste deel betaald door
National Endowment for Democracy (NED) en deze organisatie wordt betaald
door de VS overheid…. Voorts ontvangt Bellingcat geld van de Open
Society Foundations van George Soros en van een paar organisaties in
ons land als de Postcode Loterij en PAX (dat zet nog grotere
vraagtekens bij het MH17 rapport van het JIT, dat zich ook liet
voorlichten [of beter: oplichten] door Bellingcat…….)

Het volgende artikel werd geschreven en gepubliceerd door/op Moon Of Alabama en door mij overgenomen van Information Clearing House:

The OPCW Is Accused Of False Reporting U.S. Propaganda Jumps To Its

Moon Of Alabama

02, 2019 “Information
Clearing House
” – An international organization published
two false reports and got caught in the act. But as the false reports
are in the U.S. interests a U.S. sponsored propaganda organization is
send out to muddle the issue. As that effort comes under fire the 
York Times
in to give the cover-up effort some extra help.

Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
a pretext for war by suppressing its own scientists’ research

OPCW emails and documents were
leaked and whistleblowers 
speak with journalists and 
Veteran journalist Jonathan Steele, who has spoken with the
whistleblowers, wrote an 
the issues. In the 
on Sunday
Peter Hitchens 
up the issue
moved it forward.

U.S. pressure the OPCW management modified or suppressed the findings
of its own scientists to make it look as if the Syrian government had
been responsible for the alleged chemical incident in April 2018 in

public attention to the OPCW’s fakery lead to the questioning
OPCW had previously made. With the OPCW under fire someone had come
to its help.

save the propaganda value of the OPCW reports the U.S.
Bellingcat propaganda
in to save the OPCW’s bacon
Bellingcat founder
my balls

Elliot Higgins claimed that the OPCW reports satisfied the concerns
the OPCW scientist had voiced.

assertion is now further propagated by a 
York Times
which, under the pretense of reporting about open source
boosts Bellingcat and
its defense of the OPCW

blogger Eliot Higgins made waves early in the decade by covering the
war in Syria from a laptop in his apartment in Leicester, England,
while caring for his infant daughter. In 2014, he founded Bellingcat,
an open-source news outlet that has grown to include roughly a dozen
staff members, with an office in The Hague. 
Higgins attributed his skill
to any special knowledge of international conflicts or digital data,
the hours he had spent playing video games
which, he said, gave him the idea that any mystery can be

Bellingcat journalists have spread the word about
their techniques in seminars attended by journalists and
law-enforcement officials. Along with grants from groups like the
Open Society Foundations (OSF), founded by George Soros, the seminars are a
significant source of revenue for Bellingcat, a nonprofit

seems that the 
York Times
to mention an important monetary source for 
Here is a current screenshot of 
Bellingcat’s About


Adessium, Pax for Peace and the Postcode Lottery are all Dutch
organizations. Then there is the notorious Soros organization the 
York Times
But why did the 
NYT forgot
to tell its readers that 
Bellingcat is
financed by the National Endowment for Democracy which itself is to
nearly 100% funded by the U.S. government? 
that be because the NED, which spends U.S.government money on 
than 1.600
government paid Non-Government Organizations, 
a Trojan horse
a cover for the CIA?

by Watergate – the Church committee of the Senate, the Pike
committee of the House, and the Rockefeller Commission, created by
the president, were all busy investigating the CIA. Seemingly every
other day there was a new headline about the discovery of some awful
thing, even criminal conduct, the CIA had been mixed up in for

What was done was to shift many of these awful
things to a new organization, with a nice sounding name – The
National Endowment for Democracy. The idea was that the NED would do
somewhat overtly what the CIA had been doing covertly for decades,
and thus, hopefully, eliminate the stigma associated with CIA covert

“We should not have to do this kind of work
covertly,” said Carl Gershman in 1986, while he was president of
the Endowment. “It would be terrible for democratic groups around
the world to be seen as subsidized by the C.I.A. We saw that in the
60’s, and that’s why it has been discontinued. We have not had
the capability of doing this, and that’s why the endowment was

Allen Weinstein, who helped draft the legislation establishing NED,
declared in 1991: “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25
years ago by the CIA.”

effect, the CIA has been laundering money through NED.

fact that the NED is doing the CIA’s work is likely the reason why
NYT puff
piece about 
Bellingcat forgets
to mention its payments and also why 
 to Bellingcat’s and
the OPCW’s help:

journalists and activists hostile to what they characterize as
Bellingcat’s pro-Western narratives have criticized some of its
coverage of the war in Syria.

issue is an April 7, 2018, attack on Douma, Syria. Bellingcat
reported, based on an analysis of six open-source videos, that it was
“highly likely” that Douma civilians had died because of chemical
weapons. In March, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical
Weapons reported that there were “reasonable grounds” to say that
chemical weapons had been used in the attack.

of Bellingcat have pointed to an email from an investigator with the
organization, saying that it raised questions about the findings.
WikiLeaks published the email on Nov. 23. In a response, 
defended its reporting, saying the final report on Douma from the
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons reflected the
concerns of the investigator whose email was published by WikiLeaks.

playing video games Elliot Higgins learned to identify chemical
attacks in dubious video sequences published by terrorist affiliates.
If true it is an admirable capability. Still his assertion that the
OPCW report “reflected the concerns of the investigator”
who criticized it is, a as Caitlin Johnstone 
utterly false:

simply ignores this absolutely central aspect of the email, as well
as the whistleblower’s point about the symptoms of victims not
matching chlorine gas poisoning.

this case the confidence in the identity of chlorine or any choking
agent is drawn into question precisely because of the inconsistency
with the reported and observed symptoms,” the whistleblower writes
in the email. “The inconsistency was not only noted by the [Fact
Finding Mission] team but strongly noted by three toxicologists with
expertise in exposure to [Chemical Weapons] agents.”

says nothing about these revelations in the email, and says nothing
about the fact that the OPCW excluded them from both its Interim
Report in July 2018 and its Final Report in March 2019, the latter of
which actually asserted the exact opposite 
saying there
was “reasonable grounds that the use of a toxic chemical as a
weapon took place. This toxic chemical contained reactive chlorine.
The toxic chemical was likely molecular chlorine.”

completely ignores all of these points, …

its defense of the OPCW report 
Bellingcat wrote:

comparison of the points raised in the letter against the final Douma
report makes it amply clear that the OPCW not only addressed these
points, but even changed the conclusion of an earlier report to
reflect the concerns of said employee.

on Sunday
Peter Hitchens 
not concur
that paragraph:

from the words ‘a’, and ‘the’, everything in the above
paragraph is, to put it politely, mistaken. Bellingcat have been so
anxious to trash the leak from the OPCW that they have (as many did
when the attack was first released) rushed to judgment without
waiting for the facts

More is known by the whistleblowers of the
OPCW than has yet been released …

and Peter should play more video games. I have read in the 
NYT that
they are the true path to learning and to the factual assessment of
alleged chemical attacks.

April 7 2018 terrorists of the Jaish al Islam group ruled in Douma.
They killed 40 civilians. The bodies were shown in videos along with
chlorine gas canisters to pretend that the Syrian government had
killed those people. The OPCW’s fact finding team analyzed the
evidence and found that the canisters had not been dropped from the
air but where manually placed. The symptoms the victims showed were
inconsistent with a chlorine attack and chlorinated substances were
only found in extremely low concentrations. There were absolutely no
“reasonable grounds” to say that chemical weapons had been
used in the attack.

the OPCW management, under U.S. pressure and despite the protests by
its own scientists, put out a report that said the opposite. As the
manipulation came to light the U.S. funded 
Bellingcat made
a perfunctory attempt to muddle the issue. Thus another propaganda
organization, the 
York Times
had to jump in to save 
Bellingcat and
the false OPCW claims.

is not going to help. There will soon be more evidence that the OPCW
management published two false reports on Douma, and likely even more
on other issue. There will be a public recognition that the OPCW

article was originally published by “
Of Alabama


* Zie: ‘Bellingcat wordt betaald door de VS overheid ha! ha! ha! ha!

Zie ook:

Douma, OPCW lek wordt door massamedia toegeschreven aan Rusland, waarbij men blijft volhouden dat de gifgasaanval plaatsvond

OPCW-lek laat ten overvloede zien dat de berichtgeving over gifgasaanval Douma er volledig ‘naast zat’

OPCW valt door de mand, klokkenluider: Douma gifgasaanval werd niet uitgevoerd door Syrische leger

Gifgasaanval Douma in elkaar gezet door ‘gematigde rebellen’

White Helmets oprichter overleden, het sein voor nog meer anti-Syrische propaganda

Massamedia treuren over de dood van een door de CIA gesteunde terrorist

Gifgasaanval Douma: OPCW rapport maakt korte metten met de westerse beschuldiging aan adres Syrië, waar de NOS een meer dan levensgrote bok schoot‘ (later gaf de OPCW Syrië alsnog de schuld….)

Obama wist van bewapenen en ondersteunen terroristen in Syrië…….

VS heeft opstand en daarmee de oorlog in Syrië georganiseerd, zo toont WikiLeaks ten overvloede nog eens aan…….

Massamedia treuren over de dood van een door de CIA gesteunde terrorist

MP Chris Williamson confronts UK government with apparent evidence of ‘staged’ chemical attack in Syria

Gifgasaanval Idlib: de komende ‘kindslachtoffers’ worden getraind door terreurgroep White Helmets………

White Helmets: naast gebruik van terreur ook schuldig aan orgaanhandel, vernietigende VN video presentatie

Syria: The White Helmets Are Terrorist Auxiliaries

White Helmets terreurgroep wordt vandaag met open armen ontvangen in Tweede Kamer…..

Al Jazeera filmde een onderdeel van de ‘gifgasshow’ in Kahn Sheikhoun………..

John Bolton geeft terreurgroepen in Syrië de opdracht een false flag gifgasaanval uit te voeren

Assad heeft geen gifgas gebruikt tegen de Syrische bevolking!

Bernard Hammelburg (BNR): Assad is een monster waar we mee moeten samenwerken………

‘Gematigde’ terreurgroepen in Syrië kregen Nederlands belastinggeld om te moorden, verkrachten, martelen en om te roven…….‘ 

Arrestatie Rutte, Koenders, Zijlstra en Blok wegens hulp aan terreurgroepen in Syrië van hoogste belang