Trumps Coronabesmetting toont aan dat de ‘oppositie’ hem van meet af aan heeft gezien als een serieus onderdeel van de macht

besmet met het Coronavirus, Trump gisteravond laat (onze tijd)
opgenomen in het ziekenhuis >> de reguliere media kunnen er niet genoeg van
krijgen, alsof de messias zelf ziek is geworden, zonder te kijken
naar het enorme aantal doden dat hij op z’n naam heeft, neem alleen
al de arme sukkels die zijn overleden door zijn suggesties om
ontsmettingsmiddelen in te nemen of zelfs te injecteren……. Nee
Trump, de president van het machtigste land op aarde is ziek geworden
en daar gaan we geen kritiek op leveren, zo schijnt de mantra te

internationale politiek reageert hetzelfde, terwijl men hem verafschuwde
voor het niet serieus nemen van COVID-19 en voor het onder druk
zetten van regeringen t.b.v. de VS, zoals zijn houding t.o.v. Iran en de nucleaire deal, of de eis van Trump
dat Duitsland met het Nord Stream 2 (NS2) project moest stoppen (al zijn flink wat ‘westerse’ landen daar ook tegen..)…. NS2: de aanleg van een gaspijpleiding van Rusland naar Duitsland
dwars door de Oostzee. Merkel die wat betreft Trump de boosaardige
heks is die weigert het NS2 project af te blazen, heeft Trump
gisteren bijzonder snel beterschap gewenst….. (en ze was bepaald
niet alleen)

Trump die de Koude Oorlog 2.0 heeft opgetuigd, die de wereld tot een
veel gevaarlijker plek heeft gemaakt met zijn sancties tegen Rusland
en China en die wat betreft China afgelopen week in de VN in feite een oorlogsverklaring tegen dat land heeft
opgelepeld….* Dit nog met voortdurende militaire oefeningen langs de Russische grens en het met opzet provoceren van China in de Zuid-Chinese Zee…..

situatie is nu veel gevaarlijker dan ten tijde van de Hollanditis eind 70er en 80er jaren van de vorige eeuw >>
het grote verzet tegen kernraketten in wat nu de EU wordt genoemd….
Het raketschild in Polen en Roemenie is een camouflage voor
kernraketten die op de drempel van Rusland staan en die in zeer korte
tijd grote Russische steden kunnen opblazen, waarmee de VS ook nog
eens het INF verdrag op grove wijze heeft geschonden……**
Waarom zou je iemand als Trump beterschap wensen terwijl hij schijt
heeft aan de rest van de wereld???

de VS is het niet anders, waar de ‘oppositie’ zich de laatste 4
jaar uit en te na heeft beziggehouden met het demoniseren van Trump
als een agent van de Russische president Putin….. Sinds vorig jaar
in aanloop van de komende verkiezingen werd en wordt Trump zelfs als een nog groter gevaar voor de VS neergezet, een figuur die koste
wat kost verslagen moet worden….. En wat doet Biden nu blijkt dat
Trump het Coronavirus onder de leden heeft? Juist hij wenst hem
beterschap en alle negatieve verkiezingesspotjes tegen Trump worden
voorlopig niet meer uitgezonden…..

CaitlinJohnstone komt in het hieronder opgenomen artikel dan ook
tot de conclusie dat met deze beterschapswensen van zijn grootste
tegenstanders ten overvloede wordt aangetoond dat de zogenaamde
oppositie, de Democratische Partij als de Republikeinen eigenlijk tot
dezelfde club behoren en daar heeft ze het gelijk volkomen aan haar

het artikel van Johnstone en zegt het voort!!

To Trump Covid Diagnosis Shows His ‘Opposition’ Always Saw Him As
Part Of The Club

by Caitlin

Joe Biden campaign is reportedly taking down all negative ads against
the US president due to his recent positive test for Covid-19.


that according to two sources within the former vice president’s
camp, the campaign has “decided to scrap the negative ads before
the White House announced that Trump is being taken to Walter
Reed National Military Medical Center.”

VP can’t say ‘God Bless this family’ and then trash him in ads,”
one Biden ally told

and I send our thoughts to President Trump and First Lady Melania
Trump for a swift recovery. We will continue to pray for the health
and safety of the president and his family,” Biden tweeted upon
the news of Trump’s positive test.

campaign hit back at Biden and did not indicate it intends to take
down its negative ads,”


The Hill


: Biden camp taking down all negative ads after Trump tests positive for COVID-19

View image on Twitter


would be the same Donald Trump that Democratic politicians and
pundits have been confidently assuring us is both a Russian agent who
is trying to destroy America on orders of Vladimir Putin, and a white
nationalist who is trying to eliminate minorities from the United
States to create a white ethnostate. This same man who they’ve been
saying poses a unique existential threat to human lives will receive
no attacks from his only viable political opponent.

and I join Joe Biden and Dr. Biden in wishing President Trump and the
First Lady a full and speedy recovery,”
Biden’s running mate Kamala Harris. “We’re keeping them and
the entire Trump family in our thoughts.”

president Barack Obama
sent Trump his best wishes, saying “We’re all Americans
and we’re all human beings, and we want to make sure everybody is

bless the president and the first lady,”
the world’s most virulent Russiagater Rachel Maddow. “If you
pray, please pray for their speedy and complete recovery — and for
everyone infected, everywhere. This virus is horrific and merciless —
no one would wish its wrath on anyone.”

this is after
of Maddow staring at the camera and weaving ridiculous narratives
about Russia having taken over the highest levels of the US
government. Night after night after night after night.

join in the chorus of those who wish a speedy and full recovery to
President Trump, the First Lady, Hope Hicks, and all who were exposed
to them in recent days,”
another virulent Russiagater Laurence Tribe. “This is no time
for cruelty, schadenfreude, or any other form of small-mindedness.”

Rachel Maddow MSNBC


God bless the president and the first lady. If you pray, please pray for their speedy and complete recovery — and for everyone infected, everywhere.

This virus is horrific and merciless — no one would wish its wrath on anyone.

We must get its spread under control. Enough.


are just a few examples. These sentiments are everywhere throughout
the Democratic establishment and its allied media.

these seem like the sentiments of a media class who believes Donald
Trump poses an urgent existential threat and must be defeated at all
cost? Or do they sound like a media class who promoted Russiagate and
Trump hysteria for ratings?

these seem like the sentiments of a political class who believes
there’s an urgent existential need to defeat Donald Trump at all
cost? Or do they sound like a political class who promoted Russiagate
and Trump hysteria because impeachment and advancing longstanding CIA
agendas against Russia are more politically convenient than advancing
progressive policies and addressing the massive corruption problems
which were exposed in their party in 2016?

you stop fighting someone who was trying to kill you with every
weapon at your disposal just because they got sick? If you actually
believed they truly pose an existential threat to you, would a
positive Covid test cause you to let up at all?

course not.


Existential Comics


So to clarify, the liberal position is that Biden owes us nothing but we absolutely must vote for him anyway because Trump is the second coming of Hitler, and he will dissolve democracy if he wins, and we hope he is doing well and lives a long and happy life?


turns out all that unprecedented hysterical shrieking about a Russian
Nazi in the White House was just political hyperbole. It was an act.
They’ve never seen Trump as a uniquely menacing threat, they see him
he is
a garden variety corrupt American president who is evil in more or
less the same ways the other corrupt American presidents are evil.
They see him as a part of the establishment they serve, advancing
more or less the same agendas. They see him as a part of the club,
just covered by a thin layer of narrative to the contrary.

you ever had any doubt that Democrats will one day regard Trump the
now regard George W Bush
you can set that doubt aside.

George Carlin famously said, it’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.

Laurence Tribe


I join in the chorus of those who wish a speedy and full recovery to President Trump, the First Lady, Hope Hicks, and all who were exposed to them in recent days. This is no time for cruelty, schadenfreude, or any other form of small-mindedness


responses to Trump’s diagnosis from the liberal political/media class
show that they’ve never actually been afraid of Trump. In fact, what
they have been afraid of is you.

these admonishments toward civility we’re hearing today, from the
subtle like Maddow’s heartfelt prayers to the overt like
Tribe’s “This is no time for cruelty, schadenfreude, or any
other form of small-mindedness,” are the result of an
establishment that is secretly terrified of the rank-and-file public.
The ruling class and its lackeys are secretly terrified that one day
the ordinary people they despise will awaken from their propaganda
trance and realize the power of their numbers, and any incivility and
impoliteness directed at the ruling class reminds them of just how
ugly that could get for them.

admonishments toward civility are always anti-populist in nature, and
are always the result of nervousness about the public turning toward
their rulers with hostility. They are nervous for the same reason
you’d get nervous if your dog suddenly remembered its wolf heritage
and started killing trespassing deer. They know they are outnumbered.
They know our teeth are sharp.

sudden pivot from portraying the US president as a unique and
unprecedented threat to finger-wagging about politeness exposes
what’s really going on here. Contrary to what his Democratic
Republican supporters believe, Trump has never been anything other
than a servant of the ruling power establishment, serving its agendas
in the ways to which his political base is
to support

and his opposition is
to allow

Joe Biden


Jill and I send our thoughts to President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump for a swift recovery. We will continue to pray for the health and safety of the president and his family.


establishment narrative managers know this, which is why their
alarmism about Trump has only ever been an act. There are plenty of
ordinary Americans who view Trump as a uniquely dangerous threat, but
it is so, so vital to understand that his ostensible opposition does
not see him this way, and never has.

job isn’t to resist Trump, their job is to resist you. He’s in the
club, you’re not. It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.


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sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list
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*  Zie: ‘Trump tot de VN: VS brengt vrede, China agressie…. ha! ha! ha! ha!‘ en:zie voorts: ‘VS oorlog tegen terreur vervangen door militaire bedreiging van Rusland, China en Iran‘   

Dit raketschild zou gericht zuijn tegen raketten uit Iran, terwijl
dat land ook tijdens de laatste 75 jaar geen ander buitenland heeft
aangevallen (in zware tegenstelling tot terreurentiteit VS)….. Dit raketschild
is dan ook gericht tegen Rusland en de raketten van dat ‘schild’
kunnen dan ook in een mum van tijd worden voorzien van meerdere
kernkoppen en daarmee grote Russische steden treffen……. 

Zie ook: ‘Trump terug in het Witte Huis: zandzakken voor de deur!!

 ‘‘Not a Tragic Accident—A Crime Scene’: Critics Say Trump Covid Diagnosis a ‘Culmination’ of His Deadly Pandemic Response 

Beurzen reageerden positief op het nieuws dat Trump waarschijnlijk vandaag al uit het ziekenhuis wordt ontslagen

En zie terzijde: ‘Biden
zal de VS hegemonie over de wereld ‘redden’, ofwel nog gewelddadiger
optreden dan Obama en Trump samen….. ‘business as usual: US terror

‘Russen zijn de domste idioten op de wereld’: Navalny als breekijzer voor de VS en de EU‘ 

Novitsjok onzin: de feiten doen er niet meer toe als Rusland maar hangt voor de ‘vergiftiging van Navalny’

zonder enig bewijs worden in de westerse media en politiek Rusland en
m.n. Putin aangewezen als de hoofdschuldigen voor vergiftiging

kernwapenbudget wellicht verdriedubbeld als het START-verdrag niet
wordt verlengd: ofwel de wereld weer dichterbij een kernoorlog

Pogingen van de VS om een conflict te provoceren met Iran zijn bedoeld om de herverkiezing van Trump veilig te stellen‘ 

Vredesakkoord Israël, VAE en Bahrein gericht op oorlogsvoering en doodshandel
(dit vredesakkoord noem ik daar de VS zich daarvoor heeft ingezet,
duidelijk met de bedoeling Iran te isoleren en tzt eventueel zelfs aan
te vallen)

new era of peace”, aldus Netanyahu over de aangeknoopte
politieke banden met de VAE, even vergetend dat Israël bijna
dagelijks illegaal oorlog voert

Bidens puppeteers verwijten Trump slap buitenlands optreden‘ (met oorlogstaal tegen Venezuela)

VS op oorlogspad tegen Venezuela en Iran‘ (en zie de links in dat bericht naar meer artikelen over Venezuela)

Media wakker geschrokken en ontwaken in Assange nachtmerrie

Het is
bijna niet te geloven, de reguliere (massa-) media die zich meer dan 2 jaar richtten op
Russiagate en die Julian Assange keer op keer hebben besmeurd, zijn ontwaakt in de Assange nachtmerrie….. Eindelijk
begrijpt men in die media wat de arrestatie van en de beschuldigingen tegen Assange betekenen en zelfs de schoothondjes van de
plutocraten, degenen die talk shows doen, zijn bijzonder
verontwaardigd…. (de wonderen zijn toch de wereld nog niet uit!)

De beschuldigingen tegen Assange, waaraan nu zelfs spionage is toegevoegd, zijn een nieuwe stap van de VS naar een volledige politiestaat….. De vrijheid van nieuwsgaring wordt met de nieuwe beschuldigingen tegen Assange zwaar geweld aangedaan….. Reken maar dat de EU zelfde stappen zal nemen, mocht de VS doorgaan op dit heilloze pad, immers alles wat de VS doet wordt hier gezien als manna uit de hemel…….

Lees het
volgende artikel van Caitlin Johnstone, door mij overgenomen van
Anti-Media en laten we hopen dat de reguliere media het werk weer
gaan doen waarvoor ze ooit ontstaan zijn: onafhankelijke berichtgeving brengen in dienst van het volk en niet van de grote ondernemingen en een
spuugrijke elite……. Jammer genoeg zijn die media in handen van dezelfde plutocraten dan wel van investeringsgroepen, waar beide groepen zoveel mogelijk winst willen maken en geen kritiek dulden op het alom tegenwoordige ijskoude en inhumane neoliberalisme, of op het ophitsen van de VS en haar oorlogshond NAVO tot (illegale) oorlogsvoering, op zo groot mogelijke schaal, immers ook dat is goed voor de winsten…….

Assange Smearers Finally Realize His Fate Is Tied To Theirs

Media is Finally Realizing What the Prosecution of Assange Means for

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor The Media is Finally Realizing What the Prosecution of Assange Means for Journalism

24, 2019 at 8:39 am


(CJ Opinion) — Rachel
Maddow has aired a segment condemning the 
indictment against Julian Assange
17 alleged violations of the Espionage Act.

Yes, that Rachel

top host 
the segment
it was
by Chris Hayes
agreeing with her colleague that it’s surprising that more news
outlets aren’t giving this story more “wall to wall” coverage,
given its immense significance. She recapped Assange’s various
legal struggles up until this point, then accurately described
Assange’s new Espionage Act charges for publishing secret

these new charges are not about stealing classified information or
outsmarting computer systems in order to illegally obtain classified
information,” Maddow 
“It’s not about that.

new charges are trying to prosecute Assange for publishing that
stolen, secret material which was obtained by somebody else. And that
is a whole different kettle of fish then what he was initially
charged with.”

charging Assange for publishing that stuff that was taken by Manning,
by issuing these charges today, the Justice Department has just done
something you might have otherwise thought was impossible,”
added after
explaining the unprecedented nature of this case.

Justice Department today, the Trump administration today, just put
every journalistic institution in this country on Julian Assange’s
side of the ledger. On his side of the fight. Which, I know, is
unimaginable. But that is because the government is now trying to
assert this brand new right to criminally prosecute people for
publishing secret stuff, and newspapers and magazines and
investigative journalists and all sorts of different entities publish
secret stuff all the time. That is the bread and butter of what we

Maddow carefully
her audience that these new charges have nothing at all to do with
the 2016 election or any of the Russiagate nonsense the MSNBC pundit
has been devoting her life to, correctly calling what the Trump
administration is doing with Assange “a novel legal effort to punch
a huge hole in the First Amendment.” She tied this in with Trump’s
common references to the mass media as the “enemy of the people”,
finally taking mainstream liberalism into a direct confrontation with
actual war
on the press instead of nonsense about his tweeting mean things about
Jim Acosta. She rightly highlighted the dangers of allowing a
president with a thick authoritarian streak the ability to prosecute
journalists he doesn’t like, and discussed the possibility that the
UK may not comply with this new agenda in extradition proceedings.

think these 17 espionage charges against the WikiLeaks guy are a huge
deal, and a very dark development,” Maddow 
“Chris Hayes this evening called it a ‘four alarm development’,
and I absolutely share that.”

you know, I know you,” Maddow continued, pointing to the camera.
“Given everything else that we know about the WikiLeaks guy, I can
feel through the television right now your mixed feelings about what
I am saying. I can feel what may be, perhaps, a certain lack of
concern about Julian Assange’s ultimate fate, given his own gleeful
and extensive personal role in trying to help a hostile foreign
government interfere in our election in order to install their chosen
president with WikiLeaks’ help. Okay? I know. Okay, I feel ya. I
got it. But, it is a recurring theme in history, heck, it is a
recurring theme in the Bible, that they always pick the least
sympathetic figures to try this stuff on first. Despite anyone’s
feelings about this spectacularly unsympathetic character at the
center of this international drama, you are going to see every
journalistic institution in this country, every First Amendment
supporter in this country, left, right and center, swallow their
feelings about this particular human and denounce what the Trump
administration is trying to do here. Because it would fundamentally
change the United States of America.”

Make no mistake, this is a hugely significant development. This isn’t
just some columnist for the 
York Times
this is Rachel effing Maddow, the Queen Mother of all tinfoil
pussyhat-wearing Russiagate insanity. This same pundit was just a
couple of months ago not just smearing but outright lying about
Assange, deceitfully 
her audience
the new legal rings closing around Assange were about his 2016
publications then instructing viewers not to Google anything about it
because they’ll get computer viruses. Now that she’s recognized
that this could actually hurt her and her network directly, she’s
finally feeding her audience a different narrative out of sheer
enlightened self-interest.

fact that such a hugely influential figure in mainstream liberal
media is now pushing back against Assange’s prosecution, and doing
so in a way that her mainstream liberal anti-Trump audience can
relate to, cannot be over-appreciated. Maddow’s credulous audience
would eat live kittens if she told them to, so the way she’s
pushing back against a dangerous legal precedent in language they can
understand will make a difference in the way American liberals think
about Assange’s predicament. It won’t make them like him, it
won’t make them value the things he’s done, but it will get them
to finally begin resisting something that badly needs to be resisted.
And that’s huge.

danger has always been that this fatal blow to journalism would be
meted out with total compliance and support from a population
hammered into docility by the ongoing narrative war which has been
waged on Assange’s and WikiLeaks’ reputations with the help of
the mass media.

was a very real danger that thought leaders like Maddow were going to
choose their feelings over reasoning when the foot finally fell and
the charges that criminalize journalism as “espionage” were
finally put into play. I don’t think anyone would have been
surprised if she’d applied that giant intellect of hers into making
it possible to ignore it without upsetting her audience and try and
figure it out later when it was too late and the legal precedent was
set. It would have been so easy to keep feeding into the dominant
“Assange is bad so everything bad that happens to him is good”
sentiment, but she didn’t. She directly contradicted it.

actually chose to do the right thing. I’m gobsmacked, and it’s
not an exaggeration to say that my hope for humanity sparked up a
little today.

the resting smugfaced apex of liberal psychosis is getting this one
right, then many more will surely follow. And indeed, many already
are. In addition to 
coverage of the story
Melber also did a segment
criticizing the implications of Trump administration’s new charges.
seeing multiple segments from
CNN about the grave dangers of the legal precedent that is being set
with the superseding indictment, as well as urgent warnings about the
new charges from major publications like the 
York Times
and the 

Chris Hayes


The Espionage indictment of Assange for publishing is an extremely dangerous, frontal attack on the free press. Bad, bad, bad.


10:36 PM – May 23, 2019

Twitter Ads info and privacy

The outlets which have been smearing Assange relentlessly are now finding themselves forced to defend him.

typical comment under Maddow’s YouTube share of this segment reads
“This is very strange. Very alarming! There we go again. The GOP is
preparing the country for a Dictatorship.” And okay, that’s not
exactly what is happening (this has been a bipartisan push and it’s
not just preparations, we’re in full swing), but whatever, now this
viewer can actually see the monster’s outlines. Finally the Maddow
crowd which has been fruitlessly expending all their energy so far on
punching at Russian shadows will actually be attacking a real thing.

I’m quietly excited about that. I’m eager to see what happens to
the #Resistance if it actually starts #Resisting something. It
doesn’t matter that this is only happening because mainstream
liberal media outlets realized that they might be next on the
chopping block; it matters that it’s happening, period.

years mainstream liberals have been fixating on the fake Russiagate
psyop and rending their garments about Trump’s rude tweets while
commentators like me desperately implored them to pay attention to
the actual dangerous agendas that this administration is actually
advancing. They’ve been in a holding pattern of adamantly refusing
to do that, and now, because it’s threatening them personally,
we’re suddenly seeing a sharp deviation from that holding pattern.

Bill Murray said at the end of 
something is different. Anything different is good.

Edward Snowden


The Department of Justice just declared war––€”not on Wikileaks, but on journalism itself. This is no longer about Julian Assange: This case will decide the future of media. 


10:27 PM – May 23, 2019

Though Julian Assange is not a conventional journalist, much of what he does at WikiLeaks is difficult to distinguish in a legally meaningful way from what traditional news organizations do.

Though Julian Assange is not a conventional journalist, much of what he does at WikiLeaks is difficult to distinguish in a legally meaningful way from what traditional news organizations do.

Assange Indicted Under Espionage Act, Raising First Amendment Issues

The WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange faces 17 new counts in a superseding indictment over his role in publishing classified documents in 2010.

Caitlin’s work on 
Patreon or Paypal.

Republished with permission / 
Medium / Report
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Zie ook:

Belangrijk account voor de verdediging Julian Assange geblokkeerd door Twitter

Britse regering weigert RT en Sputnik voor conferentie over persvrijheid….. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

CNN met nog smeriger lastercampagne tegen Julian Assange

Julian Assange: Speciaal VN rapporteur martelen heeft grote twijfels bij onafhankelijkheid rechter

Het westen vervolgt journalist Assange, Rusland laat journalist vrij na onrust over diens gevangenschap‘ (en nog hadden de reguliere media een grote bek over Rusland, media die niet anders hebben gedaan dan collega Assange besmeuren…..)

VN rapport: Assange is gedemoniseerd en psychisch gemarteld

Julian Assange weer vervolgd wegens ‘verkrachting’, waarvoor het Zweedse OM eerder geen bewijs kon vinden……

Dag van Persvrijheid: Assange wordt zoveel mogelijk uitermate hypocriet gemeden door de pers

Julian Assange (brekend nieuws) veroordeeld tot 50 weken gevangenisstraf……

Julian Assanges vervolging is de genadeklap voor klokkenluiders en (echte) journalisten

Brekend nieuws: EU neemt internet censuurwet aan……

Jan Kuitenbrouwer (‘journalist’): Assange is een charlatan en WikiLeaks heeft beelden van de moord op 2 journalisten gemanipuleerd

Chelsea Manning blijft voor onbepaalde tijd in de gevangenis

VN heeft eerder de ‘detentie’ van Assange al als onwettig verklaard

Brekend nieuws: EU neemt internet censuurwet aan……

VS Navy SEALs werden gewaarschuwd geen oorlogsmisdaden te melden‘ (zo valt er niets te lekken naar WikiLeaks, of de reguliere media….)

‘Journalisten’ tegen openheid‘ (‘journalisten’ waaronder Jan Kuitenbrouwer en de intussen overleden Max van Weezel, al wordt de laatste niet in dat bericht genoemd. Van Weezel zei een paar jaar geleden letterlijk dat hij ‘zich voor kan stellen’ berichten voor het publiek achter te houden, m.a.w.: dat heeft hij daadwerkelijk gedaan, waarom zou je dit anders melden als ‘journalist..?’)

En gerelateerd:

Robert Mueller lijdt aan dementie en maakt van Russiagate een nog belachelijker verhaal

Russiagate: VS en buitenlandse geheime diensten hebben de VS presidentsverkiezingen in 2016 gemanipuleerd

Russiagate: nog overtuigd van bestaan daarvan? Lees dit!‘ (zie ook de links in dat bericht)

Russiagate gelovigen krijgen nieuwe klap: WikiLeaks kreeg de DNC mails van een klokkenluider, niet van Rusland…..‘ 

Russiagate: VS en buitenlandse geheime diensten hebben de VS presidentsverkiezingen in 2016 gemanipuleerd

Russiagate kritiek: Tulsi Gabbard (VS democratisch presidentskandidaat) gedemoniseerd door Democratische Partij en de massamedia

aanleiding van een Twitterbericht dat Tulsi Gabbard de wereld
instuurde en waarin zij stelt dat kortzichtige politici en hun hulp
in de massamedia, de laatste 2 jaar bezig zijn geweest Trump neer te
zetten als een marionet van Putin, schreef Caitlin Johnstone het hieronder opgenomen artikel….. 

Van Russiagate is intussen geen spaan meer heel, zoveel is wel duidelijk uit de rapportage van Mueller (die nog steeds niet helemaal openbaar is gemaakt), waar de hysterie over ‘Russische manipulaties’ ervoor hebben gezorgd dat de nieuwe koude oorlog verder is opgetuigd, met de daarmee gepaard gaande
peperdure wapenrace en inperking van de privacy, plus censuur op het internet…… Let wel die censuur en inperking van de privacy werden en worden doorgevoerd in zogenaamde westerse democratieën, terwijl dat soort maatregelen ‘thuishoren’ in een dictatuur…..

voegde aan haar Twitterbericht toe dat Trump er alles aan heeft gedaan niet langer te
worden gezien als marionet van Putin, juist door een veel harder
beleid tegen Rusland te voeren, waarbij hij zelfs de kans op een
kernoorlog niet uit de weg is gegaan en zo’n oorlog nog steeds niet uitsluit……

In het Twitterbericht van Gabbard is ‘geen woord Spaans’ opgenomen, bovendien een
waarheid als een koe! Echter de reacties op dit bericht waren niet
misselijk. Gabbard wordt figuurlijk afgemaakt door die massamedia,
politici en opiniemakers van diverse rechtse denktanks……. (de laatste zijn in de VS altijd rechts, ‘maar goed..’)

Zoals gezegd: Caitlin
Johnstone publiceerde op haar site het hieronder opgenomen artikel en
als conclusie stelt ze dat de welgestelden niet voor niets zoveel
geld steken in het beheren van de media, immers als je de
media beheerst, beheers je en regisseer je het denkbeeld dat bij het volk leeft…… 

Plutocraten beheersen de westerse: -media, -politici en -denktanks, zij hebben
belang bij de huidige inhumane neoliberale status quo, ja zelfs bij
de nieuwe koude oorlog en alle andere illegale oorlogen die de VS
voert, immers dit geteisem heeft veel aandelen in de wapenindustrie, waaronder ik
ook de fabrikanten reken die rollend, varend en vliegend
oorlogstuig produceren, een industrie die zoals je begrijpt baat heeft bij zoveel mogelijk oorlog en spanningen in de wereld……

het voorgaande kan je dan ook stellen dat elke claim vals is die de VS maakt
als het weer een illegale oorlog voert, of als het een opstand dan
wel coup organiseert en regisseert, de claim dat dit is om democratie te
brengen en een bloedige dictator af te zetten…… In werkelijkheid heeft VS schijt aan democratie en bloedige
dictators, zolang het bewuste land maar de hielen van de VS likt, VS bedrijven toelaat en
in de VS grote ‘defensie orders’ plaatst…. Sterker nog: de VS steunt een aantal dictators, niet in de laatste plaats de reli-fascistische dictaturen van het Midden-Oosten…. (Saoedi-Arabië, de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten >> VAE, Egypte en buiten het Midden-Oosten: Marokko)

Intussen is bekend dat Mueller de hele Russiagate leugen heeft afgeschoten, daar er geen bewijs voor is te vinden….. Met Russiagate werd zoals gezegd niet alleen de vrijheid van meningsuiting zwaar geweld aangedaan middels censuur op het internet, maar werd ook de Koude Oorlog 2.0 opgetuigd….. 

Aan het voorgaande hebben de reguliere media grote steun verleend, met een enorme berg aan fake news (nepnieuws), waarvoor deze media niet worden gestraft middels de al eerder genoemde censuur, hoewel de bewijzen daarvoor letterlijk voor het oprapen liggen…… Waar sociale media die aantoonbaar echt nieuws brengen, worden afgemaakt in die reguliere westerse media en door de westerse politiek en ze worden geblokkeerd op Facebook en Twitter……..

To This Tweet Show How People Fixate On Narrative Over Fact

Go to the profile of Caitlin Johnstone

by Caitlin

month I 
an essay
the importance of understanding the difference between fact and
narrative, and I just want to quickly highlight a perfect
illustration of this importance in a controversy arising from
Tulsi Gabbard tweet
The tweet reads as follows:

politicians & media pundits who’ve spent last 2 years accusing
Trump as a Putin puppet have brought us the expensive new Cold War &
arms race. How? Because Trump now does everything he can to prove
he’s not Putin’s puppet—even if it brings us closer to nuclear

all the facts say that Gabbard’s claim that Trump has been bringing
the world closer to nuclear war with Russia is indisputably true. It
is perhaps possible to dispute the notion that Trump has escalated
tensions with Russia to try and “prove he’s not Putin’s
puppet”; maybe an argument could be made that he’s simply
reckless and violent or that he’s particularly beholden to cold war
profiteers, or that despite all his rhetoric he just really, really
hates Russia for some reason. But it is absolutely not disputable
that Trump has greatly escalated tensions with a nuclear superpower
by implementing a Nuclear Posture

with a 
more aggressive stance against Russia
from the INF treaty
bombing and illegally occupying Syria, arming Ukraine, staging a coup
in Venezuela, and 
many other hawkish actions
against the interests of the Russian Federation which his predecessor
Obama never dared to take.

Moon of Alabama@MoonofA

New on MoA:
Putin Asks And Trump Delivers –
A List Of All The Good Things Trump Did For Russia 


8:15 PM – Jan 15, 2019

facts are all well documented in the mainstream press and are
entirely beyond dispute. The facts say that Donald Trump has
escalated nuclear tensions with Russia more than any other president
since the fall of the Berlin Wall. But if you 
to Gabbard’s tweet
read the responses right now, you’ll find thousands and thousands of

establishment loyalists calling her a liar for saying so.

staking out a bold ‘Trump is *too* tough on Putin’ lane in the
Democratic primary,” 
tweeted former
NSA attorney Susan Hennessey of CNN and the Brookings Institution.
“As predictable as it is absurd.”

Gabbard’s is the only Twitter account other than Trump’s that I
routinely have to check to make sure it’s actually hers, because
the tweet is so absurdly ridiculous,” 
tweeted #Resistance
pundit John Aravosis. “Now she’s defending Trump on Russia.
Why is she a Democrat? And she’s actually using Kremlin
talking points (nuclear war!). Unbelievable.”

you aren’t the first American politician to cozy up to foreign
dictators and to serve as a Putin mouthpiece,” 
tweeted former
CIA officer Evan McMullin. “While you, Putin and Trump fear
monger about nuclear war, we’ll protect our democracy and hold
corrupted politicians accountable.”

Susan Hennessey

Tulsi Gabbard

Short-sighted politicians & media pundits who’ve spent last 2 years accusing Trump as a Putin puppet have brought us the expensive new Cold War & arms race. How? Because Trump now does everything he can to prove he’s not Putin’s puppet—even if it brings us closer to nuclear war.


12:45 PM – Mar 17, 2019

are many, many more, but you get the picture. The deluge of responses
to Gabbard’s undeniably true statement about Trump’s dangerous
escalations against a nuclear superpower are largely predicated on
two assumptions: (1) that Trump has not in fact made the escalations
that he has made, and (2) that the danger of nuclear war is not a
real or significant thing. These are both, obviously, bat shit

primary risk of nuclear war is not that one will be planned out and
deliberately started in an attempt to win, but that a warhead will be
deployed amid the chaos of escalating tensions as a result of
miscommunication, misunderstanding or technical failure, as nearly
more than one occasion
the last cold war. Once one nuclear weapon has been deployed in an
already tense situation, it’s unlikely that the full arsenals of both
sides won’t be unleashed upon each other. As journalist Glenn
response to the uproar over Gabbard’s tweet, “The Bulletin of
Atomic Scientists’ doomsday clock is at 
minutes before midnight
By far its two greatest threats to *humanity’s existence* are climate
change & US/Russia nuclear war. Yes, how crazy and treasonous to
want to avoid ratcheting up tensions.”

US and Russia are 
an immensely wide margin
two biggest nuclear powers on the planet, which makes for a lot of
small, unpredictable moving parts with mounting tensions steadily
increasing the probability of something going catastrophically wrong.

a congresswoman’s attempt to point at this potentially world-ending
risk as a “Kremlin talking point” is about the stupidest,
craziest thing that a human brain could possibly come up with.

yet here we are.

Ploughshares Fund

There are still more than 14,000 nuclear weapons left on the planet. Join us in reducing and eliminating nuclear threats today 


10:33 PM – Sep 4, 2018

World Nuclear Weapon Stockpile

Twenty-nine years after the end of the Cold War, the world’s combined stockpiles of nuclear weapons remain at unacceptably high levels.

what’s up with that? Why is an indisputably true claim about an
indisputably real danger being treated as a lie by Democratic Party
loyalists, even though it attacks the same president they themselves
claim to oppose?

answer is because it doesn’t fit the narrative. A consensus has been
built over the last two years that Trump is a Kremlin puppet, so the
indisputable fact that his administration is endangering the life of
every organism on this planet by escalating tensions with Russia
looks like a lie against that backdrop. The facts say one thing, the
narrative says another, and they go with the narrative. For most
people, narrative takes precedence over fact.

what’s interesting is that these same facts could have remained
exactly as they are and allowed the exact opposite narrative to be
constructed. If her plutocratic owners had wished it, Rachel Maddow
would have spent every night over the last two years warning everyone
that Donald Trump is taking dangerous actions against Russia that
threaten to wipe all life off the face of the earth, and it would
have worked. If Trump had continued making these escalations in our
hypothetical alternate timeline while the mass media was constantly
selling the “Trump’s going to get us all killed in a nuclear war
with Russia” narrative, all the same blue-checkmarked Twitter
pundits you see yelling at Tulsi Gabbard today would be yelling about
the dangers of nuclear war in our alternate timeline.

really is that powerful. You see it in the behavior of social media
users, you see it in the behavior of governments, you see it in
religions, and you see it in abusive relationships which continue
because of the narrative “He’s a good guy underneath it all and
he really loves me” even though the facts say “He beats you
and cheats on you all the time.” If you can control the stories
that people tell themselves about a given situation, then you control
those people on all matters pertaining to that situation. Regardless
of facts.

is why the plutocratic class funnels so much money into buying up
media influence, funding think tanks, and other means of narrative
control: if you can control the narrative, no amount of facts will
deter the mainstream public from going along with your agendas. This
is why the behaviors of governments so consistently move in alignment
with the interests of this same media-buying, think tank-funding,
politician-owning plutocratic class. Whoever controls the narrative
controls the world.


for reading! My articles are entirely reader-supported, so if you
enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking me
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Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone
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March 18, 2019 at 10:50 pm | Tags: 
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Zie wat betreft de Nederlandse valse profeet van Russiagate, D66 leeghoofd Ollongren:

Kasja Ollongren (D66 minister) en de Russische manipulatie van de Provinciale Statenverkiezingen
Kajsa Ollongren (D66 vicepremier): Nederland staat in het vizier van Russische inlichtingendiensten……. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Ollongren (D66 minister) schiet een levensgrote bok met fake news show

Ollongren gesteund door Thomas Boesgaard (AD), ‘Rusland verpakt het nepnieuws gekoppeld aan echt nieuws…..’ Oei!!

Zie verder: 

Russiagate gelovigen krijgen nieuwe klap: WikiLeaks kreeg de DNC mails van een klokkenluider, niet van Rusland…..‘ (zie ook de links naar de ‘jongste berichten’ over ‘Russische manipulatie’ in dat bericht)

Russiagate: de westerse massamedia gebruiken propaganda om het volk te manipuleren, precies waar ze Rusland van beschuldigen

BBC: Rusland ‘misbruikt humor’ om Russiagate te ontkrachten….. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Uitgelekte telefoongesprekken tussen Trump en Putin bewijzen dat ‘Russiagaters gelijk hebben……’

WikiLeaks belooft The Guardian 1 miljoen dollar als het haar leugens i.z. Assange en Russiagate kan bewijzen…….

The Guardian: ondanks een enorme misser (fake news) gaat men door met de valse beschuldigingen t.a.v. Assange……

Russiagate? Britaingate zal je bedoelen!

Facebook gebruikte ‘fake news’ beschuldiging om de aandacht voor schandalen af te leiden

New York Times: eerste Israëlische inval in Gazastrook sinds 2014 >> fake news!

Noord-Koreaans ‘bedrog met nucleaire deal’ is fake news o.a. gebracht door de New York Times

‘Fake News’ misbruikt door dictaturen en de reguliere (massa-) media

Twitter weert waarheid: Paul Craig Roberts in de ban, Roberts >> de grote criticus van de illegale oorlogen die de VS voert

Politico rapport bevestigt: Russiagate is een hoax‘ (Russiagate, de enorme leugen op basis waaraan we de huidige censuurgolf te danken hebben……)

Russiagate sprookje ondermijnt VS democratie en de midterm verkiezingen‘ (zie ook de links in dat bericht)

De Israëlische manipulatie van de VS presidentsverkiezingen, gaat veel verder dan wat men Rusland in de schoenen schuift…..

‘Russiagate’: Intel-raport over Russische bemoeienis met verkiezingen opgebouwd met leugens en is politiek gemotiveerd, aldus Matlock, voormalig VS ambassadeur in Moskou

The Attack on ‘Fake News’ Is Really an Attack on Alternative Media

The Lie of the 21st Century: How Mainstream Media “Fake News” Led to the U.S. Invasion of Iraq

FBI, de spin in het Russiagate web……..

Mocking Trump Doesn’t Prove Russia’s Guilt

CIA deed zich voor als het Russische Kaspersky Lab, aldus Wikileaks Vault 8…..

WikiLeaks: Seth Rich Leaked Clinton Emails, Not Russia

Hillary Clinton en haar oorlog tegen de waarheid…….. Ofwel een potje Rusland en Assange schoppen!

Murray, ex-ambassadeur van GB: de Russen hebben de VS verkiezingen niet gemanipuleerd

‘Russische manipulaties uitgevoerd’ door later vermoord staflid Clintons campagneteam Seth Rich……… AIVD en MIVD moeten hiervan weten!!

Obama gaf toe dat de DNC e-mails expres door de DNC werden gelekt naar Wikileaks….!!!!

VS ‘democratie’ aan het werk, een onthutsende en uitermate humoristische video!

Democraten VS kochten informatie over Trump >> Forgetting the ‘Dirty Dossier’ on Trump

Hillary Clinton moet op de hoogte zijn geweest van aankoop Steele dossier over Trump……..

Flashback: Clinton Allies Met With Ukrainian Govt Officials to Dig up Dirt on Trump During 2016 Election

FBI Director Comey Leaked Trump Memos Containing Classified Information

Publicly Available Evidence Doesn’t Support Russian Gov Hacking of 2016 Election

Russia Is Trolling the Shit out of Hillary Clinton and the Mainstream Media

CIA chef Pompeo waarschuwt voor complot van WikiLeaks om de VS op alle mogelijke manieren neer te halen……. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Russische ‘hacks’ door deskundigen nogmaals als fake news doorgeprikt >> Intel Vets Challenge ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence

Rusland krijgt alweer de schuld van hacken, nu van oplichters Symantec en Facebook……. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Russiagate, of: hoe de media u belazeren met verhalen over Russische bemoeienis met de VS presidentsverkiezingen……..

‘Russiagate’ een complot van CIA, FBI, Hillary Clinton en het DNC………..

‘Russiagate’ een verhaal van a t/m z westers ‘fake news…..’

Campagne Clinton, smeriger dan gedacht…………‘ (met daarin daarin opgenomen de volgende artikelen: ‘Donna Brazile Bombshell: ‘Proof’ Hillary ‘Rigged’ Primary Against Bernie‘ en ‘Democrats in Denial After Donna Brazile Says Primary Was Rigged for Hillary‘)

Clinton te kakken gezet: Brazile (Democratische Partij VS) draagt haar boek op aan Seth Rich, het vermoorde lid van DNC die belastende documenten lekte

RT America één van de eerste slachtoffers in een heksenjacht op westerse alternatieve media en nadenkend links……

Rusland zou onafhankelijkheid Californië willen uitlokken met reclame voor borsjt…….

Alarm Code Geel: Lara Rense (NOS) voedt Rusland-haat

Mediaorgaan Sinclair dwingt ‘TV ankers’ propaganda op te lezen (Sinclair bedient rond de 70% van de VS bevolking van ‘lokaal nieuws’)

Ex-CIA agent legt uit hoe de VS schaduwregering en deep state werken, ofwel de machinaties achter de schermen……

‘Russiagate’ een nieuwe ongelooflijke aanklacht van de Democraten…….

VS demoniseert Russiagate critici als Jill Stein…..

De Russiagate samenzweringstheorie dient de machthebbers………

Britse en VS manipulaties van verkiezingen en stimulatie van conflicten middels psychologische oorlogsvoering‘ (voor VS manipulaties van verkiezingen elders, liggen er ‘metersdikke’ dossiers, o.a. in te zien op WikeLeaks)

Russiagate geslaagd: geen impeachment van Trump, waar Clinton en haar team na bewezen misdaden vrijuit gaan…..

Pelosi, de ‘Speaker of the House’ (nee, bepaald geen B&O speaker) heeft
laten weten dat ze geen behoefte heeft aan een impeachment (afzetten) van Trump
over Russiagate…… ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!
ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Na 2
jaar lang schreeuwen over Russiagate, zonder ook maar een flinter aan
bewijs, waar het woord ‘impeachment’ niet van de lucht was, durft
Democraat Pelosi te zeggen dat ze geen reden ziet om Trump af te

was niets anders dan een doofpot voor het misdadig optreden van
Clinton en haar campagneteam, ofwel: Russiagate truc geslaagd: Trump
ten onrechte beschuldigd van samenspannen met Rusland*, (nogmaals) terwijl de
misdaden van Clinton en haar campagne team onder het tapijt zijn
geveegd!! Het gaat hier om de enorme misdaad van de kandidaatstelling diefstal
door Clinton en haar team, de kandidaatstelling voor het presidentschap van de VS van haar partijgenoot Bernie Sanders….. 

Sanders was veel te ‘links’ voor de apparatsjiks van de Democraten, dus voor figuren als Clinton en Obama, vandaar dat de boel zo werd gemanipuleerd dat Sanders deze voorverkiezingen verloor…… De aanduiding ‘Clintongate’ zou dan ook moeten worden gebruikt, i.p.v. Russiagate………. 

Vergeet niet dat de hele Russiagate hysterie heeft gezorgd voor censuur op het internet**, iets waarvoor westerse politici en de reguliere westerse media, regimes als dat in China aan de paal nagelen…… Niet alleen dat, er worden kapitalen uitgegeven ‘om te voorkomen’ dat Russiagate zich kan herhalen….. 

In Nederland heeft hare D66 akeligheid Ollongren het gore lef te stellen dat Rusland hier ook de boel manipuleert en reken maar dat ook aan de bestrijding van die fantasie enorme kapitalen aan belastinggeld worden verspild…….. Waar de schrijvers op sites die vertellen wat er echt gebeurd in de wereld, werden en worden afgeschilderd als Russische trollen……. Denk daaraan als je volgende week en in mei in het stemhok staat, niet alleen D66 is volkomen fout op dit gebied, maar ook partijen als de VVD, CDA, PvdA, CU, SGP en GroenLinks……

Lees het
volgende sarcastische en toch ook humoristische artikel (je gelooft je ogen af en toe niet) van Caitlin Johnstone,
eerder geplaatst op haar website en overgenomen van Anti-Media:

Pelosi Tacitly Admits That Russiagate Is Bullshit

12, 2019 at 12:34 pm


(CJ Opinion) — In
with the 
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that she opposed the impeachment
of President Trump. This comes shortly before Mueller’s
investigation into Trump-Russia collusion is 
to wrap up

not for impeachment,” Pelosi told the Post. “This is news. I’m
going to give you some news right now because I haven’t said this
to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been
thinking about this: Impeachment is so divisive to the country that
unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and
bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it
divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.”

response to Pelosi’s remarks has been swift and strong.

Wrong!” exclaimed MSNBC’s
Nance via Twitter. “What the hell is wrong with the @SpeakerPelosi
Congress that they absolve themselves of their duty! Nothing is
criminal anymore?! Trump can do and say like a dictator as he
pleases? All of his crimes are OK even if you see them? This requires
a public outcry. #Disgraceful”

like Speaker Pelosi but this is NOT the right
tweeted Michael
Avenatti of Stormy Daniels fame. “If Trump has committed
impeachable offenses, he must be charged and he must face a trial in
the Senate. Would the Repubs take this approach? Hell no! And this is
why we get outplayed.”

Madam Speaker,” 
tweeted Esquire’s
Charles P Pierce. “If you really believe the president* is an
unprecedented threat to the Constitution, your oath demands that you
begin the process to remove him. It’s your job.”

Malcolm Nance


Wrong! What the hell is wrong with the @SpeakerPelosi Congress that they absolve themselves of their duty! Nothing is criminal anymore?! Trump can do and say like a dictator as he pleases? All of his crimes are OK even if you see them? This requires a public outcry. .

Jonathan Allen


Pelosi on impeachment: “He’s just not worth it.”

“Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path…And he’s just not worth it.” 


9:29 PM – Mar 11, 2019

Twitter Ads info and privacy

House’s most virulent Russiagater, however, sang a different tune.

the evidence isn’t sufficient to win bipartisan support for this,
putting the country through a failed impeachment isn’t a good
idea,” said Congressman Adam Schiff 

you might expect, those voices in alternative media who’ve been
voicing skepticism of the Russiagate narrative since the beginning
have been having a ball with this one.

The Democrats’ Congressional leadership is realizing that their
two-year Russia conspiracy theory is not going to pan
tweeted journalist
Aaron Maté, who has been in my opinion the single most lucid
Russiagate critic for a long time now.

Trump is literally controlled by Putin to the point where Trump is
forced to act in the best interests of Russia *at the expense of the
US* — which has been the prevailing claim not of Dem fringes
but its mainstream — how can it be morally justified not to
impeach him???” 
tweeted journalist
Glenn Greenwald in response to Pelosi’s comments.

indeed? Pelosi’s comments go completely against the narrative that
mainstream Democrats have been selling America for over two years
now, and this close to the Mueller report amount to a rejection of
that narrative. Her statement is a tacit admission that she knows
Russiagate is bullshit, has always been bullshit, and will continue
to be bullshit.

Glenn Greenwald


Anyone who actually believed Putin controls Trump, Trump subordinates US interests to Russia, and that Trump conspired with a foreign adversary to win an election – as Schiff has spent 2 years screaming he’s seen *conclusive* evidence for – would have a duty to try to impeach:

Manu Raju


House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff tells me he agrees with Pelosi on impeachment: “If the evidence isn’t sufficient to win bipartisan support for this, putting the country through a failed impeachment isn’t a good idea.”


1:38 AM – Mar 12, 2019

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it possible that Putin has something on Pelosi?” Greenwald 
“Or perhaps Democratic politicians and their media allies have been
knowingly feeding the party base and cable viewers unadulterated,
deranged, unhinged bullshit that they now can’t carry through on
with the power in their hands because it was all self-serving,
manipulative dreck? Anyone who has ever believed Trump is controlled
and blackmailed by Putin to the point that Putin makes Trump
treasonously sacrifice America’s interests for Russia’s — and
there are a lot of you — should be marching in fury in the
streets over Pelosi’s refusal to impeach Trump.”

of course, they will not. There will be no protest against Pelosi’s
opposition to impeachment because those who would lead it know there
will never be any evidence that could possibly lead to a bipartisan
willingness in the Senate to remove him from office.

who’s paid close and intellectually honest attention to the
Russiagate circus has known since the beginning that Trump was never
going to be impeached for a treasonous conspiracy with the Russian
government, despite the endless fantasies inflicted upon the
blinkered Maddow muppets day after day after day for over two years
now. Back in 2017 
“Mueller will continue finding evidence of corruption throughout
his investigation, since corruption is to DC insiders as water is to
fish, but he will not find evidence of collusion to win the 2016
election that will lead to Trump’s impeachment,” because it was
obvious to anyone who knew anything. And that has proven to be the
case with uninterrupted consistency.

those who have been driving the Russiagate conspiracy theory really
believed what 
been pushing
they would be up in arms at Pelosi’s remarks. Instead, we see
responses like Russiagate 
grifter Bill
Palmer publishing 
hilarious article
“Nancy Pelosi is playing rope-a-dope with Donald Trump on
impeachment”, explaining that her remarks were actually a brilliant
57-D chess maneuver designed to “play this Trump fool like fiddle.”

by answering the question in this manner, Pelosi accomplishes two
things,” says the 
US senators
 and top
Harvard law professors
for the important updates they need to continue fueling Russia
hysteria in America. “First, she manages to put off the question
until she and her allies have managed to carve Donald Trump up.
Second, she’s messing with him. She just 
insulted him
by saying he’s not worth the trouble of impeachment. Pelosi is
looking to bait Trump into publicly feuding with her over the
question of impeachment. That way it’ll be Trump introducing the
concept, not her. And that’ll serve to help put the impeachment
process on the right track. Just don’t call it ‘impeachment’
quite yet.”

that tells you a bit about where the Russiagaters are at today.

all comes out, by the way, at the same time as 
Street Journal
Trump once attempted to personally cajole German Chancellor Angela
Merkel into ceasing to buy gas from Russia out of fear that “it
will make Europe’s largest economy excessively reliant on Russian
energy.” Hardly the behavior you’d expect from a Putin puppet,
but then neither are the rest of the 
many other actions
this administration has taken against the interests of Moscow.

Aaron Maté


As Democratic elites back off impeachment & collusion after pushing it for 2 years, perhaps voters will conclude they’ve been misled. And perhaps a backlash will benefit the wing of the party those same elites have used the Trump-Russia hype to ward off: the actual progressives.


1:56 AM – Mar 12, 2019

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is right and appropriate that those few voices on the left who’ve
been sharply critical of Russiagate from the beginning are now taking
some time to gloat at and mock its peddlers with increasing scorn.
The centrists who chose to spend more than two years forcing
everyone’s energy into this blatant psyop which 
a cold war
a nuclear superpower were wrong, and the leftists who objected to it
were right. Trump’s term is more than halfway over, and
Russiagaters chose to suck all the oxygen out of the room for this
brainless, fruitless, worthless endeavor instead of allowing space
for progressive reform and for criticism of Trump’s actual
pernicious policies from the left. And they did it on purpose.

the Russiagaters. Mock them ruthlessly, and never, ever let them
forget the horrible thing that they did. Never stop making fun of
them and reminding them how stupid and crazy they acted during this
humiliating period of American history. And never stop using it as a
weapon against them. They were wrong, so they should not be leading
the way on what passes for America’s political left today.
Skepticism was the only appropriate response to Russiagate in a
post-Iraq invasion world, and those on the left who made that
appropriate response should be treated with infinitely more respect
and deference than those who did not.

were wrong, we were right, and now even Nancy Pelosi is all but
admitting it. Never let them forget it.

Caitlin’s work on 
Patreon or Paypal.

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*  Door alle tamtam van Pelosi en andere Democratische Partijbonzen zullen velen in de VS blijven geloven dat Trump wel degelijk samenspande met Rusland…… Immers een belachelijk cliché werkt voor velen nog steeds: ‘waar rook is is vuur……’ Begrijp me goed, Trump is een smerige psychopaat, die inderdaad afgezet zou moeten worden, maar juist door het gebruik van valse beschuldigingen komt Trump steeds ‘vaster’ in het zadel te zitten…..

** Hier een ‘paar’ voorbeelden van wat het Russiagate sprookje teweeg heeft gebracht:

Putin vraagt en Trump levert: een lijst met ‘alle goede zaken die Trump voor Rusland regelde’

Twitter verwijdert accounts vanwege ‘propaganda’, maar werkt zelf met een militair propagandist

Australische politie valt kantoor ABC binnen vanwege gelekte documenten

Gelekte documenten tonen aan dat Google en Pinterest censuur uitoefenen

Warren (democratisch presidentskandidaat) toont met hulp van Facebook aan dat dit bedrijf niet hoort te gaan over wat wel en niet is toegestaan

Facebook: uit gelekte documenten worden de steeds veranderende regels voor censuur op dit platform openbaar gemaakt: Facebook als geheime tak van de VS overheid

NewsGuard, het nieuwste wapen van Big Brother VS tegen de alternatieve media

Netflix censureert aflevering van humoristisch programma, ‘na een geldig verzoek’ op grond van Saoedische wetgeving….

Facebooks departement voor censuur: een hoognodige uitleg over een maatregel die alleen in een dictatuur thuishoort

Facebook censureert foto’s van verhongerende Jemenitische kinderen als ‘sexual content’

Google manipuleerde VS presidentsverkiezingen van 2016 en censureert niet alleen linkse/alternatieve sociale media

Facebook gebruikte ‘fake news’ beschuldiging om de aandacht voor schandalen af te leiden

Google Maps veegt Palestijns gebied van de kaart

Twitter weert waarheid: Paul Craig Roberts in de ban, Roberts >> de grote criticus van de illegale oorlogen die de VS voert

Bolsonaro, de fascistische nieuwe president van Brazilië, werd volgens Avaaz en fake news brengers als de NYT gekozen door manipulatie via WhatsApp

Facebooks zuivering van de alternatieve (nieuws) media staat nog in de kinderschoenen

Facebook censureert de waarheid over Columbus en de verovering van de Amerika’s…….

Facebook censuur gestuurd door het westers militair-industrieel complex en de NAVO in het bijzonder……….

Why the Coordinated Alternative Media Purge Should Terrify Everyone‘ (Tyler Durden op Zero Hedge)

Facebook en Twitter verwijderen nu volledige accounts………

Facebook (en Twitter) onderdrukt meningsvorming door het verwijderen van (echt) onafhankelijke media

Wie het nieuws controleert, controleert de wereld……

Facebook en Twitter verwijderen de eerlijke journalistiek en oprechte opinie >> censuur…..

Facebook verlaat ‘tranding news’ voor ‘brekend nieuws’ van 80 reguliere mediaorganen, ofwel nog meer ‘fake news…..’

Facebook komt met nieuwsshows van betrouwbare media als CNN en Fox News…. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Censuur op het internet met vliegende start in de VS, ‘het land van het vrije woord….’

Facebook en NAVO werken samen in censuur op niet welgevallig nieuws……

Facebook helpt Saoedi-Arabië: doodstraf door onthoofding van vrouw die het waagde kritiek te uiten…..

Aanval op alternatieve media ‘succesvol’: meer en meer sites worden van het net geweerd………

ThinkProgress eiste censuur van Facebook en werd inderdaad gecensureerd…. ha! ha! ha! ha!

VS staatscensuur op Facebook (ook in de EU)

Facebook stelt perstituee van New York Times aan als censuur-agent…… ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Het echte Facebook schandaal: manipulatie van de gebruikers en gratis diensten voor eertijds presidentskandidaat Obama…….

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook doneerde aan de politici die hem in de VS aan de tand voelden >> in het EU parlement maakte hij gebruik van megalomane EU politici…..

Facebook wil samen met door Saoedi-Arabië gesubsidieerde denktank censureren…. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

VS gebruikt sociale media om ‘fake comment’ te verspreiden en de bevolking te hersenspoelen met leugens, ofwel ‘fake news….’

Eis een nee tegen censuur op het internet!‘ 

Facebook e.a. hebben lak aan AVG (GDPR), misbruik persoonsgegevens gaat gewoon door…….

Facebook: verrijking van oliemaatschappijen en andere grote bedrijven, plus wereldwijde corruptie…….

Rusland krijgt alweer de schuld van hacken, nu van oplichters Symantec en Facebook……. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Facebook Purges Independent Media for “Political Disinformation”

Facebook Blocks Links to Free Speech Competitor ‘Minds’

Uitgelekte telefoongesprekken tussen Trump en Putin bewijzen dat ‘Russiagaters gelijk hebben……’

Johnstone heeft op 27 november jl. een sarcastisch, uiterst
humoristisch artikel geschreven, het gaat om gesprekken tussen Trump en
Putin, waarin Trump van Putin instructies krijgt wat te doen.

mensen en geeft het door, een betere manier om te laten zien hoe
absurd het hele Russiagate verhaal is, kan m.i. niet gevonden worden, het Russiagate verhaal is van A tot Z is

Genieten mensen:

27, 2018

Transcript Proves Russiagaters Have Been Right All Along

transcript of exchanges between US President Donald Trump and Russian
President Vladimir Putin has been leaked to National News
Conglomerate by an anonymous source within the Kremlin. We here at
NNC have confirmed the authenticity of this document using the same
rigorous verification process we’ve been using to authenticate the
evidence for all our other reporting on Russia’s involvement in the
2016 US elections over the last two years. These verification methods
include hunches, gut intuitions, and an introspective assessment of
the way our feelings feel. The following exchanges revealed in this
transcript provide the clearest evidence yet that the President of
the United States has been in collusion with the Russian government
for years.

introduction has been authored by the editorial board of the National
News Conglomerate. Obey.



I have done as you commanded, my dominant and all-powerful lord. I
have conspired with your hackers to steal the election, and now I’m
going to be president! I want to thank you for not releasing that
video footage of those Russian prostitutes I hired to urinate on a
bed the Obamas once slept in. If that had come out it would have
offended and alienated a lot of people, which is something I never
normally do.

Yes that is an old KGB tactic called kompromat, a word which only
extremely intelligent people know about. Keep this line of
communication open. As long as you do as I command, your pee pee tape
will remain secret.

One thing I’m curious about though my lord, if you don’t mind my
asking. If you already had an army of hackers targeting Democratic
Party emails, why did you need my help? Couldn’t you just have
hacked the emails and published them on your own? Why did you need me
to interact with them at all?

Moral support, mainly. We don’t need to get into specifics.

Oh okay.



I’m in! Whew! I was really worried that leaked dossier would be the
end of me! What are my instructions, my lord?

Begin introducing racism and division to the United States. America
has never experienced these things before, and it will shock and
disorient them. With the US divided against itself, your nation will
be far too weak to stand against my plans of total world domination.

That’s a really tall order! America has always been a harmonious
place where everyone gets along up until today. I’ll try my best
though. Anything else?

Yes, make them distrust your nation’s large media outlets and
convince them that the US intelligence community is often dishonest.

That will be really hard because those institutions have always been
trusted for their unparalleled integrity. But your wish is my
command, oh lord.



Bomb a Syrian airbase.

What? Really? Aren’t they, like, your allies?

Exactly. This will throw inquisitive minds off the scent. We can’t
have them finding out about that pee tape.

Are you sure? Some people are saying that chemical attack looks like
it could have been perpetrated by the many terrorist factions in
Syria and not the government.

Who cares? Have you seen how relentless they’ve been in exposing
us?? Have you never watched Rachel Maddow? That woman is a psychic
bloodhound, masterfully sniffing out the truth at every turn! We
can’t afford to take chances. Do as I say.

Yes sir.

And see if you can arrest that WikiLeaks guy.



Hey do you want me to do anything about Montenegro’s addition to

No. NATO expansion is good.

Uhhh okay.



Who do you want tapped for Ukraine envoy?

Kurt Volker.

Volker? He hates you! He’s like the biggest Russia hawk ever.

We still need to throw the Russiagaters off the scent. We’re
playing 3-D chess here. This is high-level disinformation, or
dezinformatsiya as very smart people call it. I want as many
Russia hawks in your administration as possible.

3-D chess? Alright. I guess you know what you’re doing.



Shut down the Russian consulate in San Francisco and throw out a
bunch of diplomats. That will confuse the hell out of them.



Now approve the sale of arms to Ukraine. Not even Obama would do
that. This will throw them off the trail for sure.



Happy new year. Force RT and Sputnik to register as foreign agents.



Make sure your Nuclear Posture Review greatly escalates its
aggressive posture toward Russia.



Happy Valentine’s Day. Don’t worry about those Russians your guys
killed in Syria.



Putin: Send
a fleet of war ships to the Black Sea.



Better expel a few dozen diplomats over the Skripal thing.



Sanction a bunch of Russian oligarchs.



Bomb Syria.

What?? Again?


What the hell, man? Why’d you even recruit me if you’re just
going to have me do everything all the Russia hawks want?

Well, you know how I told you we were playing 3-D chess against the
Russiagate investigation?


Well that wasn’t enough. Now we’re playing 4-D chess.

Fine, whatever, I don’t care. Just don’t release my pee tape.



Oh man. They’re really making a major fuss about that summit. What
should I do?

Play it cool. Don’t let them know about our secret diabolical plot.

Right. Remind me what that was again?

Make Jim Acosta feel really, really sad.



Have you arrested Julian Assange yet?

Working on it.



I like John Bolton’s idea. Pull out of the Intermediate-Range
Nuclear Forces Treaty.



Make sure your administration loudly and aggressively backs Ukraine
in our Kerch Strait spat.

OMFG this is getting too weird. Are you just trolling me? What the
hell is this?


Are you there?

Answer me!

5-D chess.

for reading! The best way to get around the internet censors and make
sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list
for my
which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. My
articles are entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece
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Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone
or my previous book 
A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers


Zie ook:

Democraten deden zich voor als Russen in false flag operatie om Roy Moore (Republikein) zwart te maken tijdens verkiezing…..

Der Spiegel, groot bestrijder van ‘fake news’ bracht zelf jarenlang dit soort ‘nieuws’

Russiagate: de westerse massamedia gebruiken propaganda om het volk te manipuleren, precies waar ze Rusland van beschuldigen

BBC: Rusland ‘misbruikt humor’ om Russiagate te ontkrachten….. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Russiagate en Assange: The Guardian wordt nu zelfs door collega’s voor zot uitgemaakt

The Guardian: ondanks een enorme misser (fake news) gaat men door met de valse beschuldigingen t.a.v. Assange……

WikiLeaks belooft The Guardian 1 miljoen dollar als het haar leugens i.z. Assange en Russiagate kan bewijzen…….

‘Banden van Trump met Rusland’ gebaseerd op FBI operatie om VS ‘burger’ (CIA) in Iran vrij te krijgen……

Russiagate? Britaingate zal je bedoelen!

New York Times ‘bewijzen’ voor Russiagate vallen door de mand……

Facebook gebruikte ‘fake news’ beschuldiging om de aandacht voor schandalen af te leiden

Politico rapport bevestigt: Russiagate is een hoax

Obama gaf toe dat de DNC e-mails expres door de DNC werden gelekt naar Wikileaks….!!!!

De Israëlische manipulatie van de VS presidentsverkiezingen, gaat veel verder dan wat men Rusland in de schoenen schuift…..

FBI, de spin in het Russiagate web……..

‘Russiagate’ een complot van CIA, FBI, Hillary Clinton en het DNC………..

‘Russiagate’ een verhaal van a t/m z westers ‘fake news…..’

Russiagate sprookje ondermijnt VS democratie en de midterm verkiezingen

Britse en VS manipulaties van verkiezingen en stimulatie van conflicten middels psychologische oorlogsvoering‘ (voor VS manipulaties van verkiezingen elders, liggen er ‘metersdikke’ dossiers, o.a. in te zien op WikiLeaks)

FBI Director Comey Leaked Trump Memos Containing Classified Information

Publicly Available Evidence Doesn’t Support Russian Gov Hacking of 2016 Election

Murray, ex-ambassadeur van GB: de Russen hebben de VS verkiezingen niet gemanipuleerd

‘Russische manipulaties uitgevoerd’ door later vermoord staflid Clintons campagneteam Seth Rich……… AIVD en MIVD moeten hiervan weten!!

‘Russiagate’: Intel-raport over Russische bemoeienis met verkiezingen opgebouwd met leugens en is politiek gemotiveerd, aldus Matlock, voormalig VS ambassadeur in Moskou

Mocking Trump Doesn’t Prove Russia’s Guilt

CIA deed zich voor als het Russische Kaspersky Lab, aldus Wikileaks Vault 8…..

WikiLeaks: Seth Rich Leaked Clinton Emails, Not Russia

Hillary Clinton en haar oorlog tegen de waarheid…….. Ofwel een potje Rusland en Assange schoppen!

CIA chef Pompeo waarschuwt voor complot van WikiLeaks om de VS op alle mogelijke manieren neer te halen……. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

VS ‘democratie’ aan het werk, een onthutsende en uitermate humoristische video!

Flashback: Clinton Allies Met With Ukrainian Govt Officials to Dig up Dirt on Trump During 2016 Election

Russia Is Trolling the Shit out of Hillary Clinton and the Mainstream Media

Russische ‘hacks’ door deskundigen nogmaals als fake news doorgeprikt >> Intel Vets Challenge ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence

Rusland krijgt alweer de schuld van hacken, nu van oplichters Symantec en Facebook……. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Russiagate, of: hoe de media u belazeren met verhalen over Russische bemoeienis met de VS presidentsverkiezingen……..

Campagne Clinton, smeriger dan gedacht…………‘ (met daarin daarin opgenomen de volgende twee artikelen: ‘Donna Brazile Bombshell: ‘Proof’ Hillary ‘Rigged’ Primary Against Bernie‘ en ‘Democrats in Denial After Donna Brazile Says Primary Was Rigged for Hillary‘)

Clinton te kakken gezet: Brazile (Democratische Partij VS) draagt haar boek op aan Seth Rich, het vermoorde lid van DNC die belastende documenten lekte

Kajsa Ollongren (D66 vicepremier): Nederland staat in het vizier van Russische inlichtingendiensten……. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Ollongren gesteund door Thomas Boesgaard (AD), ‘Rusland verpakt het nepnieuws gekoppeld aan echt nieuws…..’ Oei!!

RT America één van de eerste slachtoffers in een heksenjacht op westerse alternatieve media en nadenkend links……

Rusland zou onafhankelijkheid Californië willen uitlokken met reclame voor borsjt…….

Alarm Code Geel: Lara Rense (NOS) voedt Rusland-haat

‘Russiagate’ een nieuwe ongelooflijke aanklacht van de Democraten…….

VS demoniseert Russiagate critici als Jill Stein…..

De Russiagate samenzweringstheorie dient de machthebbers………


En terzijde:

Trump (Republikeinen) wint de midterm verkiezingen, alsook de Democraten, het verschil voor mensen elders in de wereld, die onder VS terreur moeten leven, is nul komma nada…….

The Attack on ‘Fake News’ Is Really an Attack on Alternative Media

The Lie of the 21st Century: How Mainstream Media “Fake News” Led to the U.S. Invasion of Iraq

Mediaorgaan Sinclair dwingt ‘TV ankers’ propaganda op te lezen (Sinclair bedient rond de 70% van de VS bevolking van ‘lokaal nieuws’)

Ex-CIA agent legt uit hoe de VS schaduwregering en deep state werken, ofwel de machinaties achter de schermen……

New York Times: eerste Israëlische inval in Gazastrook sinds 2014 >> fake news!

Noord-Koreaans ‘bedrog met nucleaire deal’ is fake news o.a. gebracht door de New York Times

‘Fake News’ misbruikt door dictaturen en de reguliere (massa-) media

Twitter weert waarheid: Paul Craig Roberts in de ban, Roberts >> de grote criticus van de illegale oorlogen die de VS voert

Top Trump – Putin: ‘toevallig’ komt VS nu opnieuw met ‘bewijzen’ over Russische inmenging in de verkiezingen van 2016….. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Naar aanleiding van een eerder artikel van Caitlin Johnstone*, waarin ze op de nieuwe beschuldigingen aan het adres van Rusland ingaat en terecht wijst op het feit dat deze beschuldigingen wel heel toevallig net voor de top tussen Putin en Trump werden gepubliceerd, heeft ze het hieronder opgenomen artikel geschreven.

Men kan er maar geen genoeg van krijgen in de VS (en de rest van het westen): Rusland demoniseren op basis van… Ja, waarvan? ‘Simpel’: op basis van bewijzen die helaas voor iedereen geheim moeten blijven……** ha! ha! ha! ha! Nu zouden 12 Russische officieren de computers van Clinton (of eigenlijk van haar rechterhand Podesta) hebben gehackt en documenten hebben doorgespeeld aan Wikileaks……. Zoals de ‘overtuigende bewijsvoering’ bij de eerdere beschuldigingen aan het adres van Rusland, ook daar mochten we niet weten wat die ‘bewijzen’ zijn en waaruit de ‘overtuigende bewijsvoering’ is opgebouwd……

Caitlin Johnstone geeft in het hierna opgenomen artikel aan welke 5 feiten voor haar voldoende zouden zijn om op de ‘Russische-hysterie trein’ van de VS te springen…….

Feilloos geeft Johnstone aan waar de schoen wringt, al moet ik zeggen dat er nog wel meer redenen zijn waarom deze door de geheime diensten van de VS, met hulp van de democraten en de reguliere media gefabriceerde Rusland-hysterie totaal ongeloofwaardig is. (zelfs Nederland is aangestoken…. ha! ha! ha! ha! Als je gelooft dat Rusland zelfs maar moeite zou doen om de boel hier te beïnvloeden, ben je echt voor eeuwig de weg kwijt! Vanmorgen werd toevallig gemeld dat 900 retweets van een ‘Russische trollenfabriek’ [ha! ha! ha!] met racistisch commentaar hier de boel negatief zou hebben beïnvloed…… ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Knettergek!!)

Terecht wijst Johnstone overigens op het feit dat uit overheidsdata blijkt dat de VS zelf van 1946 tot het jaar 2000 in 81 landen de verkiezingen heeft gemanipuleerd, zelfs in Rusland, een publiek feit….. Zo bezien kan de VS als wraak van die landen nog wel een 70 tal verkiezingsmanipulaties verzinnen………

Bovendien, als er nu één ding is waar de geheime diensten van de VS (en intussen ook de massamedia) goed in zijn, is het wel in glashard liegen, zo merkt Johnstone alweer volkomen terecht op.


Five Things That Would Make The CIA/CNN Russia Narrative More Believable

As we just discussed, some major news stories have recently dropped about what a horrible horrifying menace the Russian Federation is to the world, and as always I have nothing to offer the breathless pundits on CNN and MSNBC but my completely unsatisfied skepticism. My skepticism of the official Russia narrative remains so completely unsatisfied that if mainstream media were my husband I would already be cheating on it with my yoga instructor.

I do not believe the establishment Russia narrative. I do not believe that Donald Trump colluded with the Russian government to rig the 2016 election. I do not believe the Russian government did any election rigging for Trump to collude with. This is not because I believe Vladimir Putin is some kind of blueberry-picking girl scout, and it certainly isn’t because I think the Russian government is unwilling or incapable of meddling in the affairs of other nations to some extent when it suits them. It is simply because I am aware that the US intelligence community lies constantly as a matter of policy, and because I understand how the burden of proof works.

At this time, I see no reason to espouse any belief system which embraces as true the assertion that Russia meddled in the 2016 elections in any meaningful way, or that it presents a unique and urgent threat to the world which must be aggressively dealt with. But all the establishment mouthpieces tell me that I must necessarily embrace these assertions as known, irrefutable fact. Here are five things that would have to change in order for that to happen:

1. Proof of a hacking conspiracy to elect Trump.

Glenn Greenwald


In most cases, it’s so basic that unproven allegations by a prosecutor in an indictment shouldn’t be accepted as true one need not even point it out. In this case, pointing it out will be seen as blasphemy. Everyone should want to see the evidence on which the claims are based:

Aaron Maté


Based on quick read (maybe I missed something?). Mueller alleges GRU hacked DNC & covered it up. A lot of claims about what Russian officers did online. But I didn’t catch any reference to what evidence Mueller has to make him believe it was them. How does he know they did it?

The first step to getting a heretic like myself aboard the Russia hysteria train would be the existence of publicly available evidence of the claims made about election meddling in 2016, which rises to the level required in a post-Iraq invasion world. So far, that burden of proof for Russian hacking allegations has not come anywhere remotely close to being met.

How much proof would I need to lend my voice to the escalation of tensions between two nuclear superpowers? Mountains. I personally would settle for nothing less than hard proof which can be independently verified by trusted experts like the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.

Is that a big ask? Yes. Yes it is. That’s what happens when government institutions completely discredit themselves as they did with the false narratives advanced in the manufacturing of support for the Iraq invasion. You don’t get to butcher a million Iraqis in a war based on lies, turn around a few years later and say “We need new cold war escalations with a nuclear superpower but we can’t prove it because the evidence is secret.” That’s not a thing. Copious amounts of hard, verifiable proof or GTFO***. So far we have no evidence besides the confident-sounding assertions of government insiders and their mass media mouthpieces, which is the same as no evidence.

2. Proof that election meddling actually influenced the election in a meaningful way.

Even if Russian hackers did exfiltrate Democratic party emails and give them to WikiLeaks, if it didn’t affect the election, who cares? That’s a single-day, second-page story at best, meriting nothing beyond a “Hmm, interesting, turns out Russia tried and failed to influence the US election,” followed by a shrug and moving on to something that actually matters.

After it has been thoroughly proven that Russia meddled in the elections in a meaningful way, it must then be established that that meddling had an actual impact on the election results.

3. Some reason to believe Russian election meddling was unwarranted and unacceptable.

Consortium News@Consortiumnews

Highlighting the U.S.’s long history in meddling in other countries’ elections is not , but rather a highly germane point to understanding the context for allegations of Russian meddling in Election 2016, Caitlin Johnstone observes.  @caitoz

America’s Election Meddling Would

Indeed Justify Other Countries 

Retaliating In Kind

Highlighting the U.S.’s long history in meddling in other 

countries’ elections is not “whataboutism,” but rather a 

highly germane point to understanding the context for 

he allegations of Russian…

The US government, by a very wide margin, interferes in the elections of other countries far, far more than any other government on earth does. The US government’s own data shows that it has deliberately meddled in the elections of 81 foreign governments between 1946 and 2000, including Russia in the nineties. This is public knowledge. A former CIA Director cracked jokes about it on Fox News earlier this year.

If I’m going to abandon my skepticism and accept the Gospel According to Maddow****, after meaningful, concrete election interference has been clearly established I’m going to need a very convincing reason to believe that it is somehow wrong or improper for a government to attempt to respond in kind to the undisputed single worst offender of this exact offense. It makes no sense for the United States to actively create an environment in which election interference is something that governments do to one another, and then cry like a spanked child when its election is interfered with by one of the very governments whose elections the US recently meddled in.

This is nonsense. America being far and away the worst election meddler on the planet makes it a fair target for election meddling by not just Russia, but every country in the world. It is very obviously moral and acceptable for any government on earth to interfere in America’s elections as long as it remains the world’s worst offender in that area. In order for Russia to be in the wrong if it interfered in America’s elections, some very convincing argument I’ve not yet heard will have to be made to support that case.

4. Proof that the election meddling went beyond simply giving Americans access to information about their government.

Michael Tracey


In case anyone forgot: the “hacked emails” contained multitudes of revelatory information about powerful political actors that otherwise would have been concealed from voters 

Russian “Hackers” Provided Vital Information To American Voters

Let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that it’s all true: the Russian government really did “hack the election,” which is to say they…

If all the Russians did was simply show Americans emails of Democratic Party officials talking to one another and circulate some MSM articles as claimed in the ridiculous Russian troll farm allegations, that’s nothing to get upset about. If anything, Americans should be upset that they had to hear about Democratic Party corruption through the grapevine instead of having light shed on it by the American officials whose job it is to do so. Complaints about election meddling is only valid if that election meddling isn’t comprised of truth and facts.

5. A valid reason to believe escalated tensions between two nuclear superpowers are worthwhile.

Caitlin Johnstone@caitoz

The Increasing Likelihood Of Nuclear War Should Straighten Out All Our Priorities | Zero Hedge 

The Increasing Likelihood Of Nuclear War Should 

Straighten Out All Our Priorities

“The Russiagate psyop exists because the western power 

establishment is trying to cripple the Russia-China tandem in 

order to ensure US hegemony, and if they tried to thrust us all 

into a new cold…

After it has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Russia did indeed meddle in the US elections in a meaningful way, and after it has then been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Russia actually influenced election results in a significant way, and after the case has been clearly made that it was bad and wrong for Russia to do this instead of fair and reasonable, and after it has been clearly proven that the election meddling went beyond simply telling Americans the truth about their government, the question then becomes what, if anything, should be done about it?

If you look at the actions that this administration has taken over the last year and a half, the answer to that question appears to be harsh sanctions, NATO expansionism, selling arms to Ukraine, throwing out diplomats, increasing military presence along Russia’s border, a Nuclear Posture Review which is much more aggressive toward Russia, repeatedly bombing Syria, and just generally creating more and more opportunities for something to go catastrophically wrong with one of the two nations’ aging, outdated nuclear arsenals, setting off a chain of events from which there is no turning back and no surviving.

And the pundits and politicians keep pushing for more and more escalations, at this very moment braying with one voice that Trump must aggressively confront Putin about Mueller’s indictments or withdraw from the peace talks. But is it worth it? Is it worth risking the life of every terrestrial organism to, what? What specifically would be gained that makes increasing the risk of nuclear catastrophe worthwhile? Making sure nobody interferes in America’s fake elections? I’d need to see a very clear and specific case made, with a ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ list and “THE POTENTIAL DEATH OF LITERALLY EVERYTHING” written in big red letters at the top of the ‘cons’ column.

Rallying the world to cut off Russia from the world stage and cripple its economy has been been a goal of the US power establishment since the collapse of the Soviet Union, so there’s no reason to believe that even the people who are making the claims against Russia actually believe them. The goal is crippling Russia to handicap China, and ultimately to shore up global hegemony for the US-centralized empire by preventing the rise of any rival superpowers. The sociopathic alliance of plutocrats and intelligence/defense agencies who control that empire are willing to threaten nuclear confrontation in order to ensure their continued dominance. All of their actions against Russia since 2016 have had everything to do with establishing long-term planetary dominance and nothing whatsoever to do with election meddling.

Those five things would need to happen before I’d be willing to jump aboard the “Russia! Russia!” train. Until then I’ll just keep pointing to the total lack of evidence and how very, very far the CIA/CNN Russia narrative is from credibility.


*     Zie: ‘Two Big “Russia! Russia!” Stories Released Days Before Trump-Putin Summit

**    Vanmorgen op Radio1 bij de ‘onafhankelijke’ zendgemachtigde NOS, VS correspondent Wouter Zwart. Deze enorme leugenaar durfde keihard te zeggen dat er bergen bewijs zijn voor de aanklachten tegen 12 Russische officieren, die de computers van de democraten zouden hebben gekraakt….. ‘Bergen bewijs‘ die niemand mag inzien…… Later zal ik hier nog een bericht over opstellen. Hier nog een artikel van Blik op NOS Journaal over deze Zwart met commentaar op de top tussen Putin en Trump: ‘Wouter Zwart (NOS) desinformeert over Putin-Trump Top‘ (klik ook op het label Wouter Zwart, direct onder dit bericht)

***  GTFO: Get The Fuck Out

**** Rachel Maddow, een radio en tv presentator MSNBC

Zie ook:

Memo to the President Ahead of Monday’s Putin Summit‘ (van Ray McGovern, ex-CIA en William Binney, ex-NSA medewerker)

 ‘De Russiagate samenzweringstheorie dient de machthebbers………‘ (en zie de links in dat bericht)

en voor het tegenovergestelde (ofwel zoals de waard is, vertrouwt hij zijn gasten): CIA 70 jaar: 70 jaar moorden, martelen, coups plegen, nazi’s beschermen, media manipulatie enz. enz………‘ (overigens ook Johnstone wijst hierop in haar artikel)