Zonnebrandcrème kan in zwembad veranderen in kankerverwekkend gif

studie van de Lomonov Moscow State University heeft duidelijk gemaakt
dat de ultraviolette bescherming in zonnebrandcrème, lipbalsem en in cosmetica kan veranderen in een
kankerverwekkend gif, als het in aanraking komt met gechloreerd water van zwembaden.

die koper gebruiken om het water een blauw kleur te geven zijn volgens
de studie nog gevaarlijker. (nooit geweten dat men daar koper voor
gebruikte, vreemd)

Wedgeworth, van de Britse Skin Foundation waarschuwt voor hysterische
reacties en benadrukt het feit dat gebruik van zonnecrème (met een UV filter) een
belangrijke verdediging is tegen huidkanker.

hieronder opgenomen artikel werd geschreven door S.M. Gibson, werd
eerder gepubliceerd op The Mind Unleashed (TMU) en werd door mij
overgenomen van Anti-Media:

Pools Can Turn Your Sunscreen Into a Cancerous Toxin

July 1, 2019 at 9:33 pm


Smothering yourself in sunscreen before getting into a swimming pool
may actually be detrimental to your health, according to

study—which was conducted at 
Moscow State University
that the combination of ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun and
chlorinated water cause ingredients in sunscreens to break down and
produce toxic chemicals. These chemicals have been associated with
causing immune system damage, infertility, and even cancer.

world’s most popular sun-blocker, avobenzone, was the focus of the
study. Researchers found the ultraviolet filter—which is commonly
used in sunscreens, moisturizers, lip balms, and other cosmetic
products—actually breaks down in chlorinated water.

generally safe compound transforms in the water and forms more
dangerous products,” 
Dr. Albert Lebedev 

benzenes and phenols are two of the chemicals produced from the
interaction; both of which are distinctly toxic.

pools that use copper salts to give the water its blue appearance,
can spawn an even more harmful reaction. The copper salts cause
ingredients in the sunscreen to 
down into bromoform
a substance that has been linked to liver problems, kidney problems,
and nervous system disorders.

really important that we keep on scrutinizing the chemicals that we
use on the skin, so this certainly needs to be looked into very
Dr Emma Wedgeworth, British Skin Foundation spokesperson.

we know for certain that sun exposure is linked to skin cancers and
that sunscreen, as part as safe sun behavior, can help reduce the
risks of skin cancers. So I would urge people not to have a knee
jerk reaction and avoid sunscreen altogether.”

By S.M.
 / Creative
 / The
Mind Unleashed
 / Report
a typo

Facebook en Twitter verwijderen nu volledige accounts………

Johnstone publiceerde afgelopen zaterdag een artikel waarin ze verder
ingaat op de zuivering van het internet door Facebook en Twitter.
Waar aanvankelijk naar de inhoud van berichten werd gekeken zijn nu
de accounts van o.a. Anti-Media, WSWS (World Socialist Web Site) en
PoliceThePolice volledig verwijderd van deze 2 platforms……..

Facebook en Twitter fungeren als censuuragenten voor de
overheid…… Terecht stelt Johnstone dat de overheid in de VS (en
elders in het westen) nog maar weinig geloofwaardigheid over heeft, het is dan ook zaak dat organisaties als Facebook en Twitter de
functie van censuuragent op zich nemen, immers als de overheid dit
openlijk had gedaan, waren de rapen gaar geweest…….

is echter vrijwel zeker dat de VS overheid platforms als Facebook en
Twitter aanstuurt wat betreft de keus voor te censureren accounts,
ook gezien een conferentie eerder dit jaar, waar WSWS over berichtte
op 5 oktober jl. Het gaat hier om een conferentie van de United
States Special Operations Command, een sectie van het ministerie van
‘Defensie’ (zou het ministerie van Oorlog genoemd moeten worden), die
supervisie heeft over de US Special Forces. De conferentie droeg de
naam ‘Sovereignty in the Information Age’ en ondanks de vage titel,
ging het er tijdens die conferentie over hoe alternatieve nieuws- en
opiniesites te censureren…… Mensen lees ook dat artikel en de
haren zullen je ten berge rijzen….

Censorship Just Took An Unprecedented Leap Forward, And Hardly
Anyone Noticed

by Caitlin

most indie media was focused on debating the way people talk about
Kanye West and the disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi,
an unprecedented escalation in internet censorship took place which
threatens everything we all care about. It received frighteningly
little attention.

hundreds of politically oriented pages and personal accounts for
“inauthentic behavior”, Facebook rightly received a fair
amount of criticism for the nebulous and hotly disputed basis for
that action. What received relatively little attention was the far
more ominous step which was taken next: within hours of being purged
from Facebook, multiple anti-establishment alternative media sites
had their accounts completely removed from Twitter as well.

of this writing I am aware of three large alternative media outlets
which were 
from both platforms
almost the same time: Anti-Media, the Free Thought Project, and
Police the Police, all of whom had millions of followers on Facebook.
Both the 
Editor-in-Chief of
Anti-Media and its 
Creative Officer
also banned by Twitter, and are being kept from having any new
accounts on that site as well.

unfortunately always felt the day would come when alternative media
would be scrubbed from major social media sites,” Anti-Media’s
Chief Creative Officer S.M. Gibson said in a statement to me.
“Because of that I prepared by having backup accounts years ago.
The fact that those accounts, as well as 3 accounts from individuals
associated with Anti-Media were banned without warning and without
any reason offered by either platform makes me believe this purge was
certainly orchestrated by someone. Who that is I have no idea, but
this attack on information was much more concise and methodical in
silencing truth than most realize or is being reported.”

Lee Camp [Redacted]


UPDATE on the massive Purge of 800 dissident voices happening in the U.S.

Banned from Facebook yesterday:




-Minds social media

Suspended from Twitter:

-Antimedia + editors

-FreeThoughtProject + editors

-PoliceThePolice + editors

is now clear that there is either (A) some degree of
communication/coordination between Twitter and Facebook about their
respective censorship practices, or (B) information being given to
both Twitter and Facebook by another party regarding targets for
censorship. Either way, it means that there is now some some
mechanism in place linking the censorship of dissident voices across
multiple platforms. We are beginning to see smaller
anti-establishment alternative media outlets cut off from their
audiences by the same sort of coordinated cross-platform silencing
witnessed with Alex Jones

is about as acute a threat to our ability to network and share
information with each other as anything you could possibly imagine.
If new media outlets are beginning to silence dissident voices
together in unison, that means we can see entire alternative media
outlets not just partially silenced but thoroughly silenced, their
ability to grow their audiences and get information out to heavily
populated parts of the internet completely crippled.

is huge, this is dangerous, and this is being under-reported. When I
from Twitter
August for 
John McCain
there was a 
and outraged uproar
Twitter, and my account was quickly 
with an apology
The phenomenon of multiple high-profile alternative media outlets
suddenly being silenced in unison by the two biggest social media
platforms should be generating 
more outrage
than some ornery Australian blogger losing her Twitter account, not
less. People should be legitimately freaked out by this, because it
affects us all.

Daniel McAdams@DanielLMcAdams

Replying to @caitoz @InmanAlex

The entity that is making censorship decisions for Facebook, as publicly announced, is the Atlantic Council, a partly US government-funded entity. At what point will the extremely tight ties between these companies and the US government end the “they are private” argument?

Daniel McAdams@DanielLMcAdams

Is this a private entity? pic.twitter.com/5oGABYjMqz

 View image on Twitter

time you try to talk about how internet censorship threatens our
ability to get the jackboot of oligarchy off our necks you’ll always
get some guy in your face who’s read one Ayn Rand book and thinks he
knows everything, saying things like “Facebook is a private
company! It can do whatever it wants!” Is it now? Has not
Facebook been 
US government-funded groups
help regulate its operations, 
vowing on
 to do
facilitate the interests of the US government, deleting accounts 
the direction of the US and Israeli governments
the guidance
its censorship behavior over to the Atlantic Council, 
receives funding
the US government, the EU, NATO and Gulf states? How “private”
is that? Facebook is a deeply government-entrenched corporation, and
Facebook censorship is just what government censorship looks like in
a corporatist system of government.

of the Atlantic Council, it recently published a very
a US military conference detailing, in present tense, how Silicon
Valley tech giants are being used to nullify the threat that the new
media landscape poses to the US power establishment.

this document, 
Socialist Website
the following

the social media companies. The best mechanism for suppressing
oppositional viewpoints and promoting pro-government narratives is
the private sector, in particular “technology giants, including
Facebook, Google, YouTube, and Twitter,” which can “determine
what people see and do not see.”

adds, “Fortunately, shifts in the policies of social media
platforms such as Facebook have had significant impact on the type
and quality of the content that is broadcast.”

private sector, therefore, must do the dirty work of the government,
because government propaganda is viewed with suspicion by the
population. “Business and the private sector may not naturally
understand the role they play in combating disinformation, but theirs
is one of the most important…. In the West at least, they have been
thrust into a central role due to the general public’s increased
trust in them as institutions.”

#FreeAssange! (tweets by campaign)⌛@JulianAssange

A securocrat’s vision for state censorship (as channeled through the Atlantic Council)https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2018/10/05/pers-o05.html 

The US military’s vision for state censorship

The Atlantic Council, a key partner in social media companies’ drive to censor the internet, has published a summary of a US special forces conference outlining a plan for systematically gutting the…


best way to deal with a manipulative sociopath is to point and make a
lot of noise every time they do something weird and creepy. The more
you let them abuse you in private, the more they can rope you in and
get you playing along with their sick agendas. If you notice them
doing something weird, the best way to nullify all the tools in their
wicked little toolbox is to point and yell “Hey! What are you
doing?? Why are you doing that? That’s weird!” Get people
looking, because such beasts can’t advance their manipulations with a
lot of critical eyes on them.

and censorship operates very much the same way. If you are unfamiliar
with the concept of 
Streisand effect
I encourage you to begin to acquaint yourself with it. Named for an
incident in which Barbara Streisand attempted to suppress online
photographs of her Malibu residence and thereby inadvertently drew
far more attention to them, the Streisand effect describes the way
attempts to hide and censor information can be used to draw more
attention to it if the coverup attracts the interest of the public
eye. Every censor needs to prevent this from happening in order to do
their job effectively; if it looks like removing something from
public view would draw more attention to it, then they cannot
practice censorship in that case.

let’s Streisand this thing up, hey? Let’s make a big angry noise
about this new cross-platform escalation in internet censorship, and
let’s make a big angry noise any time anyone makes a move to silence
dissident political speech in the new media environment. Manipulators
can only function in darkness, so let’s never give them any. Anything
they try, we need to make a ton of noise about it. That by itself
would be throwing an enormous stumbling block in their path while we
find new ways to clear a path for more and more networking and
information sharing. These bastards have controlled the narrative for
too long.

for reading! The best way to get around the internet censors and make
sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list
for my
which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. My
articles are entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece
please consider sharing it around, liking me on
following my antics on
checking out my
throwing some money into my hat on 
Patreon or Paypal,buying
my new book 
Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone
or my previous book 
A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers



Zie: ‘
The US military’s vision for state censorship

Zie ook:

Facebooks departement voor censuur: een hoognodige uitleg over een maatregel die alleen in een dictatuur thuishoort

Twitter weert waarheid: Paul Craig Roberts in de ban, Roberts >> de grote criticus van de illegale oorlogen die de VS voert

Facebooks zuivering van de alternatieve (nieuws) media staat nog in de kinderschoenen

Israël en VS werken samen in tegenwerken van critici op beleid t.a.v. Palestijnen

Facebook censureert de waarheid over Columbus en de verovering van de Amerika’s…….

Facebook censuur gestuurd door het westers militair-industrieel complex en de NAVO in het bijzonder……….

Why the Coordinated Alternative Media Purge Should Terrify Everyone‘ (Tyler Durden op Zero Hedge)

First They Came for Alex Jones — We Told You We Were Next — We Were‘ (Matt Agorist op The Free Thought Project)

Facebook (en Twitter) onderdrukt meningsvorming door het verwijderen van (echt) onafhankelijke media

CNN, de grote brenger van ‘fake news!!!’

Wie het nieuws controleert, controleert de wereld……

Facebook en Twitter verwijderen de eerlijke journalistiek en oprechte opinie >> censuur…..

Facebook verlaat ‘tranding news’ voor ‘brekend nieuws’ van 80 reguliere mediaorganen, ofwel nog meer ‘fake news…..’

Facebook komt met nieuwsshows van betrouwbare media als CNN en Fox News…. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Censuur op het internet met vliegende start in de VS, ‘het land van het vrije woord….’

Facebook en NAVO werken samen in censuur op niet welgevallig nieuws……

Facebook helpt Saoedi-Arabië: doodstraf door onthoofding van vrouw die het waagde kritiek te uiten…..

Aanval op alternatieve media ‘succesvol’: meer en meer sites worden van het net geweerd………

ThinkProgress eiste censuur van Facebook en werd inderdaad gecensureerd…. ha! ha! ha! ha!

VS staatscensuur op Facebook (ook in de EU)

Facebook stelt perstituee van New York Times aan als censuur-agent…… ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Het echte Facebook schandaal: manipulatie van de gebruikers en gratis diensten voor eertijds presidentskandidaat Obama…….

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook doneerde aan de politici die hem in de VS aan de tand voelden >> in het EU parlement maakte hij gebruik van megalomane EU politici…..

Facebook wil samen met door Saoedi-Arabië gesubsidieerde denktank censureren…. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Media Too Busy Defending John McCain to Report the News That Actually Affects You‘ Onder andere aandacht voor PRISM.

Westerse massa misleiding in aanloop naar WOIII……

VS gebruikt sociale media om ‘fake comment’ te verspreiden en de bevolking te hersenspoelen met leugens, ofwel ‘fake news….’

Eis een nee tegen censuur op het internet!‘ 

Facebook e.a. hebben lak aan AVG (GDPR), misbruik persoonsgegevens gaat gewoon door…….

Jeremy Corbyn wordt gedemoniseerd als antisemiet…….

VS gebruikt sociale media om ‘fake comment’ te verspreiden en de bevolking te hersenspoelen met leugens, ofwel ‘fake news….’

Facebook: verrijking van oliemaatschappijen en andere grote bedrijven, plus wereldwijde corruptie…….

Rusland krijgt alweer de schuld van hacken, nu van oplichters Symantec en Facebook……. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!