Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid beschikt wel degelijk over primaire radarbeelden ramp MH17…..

Het volgende bericht vond ik op het blog van Stan van Houcke. De Onderzoeksraad Voor Veiligheid (OVV), meldde in haar rapportage inzake de ramp met vlucht MH17, dat Rusland in gebreke was gebleven, wat betreft de primaire radarbeelden (radarbeelden waarop alles te zien is, niet alleen de responders van vliegtuigen). In het bericht dat van Houcke overnam van RT (Question More) stelt Oleg Storchevoy, de vice voorzitter van de Russische luchtvaartautoriteit, dat hij de de Onderzoekraad Voor Veiligheid al in augustus 2014 deze primaire radarbeelden heeft aangeboden, inclusief opgenomen telefoongesprekken e.d. Storchevoy benadrukt, dat Rusland geen enkele restrictie heeft gelegd op het gebruik van beelden en andere overlegde bewijsstukken…….

Storchevoy stelt dat deze beelden nog steeds in het bezit van zijn autoriteit zijn en hij ze desgevraagd nogmaals wil overhandigen….. Voorts kreeg de OVV satellietbeelden van de Russische luchtvaartautoriteit, waar Storchevoy stelde verbaasd te zijn, dat deze beelden niet zijn meegenomen in het meer dan lamme onderzoek van de OVV……….

letter on MH17 investigation by top Russian aviation official Oleg

time: 9 Feb, 2016 11:35Edited time: 10 Feb, 2016 13:13

Storchevoy, the deputy head of the Federal Air Transport Agency, says
the organization is assisting with the investigation into the crash
of flight MH17 over Ukraine. However, the data it has provided has
largely been ignored by the Dutch authorities.

MORE: Moscow shared MH17 radar images, Dutch probe ignored evidence,
Russia tells victims’ relatives

Ladies and

First of
all, I would like to express to you once more my sincere condolences
over the terrible tragedy that claimed the lives of your loved

As you know, Russia’s Federal Air Transport
Agency represented the Russian Federation in its contribution to the
technical investigation into the crash of the Malaysia Airlines
Flight 17 over Ukraine. In light of this, we would like to use this
opportunity to respond to your recent request urging President Putin
to clarify whether Russia has provided primary radar data for the

To begin with, I would like to emphasize that Russia
is strongly committed to establishing the actual cause of the crash,
and has consistently done everything in its power to help find out
the truth, both throughout the course of the technical investigation
and following its official completion.

As for primary radar
data, we hereby officially maintain that Russia provided the Dutch
Safety Board with all available primary radar data tracing Flight
MH17 as early as August 2014, which was right after the tragedy. We
did not impose any conditions or restrictions regarding further use
and disclosure of radar data, records of phone conversations and
other data we submitted to the Dutch Safety Board (DSB) at its
request. Moreover, Russia has stored all that data to this day, and
is willing to provide it once again to the relevant authorities.

the sake of clarity, I must specify that Russia submitted primary
radar data to the DSB in the form of a video recording capturing a
Russian air traffic controller’s display. It should be explained
that primary radar data can be stored in the form of videos, which is
consistent with ICAO standards. It should be explained that Russian
air traffic authorities store primary radar data exclusively in the
form of videos, which is consistent with ICAO standards. That said,
the Dutch Safety Board’s final report does not suggest that this
fact might have somehow affected the findings of the technical
inquiry into the circumstances and the cause of the crash.

would also like to point out that the tragedy took place outside
Russian airspace, where the airliner was not being directed by
Russian air traffic controllers. Russia’s radar data became a point
of interest due to the fact that Russian radar control facilities
located near Rostov-on-Don were able to track MH17’s flight path.
Furthermore, it was later established that the Russian primary radar
data were, in fact, the only ones available, since Ukrainian air
traffic control services, for some unclear reasons, had not been
running primary radar surveillance, despite the fact that there were
no other means available for ensuring air safety over the war zone in
Eastern Ukraine.

As far as satellite imagery is concerned, I
would like to stress that Russia disclosed all of its available
satellite data in the days immediately following the crash. Those
data confirm, among other things, that there was movement and
increased activity by Ukrainian Buk surface-to-air missile systems
observed within the conflict area in Eastern Ukraine one day ahead of
the tragedy. Russia shared that information with the Dutch Safety
Board, but once its final report was released, it turned out the DSB
had chosen not to consider Russian satellite data or even include
them in the report.

Russia is as determined as you are to
ensure that this horrible tragedy is investigated as promptly,
diligently and impartially as possible. We fully support your recent
queries to the governments of the United States and Ukraine,
demanding that they provide the investigators with all relevant data.
The United States must disclose the satellite images that Secretary
Kerry claims it has kept since the moment of the crash, which are
supposedly capable of shedding light on the circumstances of the

Meanwhile, Russia has consistently contributed its
best efforts and committed all kinds of resources to finding out the
truth about the crash. In order to provide efficient and reliable
expert counsel for the investigation, we decided to engage
Almaz-Antey, the Russian defense company that designed the Buk
missile systems. The company administered a series of highly
sophisticated and accurate studies, and conducted two full-scale
experiments. In an unprecedented move, Almaz-Antey also disclosed the
technical characteristics for the missiles carried by the Buk and the
Buk-M1 missile systems. All of the estimates and other data obtained
in the course of the studies and the experiments were submitted to
the Dutch Safety Board. Russia repeatedly invited Dutch investigators
to take part in those efforts, but the DSB, just as the Joint
Investigation Team (JIT), have shown no interest in such
collaboration. We believe the data in question to be much more useful
for investigating the crash than radar data and satellite imagery.
Yet the authorities in charge of the technical investigation have
chosen to discard that data, too.

As far as the quality
of the technical inquiry is concerned, I must point out that, in a
totally inexplicable fashion, its final report leaves the most
important question unanswered: How far is Ukraine responsible for
failing to close its airspace? The report is extremely vague
regarding the responsibility of the government in Kiev.

view of the recurrent critique of Russia in relation to the tragedy
of Flight MH17, we are forced to remind the world that, unlike the
DSB and the JIT, Russia has never protracted the investigations it
administered, or those in which it participated in as a full-fledged
member. Russia performed all its work in a transparent manner,
regularly publishing the results of our examinations and all the
other steps we took. This was the case with the investigations into
the crash of the Russian Airbus A321 over Egypt, where numerous
provocative claims were made about the cause of the crash, but Russia
did not endorse any of the theories until evidence was obtained with
traces of foreign explosives found on the debris, confirming that
this was a terrorist attack. And when this evidence was found, we
immediately informed the international community and our partners in
the investigation. This was also the case with the investigation into
the crash of the Russian military Sukhoi Su-24 aircraft over Syria.
Russia investigated the accident with unprecedented transparency,
inviting a number of international experts and journalists to witness
the opening of the flight recorders. Many foreign specialists
(British, for example) expressed their admiration for both the high
quality of the investigation and its transparency.

All this
demonstrates that Russia has always been consistent with its
conclusions and never makes accusations before the investigation is
over and final accurate results are obtained.

At the same
time, Russia has repeatedly pointed out that the Dutch technical
investigation was performed in an extremely nontransparent and biased
manner. We support you in your efforts to get answers to the numerous
questions that remain unanswered. The Dutch Safety Board should
explain to you and to the whole world why the technical investigation
took such a long time and why it resulted in some very abstract and
vague statements. The Dutch authorities should explain why they
distorted facts and concealed data, and why they ignored important
data provided by Russia. The DSB should explain why its final report
distorted data about missile fragments and places where they were
found, why it failed to thoroughly examine penetration holes on the
aircraft, why it misrepresented the probable location from which the
missile was launched, and many other discrepancies in the final

Unfortunately, we observe now a very similar situation
with the Joint Investigation Team in charge of the criminal
investigation. Once again, the process is taking too long, and the
Dutch authorities are very biased in choosing partners for the
criminal investigation. All this invites many unpleasant questions
and gives us reasons to worry that the criminal investigation may
repeat the fate of the technical one and fail to establish the

This is why Russia encourages the families and friends
of the victims to demand answers to all these questions, as well as
maximum transparency, objectivity, thoroughness and promptness, from
the Dutch authorities and their partners in the investigation.

conclusion, I reaffirm that Russia is more than willing to assist in
any way we can with a thorough and swift investigation into this
terrible tragedy.

Once again, I would like to express my
deepest condolences.


Oleg Storchevoy
Federal Air Transport Agency

Voor het originele bericht, inclusief een video (die ik niet kon overnemen): https://www.rt.com/politics/official-word/331834-mh17-russia-storchevoy-letter/

Moet u nagaan: de Onderzoeksraad Voor Veiligheid kreeg godbetert de Machiavelliprijs voor het uiterst lamme onderzoek, dat werd gedaan met de opzet Rusland alle schuld in de schoenen te schuiven…..

Zie ook: ‘Ten Broeke wil radarbeelden MH17 ramp niet eens zien, dat zou het onderzoek maar schaden….

       en: ‘MH17, een aantal feiten die u niet te horen krijgt van de reguliere media, of de politiek, die vooral anti-Russische propaganda spuien, dag in dag uit……

      en: ‘MH17: JIT heeft plotseling bijna de hele BUK-raket………‘ (klik ook op de links onder dat bericht)

Klik voor meer berichten n.a.v. het voorgaande, op één van de labels, die u onder dit bericht terugvindt, dit geldt niet voor de labels: Storchevoy, radarbeelden en satellietbeelden.