komt voor de val’, is de titel van het artikel dat Finian Cunningham
schreef over het tromgeroffel uit Washington en Londen n.a.v. het
opbrengen van 2 schepen door Iran. Het zou om 2 Britse olietankers gaan,
aldus de Britse regering, echter dat is een leugen, één van de
schepen, de Stena Impero, vaart onder Britse vlag, maar is van het Zweedse bedrijf Stena Bulk. Overigens is het andere schip, de
Mesdar, varend onder Liberiaanse vlag al lang weer weg uit Iran, daar is amper aandacht voor in de
reguliere westerse media, twee in beslag genomen schepen klinkt
tenslotte veel sensationeler dan één opgebracht schip, zo kan men Iran nog meer demoniseren…….
stelt dat de Stena Impero die nog wordt vastgehouden, betrokken was bij een
aanvaring met een vissersschip en ondanks dat haar weg
vervolgde…… Elk ander land zou een dergelijk schip vasthouden,
tot onderzoek uitwijst wat er daadwerkelijk is gebeurd.
verder gaat het vasthouden van een Iraanse olietanker door GB (in
Gibraltar). Deze tanker zou volgens GB olie vervoeren naar Syrië, dit
middels een enorme omweg via Zuid-Afrika…. De EU heeft op eigen
houtje in navolging van terreurentiteit VS, Syrië sancties opgelegd,
zonder toestemming van de VN, ofwel het gaat hier om illegale
sancties (zeker zolang de EU-lidstaten zijn aangesloten bij de
is duidelijk geworden dat GB reageerde op een aanhoudingsverzoek van
de VS en niet van de EU, ofwel GB gaat haar boekje ver te buiten, ten
eerste doordat de EU een afspraak heeft gemaakt met Iran om de
illegale sancties van de VS te ontduiken, sancties opgelegd simpel
omdat Obama zijn handtekening onder dit verdrag heeft gezet….. Ten
tweede en dat kwam al even voorbij, reageert de VS niet n.a.v. een VN
resolutie, maar puur op eigen leugens als zou Teheran door zijn
gegaan met de verrijking van uranium, vandaar ook dat ook deze
sancties totaal illegaal zijn……
ook hier is weer sprake van de wereld op de kop, immers de VS en GB
houden een Iraans schip vast, op illegale gronden (zowel wat betreft
de VS sancties tegen Iran en de EU sancties tegen Syrië) en
stellen tegelijkertijd dat Iran een ‘Brits schip’ illegaal vasthoudt,
waar Iran simpelweg het Internationaal Zeerecht volgt…..
Met de totaalidioot Boris Johnson als Britse premier valt te vrezen dat oorlogshandelingen tegen Iran bijna niet te voorkomen zijn……
volgende artikel werd eerder geplaatst op Sputnik News en door mij
overgenomen van Information Clearing House:
Before the Fall
Finian Cunningham
(foto overgenomen van Sputnik News ©
20, 2019 “Information
Clearing House” – Hubris
is usually a forewarning of impending calamity. Extreme arrogance
blinds the hubristic person to the limits of their power. So,
blindly, they push on with reckless excess, leading to potentially
disastrous results.
US and Britain are exemplars of this kind of mad hubris in the
present mounting tensions with Iran.
Iran seized a British cargo ship this week in the Persian Gulf,
Britain’s foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt condemned the Iranian
action as “unacceptable” and warned that Tehran is “choosing a
dangerous path”.
President Donald Trump also rebuked Iran. “We have the greatest
ships – the most deadly ships, we don’t want to have to use
them,” he said to reporters Friday at the White House. “We hope
for their [Iran’s] sake they don’t do anything foolish. If they
do, they will pay a price like nobody’s ever paid.”
is claiming that Iran’s impounding of a British-operated ship is
unlawful and violates “freedom of navigation”. Iran said it
seized the vessel after it collided with an Iranian fishing boat and
disobeyed safety regulations for passing through the narrow Strait of
the exact circumstance are, London has very little legal or moral
authority to remonstrate with Iran. Tehran says it is carrying out an
investigation into the alleged infringement by the British ship. Iran
has the sovereign right to do so.
for the official British reaction, it smacks of downright hypocrisy.
An Iranian
oil tanker is
currently detained in the British overseas territory of Gibraltar
after Royal Marines boarded the vessel on July 4 and took it into
custody over claims it was transporting oil to Syria – allegedly in
breach of European Union sanctions on Damascus.
slammed that British seizure as “piracy” and disputes the
legality of Britain’s motives. There are good grounds to believe
that Britain’s actions were conducted in league with Washington to
deliberately aggravate Iran.
good for the goose is good for the gander. If the British apply
“laws” on alleged shipping transgressions by Iran, then Tehran
has every right to do likewise on suspected British ships in or near
its territorial waters in the Persian Gulf.
arrogance of Britain and the US is astounding. Hypocrisy and double
standards are tumbling over themselves.
and London’s accusations that Iran is “escalating” tensions are
an absurd inversion of reality. Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad
Javad Zarif just this week requested the US to enter negotiations to
resolve the stand-off – if Trump reciprocated by lifting harsh
sanctions off Iran. You can’t get fairer than that.
Stena Bulk oil tanker unloads oil ©
recall the bigger picture. The dangerous situation has been created
by Washington’s reprehensible tearing up last year of the
international nuclear accord with Iran. Then in April, Trump
reimposed crippling sanctions on Tehran driving the Iranian economy
into even further turmoil. Such economic warfare is illegal under
international law. It’s “economic terrorism”, as
Iranian-American writer Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich aptly puts it.
May, the Trump administration shifted gear and embarked on a policy
of what can only be called military aggression by sending warships
and B-52 nuclear-capable bombers to the Persian Gulf, purportedly to
“defend” against alleged – though unsubstantiated – Iranian
security threats.
the past two months there have been a series of sabotage incidents
against commercial shipping which the US has blamed on Iran. Iran
denies any involvement and has instead speculated that the incidents
are being orchestrated by malign forces to incriminate Tehran.
seizure of the Iranian
oil tanker off Gibraltar earlier
this month by British commandoes fits into the same pattern of
deliberate provocation.
when Britain’s Jeremy Hunt gets on his high horse of legal probity
and righteousness, the hubris is way too much to stomach.
and London have said in public that they don’t want a war with
Iran. But all other signs suggest that war is something they are
prepared to wage. Maybe they expect that the display of military
power and bragging about it will be enough to make Iran cower and beg
for mercy. That, in short, is state terrorism.
Iran is nobody’s fool nor play thing, as its leaders have time and
again warned. Tehran says that the US and Britain may start a war,
but it will be Iran that “finishes it”.
is no doubt Iran’s military defenses are formidable and its
missiles could dispatch American and British warships to a watery
we are in extremely red-alert geopolitical territory where military
conflict could explode into a regional war and even world war. With
the Americans and their British bulldog getting a bloody nose, the
truly worrying thing is that their extreme arrogance will tempt them
to salvage their disaster with the unthinkable – nuclear weapons.
before the fall could be a fall involving just the corrupt American
and British rogue regimes.
But awful to contemplate is the fall might
also include vast numbers of innocent people, or even the planet as
we know it.
things seems irrefutable, however. The American and British criminal
bullying towards Iran and the rest of the world has to stop. The
world can no longer afford to tolerate their extreme lawlessness.
Cunningham has
written extensively on international affairs, with articles published
in several languages. He is a Master’s graduate in Agricultural
Chemistry and worked as a scientific editor for the Royal Society of
Chemistry, Cambridge, England, before pursuing a career in newspaper
journalism. He is also a musician and songwriter. For nearly 20
years, he worked as an editor and writer in major news media
organisations, including The Mirror, Irish Times and Independent.
article was originally published by “Sputnik
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