En ja
hoor, het is weer zover, nogmaals een bericht waaruit blijkt dat de
VS of zelf wapenleveringen doet aan terreurgroepen, dan wel dat VS
wapens naar één of meerdere terreurgroepen in Syrië gaan, dit met medeweten en toestemming van de VS……..
Volkskrant sprak over de levering van munitie en o.a. Grad raketten
aan gematigde, minder gematigde en extremistische groepen…… ha!
ha! ha! ha! ha! Deze levering daar het Syrische leger ‘de arme
gematigde rebellen’ in Idlib durft aan te vallen……. Wat een vuile
bedriegers, we hebben met de Nederlandse wapenleveringen aan
‘gematigde rebellen’ gezien waarom het echt gaat: niet meer en niet
minder dan terreurgroepen die nergens voor terugdeinzen en de
bevolking terroriseren, waar ze hen ook nog eens gebruiken als
menselijk schild……
Dat laatste is in de reguliere media alleen erg als Syrië dit zogenaamd heeft gedaan, zoals in het begin van de door de VS veroorzaakte oorlog in Syrië (zonder dat er enig bewijs voor die beschuldiging werd geleverd)…… Natuurlijk werd IS wel beschuldigd van het gebruiken van de bevolking als menselijk schild, zonder dat de reguliere media en politiek in het westen ook maar één reactie gaven en geven op bewijzen die aantonen dat de VS en Saoedi-Arabië wapens en ander militair tuig leverden aan dezelfde IS……
De Volkskrant spreekt over Grad raketten, echter volgens Ben Norton, die het artikel heeft geschreven dat hieronder is opgenomen, gaat het om munitie waaronder raketwerpers en rollend oorlogstuig van VS makelij……
Volkskrant durft ook nog te zeggen,dat het leger van Assad een
smerige truc uithaalt door alvorens de (fanatieke) extremistische groepen aan te pakken, eerst de ‘gematigde rebellen’ aan te
vallen……. De Volkskrant kent meerdere soorten ‘gematigde rebellen’ in Syrië, die theorie volgend is daarna zeker ‘de wat minder gematigde’, vervolgens ‘de nog wat minder
gematigde’ en ten slotte de extremistische variant aan de beurt….. ha! ha! ha!
ha! Wie neemt dat nog serieus??!!! Er is maar één soort ‘gematigde rebel’ in Syrië, de ordinaire terrorist, die middels vreselijk geweld de bevolking te lijf gaat……
Twee terreurgroepen in Idlib communiceerden over welke terreur men het best kon gebruiken tegen de Syrische bevolking: het bombarderen van kleuterscholen, scholen en overheidsinstellingen, of zou het beter zijn het water van kustgebieden te vergiftigen, dan wel markten en ziekenhuizen bombarderen, of alle varianten tegelijkertijd…..
Het is
duidelijk dat Turkije doorgaat met haar smerige gebiedsuitbreiding en
niet wenst te vertrekken, noch dat de door haar gesteunde
terreurgroepen moeten vertrekken uit Idlib……..
Al vaker
opgemerkt op deze plek en ondanks dat ik geen fan ben van Putin,
mogen we de niet bestaande god op onze blote knieën danken dat hij in
Moskou zit en dat daar niet de terreurbende van Trump is gezeteld…….. Anders gezegd: als Rusland hetzelfde zou doen dan de VS doet in Syrië, waren de rapen gaar geweest. Vrees dat we in dat geval al in WOIII
verzeild waren geweest…….
volgende artikel, waarin Ben Norton uitgebreid op deze zaak ingaat,
verscheen eerder op The Grayzone:
greenlights missiles for al-Qaeda-linked, Turkish-backed
Salafi-jihadists occupying Syria’s Idlib
May 31, 2019
the US corporate media continues propagating the conspiracy
theory that
Donald Trump is a secret Kremlin asset, the Trump administration has
approved heavy weapons for al-Qaeda-allied, Turkey-backed militants
to fight against a Russian-backed offensive in Syria.
Syrian army has relaunched a campaign to retake the northwestern
province of Idlib, which has been under the control of Syria’s
al-Qaeda affiliate for more than four years. Washington has responded
by greenlighting a cache of US-made anti-tank missiles, rocket
launchers, and armored vehicles sent from NATO ally Ankara to
sectarian Islamist militants in Idlib.
ally Russia had negotiated a peace
deal with Turkey in
September 2018. Ankara is militarily occupying part of northern
Idlib, and the NATO member has constructed a dozen military bases in
the Syrian province. But after seven months, Turkey and its rebel
proxies have still failed to uphold their side of this peace
the deal, the Syrian government was supposed to regain access by the
end of 2018 to major highways running through Idlib that were
partially controlled by Islamist rebels. But Damascus still does not
have authority over these critically important roads.
peace agreement additionally stipulated that extremist militants in a
demilitarized zone on the edge of Idlib were not allowed to launch
attacks on Syrian government-held territory. Yet these
Salafi-jihadist rebels have continued indiscriminately attacking
civilian territories that are controlled by Damascus.
with Turkey’s failure to fulfill the peace deal, the Syrian army
and Russian military decided to re-initiate their joint campaign to
retake Idlib. In April, Moscow began a series of airstrikes; and in
early May, Damascus kicked off a ground offensive.
Trump administration immediately condemned this
Syrian-Russian campaign to retake Idlib from al-Qaeda militants. US
officials also claimed, without providing any evidence,
that the Syrian army was using “chemical weapons” in the
offensive. (This unsubstantiated accusation came at the same time
when a leaked
OPCW report suggested
that a previous gas attack in Douma, Syria had actually been staged.)
US government official also said that Washington “greenlighted”
the use of devastating anti-tank TOW missiles by Turkey-backed
Islamist rebels in Syria.
reported on May 25 that Turkey
has ramped up its weapons supplies to
the al-Qaeda-linked militants that occupy Idlib. The Turkish military
has also sent a convoy to a military base in rebel-held territory
north of the Syrian city Hama.
rebels posted videos on social media showing militants firing rockets
at Syrian army positions near Hama.
(voor de korte video in dit Twitterbericht zie het origineel)
التمهيد براجمات الصواريخ على حواجز عصابات الاسد داخل حرش #الكركات بريف حماة الشمالي الغربي youtu.be/W-CFkW38z0s
56 people are talking about this
stepped up supplies in recent days after failing to persuade Russia
in recent meetings of a joint working group that it should end its
escalation,” Reuters reported, adding, “In doing so Turkey
signalled its readiness to preserve its influence in northwestern
Syria, where it has beefed up its troop presence in a dozen military
bases that were set up under a de-escalation deal with Russia.”
delivery of dozens of armoured vehicles, Grad rocket launchers,
anti-tank guided missiles and so-called TOW missiles, helped roll
back some Syrian army gains and retake the strategically located town
of Kfar Nabouda, one senior opposition figure said.
TOW missile had been the most potent weapon in the arsenal of rebel
groups battling Assad during the conflict. It was extended by Western
and Arab foes of Assad until a CIA-led programme of military support
to help moderate rebels was suspended in 2017.
Western intelligence source said Washington had given a ‘greenlight’
for the Turkey-backed mainstream rebels to use the TOW missiles,
which had been in storage in the latest campaign.”
is sending these American-made heavy weapons to sectarian Sunni
Islamist rebels from a coalition that calls itself the National
Liberation Front. This alliance, which was founded in May 2018 and
which purports to be “moderate,” claims to be part of the
so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA), and often fights embedded directly
within the Turkish army.
“moderate” FSA coalition is led by commanders from the
Salafi-jihadist militias Ahrar al-Sham and Jaysh al-Ahrar. It also
includes former al-Qaeda
ally Nour al-Din al-Zenki (which
is notorious for beheading pro-government fighters, and which was
directly armed by the CIA.)
Turkish-backed National Liberation Front has
already published numerous videos on
social media showing its militants using anti-tank missiles outside
(voor de korte video in dit Twitterbericht zie het origineel)
استهداف سيارة بيك أب لعصابات الأسد بصاروخ مضاد للدروع على جبهة #الحويز بريف حماة الغربي
is not the first time American anti-tank missiles have ended up in
the hands of Syria’s extremist rebels. In March 2017, The Grayzone
published video and photographic evidence that showed
rebranded al-Qaeda
using US-made anti-tank missiles to
attack Syrian government-held territory.
was first captured by Syria’s al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat
other Takfiri allies in March 2015. Al-Nusra immediately proceeded
to massacre
the Druze minority and
besiege nearby Shia-majority villages.
the pro-rebel lobbyist Charles Lister admitted in 2017 that Idlib
is the “heartland of al-Nusra.”
the majority of Idlib remains under the control of a rebranded
version of Jabhat al-Nusra that calls itself Hayat
Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).
This far-right extremist group, which has imposed harsh sectarian
Islamic law on a once diverse and secular region, has skirmished on
and off with Turkey and its rebel proxies to the north.
analyst who runs the Within
Syria blog
highlighted a recent discussion on a Telegram channel from Idlib in
which supporters of the Turkish-backed FSA militants debated with
supporters of HTS whether or not they should wage a terror war on the
civilian population:
we bomb kindergartens, schools in gov areas? or should we poison the
drinking water in the coast? or bomb markets and hospitals? or do all
of this?”
A discussion in an Idlib-based observatory on Telegram between FSA and HTS supporters: Should we bomb kindergartens, schools in gov areas? or should we poison the drinking water in the coast? or bomb markets and hospitals? or do all of this?
Norton is a journalist and writer. He is a reporter for The Grayzone,
and the producer of the Moderate
Rebels podcast,
which he co-hosts with Max Blumenthal. His website is BenNorton.com,
and he tweets at @BenjaminNorton.
under: Al-Qaeda, FSA, HTS, Idlib, Jabhat
al-Nusra, Nour
al-Din al-Zenki, Russia, Syria, TOW
missiles, turkey
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