Bolton* was één van de verantwoordelijken voor de illegale oorlog van de VS
tegen Irak in 2003. Deze kwaadaardige smeerlap zit door Trump hoger
in het zadel dan ooit en hij trekt samen met Netanyahu op tegen Iran,
met leugens en haatzaaierij proberen de 2, vaak aangeduid als B&B, een oorlog uit te lokken
tegen Iran…..
september 2002 sprak Netanyahu het VS congres toe en destijds durfde
hij glashard te zeggen, dat de verwijdering van het Saddam
Hoessein bewind een enorm positieve invloed zou hebben op de
regio…… De gevolgen van de illegale oorlog tegen Irak in 2003,
die Saddam Hoessein het leven kostte, heeft behalve de dood van 1,5
miljoen Irakezen, de regio in een grote chaos gedompeld……. Nee ‘echt enorm positief allemaal….’
De oorlog tegen het Syrische bewind is zonder meer door de VS geïnitieerd, al in 2006 maakte de VS met o.a. Turkije, Saoedi-Arabië en Groot-Brittannië de eerste plannen om het Assad bewind omver te werpen. De opstand (‘Arabische Lente’, beter gezegd: de VS Lente in het Midden-Oosten) in Syrië werd dan ook geregisseerd door de VS, dat tevens (samen met S-A) terreurgroepen uit Libië transporteerde richting Syrië en hen van wapens en rollend materieel heeft voorzien…….
‘Helaas’ voor de VS en haar samenzweerders, Assad kreeg men niet weg, plan mislukt, maar Syrië ligt wel voor een groot deel in puin en het is maar de vraag of de bevolkingsgroepen met verschillende religies in de toekomst nog naast elkaar kunnen leven, zoals ze dat deden voor de VS terreur losbarstte……..
zal Iran er aan moeten geloven, althans als Bolton, Netanyahu en
uiteraard de gehele Trump administratie hun zin krijgen……
het volgende artikel van Marco Carnelos, gepubliceerd op Middle EastEye (MEE):
Netanyahu and John Bolton are stirring up a fire in the Middle East –
Bibi and Bolton duo is now back in business sowing hatred and
conflict in the region
16 May 2018 06:32 UTC
16 May 2018 11:17 UTC
disturbing sense of deja vu is permeating the Middle East. The sequel
of a movie, screened in the winter of 2002-2003, is under production.
With the same producer, director, screenplay and actors. John Bolton,
US President Donald Trump’s new national security adviser, who – in
the first movie – played the villain undermining the UN inspection
regime in Iraq, is now the chief villain.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also has a leading role, while in
2002 he was only a supporting actor. However, his testimony at the US
Congress hearings on 12 September 2002 was not only an Oscar
performance, it will also go down in history as one of the most
accurate political prediction ever.
confidently said: “If you take out Saddam’s [Hussain] regime, I
assure you it will have enormous positive reverberations in the
region.” He was absolutely right. Except for the fact that
the reverberations were positive only for Iran. Maybe also his
bizarre presentation on 30 April this year concerning Iran’s alleged
nuclear cheating will be remembered as another outstanding
East fire
the duo of Bibi and Bolton, is manufacturing another crisis that
promises another bonanza for Iran: Washington has withdrawn from the
nuclear deal with Tehran, Syria is a shooting range for Israeli
fighters, the US embassy move to Jerusalem is stirring Arab and
Muslim anger, more than 100 Palestinians protesters have been killed
in Gaza so far – and, last but not least, a forthcoming
Israeli-Palestinian “peace plan” – courtesy of the US
president’s acquired family – could become, voluntarily assisted by
Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, the euthanasia of
Palestinian struggle.
more simple words: the Middle East’s fire has been effectively
stirred up again. The sequel to the Iraq war, “The Israel-Iran
War in Syria”, could not hope for a better advertising campaign
for its imminent release, and for the forthcoming final chapter of
the trilogy: “Regime change in Tehran.”
Iran was looking for a lobby firm to further improve its standing in
the Middle East, it could have never found a better partner than B&B
& Associates.
the excellent services rendered in Iraq in 2003, the firm is now back
in business sowing hatred and resentment in the region. Qassem
Suleimani, who leads Iran’s Quds Force, the elite special forces
arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, could take a vacation,
stopping further foreign meddling and wait comfortably for the
bonuses brought free of charge by B&B.
impending conflict
sarcasm and metaphor aside, the perception of an impeding conflict in
the region is growing. The situation is reminicient of Europe in
the summer of 1914. At the time no one wished for a prolonged
conflict, but Europe ended up entrapped in a long and unprecedentedly
bloody war that changed European and Middle Eastern history. The hope
is that history will not repeat itself in Syria.
and its partners resemble to a poker player who has played his hand
badly and is trying to recover (AFP)
this time round rules of engagement have been set and enforced by
Russia, Syria is crowded by so many actors that the chances of
miscalculation and escalation cannot be ignored. Last week, Netanyahu
visited Moscow, probably not just to attend a military parade, but to
reinforce these rules and, hopefully, to get from Putin a “cleared”
and less provocative targeting list for Israeli jets in Syria.
Middle East’s shifting power balance is another driver for a
conflict. As Germany’s rising in 1914 was a catalyst for the First
World War, Iran could follow the same script, also because Tehran’s
rise is accelerating, especially since the US invasion of Iraq in
2003 and its catastrophically managed aftermath.
President Bashar al- Assad is winning; recent Lebanese elections have
consolidated Hezbollah’s powers. Irrespective of Moqtada Al Sadr’s
victory in the Iraqi elections, the political outcome in the country
will be more favourable to Tehran than Washington, and, finally,
Yemen is becoming the Afghanistan of Saudi Arabia.
a debacle cannot be tolerated any longer by the Axis of Restoration,
the unholy alliance of the US, Israel and Sunni Arab kingdoms. The
“existential threat” represented by Tehran, Baghdad,
Damascus and Beirut, the Axis of Resistance, must be stopped and
rolled back.
is at the forefront of this effort providing the narrative,
Washington is selling the military procurement, and Riyadh, as usual,
is giving the money. The first theatre selected to inverse the trend
is the already devastated Syria, while the main target is now the
Iranian presence in the country.
and its partners resemble a poker player who had played his hand
badly and is trying to recover from a largely compromised
situation. The obsession with the Shia Crescent led to more than a
flirtation with the Sunni jihadists in a joint bid for Assad’s
removal; unfortunately, the conflict took an outcome different from
the one hoped for.
and its partners are now confronted with two options: accepting the
fait-accompli, and disguising it with irrelevant strikes on secondary
Syrian targets cleared by Moscow, or overthrowing the table through a
direct conflict.
decision on Iran’s nuclear file should be understood within such a
context. It is similar to a wife who starts a lawsuit for divorce
today because her husband could betray her in 15 years time; in one
word: absurd.
is so self-damaging that it must conceal something else: a green
light for an Israeli-Iranian conflict in Syria. Effectively,
remaining at this poker table, the game is perceived as largely
compromised, and is no longer sustainable even for the serial
self-harming members of the Axis of Restoration.
proclaimed intention to disengage from the region is not serious. He
has already shown the capacity to disprove himself with the same ease
with which he breathes. Of course, if the US joins Israel in the
conflict, the chances of success would improve, but also the risks.
could react. Furthermore, it will not be easy to lure Iran into an
open conflict providing the solid casus belli that is currently
missing. Iranian leadership usually acts with restraint and prefers
to choose the timing and the place for its retaliation against
but not least, although B&B are specialised in manufacturing
cases for war, their reliability and marketing capabilities have
become less and less convincing.
by the way, Middle East is still experiencing, after 15 years, the
“unintended consequences” of the first chapter of the
trilogy. Stay tuned: the best is yet to come.
Marco Carnelos is
a former Italian diplomat. He has been assigned in Somalia, Australia
and at the United Nations. He has served in the foreign policy staff
of three Italian prime ministers between 1995 and 2011. More recently
he has been Middle East Peace Process Coordinator Special Envoy for
Syria for the Italian government and, until November 2017, ambassador
of Italy to Iraq.
views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not
necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Eye.
Photo: US
President Donald Trump speaks alongside National Security Adviser
John Bolton (R) during a cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the
White House in Washington, DC, 9 May 2018 (AFP)
on the dead: US embassy opens an era of bloodshed
* Bolton is tevens verantwoordelijk voor de veranderde houding van Noord-Korea de laatste week, waar die houding niet ineens plotseling is veranderd, zoals de
reguliere media je willen doen geloven, maar juist vanwege Boltons
uitlating over Noord-Korea en het Libië scenario dat hij het liefst
daar wil uitrollen. Niet Noord-Korea is totaal onbetrouwbaar, maar de
VS en dat heeft dit gestolen land al ongelofelijk vaak laten
zien, zoals in het geval van de illegale VS oorlog tegen Libië……
Zie ook: ‘Iran houdt zich aan de nucleaire deal dit in tegenstelling tot de VS……..‘
en: ‘VS liegt schaamteloos om het westen verder op te zetten tegen Iran……..‘
en: ‘Protesten Iran opgezet door de VS en Israël‘
en: ‘Iran, de protesten en wat de media je niet vertellen………‘
en: ‘Het verborgen motief achter de Israëlische agressie tegen Iran en Syrië‘
en: ‘Washington uit op oorlog met Iran……‘
en: ‘Oliemaatschappijen weigeren n.a.v. VS sancties de jet van Iraanse minister af te tanken‘
en: ‘Israël bezig met voorbereiding op meerdere fronten oorlog…….. (met hulp van de VS)‘
en: ‘John Bolton heeft beloofd dat Iran voor 2019 onder een ander regime zal leven…….‘
en: ‘VS rechter gelast Iran miljarden te betalen aan de families van 911 slachtoffers…..‘
en: ‘VS ambtenaren: Israël zoekt steun VS voor oorlog tegen Iran…….‘
en: ‘Iran moet hangen en Iran-deal moet van tafel……. Israël speelt wolf in schaapskleren‘
en: ‘Iran-deal: de echte reden waarom Trump deze deal de nek heeft omgedraaid‘
en: ‘VS ‘laat zien op vrede uit te zijn’ door dreiging Iran te vermorzelen……‘
en: ‘Iran: wanneer heeft dit land voor het laatst een ander land aangevallen? 200 jaar geleden…..‘
en: ‘Iran het volgende slachtoffer van ongebreidelde VS terreur‘
PS: ben het niet eens met de opgenomen kaart in bovenstaand artikel >> Iran zou de Houthi rebellen steunen in Jemen, echter behalve humanitaire goederen uit Iran is daar verder niets van gebleken. Jemen, waar Saoedi-Arabie met hulp van andere arabische landen, de VS en GB een genocide uitvoert op de sjiitische bevolking, iets waarvoor hier amper of geen belangstelling is, ondanks dat hiervoor een jaar geleden een inzamelingsactie tegen de hongersnood in Jemen werd gevoerd………
Excuus, zag na plaatsing dat ik de links naar gerelateerde berichten was vergeten en deze alsnog toegevoegd.