Israëlische ‘Friends Tweet’ komt als een boemerang terug met de gruwelen die Israël begaat tegen het verdrukte Palestijnse volk

Israël is al een aantal jaren bezig met een programma dat je niet anders kan
zien dan wat het is: smerige propaganda. Men doet of de neus bloedt
en dat de Palestijnen in feite geen mensen maar ondieren zijn,
waarbij men desnoods staat te lachen als een kind in het hoofd wordt
geschoten door een Israëlische militair, zoals gebeurde tijdens The Great Return March…. Bij dat protest beging Israël overigens veel meer moorden, waaronder alleen al meer
dan 50 kinderen, medisch hulpverleners die hun werk deden en hetzelfde
geldt voor een aantal journalisten…….

Als een ware propagandamachine is Israël bezig haar imago op te poetsen, Tour de France, concerten van beroemde westerse popartiesten, songfestival enz. enz.

De laatste (gelukkig mislukte) poging is een meer dan belachelijke Friends video, waarin Israëlische militairen een ‘eerbetoon brengen’ aan de serie Friends en zie de reacties die dit
heeft opgeroepen…. Conclusie: de campagne om Israël ook met deze video een menselijk gezicht te
geven is alweer jammerlijk mislukt (althans voor degenen die niet blind zijn, waar de ‘blinden’ degenen zijn die alles wat Israël uitvreet toejuichen en alle kritiek op die in feite illegale staat afdoen als antisemitisme…..)

Military’s ‘Friends’ Tweet Backfires, Exposing the Horrors of

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Israeli Military’s ‘Friends’ Tweet Backfires, Exposing the Horrors of Occupation

23, 2019 at 12:56 pm


(TMU) —
The Twitter account belonging to Israel Defense Forces (IDF) seems
bent on improving the image of the state of Israel’s military
forces and often goes to inappropriate lengths to do so.

their latest attempt to make the internet laugh while their forces
simultaneously wreak havoc on occupied Palestine, the IDF tweeted out
a video coinciding with the 25th anniversary of the American

15 second tweet, which can be summarized as an epic backfire, shows a
group of young and seemingly attractive soldiers happen upon each
other in front of a fountain, much like the intro to 
Friends, which
was first broadcast on September 22, 1994.

soldiers couldn’t think of a better way to
#Friends25 than
celebrating… with friends,”
tweet read.

Israel Defense Forces



Our soldiers couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than celebrating…with friends 💙

(de volgende video komt niet van Twitter maar van YouTube, is echter wel hetzelfde)

IDF runs a pretty intense marketing campaign—referred to by some as
a pure propaganda—that more often than not includes images and
videos of mostly female, young and attractive soldiers.

quick Google image search makes the Israel Defense Forces look a lot
more fun than it is deadly and destructive.

users, both friends and foes alike, were quick to point out that the
tweet was less than tasteful.


Replying to @IDF

I support you but you don’t need this. You really don’t. Stop. Be soldiers.


9:57 PM – Sep 22, 2019

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See David.’s other Tweets

Twitter users who appear to be familiar with 
Friends got
creative with their critiques of the tweet, playing with the episode
titling of the popular sitcom, whose titles always begin with “The
One With..” or “The One Where..”


Replying to @IDF

love the one where chandler fires white phosphorous into a hospital


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69 people are talking about this

Two Flames@msjenniferjames

Replying to @IDF

The one where Phoebe shot a schoolgirl at a checkpoint.

The one where Joey fired a rocket into an arab child’s head.

The one where Rachel shelled boys playing football on a beach.

The one where Monica bulldozed a village.

The one where Ross dropped white phosphorous on a playpark


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110 people are talking about this

lucius venator@LuciusVenator

Replying to @IDF

The one where they shoot a kid in the back


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17 people are talking about this

Axl Rose Emoji Mk.II@BurnACopCar

Replying to @IDF

the one when they commit war crimes


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96 people are talking about this

Bill Maher’s Hairline@JeffandWill

Replying to @IDF

The One Where Ross Shoots A Medic And Laughs About It On Tape


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32 people are talking about this

Ned Lobster@JoshJDee

Replying to @IDF

The One Where Joey Commits Apartheid


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153 people are talking about this

sealoace 🌈

Replying to @IDF

the one with ethnic cleansing


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62 people are talking about this

others shared news articles, videos, and links highlighting the IDF’s



Replying to @IDF

I got a promotion! I got a promotion! You’re looking at the new platoon leader for school house demolitions!

(voor de video en nog een aantal hieronder zie het origineel)

Lula is a political prisoner.@AliMortell

Replying to @IDF

The One With The Human Rights Violations

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Kevin Hughes@M0sstr00per

Replying to @IDF

Is that the episode where they drop white phosphorous on a school, or the one where they bomb 17 hospitals, 58 primary healthcare facilities & 56 ambulances?

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16 people are talking about this



Replying to @IDF


Four children killed as Israeli bombardment escalates

Four young boys – members of the same family – playing football and hide and seek on the beach were killed today by what is believed to have been gunfire from Israeli warships carrying out a blockade


3:55 AM – Sep 23, 2019

James Dunne@jamesinparis

Replying to @IDF

What a pity you engage every day in the destruction of and its people…

as part of Israel’s uninterrupted program of Colonization, Dispossession, Expulsion, Annexation of lands & resources, Military Occupation, Apartheid & siege@UNHumanRights @CIJ_ICJ @hrw @amnesty

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Replying to @IDF

That one where they killed four who were playing on the beach.

View image on Twitter

isn’t the first time a marketing campaign out of Israel made the
wrong kind of waves.

May, Eurovision Israel produced a cringeworthy satirical video that
understandably elicited a largely negative response.

KAN Eurovision Israel


📺 This is the land of honey, honey!

Let Lucy and Elia take you in a musical journey throughout the most important parts of Israel. We promise you won’t regret it! 👇

(voor de video zie het origineel)

for Israel, concealing the crimes of an apartheid state actively
engaged in unchecked genocide through crafty social media campaigns
doesn’t seem easy—or possible.

images and video of Israel’s war crimes at their fingertips, the
internet doesn’t appear poised to let the country get away with
making light the brutal reality faced daily by Palestinians.

By Emma
 | Creative


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