Een volk dat leeft onder bezetting heeft het recht gewapend verzet te plegen, ook het Palestijnse volk

Cohen heeft een artikel op Information Clearing House geschreven,
waarin hij terecht aandacht vraagt voor het feit dat een volk onder
bezetting het recht heeft zich gewapend te verzetten, zoals een klein deel van het
Nederlandse volk dat heeft gedaan onder de nazi-Duitse bezetting en uiteraard geldt
dit ook voor het Palestijnse volk dat zo verdrukt wordt door de
fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël…. (m.i. officieel fascistisch sinds de aanname van de natiestaatwet in de Knesset)

Eén en
ander is zelfs opgenomen in het verdrag van Genève, al zou je dat
niet zeggen als je ziet hoe de wereld reageert op geweld dat de Palestijnen tegen Israël gebruiken, dat in zeer kleine mate en altijd als reactie op het enorme bloedige
geweld dat de Israëlische bezetter tegen hen gebruikt….. Gisteren schreef ik al een bericht over het NOS nieuws op Radio1*, waarin de
Islamitische Jihad wordt afgeschilderd als een terreurorganisatie,
terwijl Israël 
grootschalige terreur uitoefent op de Palestijnen, zoals de massamoord op een paar honderd ongewapende demonstranten (inclusief meer dan 50 kinderen) tijdens de Great Return March……. 

De moord van Israël op Baha Abu al-Atta, de leider van Islamitische Jihad, heeft geweld uitgelokt van de groep en zoals we nu weten,
ongebreideld geweld van Israël als reactie daarop, waarbij meer dan 60 mensen
gewond raakten en tot nu toe al meer 34 doden aan Palestijnse kant zijn
gevallen…… Nooit zal men in de reguliere media het woord
‘terreur’ gebruiken voor het immense bloedige geweld dat Israël
gebruikt, ook al gaat het vooral om slachtingen onder ongewapende Palestijnse demonstranten of bombardementen op woonhuizen (een oorlogsmisdaad volgens het Verdrag van Genève….)…….

gaat voorts in op het geweld dat zionisten al voor de (illegale) stichting
van Israël gebruikten, geweld dat men maar onder één noemer kan
vatten: grootschalige terreur, precies zoals Israël dat heden ten
dage nog gebruikt, de gebeurtenissen de afgelopen week in de
Gazastrook spreken ten overvloede weer boekdelen, waar aan toegevoegd moet
worden dat het Israëlische leger tot de modernste van de wereld
behoort en waarbij vergeleken de Palestijnen mensen zijn die zich met
pijl en boog proberen te verweren tegen een tank…… 

Ongelofelijk te lezen dat de zionistische terroristen destijds dezelfde argumentatie gebruikten als veel jihadstrijders nu en de manier waarop ze Palestina schetsten zou bijna één op één door de Palestijnen kunnen worden overgenomen, waar je dan niet het grote verschil moet vergeten, de Palestijnen zijn met bloedige terreur van hun huis en grond verdreven door zionistische terroristen, die meenden recht te hebben op de grond van de Palestijnen daar er een paar duizend jaar geleden Joden woonden….. (veronderstel dat de Kaninefaten terug zouden komen en het grootste deel van Nederland op zouden eisen omdat ze daar een paar duizend jaar geleden woonden, wat zouden wij dan doen???)

Lees het
volgende uitstekende artikel en zegt het voort, het is de hoogste
tijd dat Israël desnoods met geweld tot de orde wordt geroepen en stopt met haar terreur
tegen de Palestijnen die net als jij en ik tot de menselijke soort
behoren! Boycot producten uit Israël (anders dan die van de Palestijnen)!!! Het volgende artikel werd geschreven door Stanley L. Cohen, werd eerder gepubliceerd op Al Jazeera en door mij overgenomen van Information Clearing House:

Have a Legal Right to Armed Struggle

time for Israel to accept that as an occupied people, Palestinians
have a right to resist – in every way possible.

Stanley L Cohen

21, 2017 “
Clearing House

– Long ago, it was settled that resistance and even armed
struggle against a colonial occupation force is not just recognised
under international law but specifically endorsed.

accordance with international humanitarian law, wars of national
liberation have been expressly embraced, through the adoption
Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 (
as a protected and essential right of occupied people everywhere.

evolving vitality in humanitarian law, for decades the General
Assembly of the United Nations (UNGA) – once described as the
collective conscience of the world – has noted the right of peoples
to self-determination, independence and human rights. 

as early as 1974, 
3314 of the UNGA
 prohibited states
from “any military occupation, however temporary”.

relevant part, the resolution not only went on to affirm the right
“to self-determination, freedom and independence […] of
peoples forcibly deprived of that right,[…] particularly peoples
under colonial and racist regimes or other forms of alien domination”
but noted the right of the occupied to “struggle … and to seek
and receive support” in that effort.

term “armed struggle” was implied without precise
definition in that resolution and many other early ones that upheld
the right of indigenous persons to evict an occupier.

imprecision was to change on December 3, 1982. At that time UNGA resolution 
37/43 removed
any doubt or debate over the lawful entitlement of occupied people to
resist occupying forces by any and all lawful means. The resolution
reaffirmed “the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for
independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation
from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all
available means, including armed struggle”.

palpable illusion

Israel has tried, time and time again, to recast the unambiguous
intent of this precise resolution – and thus place its now
half-century-long occupation in the 
Gaza beyond its application – it is an effort worn thin to the point
of palpable illusion by the exacting language of the declaration
itself. In relevant part, section 21 of the resolution strongly
condemned “the expansionist activities of Israel in the Middle
East and the continual bombing of Palestinian civilians, which
constitute a serious obstacle to the realization of the
self-determination and independence of the Palestinian people”.

ones to hesitate in rewriting history, long before the establishment
of the 
themselves to be an occupied people as they emigrated to Palestine –
a land to which any historical connection they had had long since
passed through a largely voluntary transit.

a full 50 years before the UN spoke of the right of armed struggle as
a vehicle of indigenous liberation, European Zionists illegally
co-opted the concept as the 
Irgun*Lehi and
other terrorist groups undertook a decade’s long reign of deadly

this time, they slaughtered not only thousands of indigenous
Palestinians but targeted British police and military personnel that
had long maintained a colonial presence there.

history of Zionist attacks

as Israelis sit down to mourn the loss of 
two of
their soldiers
were shot dead this past week in Jerusalem – in what many consider to
be a lawful act of resistance –  a visit down memory lane might
just place the events in their proper historical context.

ago, describing the British as an occupation force in “their
targeted British police and military units
ruthless abandon throughout 
Palestine and

On April
12, 1938
the Irgun murdered two British police officers in a train bombing in

On August
26, 1939, 
British officers were killed by an Irgun landmine in 

On February
14, 1944, 
British constables were shot dead when they attempted to arrest
people for pasting up wall posters in Haifa. On 
27, 1944, 
than 100 members of the Irgun attacked four British police stations,
injuring hundreds of officers. 
days later 
senior British police officer of the Criminal Intelligence Department
was assassinated in Jerusalem.

On November
1, 1945, another police officer was killed as
five trains were bombed. On 
December 27, 1945, seven
British officers lost their lives in a bombing on police headquarters
in Jerusalem. 

Between November 9 and 13, 1946, Jewish
“underground” members launched a series of landmine and
suitcase bomb attacks in railway stations, trains, and streetcars,
killing 11 British soldiers and policemen and eight Arab constables.

more officers were murdered in another attack on a police
headquarters on 
January 12, 1947Nine
months later, four British police were
murdered in an Irgun bank robbery and, but three days later,
September 26, 1947, an additional
13 officers were  killed in yet another terrorist attack on a
British police station. 

are but a few of many attacks directed by Zionist terrorists at
British police who were seen, by mostly European Jews, as legitimate
targets of a campaign they described as one of liberation against an
occupation force.

this period, Jewish terrorists also undertook countless attacks that
spared no part of the British and Palestinian infrastructure. They
assaulted British military and police installations, government
offices, and ships, often with bombs. They also sabotaged railways,
bridges, and oil installations. Dozens of economic targets were
attacked, including 20 trains that were damaged or derailed, and five
train stations. Numerous attacks were carried out against the oil
industry including one, in March 1947, on a Shell oil refinery in
Haifa which destroyed some 16,000 tonnes of petroleum.

terrorists killed British soldiers throughout Palestine, using booby
traps, ambushes, snipers, and vehicle blasts. 

attack, in particular, sums up the terrorism of those who, without
any force of international law at the time, saw no limitation to
their efforts to “liberate” a land that they had, largely,
only recently emigrated to.

1947, the Irgun kidnapped two 
British Army Intelligence
Corps non-commissioned officers and
threathened to hang them if death sentences of three of their own
members were carried out. When these three Irgun members were
executed by hanging, the two British sergeants were hanged in
retaliation and their 
booby-trapped bodies
were left in an eucalyptus grove. 

announcing their execution, the Irgun said that the two British
soldiers were hanged following their conviction for “criminal
anti-Hebrew activities” which included: illegal entry into the
Hebrew homeland and membership in a British criminal terrorist
organisation – known as the Army of Occupation – which was
“responsible for the torture, murder, deportation, and denying
the Hebrew people the right to live”. The soldiers were also
charged with illegal possession of arms, anti-Jewish spying in
civilian clothes, and premeditated hostile designs against the
underground (

beyond the territorial confines of Palestine, in late 1946-47 a
continuing campaign of terrorism was directed at the British. Acts of
sabotage were carried out on British military transportation routes
The Lehi also tried, unsuccessfully, to 
a bomb on the House of Commons 
a chartered plane flown from 
France and,
in October 1946, 
the British Embassy in Rome
A number of other explosive devices were detonated in and around
strategic targets in London. Some 21 letter bombs were
addressed, at various times, to senior British political figures.
Many were intercepted, while others reached their targets but were
discovered before they could go off. 

steep price of self-determination

is a difficult, costly march for the occupied. In Palestine, no
matter what the weapon of choice – whether voice, pen or gun – there
is a steep price to be paid for its use.

“speaking truth to power” has become very much a popular
mantra of resistance in 
neoliberal circles
and societies. In Palestine, however, for the occupied and oppressed,
it is an all-but-certain path to prison or death. Yet, for
generations of Palestinians stripped of the very breath that
resonates with the feeling of freedom, history teaches there is
simply no other choice.

is surrender. To be silent is to betray all those who have come
before and all those yet to follow.

those who have never felt the constant yoke of oppression, or seen it
up close, it is a vision beyond comprehension. Occupation sits heavy
on the occupied, every day in every way, limiting who you are and
what you may dare to become.

constant rub of barricades, guns, orders, prison and death are fellow
travellers for the occupied, whether infants, teens in the spring of
life, the elderly, or those trapped by the artificial confines of
borders over which they have no control.

the families of the two 
Israeli Druze policemen
who lost their lives while trying to control a place that was not
theirs to command, I extend my condolences. These young men were,
however, not lost to the ring of resistance, but willingly sacrificed
by an evil occupation that bears no legitimacy whatsoever.

if there is grieving to be done, it must be for the 11 million
occupied, whether in Palestine or outside, as so much stateless
refugees, stripped of a meaningful voice and opportunity, as the
world makes excuses built largely of a political and economic gift
box that bears the Star of David.

a day goes by now without the chilling wail of a nation watching over
a Palestinian infant wrapped in a burial shroud, stripped of life
because electricity or transit have become a perverse privilege which
holds millions hostage to the political whims of the few. Be they
Israeli, Egyptian or those who claim to carry the mantle of
Palestinian political leadership, the responsibility of infanticide
in Gaza is theirs and theirs alone.

there is no struggle, there is no progress’

three young men, cousins, who willingly sacrificed their lives in the
attack on the two Israeli officers in Jerusalem, did so not as an
empty gesture born of desperation, but rather a personal statement of
national pride that follows a long line of others who well understood
that the price of freedom can, at times, mean all.

70 years, not a day has passed without the loss of young Palestinian
women and men who, tragically, found greater dignity and freedom in
martyrdom than they did in obedient, passive living controlled by
those who dared to dictate the parameters of their lives.

of us worldwide dream of a better time and place for Palestinians …
free to spread their wings, to soar, to discover who they are and
what they wish to become. Until then, I mourn not for the loss of
those who stop their flight. Instead, I applaud those who dare to
struggle, dare to win – by any means necessary.

is no magic to resistance and struggle. They transcend time and place
and derive their very meaning and ardour in the natural inclination,
indeed, drive, of us all to be free – to be free to determine the
role of our own lives.

Palestine, no such freedom exists. In Palestine, international law
recognises the fundamental rights to self-determination, freedom and
independence for the occupied. In Palestine, that includes the right
to armed struggle, if necessary.

ago, the famed abolitionist 
Frederick Douglass,
himself a former slave, wrote of struggle. 

These words resonate no
less so today, in Palestine, than they did some one 150 years ago in
the heart of the 
Antebellum South in
United States:

there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to
favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops
without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and
lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many
waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical
one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle.
Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never

L Cohen is a lawyer and human rights activist who has done extensive
work in the Middle East and Africa

article was first published by

Jasmine 🇵🇸 #Gaza@Jasmine_Omar1

Israel commits a heinous crime against Palestinians!

Look at the pictures and then you have to judge who is the terrorist and who is the victim!! They even did not fire a missiles It seems that the existence of every Palestinian has become a danger to Israel.

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         12:50 PM – Nov 13, 2019


* Irgun, voluit: Irgun Zvai Leumi (IZL)

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PS: de link naar dit bericht op Facebook werd door deze organisatie geblokkeerd….

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